--- /dev/null
+ * editor_plugin_src.js\r
+ *\r
+ * Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB\r
+ * Released under LGPL License.\r
+ *\r
+ * License: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/license\r
+ * Contributing: http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/contributing\r
+ */\r
+/* Macgirvin Aug-2010 changed from punbb to dfrn dialect */\r
+(function() {\r
+ tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.BBCodePlugin', {\r
+ init : function(ed, url) {\r
+ var t = this, dialect = ed.getParam('bbcode_dialect', 'dfrn').toLowerCase();\r
+ ed.onBeforeSetContent.add(function(ed, o) {\r
+ o.content = t['_' + dialect + '_bbcode2html'](o.content);\r
+ });\r
+ ed.onPostProcess.add(function(ed, o) {\r
+ if (o.set)\r
+ o.content = t['_' + dialect + '_bbcode2html'](o.content);\r
+ if (o.get)\r
+ o.content = t['_' + dialect + '_html2bbcode'](o.content);\r
+ });\r
+ },\r
+ getInfo : function() {\r
+ return {\r
+ longname : 'BBCode Plugin',\r
+ author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',\r
+ authorurl : 'http://tinymce.moxiecode.com',\r
+ infourl : 'http://wiki.moxiecode.com/index.php/TinyMCE:Plugins/bbcode',\r
+ version : tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion\r
+ };\r
+ },\r
+ // Private methods\r
+ // HTML -> BBCode in DFRN dialect\r
+ _dfrn_html2bbcode : function(s) {\r
+ s = tinymce.trim(s);\r
+ function rep(re, str) {\r
+ s = s.replace(re, str);\r
+ };\r
+ /* oembed */
+ function _h2b_cb(match) {
+ text = bin2hex(match);
+ function s_h2b(data) {
+ match = data;
+ }
+ $.ajax({
+ url: 'oembed/h2b?text=' + text,
+ async: false,
+ success: s_h2b,
+ dataType: 'html'
+ });
+ return match;
+ }
+ s = s.replace(/<span class=\"oembed(.*?)<\/span>/gi, _h2b_cb);
+ /* /oembed */
+ // example: <strong> to [b]\r
+ rep(/<a.*?href=\"(.*?)\".*?>(.*?)<\/a>/gi,"[url=$1]$2[/url]");\r
+ rep(/<span style=\"font-size:(.*?);\">(.*?)<\/span>/gi,"[size=$1]$2[/size]");\r
+ rep(/<span style=\"color:(.*?);\">(.*?)<\/span>/gi,"[color=$1]$2[/color]");\r
+ rep(/<font>(.*?)<\/font>/gi,"$1");\r
+ rep(/<img.*?width=\"(.*?)\".*?height=\"(.*?)\".*?src=\"(.*?)\".*?\/>/gi,"[img=$1x$2]$3[/img]");\r
+ rep(/<img.*?height=\"(.*?)\".*?width=\"(.*?)\".*?src=\"(.*?)\".*?\/>/gi,"[img=$2x$1]$3[/img]");\r
+ rep(/<img.*?src=\"(.*?)\".*?height=\"(.*?)\".*?width=\"(.*?)\".*?\/>/gi,"[img=$3x$2]$1[/img]");\r
+ rep(/<img.*?src=\"(.*?)\".*?width=\"(.*?)\".*?height=\"(.*?)\".*?\/>/gi,"[img=$2x$3]$1[/img]");\r
+ rep(/<img.*?src=\"(.*?)\".*?\/>/gi,"[img]$1[/img]");\r
+ rep(/<code>(.*?)<\/code>/gi,"[code]$1[/code]");\r
+ rep(/<\/(strong|b)>/gi,"[/b]");\r
+ rep(/<(strong|b)>/gi,"[b]");\r
+ rep(/<\/(em|i)>/gi,"[/i]");\r
+ rep(/<(em|i)>/gi,"[i]");\r
+ rep(/<\/u>/gi,"[/u]");\r
+ rep(/<span style=\"text-decoration: ?underline;\">(.*?)<\/span>/gi,"[u]$1[/u]");\r
+ rep(/<u>/gi,"[u]");\r
+ rep(/<blockquote[^>]*>/gi,"[quote]");\r
+ rep(/<\/blockquote>/gi,"[/quote]");\r
+ rep(/<br \/>/gi,"\n\n");\r
+ rep(/<br\/>/gi,"\n\n");\r
+ rep(/<br>/gi,"\n");\r
+ rep(/<p>/gi,"");\r
+ rep(/<\/p>/gi,"\n");\r
+ rep(/ /gi," ");\r
+ rep(/"/gi,"\"");\r
+ rep(/</gi,"<");\r
+ rep(/>/gi,">");\r
+ rep(/&/gi,"&");\r
+ return s; \r
+ },\r
+ // BBCode -> HTML from DFRN dialect\r
+ _dfrn_bbcode2html : function(s) {\r
+ s = tinymce.trim(s);\r
+ function rep(re, str) {\r
+ s = s.replace(re, str);\r
+ };\r
+ // example: [b] to <strong>\r
+ rep(/\n/gi,"<br />");\r
+ rep(/\[b\]/gi,"<strong>");\r
+ rep(/\[\/b\]/gi,"</strong>");\r
+ rep(/\[i\]/gi,"<em>");\r
+ rep(/\[\/i\]/gi,"</em>");\r
+ rep(/\[u\]/gi,"<u>");\r
+ rep(/\[\/u\]/gi,"</u>");\r
+ rep(/\[url=([^\]]+)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/gi,"<a href=\"$1\">$2</a>");\r
+ rep(/\[url\](.*?)\[\/url\]/gi,"<a href=\"$1\">$1</a>");\r
+ rep(/\[img=(.*?)x(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/img\]/gi,"<img width=\"$1\" height=\"$2\" src=\"$3\" />");\r
+ rep(/\[img\](.*?)\[\/img\]/gi,"<img src=\"$1\" />");\r
+ rep(/\[color=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/color\]/gi,"<span style=\"color: $1;\">$2</span>");\r
+ rep(/\[size=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/size\]/gi,"<span style=\"font-size: $1;\">$2</span>");\r
+ rep(/\[code\](.*?)\[\/code\]/gi,"<code>$1</code>");\r
+ rep(/\[quote.*?\](.*?)\[\/quote\]/gi,"<blockquote>$1</blockquote>");\r
+ /* oembed */
+ function _b2h_cb(match, url) {
+ url = bin2hex(url);
+ function s_b2h(data) {
+ match = data;
+ }
+ $.ajax({
+ url: 'oembed/b2h?url=' + url,
+ async: false,
+ success: s_b2h,
+ dataType: 'html'
+ });
+ return match;
+ }
+ s = s.replace(/\[embed\](.*?)\[\/embed\]/gi, _b2h_cb);
+ /* /oembed */
+ return s; \r
+ }\r
+ });\r
+ // Register plugin\r
+ tinymce.PluginManager.add('bbcode', tinymce.plugins.BBCodePlugin);\r
\ No newline at end of file