-function OUTPUT_STANDARD_OVERVIEW(&$result_tasks) {
+function OUTPUT_STANDARD_OVERVIEW (&$result_tasks) {
// First check for solved and not assigned tasks and assign them to current admin
SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE `{!_MYSQL_PREFIX!}_task_system` SET `assigned_admin`=%s WHERE assigned_admin < 1 AND status != 'NEW'",
array(getCurrentAdminId()), __FILE__, __LINE__);
$text = LOAD_TEMPLATE('admin_extensions_text', true, $text);
// Initialize variables (no title for SQL commands by default)
- $ext_name = '';
+ $ext_name = ''; $ext_ver = '';
$title = getMessage('TASK_NO_TITLE');
// Shall I list SQL commands assigned to an extension installation or update task?
// Add verbose SQL table
$text .= EXTENSION_VERBOSE_TABLE($title, " class=\"admin_table top2 left2 right2\"", true, "100%")."<br />\n";
} // END - if
- } else {
+ } elseif ((!empty($ext_name)) && (!empty($ext_ver))) {
// Run SQL commands in dry mode but only return the notes
EXTENSION_UPDATE($ext_name, $ext_ver, true);
$text .= EXT_GET_NOTES();
+ } else {
+ // This should not normally happen!
+ debug_report_bug('ext_name(' . $ext_name . ') or ext_ver (' . $ext_ver . ') is empty!');
// Prepare array for the template