+++ /dev/null
-// newauto.cxx -- autopilot defines and prototypes (very alpha)
-// Started April 1998 Copyright (C) 1998
-// Contributions by Jeff Goeke-Smith <jgoeke@voyager.net>
-// Norman Vine <nhv@cape.com>
-// Curtis Olson <curt@flightgear.org>
-// Wendell Turner <wendell@adsi-m4.com>
-// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
-// License, or (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-// $Id$
-# include <config.h>
-#include <stdio.h> // sprintf()
-#include <string.h> // strcmp()
-#include <simgear/constants.h>
-#include <simgear/sg_inlines.h>
-#include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx>
-#include <simgear/math/sg_geodesy.hxx>
-#include <simgear/math/sg_random.h>
-#include <simgear/route/route.hxx>
-#include <Cockpit/radiostack.hxx>
-#include <Controls/controls.hxx>
-#include <FDM/flight.hxx>
-#include <Main/globals.hxx>
-#include <Scenery/scenery.hxx>
-#include "newauto.hxx"
-#include "auto_gui.hxx"
-/// These statics will eventually go into the class
-/// they are just here while I am experimenting -- NHV :-)
-// AutoPilot Gain Adjuster members
-static double MaxRollAdjust; // MaxRollAdjust = 2 * APData->MaxRoll;
-static double RollOutAdjust; // RollOutAdjust = 2 * APData->RollOut;
-static double MaxAileronAdjust; // MaxAileronAdjust = 2 * APData->MaxAileron;
-static double RollOutSmoothAdjust; // RollOutSmoothAdjust = 2 * APData->RollOutSmooth;
-static char NewTgtAirportId[16];
-// static char NewTgtAirportLabel[] = "Enter New TgtAirport ID";
-extern char *coord_format_lat(float);
-extern char *coord_format_lon(float);
-// constructor
-// destructor
-FGAutopilot::~FGAutopilot() {}
-void FGAutopilot::MakeTargetLatLonStr( double lat, double lon ) {
- sprintf( TargetLatitudeStr , "%s", coord_format_lat(get_TargetLatitude()));
- sprintf( TargetLongitudeStr, "%s", coord_format_lon(get_TargetLongitude()));
- sprintf( TargetLatLonStr, "%s %s", TargetLatitudeStr, TargetLongitudeStr );
-void FGAutopilot::MakeTargetAltitudeStr( double altitude ) {
- if ( altitude_mode == FG_ALTITUDE_TERRAIN ) {
- sprintf( TargetAltitudeStr, "APAltitude %6.0f+", altitude );
- } else {
- sprintf( TargetAltitudeStr, "APAltitude %6.0f", altitude );
- }
-void FGAutopilot::MakeTargetHeadingStr( double bearing ) {
- if ( bearing < 0. ) {
- bearing += 360.;
- } else if (bearing > 360. ) {
- bearing -= 360.;
- }
- sprintf( TargetHeadingStr, "APHeading %6.1f", bearing );
-static inline double get_ground_speed() {
- // starts in ft/s so we convert to kts
- static const SGPropertyNode * speedup_node = fgGetNode("/sim/speed-up");
- double ft_s = cur_fdm_state->get_V_ground_speed()
- * speedup_node->getIntValue();
- double kts = ft_s * SG_FEET_TO_METER * 3600 * SG_METER_TO_NM;
- return kts;
-void FGAutopilot::MakeTargetWPStr( double distance ) {
- static time_t last_time = 0;
- time_t current_time = time(NULL);
- if ( last_time == current_time ) {
- return;
- }
- last_time = current_time;
- double accum = 0.0;
- int size = globals->get_route()->size();
- // start by wiping the strings
- TargetWP1Str[0] = 0;
- TargetWP2Str[0] = 0;
- TargetWP3Str[0] = 0;
- // current route
- if ( size > 0 ) {
- SGWayPoint wp1 = globals->get_route()->get_waypoint( 0 );
- accum += distance;
- double eta = accum * SG_METER_TO_NM / get_ground_speed();
- if ( eta >= 100.0 ) { eta = 99.999; }
- int major, minor;
- if ( eta < (1.0/6.0) ) {
- // within 10 minutes, bump up to min/secs
- eta *= 60.0;
- }
- major = (int)eta;
- minor = (int)((eta - (int)eta) * 60.0);
- sprintf( TargetWP1Str, "%s %.2f NM ETA %d:%02d",
- wp1.get_id().c_str(),
- accum*SG_METER_TO_NM, major, minor );
- }
- // next route
- if ( size > 1 ) {
- SGWayPoint wp2 = globals->get_route()->get_waypoint( 1 );
- accum += wp2.get_distance();
- double eta = accum * SG_METER_TO_NM / get_ground_speed();
- if ( eta >= 100.0 ) { eta = 99.999; }
- int major, minor;
- if ( eta < (1.0/6.0) ) {
- // within 10 minutes, bump up to min/secs
- eta *= 60.0;
- }
- major = (int)eta;
- minor = (int)((eta - (int)eta) * 60.0);
- sprintf( TargetWP2Str, "%s %.2f NM ETA %d:%02d",
- wp2.get_id().c_str(),
- accum*SG_METER_TO_NM, major, minor );
- }
- // next route
- if ( size > 2 ) {
- for ( int i = 2; i < size; ++i ) {
- accum += globals->get_route()->get_waypoint( i ).get_distance();
- }
- SGWayPoint wpn = globals->get_route()->get_waypoint( size - 1 );
- double eta = accum * SG_METER_TO_NM / get_ground_speed();
- if ( eta >= 100.0 ) { eta = 99.999; }
- int major, minor;
- if ( eta < (1.0/6.0) ) {
- // within 10 minutes, bump up to min/secs
- eta *= 60.0;
- }
- major = (int)eta;
- minor = (int)((eta - (int)eta) * 60.0);
- sprintf( TargetWP3Str, "%s %.2f NM ETA %d:%02d",
- wpn.get_id().c_str(),
- accum*SG_METER_TO_NM, major, minor );
- }
-void FGAutopilot::update_old_control_values() {
- old_aileron = globals->get_controls()->get_aileron();
- old_elevator = globals->get_controls()->get_elevator();
- old_elevator_trim = globals->get_controls()->get_elevator_trim();
- old_rudder = globals->get_controls()->get_rudder();
-// Initialize autopilot subsystem
-void FGAutopilot::init ()
- SG_LOG( SG_AUTOPILOT, SG_INFO, "Init AutoPilot Subsystem" );
- // bind data input property nodes...
- latitude_node = fgGetNode("/position/latitude-deg", true);
- longitude_node = fgGetNode("/position/longitude-deg", true);
- altitude_node = fgGetNode("/position/altitude-ft", true);
- altitude_agl_node = fgGetNode("/position/altitude-agl-ft", true);
- vertical_speed_node = fgGetNode("/velocities/vertical-speed-fps", true);
- airspeed_node = fgGetNode("/velocities/airspeed-kt", true);
- heading_node = fgGetNode("/orientation/heading-deg", true);
- // support non-dg systems that indicate magnetic heading (e.g. 747-400)
- if (fgGetBool("autopilot/config/indicated-heading-magnetic")) {
- // use magnetic heading indicated
- indicated_heading_node
- = fgGetNode("/orientation/heading-magnetic-deg",
- true);
- } else {
- // use dg heading indicated
- indicated_heading_node
- = fgGetNode("/instrumentation/heading-indicator/indicated-heading-deg",
- true);
- }
- roll_node = fgGetNode("/orientation/roll-deg", true);
- pitch_node = fgGetNode("/orientation/pitch-deg", true);
- // bind config property nodes...
