* Updated aircraft: A320, Bo-105, Comper Swift, Concorde, F16,
Fokker-50, Fokker-100, Hunter, MD11, PC7, Spitfire, adjust
C172 cockpit sound levels, and Sgs-233.
* Updated joystick configs: CH pro yoke usb, Cyborg Evo, Thrustmaster FCS.
* Fix a bug in the nasal fuel tank management code.
* Return Canadian ILS's to nav data.
+* Cleaned up some of the 3d models around the bay area.
* Add support for display list based rendering which yields
substantial performance gains for many systems.
* Synced with latest JSBSim code.
--- /dev/null
+; Script generated by the Inno Setup Script Wizard.
+; This script creates an installable FlightGear package for Win32 using the
+; "Inno Setup" package builder. Inno Setup is free (but probably not open
+; source?.) The official web site for this package building software is:
+; http://www.jrsoftware.org/isinfo.php
+; Note: the files must appear in the X: drive.
+; You can do this with the command below:
+; subst X: path_to_files
+; For example:
+; C:\> subst X: F:\Path\to\FlightGear\root
+; C:\> subst X: F:\
+AppVerName=FlightGear v0.9.6
+AppPublisher=The FlightGear Organization
+DefaultGroupName=FlightGear v0.9.6
+; NOTE: The following entry contains English phrases ("Create a desktop icon" and "Additional icons"). You are free to translate them into another language if required.
+Name: "desktopicon"; Description: "Create a &desktop icon"; GroupDescription: "Additional icons:"
+; NOTE: run subst X: F:\ (or whatever path the expanded tree resides at)
+Source: "X:\*.*"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion
+Source: "X:\bin\*.*"; DestDir: "{app}\bin"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs
+Source: "X:\data\*.*"; DestDir: "{app}\data"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs
+Source: "X:\docs\*.*"; DestDir: "{app}\docs"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs
+; Source: "X:\bin\Win32\fgrun.prefs"; DestDir: "{userappdata}\flightgear.org"; Flags: ignoreversion
+; Source: "X:\bin\Win32\fgadmin.prefs"; DestDir: "{userappdata}\flightgear.org"; Flags: ignoreversion
+; Source: "X:\src\*.*"; DestDir: "{app}\src"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs
+; NOTE: Don't use "Flags: ignoreversion" on any shared system files
+Name: "{group}\FlightGear Launcher"; Filename: "{app}\bin\Win32\fgrun.exe"; WorkingDir: "{app}";
+; Name: "{group}\FlightGear"; Filename: "{app}\bin\Win32\fgfs.exe"; Parameters: "--fg-root=."; WorkingDir: "{app}";
+Name: "{group}\Install & Uninstall Scenery"; Filename: "{app}\bin\Win32\fgadmin.exe"; WorkingDir: "{app}";
+Name: "{group}\FlightGear Documentation"; Filename: "{app}\data\docs\index.html"
+Name: "{group}\Explore Documentation Folder"; Filename: "{app}\docs"
+Name: "{group}\Uninstall FlightGear v0.9.6"; Filename: "{uninstallexe}"
+Name: "{userdesktop}\FlightGear v0.9.6"; Filename: "{app}\bin\Win32\fgrun.exe"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; Tasks: desktopicon
+; For running flightgear directly
+; Name: "{userdesktop}\FlightGear v0.9.6"; Filename: "{app}\bin\Win32\fgfs.exe"; Parameters: "--fg-root=."; WorkingDir: "{app}"; Tasks: desktopicon
+; Put installation directory into the fgrun.prefs
+; filename: "{app}\bin\Win32\mkfgrunp.bat"; WorkingDir: "{app}\bin\Win32"; Parameters: """{app}"" ""{userappdata}"""
+filename: "{app}\bin\Win32\fgrun.exe"; WorkingDir: "{app}\bin\Win32"; Parameters: "--silent ""--fg-exe={app}\bin\Win32\fgfs.exe"" ""--fg-root={app}\data"" ""--fg-scenery={app}\data\Scenery;{app}\scenery"""
+; Put installation and source directories into the fgadmin.prefs
+; filename: "{app}\bin\Win32\mkfgadminp.bat"; WorkingDir: "{app}\bin\Win32"; Parameters: """{src}"" ""{app}"" ""{userappdata}"""
+filename: "{app}\bin\Win32\fgadmin.exe"; WorkingDir: "{app}\bin\Win32"; Parameters: "--silent ""--install-source={src}\."" ""--scenery-dest={app}\scenery"""
+; filename: "{app}\bin\Win32\testbatch.bat"; WorkingDir: "{app}\bin\Win32"; Parameters: "--silent ""--install-source={src}"" ""--scenery-dest={app}\scenery"""
+; Make the user installable scenery directory
+filename: "{app}\bin\Win32\mkscenerydir.bat"; WorkingDir: "{app}"
+; NOTE: The following entry contains an English phrase ("Launch"). You are free to translate it into another language if required.
+Filename: "{app}\bin\Win32\fgrun.exe"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; Description: "Launch FlightGear"; Flags: postinstall skipifsilent
+; For running flightgear directly
+; Filename: "{app}\bin\Win32\fgfs.exe"; Parameters: "--fg-root=."; WorkingDir: "{app}"; Description: "Launch FlightGear"; Flags: postinstall skipifsilent
- tmp_timer(0.0)
+ tmp_timer(0.0),
+ _time_before_search_sec(0)
// Update the various nav values based on position and valid tuned in navs
-void FGKR_87::update( double dt ) {
+void FGKR_87::update( double dt_sec ) {
double acft_lon = lon_node->getDoubleValue() * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS;
double acft_lat = lat_node->getDoubleValue() * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS;
double acft_elev = alt_node->getDoubleValue() * SG_FEET_TO_METER;
Point3D station;
double az1, az2, s;
+ // On timeout, scan again
+ _time_before_search_sec -= dt_sec;
+ if ( _time_before_search_sec < 0 ) {
+ search();
+ }
// Radio
if ( set_rst_btn == 1 && set_rst_btn == last_set_rst_btn ) {
// button depressed and was last iteration too
- tmp_timer += dt;
+ tmp_timer += dt_sec;
// cout << "tmp_timer = " << tmp_timer << endl;
if ( tmp_timer > 2.0 ) {
// button held depressed for 2 seconds
last_set_rst_btn = set_rst_btn;
// timers
- flight_timer += dt;
+ flight_timer += dt_sec;
if ( set_rst_btn == 0 ) {
// only count if set/rst button not depressed
if ( count_mode == 0 ) {
- elapsed_timer += dt;
+ elapsed_timer += dt_sec;
} else if ( count_mode == 1 ) {
- elapsed_timer -= dt;
+ elapsed_timer -= dt_sec;
if ( elapsed_timer < 1.0 ) {
count_mode = 0;
elapsed_timer = 0.0;
if ( count_mode < 2 ) {
et_ann = stby_mode && timer_mode;
} else {
- et_flash_time += dt;
+ et_flash_time += dt_sec;
if ( et_ann && et_flash_time > 0.5 ) {
et_ann = false;
et_flash_time -= 0.5;
while ( diff < -180.0 ) { diff += 360.0; }
while ( diff > 180.0 ) { diff -= 360.0; }
- needle_deg += diff * dt * 4;
+ needle_deg += diff * dt_sec * 4;
while ( needle_deg < 0.0 ) { needle_deg += 360.0; }
while ( needle_deg >= 360.0 ) { needle_deg -= 360.0; }
// FIXME: the panel should handle this
static string last_ident = "";
+ // reset search time
+ _time_before_search_sec = 1.0;
// ADF.