} // END - if
- // Extension 'rewrite' installed?
- if ((isExtensionActive('rewrite')) && (getOutputMode() != 1)) {
- $GLOBALS['output'] = rewriteLinksInCode($GLOBALS['output']);
- } // END - if
// Send all HTTP headers
// Output code here, DO NOT REMOVE! ;-)
} elseif ((getConfig('OUTPUT_MODE') == 'render') && (!empty($GLOBALS['output']))) {
- // Rewrite links when rewrite extension is active
- if ((isExtensionActive('rewrite')) && (getOutputMode() != 1)) {
- $GLOBALS['output'] = rewriteLinksInCode($GLOBALS['output']);
- } // END - if
// Send all HTTP headers
} // END - while
+ // Extension 'rewrite' installed?
+ if ((isExtensionActive('rewrite')) && (getOutputMode() != 1)) {
+ $GLOBALS['output'] = rewriteLinksInCode($GLOBALS['output']);
+ } // END - if
// Compress it?
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']) && (strpos('gzip', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']) !== null)) {
// Compress it for HTTP gzip
// Rewrite links in HTML for better SEO (ugly part of mx!)
-function rewriteLinksInCode ($HTML) {
+function rewriteLinksInCode ($code) {
// Skip rewriting for configured modules
- if (isInStringIgnoreCase(getModule(), getConfig('rewrite_skip')) !== false) return $HTML;
+ if (isInStringIgnoreCase(getModule(), getConfig('rewrite_skip')) !== false) return $code;
// Generate target URL
- $target = '{?URL?}/cms/';
- // Final eval()
- $eval = '$output = "' . preCompileCode(escapeQuotes($HTML)) . '";';
- eval($eval);
+ $target = getConfig('URL') . '/cms/';
// Convert modules.php?module=...
foreach (array(getConfig('URL'), '{?URL?}') as $rewrite) {
- $output = str_replace($rewrite . '/modules.php?module=', $target, $output);
+ $code = str_replace($rewrite . '/modules.php?module=', $target, $code);
} // END - foreach
// Do we have an URL linked to
- if (isInStringIgnoreCase(getConfig('SERVER_URL'), $output)) {
+ if (isInStringIgnoreCase(getConfig('SERVER_URL'), $code)) {
// Convert URLs from my server
- $output = str_replace('{?URL?}/modules.php?module=', getConfig('SERVER_URL') . '/cms/', $output);
+ $code = str_replace('{?URL?}/modules.php?module=', getConfig('SERVER_URL') . '/cms/', $code);
// Convert URLs from my server
- $output = str_replace(getConfig('URL') . '/modules.php?module=', getConfig('SERVER_URL') . '/cms/', $output);
+ $code = str_replace(getConfig('URL') . '/modules.php?module=', getConfig('SERVER_URL') . '/cms/', $code);
} // END - if
// Strip slashes as above for the main URL
$action = $target . '$1/act/';
// Convert &|&action=...
- $output = preg_replace('/' . $target2 . '(.*)&action=/i', $action, $output);
+ $code = preg_replace('/' . $target2 . '(.*)&action=/i', $action, $code);
// "The same procedure as last variable"... now for &what=
$what = $target . '$1/wht/';
- $output = preg_replace('/' . $target2 . '(.*)&what=/i', $what, $output);
+ $code = preg_replace('/' . $target2 . '(.*)&what=/i', $what, $code);
// Repair missed &what=??? entries
- while (preg_match("/&what=(.*)\/(.*)\/(.*)/i", $output)) {
- $output = preg_replace("/&what=(.*)\/(.*)\/(.*)/i", "/wht/\$1/\$2/\$3", $output);
+ while (preg_match("/&what=(.*)\/(.*)\/(.*)/i", $code)) {
+ $code = preg_replace("/&what=(.*)\/(.*)\/(.*)/i", "/wht/\$1/\$2/\$3", $code);
} // END - while
// Return rewritten code
- return $output;
+ return $code;
// [EOF]