--- /dev/null
+ * FixtureTest class.
+ */
+namespace Friendica\Test;
+use Dice\Dice;
+use Friendica\Core\Config\Cache;
+use Friendica\Core\Config\IConfig;
+use Friendica\Core\Session;
+use Friendica\Core\Session\ISession;
+use Friendica\Database\Database;
+use Friendica\Database\DBStructure;
+use Friendica\DI;
+use Friendica\Test\Util\Database\StaticDatabase;
+ * Parent class for test cases requiring fixtures
+ */
+abstract class FixtureTest extends DatabaseTest
+ /** @var Dice */
+ protected $dice;
+ /**
+ * Create variables used by tests.
+ */
+ protected function setUp()
+ {
+ parent::setUp();
+ $this->dice = (new Dice())
+ ->addRules(include __DIR__ . '/../static/dependencies.config.php')
+ ->addRule(Database::class, ['instanceOf' => StaticDatabase::class, 'shared' => true])
+ ->addRule(ISession::class, ['instanceOf' => Session\Memory::class, 'shared' => true, 'call' => null]);
+ DI::init($this->dice);
+ /** @var IConfig $config */
+ $configCache = $this->dice->create(Cache::class);
+ $configCache->set('database', 'disable_pdo', true);
+ /** @var Database $dba */
+ $dba = $this->dice->create(Database::class);
+ $dba->setTestmode(true);
+ DBStructure::checkInitialValues();
+ // Load the API dataset for the whole API
+ $this->loadFixture(__DIR__ . '/datasets/api.fixture.php', $dba);
+ }
namespace Friendica\Test;
-use Dice\Dice;
use Friendica\App;
use Friendica\Core\Config\IConfig;
use Friendica\Core\PConfig\IPConfig;
use Friendica\Core\Protocol;
-use Friendica\Core\Session;
-use Friendica\Core\Session\ISession;
-use Friendica\Database\Database;
-use Friendica\Database\DBStructure;
use Friendica\DI;
-use Friendica\Model\Contact;
use Friendica\Network\HTTPException;
-use Friendica\Test\Util\Database\StaticDatabase;
use Friendica\Util\Temporal;
use Monolog\Handler\TestHandler;
* Functions that use header() need to be tested in a separate process.
* @see https://phpunit.de/manual/5.7/en/appendixes.annotations.html#appendixes.annotations.runTestsInSeparateProcesses
-class ApiTest extends DatabaseTest
+class ApiTest extends FixtureTest
* @var TestHandler Can handle log-outputs
/** @var IConfig */
protected $config;
- /** @var Dice */
- protected $dice;
* Create variables used by tests.
- $this->dice = (new Dice())
- ->addRules(include __DIR__ . '/../../static/dependencies.config.php')
- ->addRule(Database::class, ['instanceOf' => StaticDatabase::class, 'shared' => true])
- ->addRule(ISession::class, ['instanceOf' => Session\Memory::class, 'shared' => true, 'call' => null]);
- DI::init($this->dice);
- /** @var Database $dba */
- $dba = $this->dice->create(Database::class);
- $dba->setTestmode(true);
- DBStructure::checkInitialValues();
/** @var IConfig $config */
$this->config = $this->dice->create(IConfig::class);
$this->config->set('system', 'throttle_limit_month', 100);
$this->config->set('system', 'theme', 'system_theme');
- // Load the API dataset for the whole API
- $this->loadFixture(__DIR__ . '/../datasets/api.fixture.php', $dba);
/** @var App app */
$this->app = DI::app();
- * Test the api_get_user() function with a custom Frio schema.
+ * Test the api_get_user() function with an empty Frio schema.
* @return void
- public function testApiGetUserWithCustomFrioSchema()
+ public function testApiGetUserWithEmptyFrioSchema()
$pConfig = $this->dice->create(IPConfig::class);
$pConfig->set($this->selfUser['id'], 'frio', 'schema', '---');
- $pConfig->set($this->selfUser['id'], 'frio', 'nav_bg', '#123456');
- $pConfig->set($this->selfUser['id'], 'frio', 'link_color', '#123456');
- $pConfig->set($this->selfUser['id'], 'frio', 'background_color', '#123456');
$user = api_get_user($this->app);
- $this->assertEquals('123456', $user['profile_sidebar_fill_color']);
- $this->assertEquals('123456', $user['profile_link_color']);
- $this->assertEquals('123456', $user['profile_background_color']);
+ $this->assertEquals('708fa0', $user['profile_sidebar_fill_color']);
+ $this->assertEquals('6fdbe8', $user['profile_link_color']);
+ $this->assertEquals('ededed', $user['profile_background_color']);
- * Test the api_get_user() function with an empty Frio schema.
+ * Test the api_get_user() function with a custom Frio schema.
* @return void
- public function testApiGetUserWithEmptyFrioSchema()
+ public function testApiGetUserWithCustomFrioSchema()
$pConfig = $this->dice->create(IPConfig::class);
$pConfig->set($this->selfUser['id'], 'frio', 'schema', '---');
+ $pConfig->set($this->selfUser['id'], 'frio', 'nav_bg', '#123456');
+ $pConfig->set($this->selfUser['id'], 'frio', 'link_color', '#123456');
+ $pConfig->set($this->selfUser['id'], 'frio', 'background_color', '#123456');
$user = api_get_user($this->app);
- $this->assertEquals('708fa0', $user['profile_sidebar_fill_color']);
- $this->assertEquals('6fdbe8', $user['profile_link_color']);
- $this->assertEquals('ededed', $user['profile_background_color']);
+ $this->assertEquals('123456', $user['profile_sidebar_fill_color']);
+ $this->assertEquals('123456', $user['profile_link_color']);
+ $this->assertEquals('123456', $user['profile_background_color']);