Allow the subsystem to be (re-)inited at runtime.
- <File\r
- RelativePath="..\..\..\src\Network\multiplay.cxx"\r
- >\r
- </File>\r
- <File\r
- RelativePath="..\..\..\src\Network\multiplay.hxx"\r
- >\r
- </File>\r
#include <Network/ray.hxx>
#include <Network/rul.hxx>
#include <Network/generic.hxx>
-#include <Network/multiplay.hxx>
#ifdef FG_HAVE_HLA
#include <Network/HLA/hla.hxx>
return NULL;
string dir = tokens[1];
- string rate = tokens[2];
+ int rate = atoi(tokens[2].c_str());
string host = tokens[3];
- string port = tokens[4];
- return new FGMultiplay(dir, atoi(rate.c_str()), host, atoi(port.c_str()));
+ short port = atoi(tokens[4].c_str());
+ // multiplay used to be handled by an FGProtocol, but no longer. This code
+ // retains compatability with existing command-line syntax
+ fgSetInt("/sim/multiplay/tx-rate-hz", rate);
+ if (dir == "in") {
+ fgSetInt("/sim/multiplay/rxport", port);
+ fgSetString("/sim/multiplay/rxhost", host.c_str());
+ } else if (dir == "out") {
+ fgSetInt("/sim/multiplay/txport", port);
+ fgSetString("/sim/multiplay/txhost", host.c_str());
+ }
+ return NULL;
#ifdef FG_HAVE_HLA
} else if ( protocol == "hla" ) {
return new FGHLA(tokens);
// appropriate FGIOChannel structures
string_list::iterator i = globals->get_channel_options_list()->begin();
string_list::iterator end = globals->get_channel_options_list()->end();
- for (; i != end; ++i )
- {
- p = parse_port_config( *i );
- if ( p != NULL ) {
- p->open();
- io_channels.push_back( p );
- if ( !p->is_enabled() ) {
- SG_LOG( SG_IO, SG_ALERT, "I/O Channel config failed." );
- exit(-1);
- }
- } else {
- SG_LOG( SG_IO, SG_INFO, "I/O Channel parse failed." );
- }
- }
+ for (; i != end; ++i ) {
+ p = parse_port_config( *i );
+ if (!p) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ p->open();
+ if ( !p->is_enabled() ) {
+ SG_LOG( SG_IO, SG_ALERT, "I/O Channel config failed." );
+ delete p;
+ }
+ io_channels.push_back( p );
+ } // of channel options iteration
#include <simgear/props/props.hxx>
#include <AIModel/AIManager.hxx>
+#include <AIModel/AIMultiplayer.hxx>
#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
#include "multiplaymgr.hxx"
#include "mpmessages.hxx"
+#include <FDM/flightProperties.hxx>
using namespace std;
const char sMULTIPLAYMGR_BID[] = "$Id$";
+struct IdPropertyList {
+ unsigned id;
+ const char* name;
+ simgear::props::Type type;
+static const IdPropertyList* findProperty(unsigned id);
// A static map of protocol property id values to property paths,
// This should be extendable dynamically for every specific aircraft ...
// For now only that static list
-const FGMultiplayMgr::IdPropertyList
-FGMultiplayMgr::sIdPropertyList[] = {
+static const IdPropertyList sIdPropertyList[] = {
{100, "surface-positions/left-aileron-pos-norm", simgear::props::FLOAT},
{101, "surface-positions/right-aileron-pos-norm", simgear::props::FLOAT},
{102, "surface-positions/elevator-pos-norm", simgear::props::FLOAT},
{10319, "sim/multiplay/generic/int[19]", simgear::props::INT}
-const unsigned
-FGMultiplayMgr::numProperties = (sizeof(FGMultiplayMgr::sIdPropertyList)
- / sizeof(FGMultiplayMgr::sIdPropertyList[0]));
+const unsigned int numProperties = (sizeof(sIdPropertyList)
+ / sizeof(sIdPropertyList[0]));
// Look up a property ID using binary search.
