#include <Main/globals.hxx>
#include <Scenery/scenery.hxx>
#include <Scripting/NasalSys.hxx>
+#include <Sound/fg_fx.hxx>
#include "AIBase.hxx"
#include "AIManager.hxx"
_refID( _newAIModelID() ),
- _initialized(false)
+ _initialized(false),
+ _fx(0)
tgt_heading = hdg = tgt_altitude_ft = tgt_speed = 0.0;
if (parent)
+ delete _fx;
+ _fx = 0;
delete fp;
fp = 0;
ft_per_deg_lat = 366468.96 - 3717.12 * cos(pos.getLatitudeRad());
ft_per_deg_lon = 365228.16 * cos(pos.getLatitudeRad());
+ if ( _fx )
+ {
+ // update model's audio sample values
+ _fx->set_position_geod( pos );
+ SGQuatd orient = SGQuatd::fromYawPitchRollDeg(hdg, pitch, roll);
+ _fx->set_orientation( orient );
+ SGVec3d velocity;
+ velocity = SGVec3d( speed_north_deg_sec, speed_east_deg_sec, pitch*speed );
+ _fx->set_velocity( velocity );
+ }
/** update LOD properties of the model */
invisible = false;
+ // Get the sound-path tag from the configuration file and store it
+ // in the property tree.
+ string fxpath = props->getStringValue("/sim/sound/path");
+ if ( !fxpath.empty() )
+ {
+ props->setStringValue("sim/sound/path", fxpath.c_str());
+ // initialize the sound configuration
+ SGSoundMgr *smgr = globals->get_soundmgr();
+ _fx = new FGFX(smgr, "aifx:"+f, props);
+ _fx->init();
+ }
_initialized = true;
} else if (!model_path.empty()) {
props->setDoubleValue("controls/flight/target-alt", altitude_ft);
props->setDoubleValue("controls/flight/target-pitch", pitch);
- props->setDoubleValue("controls/flight/target-spd", speed);
+ props->setDoubleValue("controls/flight/target-spd", speed);
+ props->setBoolValue("sim/sound/avionics/enabled", false);
+ props->setDoubleValue("sim/sound/avionics/volume", 0.0);
+ props->setBoolValue("sim/sound/avionics/external-view", false);
+ props->setBoolValue("sim/current-view/internal", false);