$| = 1; # flush buffers after every write
+$do_demfit = 0;
+$do_triangle_1 = 0;
+$do_fixnode = 0;
+$do_splittris = 1;
+$do_tri2obj = 0;
+$do_strips = 0;
+$do_fixobj = 0;
# return the file name root (ending at last ".")
sub file_root {
# splits dem file into 64 file.node's which contain the
# irregularly fitted vertices
-$command = "./Dem2node/demfit $ENV{FG_ROOT} $dem_file $error";
+if ( $do_demfit ) {
+ $command = "./Dem2node/demfit $ENV{FG_ROOT} $dem_file $error";
-print "Running '$command'\n";
+ print "Running '$command'\n";
-open(OUT, "$command |");
-while ( <OUT> ) {
- print $_;
- if ( m/Scenery/ ) {
- $subdir = $_;
- $subdir =~ s/Dir = //;
+ open(OUT, "$command |");
+ while ( <OUT> ) {
+ print $_;
+ if ( m/Scenery/ ) {
+ $subdir = $_;
+ $subdir =~ s/Dir = //;
+ }
+ close(OUT);
# 3. triangle -q file (Takes file.node and produces file.1.node and
# file.1.ele)
$subdir = "../Scenery/w120n030/w111n033";
print "Subdirectory for this dem file is $subdir\n";
-@FILES = `ls $subdir`;
-foreach $file ( @FILES ) {
- print $file;
- chop($file);
- if ( ($file =~ m/\.node$/) && ($file !~ m/\.\d\.node$/) ) {
- $command = "./Triangle/triangle -q $subdir/$file";
- print "Running '$command'\n";
- open(OUT, "$command |");
- while ( <OUT> ) {
- print $_;
+if ( $do_triangle_1 ) {
+ @FILES = `ls $subdir`;
+ foreach $file ( @FILES ) {
+ print $file;
+ chop($file);
+ if ( ($file =~ m/\.node$/) && ($file !~ m/\.\d\.node$/) ) {
+ $command = "./Triangle/triangle -q $subdir/$file";
+ print "Running '$command'\n";
+ open(OUT, "$command |");
+ while ( <OUT> ) {
+ print $_;
+ }
+ close(OUT);
+ # remove input file.node
+ unlink("$subdir/$file");
- close(OUT);
- # remove input file.node
- unlink("$subdir/$file");
# 4. fixnode file.dem subdir
# Take the original .dem file (for interpolating Z values) and the
# subdirecotry containing all the file.1.node's and replace with
# fixed file.1.node
-$command = "./FixNode/fixnode $dem_file $subdir";
-print "Running '$command'\n";
-open(OUT, "$command |");
-while ( <OUT> ) {
- print $_;
+if ( $do_fixnode ) {
+ $command = "./FixNode/fixnode $dem_file $subdir";
+ print "Running '$command'\n";
+ open(OUT, "$command |");
+ while ( <OUT> ) {
+ print $_;
+ }
+ close(OUT);
-# 4.1 findedges file (.1.node) (.1.ele)
-# Extract the edge vertices (in original geodetic coordinates) and
-# normals (in cartesian coordinates) and save them in something
-# very close to the .obj format as file.north, file.south,
-# file.east file.west.
-@FILES = `ls $subdir`;
-foreach $file ( @FILES ) {
- chop($file);
- if ( $file =~ m/\.1\.node$/ ) {
- $file =~ s/\.node$//; # strip off the ".node"
- $command = "./FindEdges/findedges $subdir/$file";
- print "Running '$command'\n";
- open(OUT, "$command |");
- while ( <OUT> ) {
- print $_;
+# 4.1 splittris file (.1.node) (.1.ele)
+# Extract the corner, edge, and body vertices (in original
+# geodetic coordinates) and normals (in cartesian coordinates) and
+# save them in something very close to the .obj format as file.se,
+# file.sw, file.nw, file.ne, file.north, file.south, file.east,
+# file.west, and file.body. This way we can reconstruct the
+# region using consistant edges and corners.
+# Arbitration rules: If an opposite edge file already exists,
+# don't create our matching edge. If a corner already exists,
+# don't create ours. Basically, the early bird gets the worm and
+# gets to define the edge verticies and normals. All the other
+# adjacent tiles must use these.