struct ComparePropertyId
- bool operator()(const FGMultiplayMgr::IdPropertyList& lhs,
- const FGMultiplayMgr::IdPropertyList& rhs)
+ bool operator()(const IdPropertyList& lhs,
+ const IdPropertyList& rhs)
return <;
- bool operator()(const FGMultiplayMgr::IdPropertyList& lhs,
+ bool operator()(const IdPropertyList& lhs,
unsigned id)
return < id;
bool operator()(unsigned id,
- const FGMultiplayMgr::IdPropertyList& rhs)
+ const IdPropertyList& rhs)
return id <;
- };
+ };
-const FGMultiplayMgr::IdPropertyList* FGMultiplayMgr::findProperty(unsigned id)
+const IdPropertyList* findProperty(unsigned id)
std::pair<const IdPropertyList*, const IdPropertyList*> result
= std::equal_range(sIdPropertyList, sIdPropertyList + numProperties, id,
const xdr_data_t* xdr = data;
while (xdr < end) {
unsigned id = XDR_decode_uint32(*xdr);
- const FGMultiplayMgr::IdPropertyList* plist
- = FGMultiplayMgr::findProperty(id);
+ const IdPropertyList* plist = findProperty(id);
if (plist) {
return true;
+class MPPropertyListener : public SGPropertyChangeListener
+ MPPropertyListener(FGMultiplayMgr* mp) :
+ _multiplay(mp)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void childAdded(SGPropertyNode*, SGPropertyNode*)
+ {
+ _multiplay->setPropertiesChanged();
+ }
+ FGMultiplayMgr* _multiplay;
// MultiplayMgr constructor
- mSocket = 0;
mInitialised = false;
mHaveServer = false;
+ mListener = NULL;
} // FGMultiplayMgr::FGMultiplayMgr()
- Close();
} // FGMultiplayMgr::~FGMultiplayMgr()
SG_LOG(SG_NETWORK, SG_WARN, "FGMultiplayMgr::init - already initialised");
+ fgSetBool("/sim/multiplay/online", false);
// Set members from property values
short rxPort = fgGetInt("/sim/multiplay/rxport");
string rxAddress = fgGetString("/sim/multiplay/rxhost");
- short txPort = fgGetInt("/sim/multiplay/txport");
+ short txPort = fgGetInt("/sim/multiplay/txport", 5000);
string txAddress = fgGetString("/sim/multiplay/txhost");
+ int hz = fgGetInt("/sim/multiplay/tx-rate-hz", 10);
+ if (hz < 1) {
+ hz = 10;
+ }
+ mDt = 1.0 / hz;
+ mTimeUntilSend = 0.0;
mCallsign = fgGetString("/sim/multiplay/callsign");
- if (txPort > 0 && !txAddress.empty()) {
+ if (!txAddress.empty()) {
mServer.set(txAddress.c_str(), txPort);
if (strncmp (mServer.getHost(), "", 8) == 0) {
mHaveServer = false;
"FGMultiplayMgr - could not resolve '"
<< txAddress << "', Multiplayermode disabled");
+ return;
} else {
+ SG_LOG(SG_NETWORK, SG_INFO, "have server");
mHaveServer = true;
if (rxPort <= 0)
SG_LOG(SG_NETWORK,SG_INFO,"FGMultiplayMgr::init-rxaddress="<<rxAddress );
SG_LOG(SG_NETWORK,SG_INFO,"FGMultiplayMgr::init-rxport= "<<rxPort);
SG_LOG(SG_NETWORK,SG_INFO,"FGMultiplayMgr::init-callsign= "<<mCallsign);
- Close(); // Should Init be called twice, close Socket first
- // A memory leak was reported here by valgrind
- mSocket = new simgear::Socket();
+ mSocket.reset(new simgear::Socket());
if (!mSocket->open(false)) {
"FGMultiplayMgr::init - Failed to create data socket" );
+ mPropertiesChanged = true;
+ mListener = new MPPropertyListener(this);
+ globals->get_props()->addChangeListener(mListener, false);
+ fgSetBool("/sim/multiplay/online", true);
mInitialised = true;
} // FGMultiplayMgr::init()
-FGMultiplayMgr::Close (void)
+FGMultiplayMgr::shutdown (void)
- mMultiPlayerMap.clear();
- if (mSocket) {
+ fgSetBool("/sim/multiplay/online", false);
+ if (mSocket.get()) {
- delete mSocket;
- mSocket = 0;
+ mSocket.reset();
+ }
+ MultiPlayerMap::iterator it = mMultiPlayerMap.begin(),
+ end = mMultiPlayerMap.end();
+ for (; it != end; ++it) {
+ it->second->setDie(true);
+ mMultiPlayerMap.clear();
+ if (mListener) {
+ globals->get_props()->removeChangeListener(mListener);
+ delete mListener;
+ mListener = NULL;
+ }
mInitialised = false;
} // FGMultiplayMgr::Close(void)
+ shutdown();
+ init();
// Description: Sends the position data for the local position.
