#include "atis.hxx"
+#include "atis_lexicon.hxx"
#include <simgear/compiler.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>
+#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <simgear/misc/sg_path.hxx>
SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_ALERT, "ERROR - _type not ATIS or AWOS in atis.cxx");
fgTie("/environment/attention", this, (int_getter)0, &FGATIS::attend);
+// FIXME: This would be more flexible and more extensible
+// if the mappings were taken from an XML file, not hard-coded ...
+// ... although having it in a .hxx file is better than nothing.
+// Load the remap list from the .hxx file:
+ using namespace lex;
+# define NIL ""
+# define REMAP(from,to) _remap[#from] = to;
+# include <atis_remap.hxx>
+# undef REMAP
+# undef NIL
+#ifdef ATIS_TEST
+ SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_ALERT, "ATIS initialized");
// Hint:
// Returns 1 if we actually generated something.
int FGATIS::GenTransmission(const int regen, const int special) {
using namespace atmodel;
+ using namespace lex;
string BRK = ".\n";
if (ident.substr(0,2) == "EG") {
// UK CAA radiotelephony manual indicates ATIS transmissions start
// with "This is ..."
- transmission += "This_is + ";
+ transmission += This_is + " ";
} else {
// In the US they just start with the airport name.
// Note that at this point, multi-word facility names
// will sometimes contain hyphens, not spaces.
-// Force the issue, just to be safe:
- string name2 = name;
- for(string::iterator p = name2.begin(); p != name2.end(); p++){
- if (*p == ' ') *p = '-';
- }
-// FIXME: This would be more flexible and more extensible
-// if the mappings were taken from an XML file, not hard-coded.
+ vector<string> name_words;
+ boost::split(name_words, name, boost::is_any_of(" -"));
+ for (vector<string>::const_iterator wordp = name_words.begin();
+ wordp != name_words.end(); wordp++) {
+ string word(*wordp);
// Remap some abbreviations that occur in apt.dat, to
// make things nicer for the text-to-speech system:
- name2 = replace_word(name2, "Intl", "International");
- name2 = replace_word(name2, "Rgnl", "Regional");
- name2 = replace_word(name2, "Co", "County");
- name2 = replace_word(name2, "Muni", "Municipal");
- name2 = replace_word(name2, "Mem", "Memorial");
- name2 = replace_word(name2, "Fld", "Field");
- name2 = replace_word(name2, "AFB", "Air-Force-Base");
- name2 = replace_word(name2, "AAF", "Army-Air-Field");
- name2 = replace_word(name2, "MCAS", "Marine-Corps-Air-Station");
- transmission += name2 + " ";
+ for (MSS::const_iterator replace = _remap.begin();
+ replace != _remap.end(); replace++) {
+ if (word == replace->first) {
+ word = replace->second;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ transmission += word + " ";
+ }
if (_type == ATIS /* as opposed to AWOS */) {
- transmission += "airport_information ";
+ transmission += airport_information + " ";
} else {
- transmission += "Automated_weather_observation ";
+ transmission += Automated_weather_observation + " ";
phonetic_seq_string = GetPhoneticLetter(sequence); // Add the sequence letter
mins = time_str.substr(3,2).c_str();
// speak each digit separately:
transmission += ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(hours + mins);
- transmission += " zulu weather" + BRK;
+ transmission += " " + zulu_weather + BRK;
- transmission += "Wind: ";
+ transmission += wind + ": ";
double wind_speed = fgGetDouble("/environment/config/boundary/entry[0]/wind-speed-kt");
double wind_dir = fgGetDouble("/environment/config/boundary/entry[0]/wind-from-heading-deg");
// Force west-facing rwys to be used in no-wind situations
// which is consistent with Flightgear's initial setup:
wind_dir = 270;
- transmission += " light_and_variable";
+ transmission += " " + light_and_variable;
} else {
// FIXME: get gust factor in somehow
snprintf(buf, bs, "%03.0f", 5*SGMiscd::round(wind_dir/5));
transmission += ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(buf);
snprintf(buf, bs, "%1.0f", wind_speed);