- TargetClimbRate
- = fgGetNode("/autopilot/config/target-climb-rate-fpm", true);
- TargetDescentRate
- = fgGetNode("/autopilot/config/target-descent-rate-fpm", true);
- min_climb = fgGetNode("/autopilot/config/min-climb-speed-kt", true);
- best_climb = fgGetNode("/autopilot/config/best-climb-speed-kt", true);
- elevator_adj_factor
- = fgGetNode("/autopilot/config/elevator-adj-factor", true);
- integral_contrib
- = fgGetNode("/autopilot/config/integral-contribution", true);
- zero_pitch_throttle
- = fgGetNode("/autopilot/config/zero-pitch-throttle", true);
- zero_pitch_trim_full_throttle
- = fgGetNode("/autopilot/config/zero-pitch-trim-full-throttle", true);
- max_aileron_node = fgGetNode("/autopilot/config/max-aileron", true);
- max_roll_node = fgGetNode("/autopilot/config/max-roll-deg", true);
- roll_out_node = fgGetNode("/autopilot/config/roll-out-deg", true);
- roll_out_smooth_node = fgGetNode("/autopilot/config/roll-out-smooth-deg", true);
- throttle_adj_factor
- = fgGetNode("/autopilot/config/throttle-adj-factor", true);
- throttle_integral
- = fgGetNode("/autopilot/config/throttle-integral", true);
- speed_change_node
- = fgGetNode("/autopilot/output/speed_change_anticipated_kt", true);
- terrain_follow_factor = fgGetNode("/autopilot/config/terrain-follow-factor", true);
- current_throttle = fgGetNode("/controls/engines/engine/throttle");
- // initialize config properties with defaults (in case config isn't there)
- if ( TargetClimbRate->getFloatValue() < 1 )
- fgSetFloat( "/autopilot/config/target-climb-rate-fpm", 500);
- if ( TargetDescentRate->getFloatValue() < 1 )
- fgSetFloat( "/autopilot/config/target-descent-rate-fpm", 1000 );
- if ( min_climb->getFloatValue() < 1)
- fgSetFloat( "/autopilot/config/min-climb-speed-kt", 70 );
- if (best_climb->getFloatValue() < 1)
- fgSetFloat( "/autopilot/config/best-climb-speed-kt", 120 );
- if (elevator_adj_factor->getFloatValue() < 1)
- fgSetFloat( "/autopilot/config/elevator-adj-factor", 5000 );
- if ( integral_contrib->getFloatValue() < 0.0000001 )
- fgSetFloat( "/autopilot/config/integral-contribution", 0.01 );
- if ( zero_pitch_throttle->getFloatValue() < 0.0000001 )
- fgSetFloat( "/autopilot/config/zero-pitch-throttle", 0.60 );
- if ( zero_pitch_trim_full_throttle->getFloatValue() < 0.0000001 )
- fgSetFloat( "/autopilot/config/zero-pitch-trim-full-throttle", 0.15 );
- if ( max_aileron_node->getFloatValue() < 0.0000001 )
- fgSetFloat( "/autopilot/config/max-aileron", 0.2 );
- if ( max_roll_node->getFloatValue() < 0.0000001 )
- fgSetFloat( "/autopilot/config/max-roll-deg", 20 );
- if ( roll_out_node->getFloatValue() < 0.0000001 )
- fgSetFloat( "/autopilot/config/roll-out-deg", 20 );
- if ( roll_out_smooth_node->getFloatValue() < 0.0000001 )
- fgSetFloat( "/autopilot/config/roll-out-smooth-deg", 10 );
- if (throttle_adj_factor->getFloatValue() < 1)
- fgSetFloat( "/autopilot/config/throttle-adj-factor", 5000 );
- if ( throttle_integral->getFloatValue() < 0.0000001 )
- fgSetFloat( "/autopilot/config/throttle-integral", 0.001 );
- if (terrain_follow_factor->getFloatValue() < 1)
- fgSetFloat( "/autopilot/config/terrain-follow-factor", 16 );
- /* set defaults */
- heading_hold = false ; // turn the heading hold off
- altitude_hold = false ; // turn the altitude hold off
- auto_throttle = false ; // turn the auto throttle off
- heading_mode = DEFAULT_AP_HEADING_LOCK;
- altitude_mode = DEFAULT_AP_ALTITUDE_LOCK;
- DGTargetHeading = fgGetDouble("/autopilot/settings/heading-bug-deg");
- TargetHeading = fgGetDouble("/autopilot/settings/heading-bug-deg");
- TargetAltitude = fgGetDouble("/autopilot/settings/altitude-ft") * SG_FEET_TO_METER;
- TargetSpeed = fgGetDouble("/autopilot/settings/speed-kt");
- // Initialize target location to startup location
- old_lat = latitude_node->getDoubleValue();
- old_lon = longitude_node->getDoubleValue();
- // set_WayPoint( old_lon, old_lat, 0.0, "default" );
- MakeTargetLatLonStr( get_TargetLatitude(), get_TargetLongitude() );
- alt_error_accum = 0.0;
- climb_error_accum = 0.0;
- MakeTargetAltitudeStr( TargetAltitude );
- MakeTargetHeadingStr( TargetHeading );
- // These eventually need to be read from current_aircaft somehow.
- // the maximum roll, in Deg
- MaxRoll = 20;
- // the deg from heading to start rolling out at, in Deg
- RollOut = 20;
- // Smoothing distance for alerion control
- RollOutSmooth = 10;
- // Hardwired for now should be in options
- // 25% max control variablilty 0.5 / 2.0
- disengage_threshold = 1.0;
- // set default aileron max deflection
- MaxAileron = 0.5;
- // used to calculate acceleration
- previous_speed = 0;
-#if !defined( USING_SLIDER_CLASS )
- MaxRollAdjust = 2 * MaxRoll;
- RollOutAdjust = 2 * RollOut;
- //MaxAileronAdjust = 2 * MaxAileron;
- RollOutSmoothAdjust = 2 * RollOutSmooth;
-#endif // !defined( USING_SLIDER_CLASS )
- update_old_control_values();
-FGAutopilot::bind ()
- // Autopilot control property get/set bindings
- fgTie("/autopilot/locks/altitude", this,
- &FGAutopilot::getAPAltitudeLock, &FGAutopilot::setAPAltitudeLock);
- fgSetArchivable("/autopilot/locks/altitude");
- fgTie("/autopilot/settings/altitude-ft", this,
- &FGAutopilot::getAPAltitude, &FGAutopilot::setAPAltitude);
- fgSetArchivable("/autopilot/settings/altitude-ft");
- fgTie("/autopilot/locks/glide-slope", this,
- &FGAutopilot::getAPGSLock, &FGAutopilot::setAPGSLock);
- fgSetArchivable("/autopilot/locks/glide-slope");
- fgSetDouble("/autopilot/settings/altitude-ft", 3000.0f);
- fgTie("/autopilot/locks/terrain", this,
- &FGAutopilot::getAPTerrainLock, &FGAutopilot::setAPTerrainLock);
- fgSetArchivable("/autopilot/locks/terrain");
- fgTie("/autopilot/settings/climb-rate-fpm", this,
- &FGAutopilot::getAPClimb, &FGAutopilot::setAPClimb, false);
- fgSetArchivable("/autopilot/settings/climb-rate-fpm");
- fgTie("/autopilot/locks/heading", this,
- &FGAutopilot::getAPHeadingLock, &FGAutopilot::setAPHeadingLock);
- fgSetArchivable("/autopilot/locks/heading");
- fgTie("/autopilot/locks/vert-speed", this,
- &FGAutopilot::getAPVertSpeedLock, &FGAutopilot::setAPVertSpeedLock);
- fgSetArchivable("/autopilot/locks/vert-speed");
- fgTie("/autopilot/settings/heading-bug-deg", this,
- &FGAutopilot::getAPHeadingBug, &FGAutopilot::setAPHeadingBug);
- fgSetArchivable("/autopilot/settings/heading-bug-deg");
- fgSetDouble("/autopilot/settings/heading-bug-deg", 0.0f);
- fgTie("/autopilot/settings/waypoint", this,
- &FGAutopilot::getAPwaypoint, &FGAutopilot::setAPwaypoint);
- fgSetArchivable("/autopilot/settings/waypoint");
- fgSetString("/autopilot/settings/waypoint", "");
- fgTie("/autopilot/locks/wing-leveler", this,
- &FGAutopilot::getAPWingLeveler, &FGAutopilot::setAPWingLeveler);
- fgSetArchivable("/autopilot/locks/wing-leveler");
- fgTie("/autopilot/locks/nav[0]", this,
- &FGAutopilot::getAPNAV1Lock, &FGAutopilot::setAPNAV1Lock);
- fgSetArchivable("/autopilot/locks/nav[0]");
- fgTie("/autopilot/locks/auto-throttle", this,
- &FGAutopilot::getAPAutoThrottleLock,
- &FGAutopilot::setAPAutoThrottleLock);
- fgSetArchivable("/autopilot/locks/auto-throttle");
- fgTie("/autopilot/settings/speed-kt", this,
- &FGAutopilot::getAPAutoThrottle, &FGAutopilot::setAPAutoThrottle);
- fgSetArchivable("/autopilot/settings/altitude-ft");
- fgTie("/autopilot/control-overrides/rudder", this,
- &FGAutopilot::getAPRudderControl,
- &FGAutopilot::setAPRudderControl);
- fgSetArchivable("/autopilot/control-overrides/rudder");
- fgTie("/autopilot/control-overrides/elevator", this,
- &FGAutopilot::getAPElevatorControl,
- &FGAutopilot::setAPElevatorControl);
- fgSetArchivable("/autopilot/control-overrides/elevator");
- fgTie("/autopilot/control-overrides/throttle", this,
- &FGAutopilot::getAPThrottleControl,
- &FGAutopilot::setAPThrottleControl);
- fgSetArchivable("/autopilot/control-overrides/throttle");
- fgTie("/autopilot/settings/vertical-speed-fpm", this,
- &FGAutopilot::getAPVertSpeed, &FGAutopilot::setAPVertSpeed);
- fgSetArchivable("/autopilot/settings/vertical-speed-fpm");
- fgSetDouble("/autopilot/settings/vertical-speed-fpm", 0.0f);
-FGAutopilot::unbind ()
-// Reset the autopilot system
-void FGAutopilot::reset() {
- heading_hold = false ; // turn the heading hold off
- altitude_hold = false ; // turn the altitude hold off
- auto_throttle = false ; // turn the auto throttle off
- heading_mode = DEFAULT_AP_HEADING_LOCK;
- // TargetHeading = 0.0; // default direction, due north
- MakeTargetHeadingStr( TargetHeading );
- // TargetAltitude = 3000; // default altitude in meters
- MakeTargetAltitudeStr( TargetAltitude );
- alt_error_accum = 0.0;
- climb_error_accum = 0.0;
- update_old_control_values();
- sprintf( NewTgtAirportId, "%s", fgGetString("/sim/presets/airport-id") );
- MakeTargetLatLonStr( get_TargetLatitude(), get_TargetLongitude() );
-static double NormalizeDegrees( double Input ) {
- // normalize the input to the range (-180,180]
- // Input should not be greater than -360 to 360.
