- _impact_report_node(fgGetNode("/ai/models/model-impact", true))
+ _impact_report_node(fgGetNode("/ai/models/model-impact", true)),
+ _external_force(false)
no_roll = false;
_report_collision = c;
+void FGAIBallistic::setExternalForce(bool f) {
+ _external_force = f;
void FGAIBallistic::setImpactReportNode(const string& path) {
if (!path.empty())
_impact_report_node = fgGetNode(path.c_str(), true);
_submodel = s;
+void FGAIBallistic::setForcePath(const string& p) {
+ _force_path = p;
+ if (!_force_path.empty()) {
+ SGPropertyNode *fnode = fgGetNode(_force_path.c_str(), 0, true );
+ _force_node = fnode->getChild("force-lb", 0, true);
+ _force_azimuth_node = fnode->getChild("force-azimuth-deg", 0, true);
+ _force_elevation_node = fnode->getChild("force-elevation-deg", 0, true);
+ }
void FGAIBallistic::Run(double dt) {
_life_timer += dt;
//cout << "life timer" <<_name <<" " << _life_timer << dt << endl;
hs = cos( _elevation * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS ) * speed_fps;
+ //resolve horizontal speed into north and east components:
+ double speed_north_fps = cos(_azimuth / SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES) * hs;
+ double speed_east_fps = sin(_azimuth / SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES) * hs;
// convert horizontal speed (fps) to degrees per second
- double speed_north_deg_sec = cos(hdg / SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES) * hs / ft_per_deg_lat;
- double speed_east_deg_sec = sin(hdg / SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES) * hs / ft_per_deg_lon;
+ double speed_north_deg_sec = speed_north_fps / ft_per_deg_lat;
+ double speed_east_deg_sec = speed_east_fps / ft_per_deg_lon;
// if wind not required, set to zero
if (!_wind) {
_wind_from_east = 0;
- // convert wind speed (fps) to degrees per second
+ // convert wind speed (fps) to degrees lat/lon per second
double wind_speed_from_north_deg_sec = _wind_from_north / ft_per_deg_lat;
double wind_speed_from_east_deg_sec = _wind_from_east / ft_per_deg_lon;
+ //calculate velocity due to external force
+ double force_speed_north_deg_sec = 0;
+ double force_speed_east_deg_sec = 0;
+ double vs_force_fps = 0;
+ double hs_force_fps = 0;
+ double v_force_acc_fpss = 0;
+ double force_speed_north_fps = 0;
+ double force_speed_east_fps = 0;
+ if (_external_force) {
+ SGPropertyNode *n = fgGetNode(_force_path.c_str(), true);
+ double force_lbs = n->getChild("force-lb", 0, true)->getDoubleValue();
+ double force_elevation_deg = n->getChild("force-elevation-deg", 0, true)->getDoubleValue();
+ double force_azimuth_deg = n->getChild("force-azimuth-deg", 0, true)->getDoubleValue();
+ //resolve force into vertical and horizontal components:
+ double v_force_lbs = force_lbs * sin( force_elevation_deg * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS );
+ double h_force_lbs = force_lbs * cos( force_elevation_deg * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS );
+ //acceleration = (force(lbsf)/mass(slugs))
+ v_force_acc_fpss = (v_force_lbs/_mass);
+ double h_force_acc_fpss = (h_force_lbs/_mass);
+ // velocity = acceleration * dt
+ hs_force_fps = h_force_acc_fpss * dt;
+ //resolve horizontal speed into north and east components:
+ force_speed_north_fps = cos(force_azimuth_deg * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS) * hs_force_fps;
+ force_speed_east_fps = sin(force_azimuth_deg * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS) * hs_force_fps;
+ // convert horizontal speed (fps) to degrees per second