+FGMultiplayMgr::update(double dt)
if (!mInitialised)
/// Just for expiry
long stamp = SGTimeStamp::now().getSeconds();
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Send if required
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ mTimeUntilSend -= dt;
+ if (mTimeUntilSend <= 0.0) {
+ Send();
+ }
// Read the receive socket and process any data
<< "message has invalid protocol number!" );
- if (MsgHdr->MsgLen != bytes) {
+ if (static_cast<ssize_t>(MsgHdr->MsgLen) != bytes) {
SG_LOG(SG_NETWORK, SG_DEBUG, "FGMultiplayMgr::MP_ProcessData - "
<< "message from " << MsgHdr->Callsign << " has invalid length!");
} // FGMultiplayMgr::ProcessData(void)
+ using namespace simgear;
+ findProperties();
+ // smooth the send rate, by adjusting based on the 'remainder' time, which
+ // is how -ve mTimeUntilSend is. Watch for large values and ignore them,
+ // however.
+ if ((mTimeUntilSend < 0.0) && (fabs(mTimeUntilSend) < mDt)) {
+ mTimeUntilSend = mDt + mTimeUntilSend;
+ } else {
+ mTimeUntilSend = mDt;
+ }
+ double sim_time = globals->get_sim_time_sec();
+ static double lastTime = 0.0;
+ // SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, "actual dt=" << sim_time - lastTime);
+ lastTime = sim_time;
+ FlightProperties ifce;
+ // put together a motion info struct, you will get that later
+ // from FGInterface directly ...
+ FGExternalMotionData motionInfo;
+ // The current simulation time we need to update for,
+ // note that the simulation time is updated before calling all the
+ // update methods. Thus it contains the time intervals *end* time.
+ // The FDM is already run, so the states belong to that time.
+ motionInfo.time = sim_time;
+ motionInfo.lag = mDt;
+ // These are for now converted from lat/lon/alt and euler angles.
+ // But this should change in FGInterface ...
+ double lon = ifce.get_Longitude();
+ double lat = ifce.get_Latitude();
+ // first the aprioriate structure for the geodetic one
+ SGGeod geod = SGGeod::fromRadFt(lon, lat, ifce.get_Altitude());
+ // Convert to cartesion coordinate
+ motionInfo.position = SGVec3d::fromGeod(geod);
+ // The quaternion rotating from the earth centered frame to the
+ // horizontal local frame
+ SGQuatf qEc2Hl = SGQuatf::fromLonLatRad((float)lon, (float)lat);
+ // The orientation wrt the horizontal local frame
+ float heading = ifce.get_Psi();
+ float pitch = ifce.get_Theta();
+ float roll = ifce.get_Phi();
+ SGQuatf hlOr = SGQuatf::fromYawPitchRoll(heading, pitch, roll);
+ // The orientation of the vehicle wrt the earth centered frame
+ motionInfo.orientation = qEc2Hl*hlOr;
+ if (!globals->get_subsystem("flight")->is_suspended()) {
+ // velocities
+ motionInfo.linearVel = SG_FEET_TO_METER*SGVec3f(ifce.get_uBody(),
+ ifce.get_vBody(),
+ ifce.get_wBody());
+ motionInfo.angularVel = SGVec3f(ifce.get_P_body(),
+ ifce.get_Q_body(),
+ ifce.get_R_body());
+ // accels, set that to zero for now.