- // Current rules send the output to an undefined state.
- while ( Input > 180.0 ) { Input -= 360.0; }
- while ( Input <= -180.0 ) { Input += 360.0; }
- return Input;
-static double LinearExtrapolate( double x, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2 ) {
- // This procedure extrapolates the y value for the x posistion on a line defined by x1,y1; x2,y2
- //assert(x1 != x2); // Divide by zero error. Cold abort for now
- // Could be
- // static double y = 0.0;
- // double dx = x2 -x1;
- // if( (dx < -SG_EPSILON ) || ( dx > SG_EPSILON ) )
- // {
- double m, b, y; // the constants to find in y=mx+b
- // double m, b;
- m = ( y2 - y1 ) / ( x2 - x1 ); // calculate the m
- b = y1 - m * x1; // calculate the b
- y = m * x + b; // the final calculation
- // }
- return ( y );
-FGAutopilot::update (double dt)
- // get control settings
- double lat = latitude_node->getDoubleValue();
- double lon = longitude_node->getDoubleValue();
- double alt = altitude_node->getDoubleValue() * SG_FEET_TO_METER;
- // get config settings
- MaxAileron = max_aileron_node->getDoubleValue();
- MaxRoll = max_roll_node->getDoubleValue();
- RollOut = roll_out_node->getDoubleValue();
- RollOutSmooth = roll_out_smooth_node->getDoubleValue();
- SG_LOG( SG_ALL, SG_DEBUG, "FGAutopilot::run() lat = " << lat <<
- " lon = " << lon << " alt = " << alt );
- // see if somebody else has changed them
- if( fabs(aileron - old_aileron) > disengage_threshold ||
- fabs(elevator - old_elevator) > disengage_threshold ||
- fabs(elevator_trim - old_elevator_trim) >
- disengage_threshold ||
- fabs(rudder - old_rudder) > disengage_threshold )
- {
- // if controls changed externally turn autopilot off
- waypoint_hold = false ; // turn the target hold off
- heading_hold = false ; // turn the heading hold off
- altitude_hold = false ; // turn the altitude hold off
- terrain_follow = false; // turn the terrain_follow hold off
- // auto_throttle = false; // turn the auto_throttle off
- // stash this runs control settings
- old_aileron = aileron;
- old_elevator = elevator;
- old_elevator_trim = elevator_trim;
- old_rudder = rudder;
- return 0;
- }
- // heading hold
- if ( heading_hold == true ) {
- if ( heading_mode == FG_DG_HEADING_LOCK ) {
- double dg_error = heading_node->getDoubleValue()
- - indicated_heading_node->getDoubleValue();
- TargetHeading = DGTargetHeading + dg_error;
- // cout << "dg_error = " << dg_error << endl;
- while ( TargetHeading < 0.0 ) { TargetHeading += 360.0; }
- while ( TargetHeading > 360.0 ) { TargetHeading -= 360.0; }
- MakeTargetHeadingStr( TargetHeading );
- } else if ( heading_mode == FG_TC_HEADING_LOCK ) {
- // we don't set a specific target heading in
- // TC_HEADING_LOCK mode, we instead try to keep the turn
- // coordinator zero'd
- } else if ( heading_mode == FG_TRUE_HEADING_LOCK ) {
- // leave "true" target heading as is
- while ( TargetHeading < 0.0 ) { TargetHeading += 360.0; }
- while ( TargetHeading > 360.0 ) { TargetHeading -= 360.0; }
- MakeTargetHeadingStr( TargetHeading );
- } else if ( heading_mode == FG_HEADING_NAV1 ) {
- // track the NAV1 heading needle deflection
- // determine our current radial position relative to the
- // navaid in "true" heading.
- double cur_radial = current_radiostack->get_navcom1()->get_nav_reciprocal_radial();
- if ( current_radiostack->get_navcom1()->get_nav_loc() ) {
- // ILS localizers radials are already "true" in our
- // database
- } else {
- cur_radial += current_radiostack->get_navcom1()->get_nav_twist();
- }
- if ( current_radiostack->get_navcom1()->get_nav_from_flag() ) {
- cur_radial += 180.0;
- while ( cur_radial >= 360.0 ) { cur_radial -= 360.0; }
- }
- // determine the target radial in "true" heading
- double tgt_radial
- = current_radiostack->get_navcom1()->get_nav_target_radial();
- if ( current_radiostack->get_navcom1()->get_nav_loc() ) {
- // ILS localizers radials are already "true" in our
- // database
- } else {
- // VOR radials need to have that vor's offset added in
- tgt_radial += current_radiostack->get_navcom1()->get_nav_twist();
- }
- // determine the heading adjustment needed.
- double adjustment =
- current_radiostack->get_navcom1()->get_nav_cdi_deflection()
- * (current_radiostack->get_navcom1()->get_nav_loc_dist() * SG_METER_TO_NM);
- SG_CLAMP_RANGE( adjustment, -30.0, 30.0 );
- // clamp closer when inside cone when beyond 5km...
