- Admin menu system can now be JavaScript-enabled. You need to enable JavaScript
in your browser to see the full "effect". If you leave it disabled, all menus
are fully displayed
- The helping text in admin area won't work in JavaScript-enabled mode
- Generic word 'mode' replaced on all (!) places to make it everywhere more
clear which "mode" I mean there
- TODOs.txt updated
/install.php svneol=native#text/plain
/js.php svneol=native#text/plain
js/jquery.js svneol=native#text/plain
+js/menu-common.js svneol=native#text/plain
/lead-confirm.php svneol=native#text/plain
/login.php svneol=native#text/plain
/mailid.php svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/admin/admin_logout_form.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/admin/admin_logout_sql_patches_install.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/admin/admin_logout_sql_patches_remove.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
+templates/de/html/admin/admin_main.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/admin/admin_main_footer.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/admin/admin_main_header.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/admin/admin_maintenance_form.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/install/install_page5.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/install/install_welcome.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/js/.htaccess svneol=native#text/plain
+templates/de/html/js/js_admin_menu_onclick.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/js/js_cookies_disabled.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/js/js_jquery.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
templates/de/html/js/js_order_send.tpl svneol=native#text/plain
./inc/config-functions.php:138: // @TODO Make this all better... :-/
./inc/daily/daily_beg.php:52:// @TODO This should be converted in a daily beg rallye
./inc/daily/daily_birthday.php:96: // @TODO 4 is hard-coded here, should we move it out in config?
-./inc/expression-functions.php:164:// @TODO FILTER_COMPILE_CONFIG does not handle call-back functions so we handle it here again
+./inc/expression-functions.php:166:// @TODO FILTER_COMPILE_CONFIG does not handle call-back functions so we handle it here again
./inc/expression-functions.php:46: // @TODO is escapeQuotes() enougth for strings with single/double quotes?
./inc/extensions/ext-html_mail.php:136: // @TODO Move these arrays into config
./inc/extensions/ext-menu.php:52: // @TODO Convert menu-Id to one coding-standard. admin(edit|_add) => admin_menu_(edit|add), mem(edit|_add) => (edit|add)_(admin|guest|member)_menu
./inc/functions.php:2199: // @TODO Rename column data_type to e.g. mail_status
./inc/gen_sql_patches.php:95:// @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
./inc/install-functions.php:57: // @TODO DEACTIVATED: changeDataInLocalConfigurationFile('OUTPUT-MODE', "setConfigEntry('OUTPUT_MODE', '", "');", postRequestElement('omode'), 0);
-./inc/language/de.php:1073: // @TODO Rewrite these two constants
-./inc/language/de.php:1089: // @TODO Rewrite these three constants
+./inc/language/de.php:1074: // @TODO Rewrite these two constants
+./inc/language/de.php:1090: // @TODO Rewrite these three constants
./inc/language/de.php:758:// @TODO Are these constants longer used?
./inc/language-functions.php:255: // @TODO These are all valid languages, again hard-coded
./inc/language-functions.php:44:// @TODO Rewrite all language constants to this function.
./inc/mails/doubler_mails.php:53:// @TODO Can this be rewritten to a filter?
./inc/module-functions.php:267: // @TODO Nothing helped???
./inc/module-functions.php:308: // @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
-./inc/modules/admin/admin-inc.php:1426: // @TODO If we can rewrite the EL sub-system to support more than one parameter, this call_user_func_array() can be avoided
+./inc/modules/admin/admin-inc.php:1442: // @TODO If we can rewrite the EL sub-system to support more than one parameter, this call_user_func_array() can be avoided
./inc/modules/admin/admin-inc.php:171: // @TODO This and the next getCurrentAdminId() call might be moved into the templates?
./inc/modules/admin/admin-inc.php:242: // @TODO This can be rewritten into a filter
-./inc/modules/admin/admin-inc.php:490:// @TODO Try to rewrite this to adminAddMenuSelectionBox()
+./inc/modules/admin/admin-inc.php:506:// @TODO Try to rewrite this to adminAddMenuSelectionBox()
./inc/modules/admin/overview-inc.php:162: // @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
./inc/modules/admin/overview-inc.php:275: // @TODO Rewrite this to something with include files and/or filter
./inc/modules/admin/overview-inc.php:309: // @TODO This may also be rewritten to include files
./inc/loader/load_cache-revision.php:2:// @DEPRECATED
./inc/loader/load_cache-them.php:2:// @DEPRECATED
./inc/loader/load-extensions.php:2:// @DEPRECATED
-./inc/modules/admin/admin-inc.php:491:// @DEPRECATED
+./inc/modules/admin/admin-inc.php:507:// @DEPRECATED
./inc/modules/admin/what-chk_regs.php:2:// @DEPRECATED
./inc/modules/admin/what-config_admins.php:2:// @DEPRECATED
./inc/modules/admin/what-config_email.php:2:// @DEPRECATED
./templates/de/html/admin/admin_list_network_config.tpl:1:<!-- @DEPRECATED //-->
./templates/de/html/admin/admin_list_refs2.tpl:1:<!-- @DEPRECATED //-->
./templates/de/html/admin/admin_list_user_sort_form.tpl:1:<!-- @DEPRECATED //-->
+./templates/de/html/admin/admin_main_header.tpl:1:<!-- @DEPRECATED //-->
./templates/de/html/admin/admin_mods_stats2_row.tpl:1:<!-- @DEPRECATED //-->
./templates/de/html/admin/admin_mods_stats2.tpl:1:<!-- @DEPRECATED //-->
./templates/de/html/admin/admin_mods_stats_row.tpl:1:<!-- @DEPRECATED //-->
// Expression call-back function for URLs
function doExpressionUrl ($data) {
// Do we have JS-mode?