+ // Angular accelerations are missing from the interface anyway,
+ // linear accelerations are screwed up at least for JSBSim.
+// motionInfo.linearAccel = SG_FEET_TO_METER*SGVec3f(ifce.get_U_dot_body(),
+// ifce.get_V_dot_body(),
+// ifce.get_W_dot_body());
+ motionInfo.linearAccel = SGVec3f::zeros();
+ motionInfo.angularAccel = SGVec3f::zeros();
+ } else {
+ // if the interface is suspendend, prevent the client from
+ // wild extrapolations
+ motionInfo.linearVel = SGVec3f::zeros();
+ motionInfo.angularVel = SGVec3f::zeros();
+ motionInfo.linearAccel = SGVec3f::zeros();
+ motionInfo.angularAccel = SGVec3f::zeros();
+ }
+ // now send the properties
+ PropertyMap::iterator it;
+ for (it = mPropertyMap.begin(); it != mPropertyMap.end(); ++it) {
+ FGPropertyData* pData = new FGPropertyData;
+ pData->id = it->first;
+ pData->type = it->second->getType();
+ switch (pData->type) {
+ case props::INT:
+ case props::LONG:
+ case props::BOOL:
+ pData->int_value = it->second->getIntValue();
+ break;
+ case props::FLOAT:
+ case props::DOUBLE:
+ pData->float_value = it->second->getFloatValue();
+ break;
+ case props::STRING:
+ case props::UNSPECIFIED:
+ {
+ // FIXME: We assume unspecified are strings for the moment.
+ const char* cstr = it->second->getStringValue();
+ int len = strlen(cstr);
+ if (len > 0)
+ {
+ pData->string_value = new char[len + 1];
+ strcpy(pData->string_value, cstr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Size 0 - ignore
+ pData->string_value = 0;
+ }
+ //cout << " Sending property " << pData->id << " " << pData->type << " " << pData->string_value << "\n";
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ // FIXME Currently default to a float.
+ //cout << "Unknown type when iterating through props: " << pData->type << "\n";
+ pData->float_value = it->second->getFloatValue();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ SendMyPosition(motionInfo);
// handle a position message
return 0;
+ if (!mPropertiesChanged) {
+ return;
+ }
+ mPropertiesChanged = false;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < numProperties; ++i) {
+ const char* name = sIdPropertyList[i].name;
+ SGPropertyNode* pNode = globals->get_props()->getNode(name);
+ if (!pNode) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ int id = sIdPropertyList[i].id;
+ if (mPropertyMap.find(id) != mPropertyMap.end()) {
+ continue; // already activated
+ }
+ mPropertyMap[id] = pNode;
+ SG_LOG(SG_NETWORK, SG_DEBUG, "activating MP property:" << pNode->getPath());
+ }
-#include "mpmessages.hxx"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <simgear/compiler.h>
#include <simgear/props/props.hxx>
-#include <Main/globals.hxx>
#include <simgear/io/raw_socket.hxx>
#include <simgear/structure/subsystem_mgr.hxx>
-#include <AIModel/AIMultiplayer.hxx>
-struct FGExternalMotionInfo;
+struct FGExternalMotionData;
+class MPPropertyListener;
+struct T_MsgHdr;
+class FGAIMultiplayer;
class FGMultiplayMgr : public SGSubsystem
- struct IdPropertyList {
- unsigned id;
- const char* name;
- simgear::props::Type type;
- };
- static const IdPropertyList sIdPropertyList[];
- static const unsigned numProperties;
- static const IdPropertyList* findProperty(unsigned id);
virtual void init(void);
virtual void update(double dt);
