--- /dev/null
+Using Extensions
+To use an OpenGL extension in the code is is necessary to include a refference
+to the extensions.hxx header file and add the following to the code (as an
+/* global variables */
+glPointParameterfProc glPointParameterfPtr = 0;
+glPointParameterfvProc glPointParameterfvPtr = 0;
+bool glPointParameterIsSupported = false;
+To be able to use these extensions the functions pointers have to be initialized
+by something like the following examplde code:
+if (SGIsOpenGLExtensionSupported("GL_EXT_point_parameters") )
+ glPointParameterIsSupported = true;
+ glPointParameterfPtr = (glPointParameterfProc)
+ SGLookupFunction("glPointParameterfEXT");
+ glPointParameterfvPtr = (glPointParameterfvProc)
+ SGLookupFunction("glPointParameterfvEXT");
+} else if ( SGIsOpenGLExtensionSupported("GL_ARB_point_parameters") ) {
+ glPointParameterIsSupported = true;
+ glPointParameterfPtr = (glPointParameterfProc)
+ SGLookupFunction("glPointParameterfARB");
+ glPointParameterfvPtr = (glPointParameterfvProc)
+ SGLookupFunction("glPointParameterfvARB");
+} else
+ glPointParameterIsSupported = false;
+If a function is supported the function pointers are now initialized.
+When using the functions (note that glPointParameterfvPtr() is used instead of
+glPointParameterfvEXT() )it is important to check whether the
+glPointParameterIsSupported is set to true:
+if ( distance_attenuation && glPointParameterIsSupported )
+ // Enable states for drawing points with GL_extension
+ glEnable(GL_POINT_SMOOTH);
+ float quadratic[3] = {1.0, 0.001, 0.0000001};
+ // makes the points fade as they move away
+ glPointParameterfvPtr(GL_DISTANCE_ATTENUATION_EXT, quadratic);
+ glPointParameterfPtr(GL_POINT_SIZE_MIN_EXT, 1.0);
+Adding Extensions
+To add an extension to the SimGear extension support code you normally only need
+to edit the extensions.hxx header file in the screen directory.
+Currently there are two extensions supported:
+* glPointParameterf
+* glActiveTexture
+Adding a new extension involves adding the defines assosiated with the extension
+(surrounded by the appropriate extension test):
+#ifndef GL_EXT_point_parameters
+# define GL_EXT_point_parameters 1
+# define GL_POINT_SIZE_MIN_EXT 0x8126
+This is needed because not all OpenGL implementations define them correctly.
+The following step is to add a typedef for the function pointer:
+typedef void (APIENTRY * glPointParameterfProc)(GLenum pname, GLfloat param);
+The APIENTRY refference is only used by windows machines but is defined empty
+for all other platforms and hence needs to be added for cross platfrom
--- /dev/null
+The generic communication protocol for FlightGear provides a powerfull way
+of adding a simple ASCII based output only protocol, just by defining an
+XML encoded configuration file and placing it in the $FG_ROOT/data/Protocols
+The definition of the protocol consists of variable separators, line separators,
+and chuncks of text.
+Each chunck defines:
+<name> for ease of use
+<node> the property tree node which provides the data
+<type> the value type (needed for formatting)
+<format> defines the actual piece of text which should be sent.
+ it can include formatting options like:
+ <type>
+ %s string
+ %i integer (default)
+ %f float
+<factor> an optionale multiplication factor which can be used for
+ unit conversion. (for example, radians to degrees).
+<offset> an optional offset which can be used for unit conversion.
+ (for example, degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit).
+The output section also could define the variable separator and line separator.
+The separators can be either a control character such as a tab or newline, or a
+user specified string or other single charachter. The currently supported
+control charachters are:
+Name Charachter
+newline '\n'
+tab '\t'
+formfeed '\f'
+carriagereturn '\r'
+verticaltab '\v'
+any other charachters just need to be added to "Network/generic.cxx"
+The var_separator is placed between each variable, while the line_separator is
+placed at the end of each lot of variables.
+A simple protocol configuration file then could look something like the
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ <output>
+ <line_separator>newline</line_separator>
+ <var_separator>newline</var_separator>
+ <chunk>
+ <name>speed</name>
+ <format>V=%d</format>
+ <node>/velocities/airspeed-kt</node>
+ </chunk>
+ <chunk>
+ <name>heading (rad)</name>
+ <format>H=%02d</format>
+ <node>/orientation/heading-deg</node>
+ <factor>57.29578</factor> <!-- degrees to radians -->
+ </chunk>
+ <chunk>
+ <name>pitch angle (deg)</name>
+ <format>P=%05.1f</format>
+ <type>float</type>
+ <node>/orientation/pitch-deg</node>
+ </chunk>
+ </output>