- if (current_radiostack->get_navcom1()->get_nav_loc_dist() > 5000) {
- double clamp_angle = fabs(current_radiostack->get_navcom1()->get_nav_cdi_deflection()) * 3;
- if (clamp_angle < 30)
- SG_CLAMP_RANGE( adjustment, -clamp_angle, clamp_angle);
- }
- // determine the target heading to fly to intercept the
- // tgt_radial
- TargetHeading = tgt_radial + adjustment;
- while ( TargetHeading < 0.0 ) { TargetHeading += 360.0; }
- while ( TargetHeading > 360.0 ) { TargetHeading -= 360.0; }
- MakeTargetHeadingStr( TargetHeading );
- } else if ( heading_mode == FG_HEADING_WAYPOINT ) {
- // update target heading to waypoint
- double wp_course, wp_distance;
- // compute course made good
- // this needs lots of special casing before use
- double course, reverse, distance, corrected_course;
- // need to test for iter
- geo_inverse_wgs_84( 0, //fgAPget_altitude(),
- old_lat,
- old_lon,
- lat,
- lon,
- &course,
- &reverse,
- &distance );
- // compute course to way_point
- // need to test for iter
- SGWayPoint wp = globals->get_route()->get_first();
- wp.CourseAndDistance( lon, lat, alt,
- &wp_course, &wp_distance );
- corrected_course = course - wp_course;
- if( fabs(corrected_course) > 0.1 )
- printf("fgAP: course %f wp_course %f %f %f\n",
- course, wp_course, fabs(corrected_course),
- distance );
- if ( wp_distance > 100 ) {
- // corrected_course = course - wp_course;
- TargetHeading = NormalizeDegrees(wp_course);
- } else {
- // pop off this waypoint from the list
- if ( globals->get_route()->size() ) {
- globals->get_route()->delete_first();
- }
- // see if there are more waypoints on the list
- if ( globals->get_route()->size() ) {
- // more waypoints
- set_HeadingMode( FG_HEADING_WAYPOINT );
- } else {
- // end of the line
- heading_mode = DEFAULT_AP_HEADING_LOCK;
- // use current heading
- TargetHeading = heading_node->getDoubleValue();
- }
- }
- MakeTargetHeadingStr( TargetHeading );
- // Force this just in case
- TargetDistance = wp_distance;
- MakeTargetWPStr( wp_distance );
- }
- if ( heading_mode == FG_TC_HEADING_LOCK ) {
- // drive the turn coordinator to zero
- double turn =
- fgGetDouble("/instrumentation/turn-indicator/indicated-turn-rate");
- double AileronSet = -turn / 2.0;
- SG_CLAMP_RANGE( AileronSet, -1.0, 1.0 );
- globals->get_controls()->set_aileron( AileronSet );
- globals->get_controls()->set_rudder( AileronSet / 4.0 );
- } else {
- // steer towards the target heading
- double RelHeading;
- double TargetRoll;
- double RelRoll;
- double AileronSet;
- RelHeading
- = NormalizeDegrees( TargetHeading
- - heading_node->getDoubleValue() );
- // figure out how far off we are from desired heading
- // Now it is time to deterime how far we should be rolled.
- "Heading = " << heading_node->getDoubleValue() <<
- " TargetHeading = " << TargetHeading <<
- " RelHeading = " << RelHeading );
- // Check if we are further from heading than the roll out point
- if ( fabs( RelHeading ) > RollOut ) {
- // set Target Roll to Max in desired direction
- if ( RelHeading < 0 ) {
- TargetRoll = 0 - MaxRoll;
- } else {
- TargetRoll = MaxRoll;
- }
- } else {
- // We have to calculate the Target roll
- // This calculation engine thinks that the Target roll
- // should be a line from (RollOut,MaxRoll) to (-RollOut,
- // -MaxRoll) I hope this works well. If I get ambitious
- // some day this might become a fancier curve or
- // something.
- TargetRoll = LinearExtrapolate( RelHeading, -RollOut,
- -MaxRoll, RollOut,
- MaxRoll );
- }
- // Target Roll has now been Found.
- // Compare Target roll to Current Roll, Generate Rel Roll
- SG_LOG( SG_COCKPIT, SG_BULK, "TargetRoll: " << TargetRoll );
- RelRoll = NormalizeDegrees( TargetRoll
- - roll_node->getDoubleValue() );
- // Check if we are further from heading than the roll out
- // smooth point
- if ( fabs( RelRoll ) > RollOutSmooth ) {
- // set Target Roll to Max in desired direction
- if ( RelRoll < 0 ) {
- AileronSet = 0 - MaxAileron;
- } else {
- AileronSet = MaxAileron;
- }
- } else {
- AileronSet = LinearExtrapolate( RelRoll, -RollOutSmooth,
- -MaxAileron,
- RollOutSmooth,
- MaxAileron );
- }
- globals->get_controls()->set_aileron( AileronSet );
- globals->get_controls()->set_rudder( AileronSet / 4.0 );
- // controls.set_rudder( 0.0 );
- }
- }
- // altitude hold
- if ( altitude_hold ) {
- double climb_rate;
- double speed, max_climb, error;
- double prop_error, int_error;
- double prop_adj, int_adj, total_adj;
- if ( altitude_mode == FG_ALTITUDE_LOCK ) {
- climb_rate =
- ( TargetAltitude -
- fgGetDouble("/instrumentation/altimeter/indicated-altitude-ft") * SG_FEET_TO_METER ) * 8.0;
- } else if ( altitude_mode == FG_TRUE_ALTITUDE_LOCK ) {
- climb_rate = ( TargetAltitude - alt ) * 8.0;
- } else if ( altitude_mode == FG_ALTITUDE_GS1 ) {
- double x = current_radiostack->get_navcom1()->get_nav_gs_dist();
- double y = (altitude_node->getDoubleValue()
- - current_radiostack->get_navcom1()->get_nav_elev()) * SG_FEET_TO_METER;
- double current_angle = atan2( y, x ) * SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
- double target_angle = current_radiostack->get_navcom1()->get_nav_target_gs();
- double gs_diff = target_angle - current_angle;
- // convert desired vertical path angle into a climb rate
- double des_angle = current_angle - 10 * gs_diff;
- // estimate horizontal speed towards ILS in meters per minute
- static double horiz_vel = 0.0;
- static double last_x = 0.0;
- double dist = last_x - x;
- last_x = x;
- double new_vel = ( dist / dt ) * 60.0;
- horiz_vel = 0.75 * horiz_vel + 0.25 * new_vel;
- // double horiz_vel = cur_fdm_state->get_V_ground_speed()
- // * SG_FEET_TO_METER * 60.0;
- // double horiz_vel = airspeed_node->getFloatValue()
- // * SG_FEET_TO_METER * 60.0;
- climb_rate = -sin( des_angle * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS ) * horiz_vel;
- /* climb_error_accum += gs_diff * 2.0; */
- /* climb_rate = gs_diff * 200.0 + climb_error_accum; */
- } else if ( altitude_mode == FG_ALTITUDE_TERRAIN ) {
- // brain dead ground hugging with no look ahead
- climb_rate =
- ( TargetAGL - altitude_agl_node->getDoubleValue()
- * terrain_follow_factor->getFloatValue();
- } else if ( altitude_mode == FG_VERT_SPEED ) {
- climb_rate = TargetVertSpeed * SG_FEET_TO_METER;
- // switch to altitude hold, if set, within 500ft of target
- if (fabs(TargetAltitude * SG_METER_TO_FEET - altitude_node->getDoubleValue()) < 500) {
- set_AltitudeMode( FG_ALTITUDE_LOCK );
- }
- } else {
- // just try to zero out rate of climb ...
- climb_rate = 0.0;
- }
- speed = airspeed_node->getFloatValue();
- if ( speed < min_climb->getFloatValue() ) {
- max_climb = 0.0;
- } else if ( speed < best_climb->getFloatValue() ) {
- max_climb = ((best_climb->getFloatValue()
- - min_climb->getFloatValue())
- - (best_climb->getFloatValue() - speed))
- * fabs(TargetClimbRate->getFloatValue() * SG_FEET_TO_METER)
- / (best_climb->getFloatValue() - min_climb->getFloatValue());
- } else {
- max_climb = ( speed - best_climb->getFloatValue() ) * 10.0
- + fabs(TargetClimbRate->getFloatValue() * SG_FEET_TO_METER);
- }
- if (altitude_mode != FG_VERT_SPEED) {
- // this first one could be optional if we wanted to allow
- // better climb performance assuming we have the airspeed to
- // support it.