- transmission += " at " + ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(buf) + BRK;
+ transmission += " " + at + " " + ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(buf) + BRK;
int did_some(0);
for (int layer = 0; layer <= 4; layer++) {
snprintf(buf, bs, "/environment/clouds/layer[%i]/coverage", layer);
string coverage = fgGetString(buf);
- if (coverage == "clear") continue;
+ if (coverage == clear) continue;
snprintf(buf, bs, "/environment/clouds/layer[%i]/thickness-ft", layer);
if (fgGetDouble(buf) == 0) continue;
snprintf(buf, bs, "/environment/clouds/layer[%i]/elevation-ft", layer);
double ceiling = int(fgGetDouble(buf) - _geod.getElevationFt());
if (ceiling > 12000) continue;
- if (coverage == "scattered") {
- if (!did_some) transmission += " Sky_condition: ";
+ if (coverage == scattered) {
+ if (!did_some) transmission += " " + Sky_condition + ": ";
} else /* must be a ceiling */ if (!did_ceiling) {
- transmission += " Ceiling: ";
+ transmission += " " + Ceiling + ": ";
} else {
if (cig000) {
snprintf(buf, bs, "%i", cig000);
transmission += ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(buf);
- transmission += " thousand ";
+ transmission += " " + thousand + " ";
if (cig00) {
snprintf(buf, bs, "%i", cig00);
transmission += ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(buf);
- transmission += " hundred ";
+ transmission += " " + hundred + " ";
} else {
// Should this be "sky obscured?"
- transmission += " zero "; // not "zero hundred"
+ transmission += " " + zero + " "; // not "zero hundred"
transmission += coverage + BRK;
- transmission += "Temperature: ";
+ transmission += Temperature + ": ";
double Tsl = fgGetDouble("/environment/temperature-sea-level-degc");
int temp = int(SGMiscd::round(FGAtmo().fake_T_vs_a_us(_geod.getElevationFt(), Tsl)));
if(temp < 0) {
- transmission += "minus ";
+ transmission += lex::minus + " ";
snprintf(buf, bs, "%i", abs(temp));
transmission += ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(buf);
- transmission += " dewpoint ";
+ transmission += " " + Celsius;
+ transmission += " " + dewpoint + " ";
double dpsl = fgGetDouble("/environment/dewpoint-sea-level-degc");
temp = int(SGMiscd::round(FGAtmo().fake_dp_vs_a_us(dpsl, _geod.getElevationFt())));
if(temp < 0) {
- transmission += "minus ";
+ transmission += lex::minus + " ";
snprintf(buf, bs, "%i", abs(temp));
- transmission += ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(buf) + BRK;
+ transmission += ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(buf);
+ transmission += " " + Celsius + BRK;
- transmission += "Visibility: ";
+ transmission += Visibility + ": ";
double visibility = fgGetDouble("/environment/config/boundary/entry[0]/visibility-m");
visibility /= atmodel::sm; // convert to statute miles
if (visibility < 0.25) {
- transmission += "less than one quarter";
+ transmission += less_than_one_quarter;
} else if (visibility < 0.5) {
- transmission += "one quarter";
+ transmission += one_quarter;
} else if (visibility < 0.75) {
- transmission += "one half";
+ transmission += one_half;
} else if (visibility < 1.0) {
- transmission += "three quarters";
+ transmission += three_quarters;
} else if (visibility >= 1.5 && visibility < 2.0) {
- transmission += "one and one half";
+ transmission += one_and_one_half;
} else {
// integer miles
if (visibility > 10) visibility = 10;
transmission += BRK;
- transmission += "Altimeter: ";
+ transmission += Altimeter + ": ";
double myQNH;
double Psl = fgGetDouble("/environment/pressure-sea-level-inhg");
string rwy_no = apt->getActiveRunwayForUsage()->ident();
if(rwy_no != "NN") {
- transmission += "Landing_and_departing_runway ";
+ transmission += Landing_and_departing_runway + " ";
transmission += ConvertRwyNumToSpokenString(rwy_no) + BRK;
if (msg_OK) {
msg_time = cur_time;
// << " wind_dir: " << wind_dir << endl;
- transmission += "On_initial_contact_advise_you_have_information ";
+ transmission += On_initial_contact_advise_you_have_information + " ";
transmission += phonetic_seq_string;
transmission += "... " + BRK;