- void Close(void);
+ virtual void shutdown(void);
+ virtual void reinit();
// transmitter
- void SendMyPosition(const FGExternalMotionData& motionInfo);
void SendTextMessage(const string &sMsgText);
// receiver
+ friend class MPPropertyListener;
+ void setPropertiesChanged()
+ {
+ mPropertiesChanged = true;
+ }
+ void findProperties();
+ void Send();
+ void SendMyPosition(const FGExternalMotionData& motionInfo);
union MsgBuf;
FGAIMultiplayer* addMultiplayer(const std::string& callsign,
const std::string& modelName);
typedef std::map<std::string, SGSharedPtr<FGAIMultiplayer> > MultiPlayerMap;
MultiPlayerMap mMultiPlayerMap;
- simgear::Socket* mSocket;
+ std::auto_ptr<simgear::Socket> mSocket;
simgear::IPAddress mServer;
bool mHaveServer;
bool mInitialised;
std::string mCallsign;
+ // Map between the property id's from the multiplayers network packets
+ // and the property nodes
+ typedef std::map<unsigned int, SGSharedPtr<SGPropertyNode> > PropertyMap;
+ PropertyMap mPropertyMap;
+ bool mPropertiesChanged;
+ MPPropertyListener* mListener;
+ double mDt; // reciprocal of /sim/multiplay/tx-rate-hz
+ double mTimeUntilSend;
- multiplay.cxx
-MPLAYER_AS = multiplay.cxx multiplay.hxx
libNetwork_a_SOURCES = \
protocol.cxx protocol.hxx \
ATC-Main.cxx ATC-Main.hxx \
net_ctrls.hxx net_fdm.hxx net_fdm_mini.hxx net_gui.hxx \
nmea.cxx nmea.hxx \
opengc.cxx opengc.hxx opengc_data.hxx \
props.cxx props.hxx \
pve.cxx pve.hxx \
ray.cxx ray.hxx \
+++ /dev/null
-// multiplay.cxx -- protocol object for multiplay in Flightgear
-// Written by Diarmuid Tyson, started February 2003.
-// With addtions by Vivian Meazza, January 2006
-// Copyright (C) 2003 Airservices Australia
-// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
-// License, or (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-# include <config.h>
-#include <simgear/compiler.h>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <map>
-#include <string>
-#include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx>
-#include <simgear/math/SGMath.hxx>
-#include <FDM/flightProperties.hxx>
-#include <MultiPlayer/mpmessages.hxx>
-#include "multiplay.hxx"
-using std::string;
-// These constants are provided so that the ident command can list file versions.
-const char sFG_MULTIPLAY_BID[] = "$Id$";
-typedef std::set<std::string> string_set;
-class MPPropertyListener : public SGPropertyChangeListener
- MPPropertyListener(FGMultiplay* mp) :
- _multiplay(mp)
- {
- }
- virtual void childAdded(SGPropertyNode*, SGPropertyNode*)
- {
- _multiplay->setPropertiesChanged();
- }
- FGMultiplay* _multiplay;
-* Name: FGMultiplay
-* Description: Constructor. Initialises the protocol and stores
-* host and port information.
-FGMultiplay::FGMultiplay (const string &dir, const int rate, const string &host, const int port) {
- set_hz(rate);
- set_direction(dir);
- if (get_direction() == SG_IO_IN) {
- fgSetInt("/sim/multiplay/rxport", port);
- fgSetString("/sim/multiplay/rxhost", host.c_str());
- } else if (get_direction() == SG_IO_OUT) {
- fgSetInt("/sim/multiplay/txport", port);
- fgSetString("/sim/multiplay/txhost", host.c_str());
- }
- mPropertiesChanged = true;
-* Name: ~FGMultiplay
-* Description: Destructor.
-FGMultiplay::~FGMultiplay () {
-* Name: open
-* Description: Enables the protocol.
