// XXX: Facebook says we don't need this FB_RequireFeatures(),
// but we actually do, for IE and Safari. Gar.
- $html = sprintf('<script type="text/javascript">
- $(document).ready(function () {
- FB_RequireFeatures(
- ["XFBML"],
- function() {
- FB.init("%s", "../xd_receiver.html");
- }
- ); });
- function goto_login() {
- window.location = "%s";
- }
- function goto_logout() {
- window.location = "%s";
- }
- </script>', $apikey,
- $login_url, $logout_url);
- $action->raw($html);
+ $js = '<script type="text/javascript">';
+ $js .= ' $(document).ready(function () {';
+ $js .= ' FB_RequireFeatures(';
+ $js .= ' ["XFBML"], function() {';
+ $js .= ' FB.init("%1$s", "../xd_receiver.html");';
+ $js .= ' }';
+ $js .= ' );';
+ $js .= ' });';
+ $js .= ' function goto_login() {';
+ $js .= ' window.location = "%2$s";';
+ $js .= ' }';
+ // The below function alters the logout link so that it logs the user out
+ // of Facebook Connect as well as the site. However, for some pages
+ // (FB Connect Settings) we need to output the FB Connect scripts (to
+ // show an existing FB connection even if the user isn't authenticated
+ // with Facebook connect) but NOT alter the logout link. And the only
+ // way to reliably do that is with the FB Connect .js libs. Crazy.
+ $js .= ' FB.ensureInit(function() {';
+ $js .= ' FB.Connect.ifUserConnected(';
+ $js .= ' function() { ';
+ $js .= ' $(\'#nav_logout a\').attr(\'href\', \'#\');';
+ $js .= ' $(\'#nav_logout a\').click(function() {';
+ $js .= ' FB.Connect.logoutAndRedirect(\'%3$s\');';
+ $js .= ' return false;';
+ $js .= ' })';
+ $js .= ' },';
+ $js .= ' function() {';
+ $js .= ' return false;';
+ $js .= ' }';
+ $js .= ' );';
+ $js .= ' });';
+ $js .= '</script>';
+ $js = sprintf($js, $apikey, $login_url, $logout_url);
+ // Compress the bugger down a bit
+ $js = str_replace(' ', '', $js);
+ $action->raw(" $js"); // leading two spaces to make it line up
function onEndShowStatusNetStyles($action)
if ($this->reqFbScripts($action)) {
+ }
- $action->menuItem(common_local_url('all', array('nickname' => $user->nickname)),
- _('Home'), _('Personal profile and friends timeline'), false, 'nav_home');
- $action->menuItem(common_local_url('profilesettings'),
- _('Account'), _('Change your email, avatar, password, profile'), false, 'nav_account');
- $action->menuItem(common_local_url($connect),
- _('Connect'), _('Connect to services'), false, 'nav_connect');
- if (common_config('invite', 'enabled')) {
- $action->menuItem(common_local_url('invite'),
- _('Invite'),
- sprintf(_('Invite friends and colleagues to join you on %s'),
- common_config('site', 'name')),
- false, 'nav_invitecontact');
- }
- // Need to override the Logout link to make it do FB stuff
- if (!empty($fbuid)) {
- $logout_url = common_local_url('logout');
- $title = _('Logout from the site');
- $text = _('Logout');
- $html = sprintf('<li id="nav_logout"><a href="#" title="%s" ' .
- 'onclick="FB.Connect.logoutAndRedirect(\'%s\');">%s</a></li>',
- $title, $logout_url, $text);
- $action->raw($html);
- } else {
- $action->menuItem(common_local_url('logout'),
- _('Logout'), _('Logout from the site'), false, 'nav_logout');
- }
- }
- else {
- if (!common_config('site', 'openidonly')) {
- if (!common_config('site', 'closed')) {
- $action->menuItem(common_local_url('register'),
- _('Register'), _('Create an account'), false, 'nav_register');
- }
- $action->menuItem(common_local_url('login'),
- _('Login'), _('Login to the site'), false, 'nav_login');
- } else {
- $this->menuItem(common_local_url('openidlogin'),
- _('OpenID'), _('Login with OpenID'), false, 'nav_openid');
- }
- }
- $action->menuItem(common_local_url('doc', array('title' => 'help')),
- _('Help'), _('Help me!'), false, 'nav_help');
- if ($user || !common_config('site', 'private')) {
- $action->menuItem(common_local_url('peoplesearch'),
- _('Search'), _('Search for people or text'), false, 'nav_search');
- }
- // We are replacing the primary nav entirely; give other
- // plugins a chance to handle it here.
- Event::handle('EndPrimaryNav', array($action));
- return false;
+ return true;
function onStartShowLocalNavBlock($action)
function onStartLogout($action)
+ {
$fbuid = $this->loggedIn();