- if ( climb_rate >
- fabs(TargetClimbRate->getFloatValue() * SG_FEET_TO_METER) ) {
- climb_rate
- = fabs(TargetClimbRate->getFloatValue() * SG_FEET_TO_METER);
- }
- if ( climb_rate > max_climb ) {
- climb_rate = max_climb;
- }
- if ( climb_rate <
- -fabs(TargetDescentRate->getFloatValue() * SG_FEET_TO_METER) ) {
- climb_rate
- = -fabs(TargetDescentRate->getFloatValue() * SG_FEET_TO_METER);
- }
- }
- error = vertical_speed_node->getDoubleValue() * 60
- - climb_rate * SG_METER_TO_FEET;
- // accumulate the error under the curve ... this really should
- // be *= delta t
- alt_error_accum += error;
- // calculate integral error, and adjustment amount
- int_error = alt_error_accum;
- // printf("error = %.2f int_error = %.2f\n", error, int_error);
- // scale elev_adj_factor by speed of aircraft in relation to min climb
- double elev_adj_factor = elevator_adj_factor->getFloatValue();
- elev_adj_factor *=
- pow(float(speed / min_climb->getFloatValue()), 3.0f);
- int_adj = int_error / elev_adj_factor;
- // caclulate proportional error
- prop_error = error;
- prop_adj = prop_error / elev_adj_factor;
- total_adj = ((double) 1.0 - (double) integral_contrib->getFloatValue()) * prop_adj
- + (double) integral_contrib->getFloatValue() * int_adj;
- // stop on autopilot trim at 30% +/-
-// if ( total_adj > 0.3 ) {
-// total_adj = 0.3;
-// } else if ( total_adj < -0.3 ) {
-// total_adj = -0.3;
-// }
- // adjust for throttle pitch gain
- total_adj += ((current_throttle->getFloatValue() - zero_pitch_throttle->getFloatValue())
- / (1 - zero_pitch_throttle->getFloatValue()))
- * zero_pitch_trim_full_throttle->getFloatValue();
- globals->get_controls()->set_elevator_trim( total_adj );
- }
- // auto throttle
- if ( auto_throttle ) {
- double error;
- double prop_error, int_error;
- double prop_adj, int_adj, total_adj;
- double lookahead;
- // estimate speed in 10 seconds
- lookahead = airspeed_node->getFloatValue() + ( airspeed_node->getFloatValue() - previous_speed) * (10/(dt + 0.000001));
- previous_speed = airspeed_node->getFloatValue();
- // compare targetspeed to anticipated airspeed
- error = TargetSpeed - lookahead;
- // output anticipated speed change...
- speed_change_node->setDoubleValue(lookahead - airspeed_node->getFloatValue());
- // accumulate the error under the curve ... this really should
- // be *= delta t
- speed_error_accum += error;
- if ( speed_error_accum > 2000.0 ) {
- speed_error_accum = 2000.0;
- }
- else if ( speed_error_accum < -2000.0 ) {
- speed_error_accum = -2000.0;
- }
- // calculate integral error, and adjustment amount
- int_error = speed_error_accum;
- // printf("error = %.2f int_error = %.2f\n", error, int_error);
- int_adj = int_error / throttle_adj_factor->getFloatValue();
- // caclulate proportional error
- prop_error = error;
- prop_adj = prop_error / throttle_adj_factor->getFloatValue();
- total_adj = (1.0 - throttle_integral->getFloatValue()) * prop_adj +
- throttle_integral->getFloatValue() * int_adj;
- current_ap_throttle = current_ap_throttle + total_adj;
- if ( current_ap_throttle > 1.0 ) {
- current_ap_throttle = 1.0;
- }
- else if ( current_ap_throttle < 0.0 ) {
- current_ap_throttle = 0.0;
- }
- globals->get_controls()->set_throttle( FGControls::ALL_ENGINES,
- current_ap_throttle );
- }
- if (Mode == 2) // Glide slope hold
- {
- double RelSlope;
- double RelElevator;
- // First, calculate Relative slope and normalize it
- RelSlope = NormalizeDegrees( TargetSlope - get_pitch());
- // Now calculate the elevator offset from current angle
- if ( abs(RelSlope) > SlopeSmooth )
- {
- if ( RelSlope < 0 ) // set RelElevator to max in the correct direction
- RelElevator = -MaxElevator;
- else
- RelElevator = MaxElevator;
- }
- else
- RelElevator = LinearExtrapolate(RelSlope,-SlopeSmooth,-MaxElevator,SlopeSmooth,MaxElevator);
- // set the elevator
- fgElevMove(RelElevator);
- }
- // stash this runs control settings
- // update_old_control_values();
- old_aileron = globals->get_controls()->get_aileron();
- old_elevator = globals->get_controls()->get_elevator();
- old_elevator_trim = globals->get_controls()->get_elevator_trim();
- old_rudder = globals->get_controls()->get_rudder();
- // for cross track error
- old_lat = lat;
- old_lon = lon;
- // Ok, we are done
- SG_LOG( SG_ALL, SG_DEBUG, "FGAutopilot::run( returns )" );
-void FGAutopilot::set_HeadingMode( fgAutoHeadingMode mode ) {
- heading_mode = mode;
- if ( heading_mode == FG_DG_HEADING_LOCK ) {
- // use current heading bug value
- } else if ( heading_mode == FG_TC_HEADING_LOCK ) {
- // set autopilot to hold a zero turn (as reported by the TC)
- } else if ( heading_mode == FG_TRUE_HEADING_LOCK ) {
- // set heading hold to current heading
- TargetHeading = heading_node->getDoubleValue();
- } else if ( heading_mode == FG_HEADING_WAYPOINT ) {
- if ( globals->get_route()->size() ) {
- double course, distance;
- old_lat = latitude_node->getDoubleValue();
- old_lon = longitude_node->getDoubleValue();
- waypoint = globals->get_route()->get_first();
- waypoint.CourseAndDistance( longitude_node->getDoubleValue(),
- latitude_node->getDoubleValue(),
- altitude_node->getDoubleValue()
- &course, &distance );
- TargetHeading = course;
- TargetDistance = distance;
- MakeTargetLatLonStr( waypoint.get_target_lat(),
- waypoint.get_target_lon() );
- MakeTargetWPStr( distance );
- if ( waypoint.get_target_alt() > 0.0 ) {
- TargetAltitude = waypoint.get_target_alt();
- altitude_mode = DEFAULT_AP_ALTITUDE_LOCK;
- set_AltitudeEnabled( true );
- MakeTargetAltitudeStr( TargetAltitude * SG_METER_TO_FEET );
- }
- SG_LOG( SG_COCKPIT, SG_INFO, " set_HeadingMode: ( "
- << get_TargetLatitude() << " "
- << get_TargetLongitude() << " ) "
- );
- } else {
- // no more way points, default to heading lock.
- heading_mode = FG_TC_HEADING_LOCK;
- }
- }
- MakeTargetHeadingStr( TargetHeading );
- update_old_control_values();
-void FGAutopilot::set_AltitudeMode( fgAutoAltitudeMode mode ) {
- altitude_mode = mode;
- // only reset accum error if not in altitude mode for smooth transitions
- // from one altitude mode to another until pitch control damping added.