-bool FGMultiplay::open() {
- if ( is_enabled() ) {
- SG_LOG( SG_IO, SG_ALERT, "This shouldn't happen, but the channel "
- << "is already in use, ignoring" );
- return false;
- }
- set_enabled(true);
- mPropertiesChanged = true;
- MPPropertyListener* pl = new MPPropertyListener(this);
- globals->get_props()->addChangeListener(pl, false);
- return is_enabled();
-void FGMultiplay::findProperties()
- if (!mPropertiesChanged) {
- return;
- }
- mPropertiesChanged = false;
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < FGMultiplayMgr::numProperties; ++i) {
- const char* name = FGMultiplayMgr::sIdPropertyList[i].name;
- SGPropertyNode* pNode = globals->get_props()->getNode(name);
- if (!pNode) {
- continue;
- }
- int id = FGMultiplayMgr::sIdPropertyList[i].id;
- if (mPropertyMap.find(id) != mPropertyMap.end()) {
- continue; // already activated
- }
- mPropertyMap[id] = pNode;
- SG_LOG(SG_NETWORK, SG_INFO, "activating MP property:" << pNode->getPath());
- }
-* Name: process
-* Description: Prompts the multiplayer mgr to either send
-* or receive data over the network
-bool FGMultiplay::process() {
- using namespace simgear;
- if (get_direction() == SG_IO_OUT) {
- findProperties();
- // check if we have left initialization phase. That will not provide
- // interresting data, also the freeze in simulation time hurts the
- // multiplayer clients
- double sim_time = globals->get_sim_time_sec();
-// if (sim_time < 20)
-// return true;
- FlightProperties ifce;
- // put together a motion info struct, you will get that later
- // from FGInterface directly ...
- FGExternalMotionData motionInfo;
- // The current simulation time we need to update for,
- // note that the simulation time is updated before calling all the
- // update methods. Thus it contains the time intervals *end* time.
- // The FDM is already run, so the states belong to that time.
- motionInfo.time = sim_time;
- // The typical lag will be the reciprocal of the output frequency
- double hz = get_hz();
- if (hz != 0) // I guess we can test a double for exact zero in this case
- motionInfo.lag = 1/get_hz();
- else
- motionInfo.lag = 0.1; //??
- // These are for now converted from lat/lon/alt and euler angles.
- // But this should change in FGInterface ...
- double lon = ifce.get_Longitude();
- double lat = ifce.get_Latitude();
- // first the aprioriate structure for the geodetic one
- SGGeod geod = SGGeod::fromRadFt(lon, lat, ifce.get_Altitude());
- // Convert to cartesion coordinate
- motionInfo.position = SGVec3d::fromGeod(geod);
- // The quaternion rotating from the earth centered frame to the
- // horizontal local frame
- SGQuatf qEc2Hl = SGQuatf::fromLonLatRad((float)lon, (float)lat);
- // The orientation wrt the horizontal local frame
- float heading = ifce.get_Psi();
- float pitch = ifce.get_Theta();
- float roll = ifce.get_Phi();
- SGQuatf hlOr = SGQuatf::fromYawPitchRoll(heading, pitch, roll);
- // The orientation of the vehicle wrt the earth centered frame
- motionInfo.orientation = qEc2Hl*hlOr;
- if (!globals->get_subsystem("flight")->is_suspended()) {
- // velocities
- motionInfo.linearVel = SG_FEET_TO_METER*SGVec3f(ifce.get_uBody(),
- ifce.get_vBody(),
- ifce.get_wBody());
- motionInfo.angularVel = SGVec3f(ifce.get_P_body(),
- ifce.get_Q_body(),
- ifce.get_R_body());
- // accels, set that to zero for now.
- // Angular accelerations are missing from the interface anyway,
- // linear accelerations are screwed up at least for JSBSim.
