void FGLGear::ComputeGroundCoordSys(void)
- // Compute the rolling direction projected on the ground
- // It consists in finding a vector 'r' such that 'r' lies in the plane (w,z) and r.n = 0 (scalar
- // product) where:
- // 'n' is the normal to the ground,
- // (x,y,z) are the directions defined in the body coord system
- // and 'w' is 'x' rotated by the steering angle (SteerAngle) in the plane (x,y).
- // r = u * w + v * z and r.n = 0 => v/u = -w.n/z.n = a
- // We also want u**2+v**2=1 and u > 0 (i.e. r orientated in the same 'direction' than w)
- // after some arithmetic, one finds that :
- double a = -(vGroundNormal(eX)*cos(SteerAngle)+vGroundNormal(eY)*sin(SteerAngle)) / vGroundNormal(eZ);
- double u = 1. / sqrt(1. + a*a);
- double v = a * u;
- FGColumnVector3 vRollingGroundVec = FGColumnVector3(u * cos(SteerAngle), u * sin(SteerAngle), v);
+ FGColumnVector3 vRollingGroundVec;
+ if (eContactType == ctBOGEY) {
+ // Compute the rolling direction projected on the ground
+ // It consists in finding a vector 'r' such that 'r' lies in the plane (w,z) and r.n = 0 (scalar
+ // product) where:
+ // 'n' is the normal to the ground,
+ // (x,y,z) are the directions defined in the body coord system
+ // and 'w' is 'x' rotated by the steering angle (SteerAngle) in the plane (x,y).
+ // r = u * w + v * z and r.n = 0 => v/u = -w.n/z.n = a
+ // We also want u**2+v**2=1 and u > 0 (i.e. r orientated in the same 'direction' than w)
+ // after some arithmetic, one finds that :
+ double a = -(vGroundNormal(eX)*cos(SteerAngle)+vGroundNormal(eY)*sin(SteerAngle)) / vGroundNormal(eZ);
+ double u = 1. / sqrt(1. + a*a);
+ double v = a * u;
+ vRollingGroundVec = FGColumnVector3(u * cos(SteerAngle), u * sin(SteerAngle), v);
+ }
+ else {
+ // Here the only significant direction is the normal to the ground "vGroundNormal". Since there is
+ // no wheel the 2 other vectors of the orthonormal basis are not meaningful and are only used to
+ // create the transformation matrix Tg2b. So we are building vRollingGroundVec as an arbitrary
+ // vector normal to vGroundNormal
+ if (fabs(vGroundNormal(eX)) > 0.)
+ vRollingGroundVec = FGColumnVector3(-vGroundNormal(eZ)/vGroundNormal(eX), 0., 1.);
+ else if (fabs(vGroundNormal(eY)) > 0.)
+ vRollingGroundVec = FGColumnVector3(0., -vGroundNormal(eZ)/vGroundNormal(eY), 1.);
+ else
+ vRollingGroundVec = FGColumnVector3(1., 0., -vGroundNormal(eX)/vGroundNormal(eZ));
+ vRollingGroundVec.Normalize();
+ }
// The sliping direction is the cross product multiplication of the ground normal and rolling
// directions
// Recompute the LocalTerrainRadius.
+ // These local copies of the transformation matrices are for use for
+ // initial conditions only.
+ Tl2b = GetTl2b(); // local to body frame transform
+ Tb2l = Tl2b.Transposed(); // body to local frame transform
+ Tl2ec = GetTl2ec(); // local to ECEF transform
+ Tec2l = Tl2ec.Transposed(); // ECEF to local frame transform
+ Tec2b = Tl2b * Tec2l; // ECEF to body frame transform
+ Tb2ec = Tec2b.Transposed(); // body to ECEF frame tranform
+ Ti2ec = GetTi2ec(); // ECI to ECEF transform
+ Tec2i = Ti2ec.Transposed(); // ECEF to ECI frame transform
+ Ti2b = Tec2b*Ti2ec; // ECI to body frame transform
+ Tb2i = Ti2b.Transposed(); // body to ECI frame transform