- if (!altitude_hold) {
- alt_error_accum = 0.0;
- }
- if ( altitude_mode == DEFAULT_AP_ALTITUDE_LOCK ) {
- if ( TargetAltitude < altitude_agl_node->getDoubleValue()
- }
- if ( !strcmp(fgGetString("/sim/startup/units"), "feet") ) {
- MakeTargetAltitudeStr( TargetAltitude * SG_METER_TO_FEET );
- } else {
- MakeTargetAltitudeStr( TargetAltitude * SG_METER_TO_FEET );
- }
- } else if ( altitude_mode == FG_ALTITUDE_GS1 ) {
- climb_error_accum = 0.0;
- } else if ( altitude_mode == FG_ALTITUDE_TERRAIN ) {
- TargetAGL = altitude_agl_node->getDoubleValue() * SG_FEET_TO_METER;
- if ( !strcmp(fgGetString("/sim/startup/units"), "feet") ) {
- MakeTargetAltitudeStr( TargetAGL * SG_METER_TO_FEET );
- } else {
- MakeTargetAltitudeStr( TargetAGL * SG_METER_TO_FEET );
- }
- }
- update_old_control_values();
- SG_LOG( SG_COCKPIT, SG_INFO, " set_AltitudeMode():" );
-void FGAutopilot::AltitudeSet( double new_altitude ) {
- double target_alt = new_altitude;
- altitude_mode = DEFAULT_AP_ALTITUDE_LOCK;
- if ( !strcmp(fgGetString("/sim/startup/units"), "feet") ) {
- target_alt = new_altitude * SG_FEET_TO_METER;
- }
- if( target_alt < globals->get_scenery()->get_cur_elev() ) {
- target_alt = globals->get_scenery()->get_cur_elev();
- }
- TargetAltitude = target_alt;
- if ( !strcmp(fgGetString("/sim/startup/units"), "feet") ) {
- target_alt *= SG_METER_TO_FEET;
- }
- // ApAltitudeDialogInput->setValue((float)target_alt);
- MakeTargetAltitudeStr( target_alt );
- update_old_control_values();
-void FGAutopilot::AltitudeAdjust( double inc )
- double target_alt, target_agl;
- if ( !strcmp(fgGetString("/sim/startup/units"), "feet") ) {
- target_alt = TargetAltitude * SG_METER_TO_FEET;
- target_agl = TargetAGL * SG_METER_TO_FEET;
- } else {
- target_alt = TargetAltitude;
- target_agl = TargetAGL;
- }
- if ( fabs((int)(target_alt / inc) * inc - target_alt) < SG_EPSILON ) {
- target_alt += inc;
- } else {
- target_alt = ( int ) ( target_alt / inc ) * inc + inc;
- }
- if ( fabs((int)(target_agl / inc) * inc - target_agl) < SG_EPSILON ) {
- target_agl += inc;
- } else {
- target_agl = ( int ) ( target_agl / inc ) * inc + inc;
- }
- if ( !strcmp(fgGetString("/sim/startup/units"), "feet") ) {
- target_alt *= SG_FEET_TO_METER;
- target_agl *= SG_FEET_TO_METER;
- }
- TargetAltitude = target_alt;
- TargetAGL = target_agl;
- if ( !strcmp(fgGetString("/sim/startup/units"), "feet") )
- target_alt *= SG_METER_TO_FEET;
- if ( !strcmp(fgGetString("/sim/startup/units"), "feet") )
- target_agl *= SG_METER_TO_FEET;
- if ( altitude_mode == DEFAULT_AP_ALTITUDE_LOCK ) {
- MakeTargetAltitudeStr( target_alt );
- } else if ( altitude_mode == FG_ALTITUDE_TERRAIN ) {
- MakeTargetAltitudeStr( target_agl );
- }
- update_old_control_values();
-void FGAutopilot::HeadingAdjust( double inc ) {
- if ( heading_mode != FG_DG_HEADING_LOCK
- && heading_mode != FG_TRUE_HEADING_LOCK )
- {
- heading_mode = DEFAULT_AP_HEADING_LOCK;
- }
- if ( heading_mode == FG_DG_HEADING_LOCK ) {
- double target = ( int ) ( DGTargetHeading / inc ) * inc + inc;
- DGTargetHeading = NormalizeDegrees( target );
- } else {
- double target = ( int ) ( TargetHeading / inc ) * inc + inc;
- TargetHeading = NormalizeDegrees( target );
- }
- update_old_control_values();
-void FGAutopilot::HeadingSet( double new_heading ) {
- heading_mode = DEFAULT_AP_HEADING_LOCK;
- if( heading_mode == FG_TRUE_HEADING_LOCK ) {
- new_heading = NormalizeDegrees( new_heading );
- TargetHeading = new_heading;
- MakeTargetHeadingStr( TargetHeading );
- } else {
- heading_mode = FG_DG_HEADING_LOCK;
- new_heading = NormalizeDegrees( new_heading );
- DGTargetHeading = new_heading;
- // following cast needed ambiguous plib
- // ApHeadingDialogInput -> setValue ((float)APData->TargetHeading );
- MakeTargetHeadingStr( DGTargetHeading );
- }
- update_old_control_values();
-void FGAutopilot::AutoThrottleAdjust( double inc ) {
- double target = ( int ) ( TargetSpeed / inc ) * inc + inc;
- set_TargetSpeed( target );
- * Set the autothrottle speed
- */
-FGAutopilot::setAPAutoThrottle (double speed_kt)
- set_TargetSpeed( speed_kt );
- * Get the autothrottle speed
- */
-FGAutopilot::getAPAutoThrottle () const
- return get_TargetSpeed();
-void FGAutopilot::set_AutoThrottleEnabled( bool value ) {
- auto_throttle = value;
- if ( auto_throttle == true ) {
- if (TargetSpeed < 0.0001) {
- TargetSpeed = fgGetDouble("/velocities/airspeed-kt");
- }
- speed_error_accum = 0.0;
- // initialize autothrottle at current control setting;
- current_ap_throttle = current_throttle->getFloatValue();
- }
- update_old_control_values();
- SG_LOG( SG_COCKPIT, SG_INFO, " fgAPSetAutoThrottle: ("
- << auto_throttle << ") " << TargetSpeed );
-// Kludged methods for tying to properties.
-// These should change eventually; they all used to be static
-// functions.
- * Get the autopilot altitude lock (true=on).
- */
-FGAutopilot::getAPAltitudeLock () const
- return (get_AltitudeEnabled() &&
- get_AltitudeMode()
- * Set the autopilot altitude lock (true=on).
- */
-FGAutopilot::setAPAltitudeLock (bool lock)
- if (lock)
- if (get_AltitudeMode() == DEFAULT_AP_ALTITUDE_LOCK)
- set_AltitudeEnabled(lock);
- * Get the autopilot target altitude in feet.
- */
-FGAutopilot::getAPAltitude () const
- return get_TargetAltitude() * SG_METER_TO_FEET;
- * Set the autopilot target altitude in feet.
- */
-FGAutopilot::setAPAltitude (double altitude)
- set_TargetAltitude( altitude * SG_FEET_TO_METER );
- * Get the autopilot altitude lock (true=on).
- */
-FGAutopilot::getAPGSLock () const
- return (get_AltitudeEnabled() &&
- (get_AltitudeMode()
- == FGAutopilot::FG_ALTITUDE_GS1));
- * Set the autopilot altitude lock (true=on).
- */
-FGAutopilot::setAPGSLock (bool lock)
- if (lock)
- set_AltitudeMode(FGAutopilot::FG_ALTITUDE_GS1);
- if (get_AltitudeMode() == FGAutopilot::FG_ALTITUDE_GS1)
- set_AltitudeEnabled(lock);
- * Get the autopilot terrain lock (true=on).
- */
-FGAutopilot::getAPTerrainLock () const
- return (get_AltitudeEnabled() &&
- (get_AltitudeMode()
- == FGAutopilot::FG_ALTITUDE_TERRAIN));
- * Set the autopilot terrain lock (true=on).
- */
-FGAutopilot::setAPTerrainLock (bool lock)
- if (lock) {
- set_AltitudeMode(FGAutopilot::FG_ALTITUDE_TERRAIN);
- set_TargetAGL(fgGetFloat("/position/altitude-agl-ft") *
- }
- if (get_AltitudeMode() == FGAutopilot::FG_ALTITUDE_TERRAIN)
- set_AltitudeEnabled(lock);
- * Get the autopilot vertical speed lock (true=on).
- */
-FGAutopilot::getAPVertSpeedLock () const
- return (get_AltitudeEnabled() &&
- (get_AltitudeMode()
- == FGAutopilot::FG_VERT_SPEED));
- * Set the autopilot vert speed lock (true=on).
- */
-FGAutopilot::setAPVertSpeedLock (bool lock)
- if (lock)
- set_AltitudeMode(FGAutopilot::FG_VERT_SPEED);
- if (get_AltitudeMode() == FGAutopilot::FG_VERT_SPEED)
- set_AltitudeEnabled(lock);
- * Get the autopilot target altitude in feet.
- */
-FGAutopilot::getAPClimb () const
- return get_TargetClimbRate() * SG_METER_TO_FEET;
- * Set the autopilot target altitude in feet.
- */
-FGAutopilot::setAPClimb (double rate)
- set_TargetClimbRate( rate * SG_FEET_TO_METER );
- * Get the autopilot heading lock (true=on).
- */
-FGAutopilot::getAPHeadingLock () const
- return
- (get_HeadingEnabled() &&
- get_HeadingMode() == DEFAULT_AP_HEADING_LOCK);
- * Set the autopilot heading lock (true=on).
- */
-FGAutopilot::setAPHeadingLock (bool lock)
- if (lock)
- if (get_HeadingMode() == DEFAULT_AP_HEADING_LOCK)
- set_HeadingEnabled(lock);
- * Get the autopilot heading bug in degrees.
- */
-FGAutopilot::getAPHeadingBug () const
- return get_DGTargetHeading();
- * Set the autopilot heading bug in degrees.
