#include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx>
#include "Math.hpp"
+#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
#include "Surface.hpp"
#include "Rotorpart.hpp"
#include "Glue.hpp"
+ _balance1=1;
+ _balance2=1;
+ _properties_tied=0;
+ _num_ground_contact_pos=0;
Rotorpart* r = (Rotorpart*)_rotorparts.get(i);
delete r;
+ //untie the properties
+ if(_properties_tied)
+ {
+ SGPropertyNode * node = fgGetNode("/rotors", true)->getNode(_name,true);
+ node->untie("balance-ext");
+ node->untie("balance-int");
+ _properties_tied=0;
+ }
void Rotor::inititeration(float dt,float omegarel,float ddt_omegarel,float *rot)
if (j==3)
sprintf(text,"/rotors/%s/rpm", _name);
- *f=_omega/2/pi*60;
+ *f=(_balance1>-1)?_omega/2/pi*60:0;
if (j==4)
else if (j==7)
- sprintf(text,"/rotors/%s/debug/vortexstate",_name);
- *f=_vortex_state;
+ sprintf(text,"/rotors/%s/balance", _name);
+ *f=_balance1;
else if (j==8)
if (*f>360) *f-=360;
if (*f<0) *f+=360;
+ if (_balance1<=-1) *f=0;
int k,l;
float rk,rl,p;
+void Rotor::setBalance(float b)
+ _balance1=b;
void Rotor::setC2(float value)
+ testForRotorGroundContact(ground_cb,s);
+void Rotor::testForRotorGroundContact(Ground * ground_cb,State *s)
+ int i;
+ for (i=0;i<_num_ground_contact_pos;i++)
+ {
+ double pt[3],h;
+ s->posLocalToGlobal(_ground_contact_pos[i], pt);
+ // Ask for the ground plane in the global coordinate system
+ double global_ground[4];
+ float global_vel[3];
+ ground_cb->getGroundPlane(pt, global_ground, global_vel);
+ // find h, the distance to the ground
+ // The ground plane transformed to the local frame.
+ float ground[4];
+ s->planeGlobalToLocal(global_ground, ground);
+ h = ground[3] - Math::dot3(_ground_contact_pos[i], ground);
+ // Now h is the distance from _ground_contact_pos[i] to ground
+ if (h<0)
+ {
+ _balance1 -= (-h)/_diameter/_num_ground_contact_pos;
+ _balance1 = (_balance1<-1)?-1:_balance1;
+ }
+ }
float Rotor::findGroundEffectAltitude(Ground * ground_cb,State *s,
float *pos0,float *pos1,float *pos2,float *pos3,
int iteration,float a0,float a1,float a2,float a3)
// now directions[0] is perpendicular to the _normal.and has a length
// of 1. if _forward is already normalized and perpendicular to the
// normal, directions[0] will be the same
+ _num_ground_contact_pos=(_number_of_parts<16)?_number_of_parts:16;
+ for (i=0;i<_num_ground_contact_pos;i++)
+ {
+ float help[3];
+ float s = Math::sin(pi*2*_num_ground_contact_pos/i);
+ float c = Math::cos(pi*2*_num_ground_contact_pos/i);
+ Math::mul3(c*_diameter,directions[0],_ground_contact_pos[i]);
+ Math::mul3(s*_diameter,directions[1],help);
+ Math::add3(help,_ground_contact_pos[i],_ground_contact_pos[i]);
+ Math::add3(_base,_ground_contact_pos[i],_ground_contact_pos[i]);
+ }
for (i=0;i<4;i++)
+ rp->setDirection(2*pi*i/_number_of_parts);
for (i=0;i<_number_of_parts;i++)
+ //tie the properties
+ /* After reset these values are totally wrong. I have to find out why
+ SGPropertyNode * node = fgGetNode("/rotors", true)->getNode(_name,true);
+ node->tie("balance_ext",SGRawValuePointer<float>(&_balance2),false);
+ node->tie("balance_int",SGRawValuePointer<float>(&_balance1));
+ _properties_tied=1;
+ */
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, Rotor& r)
int _number_of_blades;
int _number_of_segments;
int _number_of_parts;
+ float _balance1;
+ float _balance2;
float *getGravDirection() {return _grav_direction;}
void writeInfo();
void setSharedFlapHinge(bool s);
+ void setBalance(float b);
+ float getBalance(){ return (_balance1>0)?_balance1*_balance2:_balance1;}
+ void testForRotorGroundContact (Ground * ground_cb,State *s);
void strncpy(char *dest,const char *src,int maxlen);
void interp(float* v1, float* v2, float frac, float* out);
float calcStall(float incidence,float speed);
float delta3,float mass,float translift,float rellenhinge,float len);
float _base[3];
float _groundeffectpos[4][3];
+ float _ground_contact_pos[16][3];
+ int _num_ground_contact_pos;
float _ground_effect_altitude;
//some postions, where to calcualte the ground effect
float _normal[3];//the normal vector (direction of rotormast, pointing up)
float _phi;
bool _shared_flap_hinge;
float _grav_direction[3];
+ int _properties_tied;
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, /*const*/ Rotor& r);
+ _direction=0;
+ _balance=1;
void Rotorpart::inititeration(float dt,float *rot)
_alphaalt -= a;
_alphaalt= Math::clamp(_alphaalt,_alphamin,_alphamax);
+ //unbalance
+ float b;
+ b=_rotor->getBalance();
+ float s =Math::sin(_phi+_direction);
+ float c =Math::cos(_phi+_direction);
+ if (s>0)
+ _balance=(b>0)?(1.-s*(1.-b)):(1.-s)*(1.+b);
+ else
+ _balance=(b>0)?1.:1.+b;
void Rotorpart::setRotor(Rotor *rotor)
for(i=0; i<3; i++) _directionofrotorpart[i] = p[i];
+void Rotorpart::setDirection(float direction)
+ _direction=direction;
void Rotorpart::setOmega(float value)
float schwenkfactor=1-(Math::cos(_lastrp->getrealAlpha())-meancosalpha)*_rotor->getNumberOfParts()/4;
//missing: consideration of rellenhinge
+ //add the unbalance
+ _centripetalforce*=_balance;
+ scalar_torque*=_balance;
float xforce = Math::cos(alpha)*_centripetalforce;
float zforce = schwenkfactor*Math::sin(alpha)*_centripetalforce;