$settings = array(
// Directory to store uploaded files
uploaddir => '.',
// Display list uploaded files
listfiles => true,
// Display file sizes
listfiles_size => true,
// Display file dates
listfiles_date => true,
// Display file dates format
listfiles_date_format => 'F d Y H:i:s',
// Randomize file names (number of 'false')
- random_name_len => 10,
+ random_name_len => 4,
// Keep filetype information (if random name is activated)
random_name_keep_type => true,
// Random file name letters
- random_name_alphabet => 'qwertyuiodfgjkcvbnm',
+ random_name_alphabet => 'qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm',
// Display debugging information
- debug => $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] === 'localhost'
+ debug => ($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] === 'localhost')
// Displaying debug information
- echo '<h1>Debugging information: settings</h1>';
+ echo '<h2>Debugging information: settings</h2>';
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
// Displaying debug information
- echo '<h1>Debugging information: data</h1>';
+ echo '<h2>Debugging information: data</h2>';
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
$data['uploaded_file_name'] = basename($_FILES['file']['name']);
$data['target_file_name'] = $data['uploaded_file_name'];
if ($settings['random_name_len'] !== false) {
- $data['target_file_name'] = '';
- while (strlen($data['target_file_name']) < $settings['random_name_len'])
- $data['target_file_name'] .= $settings['random_name_alphabet'][rand(0, strlen($settings['random_name_alphabet']) - 1)];
- if ($settings['random_name_keep_type'])
- $data['target_file_name'] .= '.' . pathinfo($data['uploaded_file_name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
+ do {
+ $data['target_file_name'] = '';
+ while (strlen($data['target_file_name']) < $settings['random_name_len'])
+ $data['target_file_name'] .= $settings['random_name_alphabet'][rand(0, strlen($settings['random_name_alphabet']) - 1)];
+ if ($settings['random_name_keep_type'])
+ $data['target_file_name'] .= '.' . pathinfo($data['uploaded_file_name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
+ } while (file_exists($data['target_file_name']))
$data['upload_target_file'] = $data['uploaddir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $data['target_file_name'];
$data['tmp_name'] = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'];
if ($settings['debug']) {
// Displaying debug information
- echo '<h1>Debugging information: data</h1>';
+ echo '<h2>Debugging information: data</h2>';
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';