- */
-FGAutopilot::setAPHeadingBug (double heading)
- set_DGTargetHeading( heading );
- * return blank-separated string of waypoints
- */
-const char *
-FGAutopilot::getAPwaypoint () const
- static char wplist[500];
- char *p = wplist;
- int WPListsize, i;
- // FIXME: This can cause a possible buffer overflow, EMH
- if ( globals->get_route()->size() > 0 ) {
- WPListsize = globals->get_route()->size();
- for (i = 0; i < globals->get_route()->size(); i++ ) {
- p += sprintf(p, "%5s ",
- globals->get_route()->get_waypoint(i).get_id().c_str() );
- }
- return wplist;
- } else {
- return "none specified";
- }
- * set next waypoint (if str='0', then delete next(first) waypoint)
- */
-FGAutopilot::setAPwaypoint (const char * apt)
- if (strcmp(apt, "0")==0)
- {
- SG_LOG( SG_AUTOPILOT, SG_INFO, "delete of first wp" );
- if ( globals->get_route()->size() )
- globals->get_route()->delete_first();
- return;
- }
- if ( NewWaypoint( apt ) == 0)
- SG_LOG( SG_AUTOPILOT, SG_INFO, "Waypoint " << apt << "not in d.b." );
- else
- {
- }
- * Get the autopilot wing leveler lock (true=on).
- */
-FGAutopilot::getAPWingLeveler () const
- return
- (get_HeadingEnabled() &&
- get_HeadingMode() == FGAutopilot::FG_TC_HEADING_LOCK);
- * Set the autopilot wing leveler lock (true=on).
- */
-FGAutopilot::setAPWingLeveler (bool lock)
- if (lock)
- set_HeadingMode(FGAutopilot::FG_TC_HEADING_LOCK);
- if (get_HeadingMode() == FGAutopilot::FG_TC_HEADING_LOCK)
- set_HeadingEnabled(lock);
- * Return true if the autopilot is locked to NAV1.
- */
-FGAutopilot::getAPNAV1Lock () const
- return
- (get_HeadingEnabled() &&
- get_HeadingMode() == FGAutopilot::FG_HEADING_NAV1);
- * Set the autopilot NAV1 lock.
- */
-FGAutopilot::setAPNAV1Lock (bool lock)
- if (lock)
- set_HeadingMode(FGAutopilot::FG_HEADING_NAV1);
- if (get_HeadingMode() == FGAutopilot::FG_HEADING_NAV1)
- set_HeadingEnabled(lock);
- * Get the autopilot autothrottle lock.
- */
-FGAutopilot::getAPAutoThrottleLock () const
- return get_AutoThrottleEnabled();
- * Set the autothrottle lock.
- */
-FGAutopilot::setAPAutoThrottleLock (bool lock)
- set_AutoThrottleEnabled(lock);
-// kludge
-FGAutopilot::getAPRudderControl () const
- if (getAPHeadingLock())
- return get_TargetHeading();
- else
- return globals->get_controls()->get_rudder();
-// kludge
-FGAutopilot::setAPRudderControl (double value)
- if (getAPHeadingLock()) {
- SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "setAPRudderControl " << value );
- value -= get_TargetHeading();
- HeadingAdjust(value < 0.0 ? -1.0 : 1.0);
- } else {
- globals->get_controls()->set_rudder(value);
- }
-// kludge
-FGAutopilot::getAPElevatorControl () const
- if (getAPAltitudeLock())
- return get_TargetAltitude();
- else
- return globals->get_controls()->get_elevator();
-// kludge
-FGAutopilot::setAPElevatorControl (double value)
- if (value != 0 && getAPAltitudeLock()) {
- SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "setAPElevatorControl " << value );
- value -= get_TargetAltitude();
- AltitudeAdjust(value < 0.0 ? 100.0 : -100.0);
- } else {
- globals->get_controls()->set_elevator(value);
- }
-// kludge
-FGAutopilot::getAPThrottleControl () const
- if (getAPAutoThrottleLock())
- return 0.0; // always resets
- else
- return globals->get_controls()->get_throttle(0);
-// kludge
-FGAutopilot::setAPThrottleControl (double value)
- if (getAPAutoThrottleLock())
- AutoThrottleAdjust(value < 0.0 ? -0.01 : 0.01);
- else
- globals->get_controls()->set_throttle(FGControls::ALL_ENGINES, value);
- * Get the vertical speed selected
- */
-FGAutopilot::getAPVertSpeed () const
- return TargetVertSpeed;
- * Set the selected vertical speed
- */
-FGAutopilot::setAPVertSpeed (double speed)
- TargetVertSpeed = speed;
-// end of newauto.cxx
+++ /dev/null
-// newauto.hxx -- autopilot defines and prototypes (very alpha)
-// Started April 1998 Copyright (C) 1998
-// Contributions by Jeff Goeke-Smith <jgoeke@voyager.net>
-// Norman Vine <nhv@cape.com>
-// Curtis Olson <curt@flightgear.org>
-// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
-// License, or (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-// $Id$
-#error choke me
-#ifndef _NEWAUTO_HXX
-#define _NEWAUTO_HXX
-#include <simgear/props/props.hxx>
-#include <simgear/structure/subsystem_mgr.hxx>
-#include <simgear/route/waypoint.hxx>
-#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
-// Structures
-class FGAutopilot : public SGSubsystem
- enum fgAutoHeadingMode {
- FG_DG_HEADING_LOCK = 0, // follow bug on directional gryo (vacuum)
- FG_TC_HEADING_LOCK = 1, // keep turn coordinator zero'd
- FG_TRUE_HEADING_LOCK = 2, // lock to true heading (i.e. a perfect world)
- FG_HEADING_NAV1 = 3, // follow nav1 radial
- FG_HEADING_NAV2 = 4, // follow nav2 radial
- FG_HEADING_WAYPOINT = 5 // track next waypoint
- };
- enum fgAutoAltitudeMode {
- FG_ALTITUDE_LOCK = 0, // lock to a specific altitude (indicated)
- FG_ALTITUDE_TERRAIN = 1, // try to maintain a specific AGL
- FG_ALTITUDE_GS1 = 2, // follow glide slope 1
- FG_ALTITUDE_GS2 = 3, // follow glide slope 2
- FG_ALTITUDE_ARM = 4, // ascend to selected altitude
- FG_TRUE_ALTITUDE_LOCK = 5, // lock to a specific true altitude
- // (i.e. a perfect world)
- FG_VERT_SPEED = 6 // ascend or descend at selected fpm
- };
- bool heading_hold; // the current state of the heading hold
- bool altitude_hold; // the current state of the altitude hold
- bool auto_throttle; // the current state of the auto throttle
- fgAutoHeadingMode heading_mode;
- fgAutoAltitudeMode altitude_mode;
- SGWayPoint waypoint; // the waypoint the AP should steer to.
- // double TargetLatitude; // the latitude the AP should steer to.
- // double TargetLongitude; // the longitude the AP should steer to.
- double TargetDistance; // the distance to Target.
- double DGTargetHeading; // the apparent DG heading to steer towards.
- double TargetHeading; // the true heading the AP should steer to.