+ double force_speed_north_deg_sec = force_speed_north_fps / ft_per_deg_lat;
+ double force_speed_east_deg_sec = force_speed_east_fps / ft_per_deg_lon;
+ //recombine the horizontal velocity components
+ hs = sqrt(((speed_north_fps + force_speed_north_fps) * (speed_north_fps + force_speed_north_fps))
+ + ((speed_east_fps + force_speed_east_fps) * (speed_east_fps + force_speed_east_fps)));
+ /*cout << "mass " << _mass
+ << " force " << force_lbs
+ << " elevation " << force_elevation_deg
+ << " azimuth " << force_azimuth_deg
+ << endl; */
+ //cout << " _hs_force_fps " << hs_force_fps
+ //<< " force_speed_north_fps " << force_speed_north_fps
+ //<< " force_speed_east_fps " << force_speed_east_fps
+ //<< " speed_north_fps " << speed_north_fps
+ //<< " speed_east_fps " << speed_east_fps
+ //<< endl;
+ }
// set new position
pos.setLatitudeDeg( pos.getLatitudeDeg()
- + (speed_north_deg_sec - wind_speed_from_north_deg_sec) * dt );
+ + (speed_north_deg_sec - wind_speed_from_north_deg_sec + force_speed_north_deg_sec) * dt );
pos.setLongitudeDeg( pos.getLongitudeDeg()
- + (speed_east_deg_sec - wind_speed_from_east_deg_sec) * dt );
+ + (speed_east_deg_sec - wind_speed_from_east_deg_sec + force_speed_east_deg_sec) * dt );
- // adjust vertical speed for acceleration of gravity and buoyancy
- vs -= (_gravity - _buoyancy) * dt;
+ // adjust vertical speed for acceleration of gravity, buoyancy, and vertical force
+ //v_force_acc_fpss = 0;
+ vs -= (_gravity - _buoyancy - v_force_acc_fpss) * dt;
- // adjust altitude (feet)
+ // adjust altitude (feet) and set new elevation
altitude_ft += vs * dt;
- // recalculate elevation (velocity vector) if aerostabilized
- /*cout << _name << ": " << "aero_stabilised " << _aero_stabilised
- << " pitch " << pitch <<" vs " << vs <<endl ;*/
+ // recalculate elevation and azimuth (velocity vectors)
+ _elevation = atan2( vs, hs ) * SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
+ _azimuth = atan2((speed_east_fps + force_speed_east_fps),
+ (speed_north_fps + force_speed_north_fps)) * SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
+ // rationalise azimuth
+ if (_azimuth < 0) _azimuth += 360;
if (_aero_stabilised) { // we simulate rotational moment of inertia by using a filter
const double coeff = 0.9;
double c = dt / (coeff + dt);
- //cout << "c " << c << endl;
- _elevation = atan2( vs, hs ) * SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
pitch = (_elevation * c) + (pitch * (1 - c));
+ if (_azimuth - hdg > 180) {
+ hdg = (_azimuth * c) - (hdg * (1 - c));
+ } else {
+ hdg = (_azimuth * c) + (hdg * (1 - c));
+ }
// recalculate total speed
speed = sqrt( vs * vs + hs * hs) / SG_KT_TO_FPS;
+ /*cout << "_elevation " << _elevation
+ << " pitch " << pitch
+ <<" _yaw " << _yaw
+ << " hdg " << hdg
+ << " speed " << speed
+ << endl;*/
//do impacts and collisions
if (_report_impact && !_impact_reported)
sm_list_iterator end = sm_list.end();
while (sm_list_itr != end) {
+ in_range = true;
if (id == 0) {
"Submodels: continuing: " << id << " name " << name );
- in_range = true;
if (parent_id == id) {
double parent_lat = (*sm_list_itr)->_getLatitude();
double parent_lon = (*sm_list_itr)->_getLongitude();
+ string parent_name = (*sm_list_itr)->_getName();
double own_lat = _user_lat_node->getDoubleValue();
double own_lon = _user_lon_node->getDoubleValue();
double range_nm = getRange(parent_lat, parent_lon, own_lat, own_lon);
- // cout << "parent " << parent_id << ", "<< parent_lat << ", " << parent_lon << endl;
- //cout << "own " << own_lat << ", " << own_lon << " range " << range_nm << endl;