-// motionInfo.linearAccel = SG_FEET_TO_METER*SGVec3f(ifce.get_U_dot_body(),
-// ifce.get_V_dot_body(),
-// ifce.get_W_dot_body());
- motionInfo.linearAccel = SGVec3f::zeros();
- motionInfo.angularAccel = SGVec3f::zeros();
- } else {
- // if the interface is suspendend, prevent the client from
- // wild extrapolations
- motionInfo.linearVel = SGVec3f::zeros();
- motionInfo.angularVel = SGVec3f::zeros();
- motionInfo.linearAccel = SGVec3f::zeros();
- motionInfo.angularAccel = SGVec3f::zeros();
- }
- // now send the properties
- PropertyMap::iterator it;
- for (it = mPropertyMap.begin(); it != mPropertyMap.end(); ++it) {
- FGPropertyData* pData = new FGPropertyData;
- pData->id = it->first;
- pData->type = it->second->getType();
- switch (pData->type) {
- case props::INT:
- case props::LONG:
- case props::BOOL:
- pData->int_value = it->second->getIntValue();
- break;
- case props::FLOAT:
- case props::DOUBLE:
- pData->float_value = it->second->getFloatValue();
- break;
- case props::STRING:
- case props::UNSPECIFIED:
- {
- // FIXME: We assume unspecified are strings for the moment.
- const char* cstr = it->second->getStringValue();
- int len = strlen(cstr);
- if (len > 0)
- {
- pData->string_value = new char[len + 1];
- strcpy(pData->string_value, cstr);
- }
- else
- {
- // Size 0 - ignore
- pData->string_value = 0;
- }
- //cout << " Sending property " << pData->id << " " << pData->type << " " << pData->string_value << "\n";
- break;
- }
- default:
- // FIXME Currently default to a float.
- //cout << "Unknown type when iterating through props: " << pData->type << "\n";
- pData->float_value = it->second->getFloatValue();
- break;
- }
- }
- FGMultiplayMgr* mpmgr = (FGMultiplayMgr*) globals->get_subsystem("mp");
- mpmgr->SendMyPosition(motionInfo);
- }
- return true;
-* Name: close
-* Description: Closes the multiplayer mgrs to stop any further
-* network processing
-bool FGMultiplay::close()
- mPropertyMap.clear();
- FGMultiplayMgr* mgr = (FGMultiplayMgr*) globals->get_subsystem("mp");
- if (mgr == 0) {
- return false;
- }
- if (get_direction() == SG_IO_IN) {
- mgr->Close();
- } else if (get_direction() == SG_IO_OUT) {
- mgr->Close();
- }
- return true;
+++ /dev/null
-// multiplay.hxx -- protocol object for multiplay in Flightgear
-// Written by Diarmuid Tyson, started February 2003.
-// With additions by Vivian Meazza, January 2006
-// Copyright (C) 2003 Airservices Australia
-// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
-// License, or (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-#define FG_MULTIPLAY_HID "$Id$"
-#include <simgear/compiler.h>
-#include <string>
-#include <simgear/props/props.hxx>
-#include <Main/globals.hxx>
-#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
-#include <Model/acmodel.hxx>
-#include <MultiPlayer/multiplaymgr.hxx>
-#include "protocol.hxx"
-using std::string;
-* @version $Id$
-* Description: FGMultiplay is an FGProtocol object used as the basic
-* interface for the multiplayer code into FlightGears generic IO
-* subsystem. It only implements the basic FGProtocol methods: open(),
-* process() and close(). It does not use Sim Gear's IO channels, as
-* the MultiplayMgrs creates their own sockets through plib.
-* It will set up it's direction and rate protocol properties when
-* created. Subsequent calls to process will prompt the
-* MultiplayMgr to either send or receive data over the network.
-class FGMultiplay : public FGProtocol {
- /** Constructor */
- FGMultiplay (const string &dir, const int rate, const string &host, const int port);
- /** Destructor. */
- ~FGMultiplay ();
- /** Enables the FGMultiplay object. */
- bool open();
- /** Tells the multiplayer_mgr to send/receive data.
- */
- bool process();
- /** Closes the multiplayer_mgr.
- */
- bool close();
- void setPropertiesChanged()
- {
- mPropertiesChanged = true;
- }
- bool mPropertiesChanged;
- void findProperties();
- // Map between the property id's from the multiplayers network packets
- // and the property nodes
- typedef std::map<unsigned, SGSharedPtr<SGPropertyNode> > PropertyMap;
- PropertyMap mPropertyMap;
-#endif // _FG_MULTIPLAY_HXX