- double TargetAltitude; // altitude to hold
- double TargetAGL; // the terrain separation
- double TargetVertSpeed; // vertical speed to shoot for
- double TargetSpeed; // speed to shoot for
- double alt_error_accum; // altitude error accumulator
- double climb_error_accum; // climb error accumulator (for GS)
- double speed_error_accum; // speed error accumulator
- double current_ap_throttle; // current ap stored throttle setting used to set all engines
- double previous_speed; // used to detect acceleration rate
- double TargetSlope; // the glide slope hold value
- double MaxRoll ; // the max the plane can roll for the turn
- double RollOut; // when the plane should roll out
- // measured from Heading
- double MaxAileron; // how far to move the aleroin from center
- double RollOutSmooth; // deg to use for smoothing Aileron Control
- double MaxElevator; // the maximum elevator allowed
- double SlopeSmooth; // smoothing angle for elevator
- // following for testing disengagement of autopilot upon pilot
- // interaction with controls
- double old_aileron;
- double old_elevator;
- double old_elevator_trim;
- double old_rudder;
- // manual controls override beyond this value
- double disengage_threshold;
- // For future cross track error adjust
- double old_lat;
- double old_lon;
- // keeping these locally to save work inside main loop
- char TargetLatitudeStr[64];
- char TargetLongitudeStr[64];
- char TargetLatLonStr[64];
- char TargetWP1Str[64];
- char TargetWP2Str[64];
- char TargetWP3Str[64];
- char TargetHeadingStr[64];
- char TargetAltitudeStr[64];
- // property nodes
- SGPropertyNode *latitude_node;
- SGPropertyNode *longitude_node;
- SGPropertyNode *altitude_node;
- SGPropertyNode *altitude_agl_node;
- SGPropertyNode *vertical_speed_node;
- SGPropertyNode *heading_node;
- SGPropertyNode *indicated_heading_node;
- SGPropertyNode *roll_node;
- SGPropertyNode *pitch_node;
- SGPropertyNode *airspeed_node;
- SGPropertyNode *min_climb; // minimum climb speed
- SGPropertyNode *best_climb; // best climb speed
- SGPropertyNode *elevator_adj_factor; // factor to optimize altitude hold adjustments
- SGPropertyNode *integral_contrib; // amount of contribution of the integral
- // component of the pid
- SGPropertyNode *zero_pitch_throttle; // amount of throttle at which the aircraft does not pitch up
- SGPropertyNode *zero_pitch_trim_full_throttle; // amount of trim required to level at full throttle
- SGPropertyNode *max_aileron_node; // maximum aileron setting range -1 ~ 1
- SGPropertyNode *max_roll_node; // maximum roll setting in degrees
- SGPropertyNode *roll_out_node; // start rollout offset from desired heading in degrees
- SGPropertyNode *roll_out_smooth_node; // rollout smoothing offset in degrees
- SGPropertyNode *throttle_adj_factor; // factor to optimize autothrottle adjustments
- SGPropertyNode *throttle_integral; // amount of contribution of the integral
- // component of the pid
- SGPropertyNode *speed_change_node; // anticipated speed change
- SGPropertyNode *TargetClimbRate; // target climb rate
- SGPropertyNode *TargetDescentRate; // target decent rate
- SGPropertyNode *current_throttle; // current throttle (engine 0)
- SGPropertyNode *terrain_follow_factor; // modifies the climb rate to
- // permit more control when using terrain following mode
- // constructor
- FGAutopilot();
- // destructor
- ~FGAutopilot();
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Implementation of SGSubsystem.
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void init ();
- void bind ();
- void unbind ();
- void update (double dt);
- // Reset the autopilot system
- void reset(void);
- void AltitudeSet( double new_altitude );
- void AltitudeAdjust( double inc );
- void HeadingAdjust( double inc );
- void AutoThrottleAdjust( double inc );
- void HeadingSet( double value );
- inline bool get_HeadingEnabled() const { return heading_hold; }
- inline void set_HeadingEnabled( bool value ) { heading_hold = value; }
- inline fgAutoHeadingMode get_HeadingMode() const { return heading_mode; }
- void set_HeadingMode( fgAutoHeadingMode mode );
- inline bool get_AltitudeEnabled() const { return altitude_hold; }
- inline void set_AltitudeEnabled( bool value ) { altitude_hold = value; }
- inline fgAutoAltitudeMode get_AltitudeMode() const { return altitude_mode;}
- void set_AltitudeMode( fgAutoAltitudeMode mode );
- inline bool get_AutoThrottleEnabled() const { return auto_throttle; }
- void set_AutoThrottleEnabled( bool value );
- /* inline void set_WayPoint( const double lon, const double lat,
- const double alt, const string s ) {
- waypoint = SGWayPoint( lon, lat, alt, SGWayPoint::WGS84, "Current WP" );
- } */
- inline double get_TargetLatitude() const {
- return waypoint.get_target_lat();
- }
- inline double get_TargetLongitude() const {
- return waypoint.get_target_lon();
- }
- inline void set_old_lat( double val ) { old_lat = val; }
- inline void set_old_lon( double val ) { old_lon = val; }
- inline double get_TargetHeading() const { return TargetHeading; }
- inline void set_TargetHeading( double val ) { TargetHeading = val; }
- inline double get_DGTargetHeading() const { return DGTargetHeading; }
- inline void set_DGTargetHeading( double val ) { DGTargetHeading = val; }
- inline double get_TargetDistance() const { return TargetDistance; }
- inline void set_TargetDistance( double val ) { TargetDistance = val; }
- inline double get_TargetAltitude() const { return TargetAltitude; }
- inline void set_TargetAltitude( double val ) { TargetAltitude = val; }
- inline double get_TargetSpeed() const { return TargetSpeed; }
- inline void set_TargetSpeed( double val ) { TargetSpeed = val; }
- inline double get_TargetAGL() const { return TargetAGL; }
- inline void set_TargetAGL( double val ) { TargetAGL = val; }
- inline double get_TargetClimbRate() const {
- return TargetClimbRate->getFloatValue();
- }
- inline void set_TargetClimbRate( double val ) {
- fgSetFloat( "/autopilot/config/target-climb-rate-fpm", val);
- }
- inline char *get_TargetLatitudeStr() { return TargetLatitudeStr; }
- inline char *get_TargetLongitudeStr() { return TargetLongitudeStr; }
- inline char *get_TargetWP1Str() { return TargetWP1Str; }
- inline char *get_TargetWP2Str() { return TargetWP2Str; }
- inline char *get_TargetWP3Str() { return TargetWP3Str; }
- inline char *get_TargetHeadingStr() { return TargetHeadingStr; }
- inline char *get_TargetAltitudeStr() { return TargetAltitudeStr; }
- inline char *get_TargetLatLonStr() { return TargetLatLonStr; }
- // utility functions
- void MakeTargetLatLonStr( double lat, double lon );
- void MakeTargetAltitudeStr( double altitude );
- void MakeTargetHeadingStr( double bearing );
- void MakeTargetWPStr( double distance );
- void update_old_control_values();
- // accessors
- inline double get_MaxRoll() {
- return fgGetFloat( "/autopilot/config/max-roll-deg" );
- }
- inline double get_RollOut() {
- return fgGetFloat( "/autopilot/config/roll-out-deg" );
- }
- inline double get_MaxAileron() {
- return fgGetFloat( "/autopilot/config/max-aileron" );
- }
- inline double get_RollOutSmooth() {
- return fgGetFloat( "/autopilot/config/roll-out-smooth-deg" );
- }
- inline void set_MaxRoll( double val ) {
- fgSetFloat( "/autopilot/config/max-roll-deg", val );
- }
- inline void set_RollOut( double val ) {
- fgSetFloat( "/autopilot/config/roll-out-deg", val );
- }
- inline void set_MaxAileron( double val ) {
- fgSetFloat( "/autopilot/config/max-aileron", val );
- }
- inline void set_RollOutSmooth( double val ) {
- fgSetFloat( "/autopilot/config/roll-out-smooth-deg", val );
- }
- bool getAPAltitudeLock () const;
- void setAPAltitudeLock (bool lock);
- double getAPAltitude () const;
- void setAPAltitude (double altitude);
- bool getAPGSLock () const;
- void setAPGSLock (bool lock);
- bool getAPVertSpeedLock () const;
- void setAPVertSpeedLock (bool lock);
- bool getAPTerrainLock () const;
- void setAPTerrainLock (bool lock);
- double getAPClimb () const;
- void setAPClimb (double rate);
- bool getAPHeadingLock () const;
- void setAPHeadingLock (bool lock);
- double getAPHeadingBug () const;
- void setAPHeadingBug (double heading);
- const char * getAPwaypoint () const;
- void setAPwaypoint (const char * apt);
- bool getAPWingLeveler () const;
- void setAPWingLeveler (bool lock);
- bool getAPNAV1Lock () const;
- void setAPNAV1Lock (bool lock);
- bool getAPAutoThrottleLock () const;
- void setAPAutoThrottleLock (bool lock);
- double getAPAutoThrottle () const;
- void setAPAutoThrottle (double altitude);
- double getAPRudderControl () const;
- void setAPRudderControl (double value);
- double getAPElevatorControl () const;
- void setAPElevatorControl (double value);
- double getAPThrottleControl () const;
- void setAPThrottleControl (double value);
- double getAPVertSpeed () const;
- void setAPVertSpeed (double speed);
- * static functions for autopilot properties
- */
-#endif // _NEWAUTO_HXX