+ //cout << "parent name " << parent_name << ", "<< parent_id << ", "<< parent_lat << ", " << parent_lon << endl;
+ //cout << "own name " << own_lat << ", " << own_lon << " range " << range_nm << endl;
if (range_nm > 15) {
- "Submodels: skipping release: " << id);
+ "Submodels: skipping release, out of range: " << id);
in_range = false;
+ ballist->setExternalForce(sm->ext_force);
+ ballist->setForcePath(sm->force_path.c_str());
if (sm->count > 0)
// set initial conditions
if (sm->contents_node != 0) {
// get the weight of the contents (lbs) and convert to mass (slugs)
- sm->contents = sm->contents_node->getDoubleValue();
+ sm->contents = sm->contents_node->getChild("level-lbs",0,1)->getDoubleValue();
+ //cout << "transform: contents " << sm->contents << endl;
IC.mass = (sm->weight + sm->contents) * lbs_to_slugs;
+ //cout << "mass inc contents" << IC.mass << endl;
// set contents to 0 in the parent
- sm->contents_node->setDoubleValue(0);
- } else {
+ sm->contents_node->getChild("level-gal_us",0,1)->setDoubleValue(0);
+ /*cout << "contents " << sm->contents_node->getChild("level-gal_us")->getDoubleValue()
+ << " " << sm->contents_node->getChild("level-lbs",0,1)->getDoubleValue()
+ << endl;*/
+ } else
IC.mass = sm->weight * lbs_to_slugs;
- }
// cout << "mass " << IC.mass << endl;
sm->contents_node = fgGetNode(entry_node->getStringValue("contents", "none"), false);
sm->speed_node = fgGetNode(entry_node->getStringValue("speed-node", "none"), false);
sm->submodel = entry_node->getStringValue("submodel-path", "");
+ sm->ext_force = entry_node->getBoolValue("external-force", false);
+ sm->force_path = entry_node->getStringValue("force-path", "");
//cout << "sm->contents_node " << sm->contents_node << endl;
if (sm->contents_node != 0)
sm->contents = sm->contents_node->getDoubleValue();
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, "Submodels: trigger " << sm->trigger_node->getBoolValue() );
if (sm->speed_node != 0)
sm->speed = sm->speed_node->getDoubleValue();
sm->prop->setStringValue("submodel", submodel.c_str());
//cout << " set submodel path " << submodel << endl;
+ string force_path = sm->force_path;
+ sm->prop->setStringValue("force_path", force_path.c_str());
+ //cout << "set force_path " << force_path << endl;
if (sm->contents_node != 0)
sm->prop->tie("contents-lbs", SGRawValuePointer<double>(&(sm->contents)));
sm->contents_node = fgGetNode(entry_node->getStringValue("contents", "none"), false);
sm->speed_node = fgGetNode(entry_node->getStringValue("speed-node", "none"), false);
sm->submodel = entry_node->getStringValue("submodel-path", "");
+ sm->ext_force = entry_node->getBoolValue("external-force", false);
+ sm->force_path = entry_node->getStringValue("force-path", "");
//cout << "sm->contents_node " << sm->contents_node << endl;
if (sm->contents_node != 0)
sm->prop->setStringValue("submodel", submodel.c_str());
// cout << " set submodel path " << submodel<< endl;
+ string force_path = sm->force_path;
+ sm->prop->setStringValue("force_path", force_path.c_str());
+ //cout << "set force_path " << force_path << endl;
if (sm->contents_node != 0)
sm->prop->tie("contents-lbs", SGRawValuePointer<double>(&(sm->contents)));
while (submodel_iterator != submodels.end()) {
int id = (*submodel_iterator)->id;
- SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG,"after pusback "
+ SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG,"after pushback "
<< " id " << id
<< " name " << (*submodel_iterator)->name
<< " sub id " << (*submodel_iterator)->sub_id);