+if ( $do_splittris ) {
+ @FILES = `ls $subdir`;
+ foreach $file ( @FILES ) {
+ chop($file);
+ if ( $file =~ m/\.1\.node$/ ) {
+ $file =~ s/\.node$//; # strip off the ".node"
+ $command = "./SplitTris/splittris $subdir/$file";
+ print "Running '$command'\n";
+ open(OUT, "$command |");
+ while ( <OUT> ) {
+ print $_;
+ }
+ close(OUT);
- close(OUT);
-# 4.2 read in tri files (node/ele) skipping edges, read edges out of
+# 4.2 read in tile sections/ele) skipping edges, read edges out of
# edge files, save including proper shared edges (as node/ele)
# files. If my edge and adjacent edge both exist, use other,
# delete mine. If only mine exists, use it.
# Take the file.1.node and file.1.ele and produce file.1.obj
-@FILES = `ls $subdir`;
-foreach $file ( @FILES ) {
- chop($file);
- if ( $file =~ m/\.1\.node$/ ) {
- $file =~ s/\.node$//; # strip off the ".node"
- $command = "./Tri2obj/tri2obj $subdir/$file";
- print "Running '$command'\n";
- open(OUT, "$command |");
- while ( <OUT> ) {
- print $_;
+if ( $do_tri2obj ) {
+ @FILES = `ls $subdir`;
+ foreach $file ( @FILES ) {
+ chop($file);
+ if ( $file =~ m/\.1\.node$/ ) {
+ $file =~ s/\.node$//; # strip off the ".node"
+ $command = "./Tri2obj/tri2obj $subdir/$file";
+ print "Running '$command'\n";
+ open(OUT, "$command |");
+ while ( <OUT> ) {
+ print $_;
+ }
+ close(OUT);
+ unlink("$subdir/$file.node");
+ unlink("$subdir/$file.node.orig");
+ unlink("$subdir/$file.ele");
- close(OUT);
- unlink("$subdir/$file.node");
- unlink("$subdir/$file.node.orig");
- unlink("$subdir/$file.ele");
# strips produces a file called "bands.d" ... copy this to file.2.obj
-@FILES = `ls $subdir`;
-foreach $file ( @FILES ) {
- chop($file);
- if ( $file =~ m/\.1\.obj$/ ) {
- $command = "./Stripe_u/strips $subdir/$file";
- print "Running '$command'\n";
- open(OUT, "$command |");
- while ( <OUT> ) {
- print $_;
+if ( $do_strips ) {
+ @FILES = `ls $subdir`;
+ foreach $file ( @FILES ) {
+ chop($file);
+ if ( $file =~ m/\.1\.obj$/ ) {
+ $command = "./Stripe_u/strips $subdir/$file";
+ print "Running '$command'\n";
+ open(OUT, "$command |");
+ while ( <OUT> ) {
+ print $_;
+ }
+ close(OUT);
+ # copy to destination file
+ $newfile = $file;
+ $newfile =~ s/\.1\.obj$//;
+ print "Copying to $subdir/$newfile.2.obj\n";
+ open(IN, "<bands.d");
+ open(OUT, ">$subdir/$newfile.2.obj");
+ while ( <IN> ) {
+ print OUT $_;
+ }
+ close(IN);
+ close(OUT);
+ unlink("$subdir/$file");
- close(OUT);
- # copy to destination file
- $newfile = $file;
- $newfile =~ s/\.1\.obj$//;
- print "Copying to $subdir/$newfile.2.obj\n";
- open(IN, "<bands.d");
- open(OUT, ">$subdir/$newfile.2.obj");
- while ( <IN> ) {
- print OUT $_;
- }
- close(IN);
- close(OUT);
- unlink("$subdir/$file");
# Sort file.2.obj by strip winding
-@FILES = `ls $subdir`;
-foreach $file ( @FILES ) {
- chop($file);
- if ( $file =~ m/\.2\.obj$/ ) {
- $newfile = $file;
- $newfile =~ s/\.2\.obj$/.obj/;
- $command = "./FixObj/fixobj $subdir/$file $subdir/$newfile";
- print "Running '$command'\n";
- open(OUT, "$command |");
- while ( <OUT> ) {
- print $_;
+if ( $do_fixobj ) {
+ @FILES = `ls $subdir`;
+ foreach $file ( @FILES ) {
+ chop($file);
+ if ( $file =~ m/\.2\.obj$/ ) {
+ $newfile = $file;
+ $newfile =~ s/\.2\.obj$/.obj/;
+ $command = "./FixObj/fixobj $subdir/$file $subdir/$newfile";
+ print "Running '$command'\n";
+ open(OUT, "$command |");
+ while ( <OUT> ) {
+ print $_;
+ }
+ close(OUT);
+ unlink("$subdir/$file");
- close(OUT);
- unlink("$subdir/$file");
# $Log$
+# Revision 1.3 1998/01/14 02:15:52 curt
+# Updated front end script to keep plugging away on tile fitting.
# Revision 1.2 1998/01/12 20:42:08 curt
# Working on fitting tiles together in a seamless manner.