-def blocked(domain: str = None):
- if domain == None:
- raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="No domain specified")
+def blocked(domain: str = None, reason: str = None):
+ if domain == None and reason == None:
+ raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="No filter specified")
conn = sqlite3.connect("blocks.db")
c = conn.cursor()
- wildchar = "*." + ".".join(domain.split(".")[-domain.count("."):])
- c.execute("select blocker, block_level, reason from blocks where blocked = ? or blocked = ? or blocked = ?", (domain, wildchar, get_hash(domain)))
+ if domain != None:
+ wildchar = "*." + ".".join(domain.split(".")[-domain.count("."):])
+ c.execute("select blocker, block_level, reason from blocks where blocked = ? or blocked = ? or blocked = ?", (domain, wildchar, get_hash(domain)))
+ else:
+ c.execute("select * from blocks where reason like ? and reason != ''", ("%"+reason+"%",))
blocks = c.fetchall()
result = {}
reasons = {}
+ if domain != None:
+ for domain, block_level, reason in blocks:
+ if block_level in result:
+ result[block_level].append(domain)
+ else:
+ result[block_level] = [domain]
+ if reason != "":
+ if block_level in reasons:
+ reasons[block_level][domain] = reason
+ else:
+ reasons[block_level] = {domain: reason}
+ return {"blocks": result, "reasons": reasons}
- for domain, block_level, reason in blocks:
+ for blocker, blocked, reason, block_level in blocks:
if block_level in result:
- result[block_level].append(domain)
+ result[block_level].append({"blocker": blocker, "blocked": blocked, "reason": reason})
- result[block_level] = [domain]
- if reason != "":
- if block_level in reasons:
- reasons[block_level][domain] = reason
- else:
- reasons[block_level] = {domain: reason}
- return {"blocks": result, "reasons": reasons}
+ result[block_level] = [{"blocker": blocker, "blocked": blocked, "reason": reason}]
+ return {"blocks": result}
-def index(request: Request, domain: str = None):
- if domain == "":
+def index(request: Request, domain: str = None, reason: str = None):
+ if domain == "" or reason == "":
return responses.RedirectResponse("/")
- blocks = get(f"{port}{base_url}/api?domain={domain}")
info = None
- if domain == None:
+ blocks = None
+ if domain == None and reason == None:
info = get(f"{port}{base_url}/info")
if not info.ok:
raise HTTPException(status_code=info.status_code, detail=info.text)
info = info.json()
- if not blocks.ok:
- raise HTTPException(status_code=blocks.status_code, detail=blocks.text)
- return templates.TemplateResponse("index.html", {"request": request, "domain": domain, "blocks": blocks.json(), "info": info})
+ elif domain != None:
+ blocks = get(f"{port}{base_url}/api?domain={domain}")
+ elif reason != None:
+ blocks = get(f"{port}{base_url}/api?reason={reason}")
+ if blocks != None:
+ if not blocks.ok:
+ raise HTTPException(status_code=blocks.status_code, detail=blocks.text)
+ blocks = blocks.json()
+ return templates.TemplateResponse("index.html", {"request": request, "domain": domain, "blocks": blocks, "reason": reason, "info": info})
if __name__ == "__main__":
uvicorn.run("api:app", host="", port=port, log_level="info")
- {% if domain %}
+ {% if reason %}
+ <h1>Instances that use "{{reason}}" in their Reason</h1>
+ {% for block_level in blocks.blocks %}
+ <div class="block_level">
+ <h2>{{block_level}} ({{blocks.blocks[block_level]|length}})</h2>
+ {% for block in blocks.blocks[block_level] %}
+ <div class="block">
+ <img src="https://chizu.love/fedi-block-api/favicons/{{block.blocker}}.png" width=16/>
+ <b><a href="https://{{block.blocker}}">{{block.blocker}}</a></b> ->
+ <img src="https://chizu.love/fedi-block-api/favicons/{{block.blocked}}.png" width=16/>
+ <b><a href="https://{{block.blocked}}">{{block.blocked}}</a></b><br/>
+ {{block.reason}}
+ </div>
+ {% endfor %}
+ </div>
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% elif blocks %}
<h1>Instances that block {{domain}}</h1>
{% for block_level in blocks.blocks %}
<div class="block_level">
<input type="text" name="domain" placeholder="example.com" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
+ <h1>Enter a Reason</h1>
+ <form>
+ <input type="text" name="reason" placeholder="free speech" />
+ <input type="submit" value="Submit" />
+ </form>
<div class="info">
known instances: {{info.known_instances}}<br/>
indexed instances: {{info.indexed_instances}}<br/>