+/* ------------- 8.3kHz Channel implementation ---------------------- */
+class EightPointThreeFrequencyFormatter :
+ public FrequencyFormatterBase,
+ public SGPropertyChangeListener {
+ EightPointThreeFrequencyFormatter( SGPropertyNode_ptr root,
+ const char * channel,
+ const char * fmt,
+ const char * width,
+ const char * frq,
+ const char * cnum ) :
+ _channel( root, channel ),
+ _frequency( root, frq ),
+ _channelSpacing( root, width ),
+ _formattedChannel( root, fmt ),
+ _channelNum( root, cnum )
+ {
+ // ensure properties exist.
+ _channel.node(true);
+ _frequency.node(true);
+ _channelSpacing.node(true);
+ _channelNum.node(true);
+ _formattedChannel.node(true);
+ _channel.node()->addChangeListener( this, true );
+ _channelNum.node()->addChangeListener( this, true );
+ }
+ virtual ~EightPointThreeFrequencyFormatter()
+ {
+ _channel.node()->removeChangeListener( this );
+ _channelNum.node()->removeChangeListener( this );
+ }
+ EightPointThreeFrequencyFormatter( const EightPointThreeFrequencyFormatter & );
+ EightPointThreeFrequencyFormatter & operator = ( const EightPointThreeFrequencyFormatter & );
+ void valueChanged (SGPropertyNode * prop) {
+ if( prop == _channel.node() )
+ setFrequency(prop->getDoubleValue());
+ else if( prop == _channelNum.node() )
+ setChannel(prop->getIntValue());
+ }
+ void setChannel( int channel ) {
+ channel %= 3040;
+ if( channel < 0 ) channel += 3040;
+ double f = 118.000 + 0.025*(channel/4) + 0.005*(channel%4);
+ if( f != _channel ) _channel = f;
+ }
+ void setFrequency( double channel ) {
+ // format as fixed decimal "nnn.nnn"
+ std::ostringstream buf;
+ buf << std::fixed
+ << std::setw(6)
+ << std::setfill('0')
+ << std::setprecision(3)
+ << _channel;
+ _formattedChannel = buf.str();
+ // sanitize range and round to nearest kHz.
+ unsigned c = static_cast<int>(SGMiscd::round(SGMiscd::clip( channel, 118.0, 136.99 ) * 1000));
+ if ( (c % 25) == 0 ) {
+ // legacy 25kHz channels continue to be just that.
+ _channelSpacing = 25.0;
+ _frequency = c / 1000.0;
+ int channelNum = (c-118000)/25*4;
+ if( channelNum != _channelNum ) _channelNum = channelNum;
+ if( _frequency != channel ) {
+ _channel = _frequency; //triggers recursion
+ }
+ } else {
+ _channelSpacing = 8.33;
+ // 25kHz base frequency: xxx.000, xxx.025, xxx.050, xxx.075
+ unsigned base25 = (c/25) * 25;
+ // add n*8.33 to the 25kHz frequency
+ unsigned subChannel = SGMisc<unsigned>::clip((c - base25)/5-1, 0, 2 );
+ _frequency = (base25 + 8.33 * subChannel)/1000.0;
+ int channelNum = (base25-118000)/25*4 + subChannel+1;
+ if( channelNum != _channelNum ) _channelNum = channelNum;
+ // set to correct channel on bogous input
+ double sanitizedChannel = (base25 + 5*(subChannel+1))/1000.0;
+ if( sanitizedChannel != channel ) {
+ _channel = sanitizedChannel; // triggers recursion
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ double getFrequency() const {
+ return _channel;
+ }
+ PropertyObject<double> _channel;
+ PropertyObject<double> _frequency;
+ PropertyObject<double> _channelSpacing;
+ PropertyObject<string> _formattedChannel;
+ PropertyObject<int> _channelNum;
/* ------------- The CommRadio implementation ---------------------- */
class CommRadioImpl: public CommRadio, OutputProperties {
#if defined(ENABLE_FLITE)
AtisSpeaker _atisSpeaker;
- FrequencyFormatter _useFrequencyFormatter;
- FrequencyFormatter _stbyFrequencyFormatter;
+ SGSharedPtr<FrequencyFormatterBase> _useFrequencyFormatter;
+ SGSharedPtr<FrequencyFormatterBase> _stbyFrequencyFormatter;
const SignalQualityComputerRef _signalQualityComputer;
double _stationTTL;
PropertyObject<string> _atis;
PropertyObject<bool> _addNoise;
PropertyObject<double> _cutoffSignalQuality;
CommRadioImpl::CommRadioImpl(SGPropertyNode_ptr node)
fgGetNode("/instrumentation", true)->getNode(node->getStringValue("name", "comm"), node->getIntValue("number", 0), true)),
_num(node->getIntValue("number", 0)),
_metarBridge(new MetarBridge()),
- _useFrequencyFormatter(_rootNode->getNode("frequencies/selected-mhz", true),
- _rootNode->getNode("frequencies/selected-mhz-fmt", true), 0.025, 118.0, 137.0),
- _stbyFrequencyFormatter(_rootNode->getNode("frequencies/standby-mhz", true),
- _rootNode->getNode("frequencies/standby-mhz-fmt", true), 0.025, 118.0, 137.0),
_signalQualityComputer(new SimpleDistanceSquareSignalQualityComputer()),
_addNoise(_rootNode->getNode("add-noise", true)),
_cutoffSignalQuality(_rootNode->getNode("cutoff-signal-quality", true))
+ if( node->getBoolValue("eight-point-three", false ) ) {
+ _useFrequencyFormatter = new EightPointThreeFrequencyFormatter(
+ _rootNode->getNode("frequencies", true),
+ "selected-mhz",
+ "selected-mhz-fmt",
+ "selected-channel-width-khz",
+ "selected-real-frequency-mhz",
+ "selected-channel"
+ );
+ _stbyFrequencyFormatter = new EightPointThreeFrequencyFormatter(
+ _rootNode->getNode("frequencies", true),
+ "standby-mhz",
+ "standby-mhz-fmt",
+ "standby-channel-width-khz",
+ "standby-real-frequency-mhz",
+ "standby-channel"
+ );
+ } else {
+ _useFrequencyFormatter = new FrequencyFormatter(
+ _rootNode->getNode("frequencies/selected-mhz", true),
+ _rootNode->getNode("frequencies/selected-mhz-fmt", true),
+ 0.025, 118.0, 137.0);
+ _stbyFrequencyFormatter = new FrequencyFormatter(
+ _rootNode->getNode("frequencies/standby-mhz", true),
+ _rootNode->getNode("frequencies/standby-mhz-fmt", true),
+ 0.025, 118.0, 137.0);
+ }
- if (_frequency != _useFrequencyFormatter.getFrequency()) {
- _frequency = _useFrequencyFormatter.getFrequency();
+ if (_frequency != _useFrequencyFormatter->getFrequency()) {
+ _frequency = _useFrequencyFormatter->getFrequency();
_stationTTL = 0.0;