- if ($data['callback'] == 'js') $data['mode'] = 1;
+ if ($data['callback'] == 'js') {
+ $data['output_mode'] = 1;
+ } // END - if
// Handle an URL here
- $replacer = "{DQUOTE} . encodeUrl('" . $data['matches'][4][$data['key']] . "', " . $data['mode'] . ') . {DQUOTE}';
+ $replacer = "{DQUOTE} . encodeUrl('" . $data['matches'][4][$data['key']] . "', " . $data['output_mode'] . ') . {DQUOTE}';
// Replace it
$code = replaceExpressionCode($data, $replacer);
addExtensionSql("ALTER TABLE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admins` ADD `expert_warning` ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y'");
// Update notes (these will be set as task text!)
- setExtensionUpdateNotes("Experten-Einstellungen sind nun hinzugekommen.");
+ setExtensionUpdateNotes("Entwicklereinstellungen sind nun hinzugekommen.");
case '0.7.4': // SQL queries for v0.7.4
`subject` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'missing',
+`points_mode` ENUM('ADD','SUB') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'ADD',
`points` FLOAT(20,5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.0000,
addAdminMenuSql('network', 'query_networks', 'APIs abfragen', 'Fragt alle eingestellten APIs ab. Die Ergebnisse werden dann für einen einstellbaren Zeitraum gecacht und nicht erneut angefordert.',3);
addAdminMenuSql('network', 'config_network', 'Einstellungen', 'Stellen Sie generelle Einstellungen ein, die für alle Werbenetzwerke gelten, wie z.B. Cache-Erneuerungsinterval. Generell sind aber die Einstellungen in Ordnung, da z.B. sonst Ihre freien Abfragen beim Werbenetzwerk sich zu schnell abbauen.',4);
addAdminMenuSql('network', 'list_network_reloads', 'Reload-Sperren', 'Listen oder löschen Sie hier Reload-Sperren. <strong>Vorsicht:</strong> Die hier gespeicherten Reload-Sperren sind vom jeweiligen Werbenetzwerk übernommen. Eventuell verdienen Sie nichts, wenn Sie z.B. eine Mail innerhalb der Reload-Sperre erneut versenden.',5);
- addAdminMenuSql('network', 'list_networks', 'Auflisten/Verwalten', '<strong>Experten-Einstellungen!</strong> Hier ändern Sie die Einstellungen an den Grunddaten (Stammdaten) des jeweiligen Werbenetzwerks ab. Sie sollten hier generell nichts einstellen und <a href="http://forum.mxchange.org/forum-43.html" target="_blank" title="Direktlink zum Forum">im Forum</a> um Hilfe fragen, wenn Sie selber ein Werbenetzwerk einrichten möchten.', 6);
- addAdminMenuSql('network', 'list_network_types', 'Werbearten-Handler', '<strong>Experten-Einstellungen!</strong> Hier ändern Sie die Einstellungen zu den Werbearten-Handler pro Werbenetzwerken. Sie sollten hier generell nichts einstellen und <a href="http://forum.mxchange.org/forum-43.html" target="_blank" title="Direktlink zum Forum">im Forum</a> um Hilfe fragen, wenn Sie selber ein Werbenetzwerk einrichten möchten.', 7);
- addAdminMenuSql('network', 'list_network_params', 'Abfrageparameter', '<strong>Experten-Einstellungen!</strong> Hier stellen Sie die Abfrageparameter (wie sie genannt werden müssen, um das API-Script korrekt aufrufen zu können) ein, pro Werbenetzwerk. Sie sollten hier generell nichts einstellen und <a href="http://forum.mxchange.org/forum-43.html" target="_blank" title="Direktlink zum Forum">im Forum</a> um Hilfe fragen, wenn Sie selber ein Werbenetzwerk einrichten möchten.', 8);
- addAdminMenuSql('network', 'list_network_api_translation', 'Antwort-Array', '<strong>Experten-Einstellungen!</strong> Hier stellen Sie die Zuweisungen der aus der analysierten API-Antwort Array-Elementen zu den Datenspalten ein. Sie sollten hier generell nichts einstellen und <a href="http://forum.mxchange.org/forum-43.html" target="_blank" title="Direktlink zum Forum">im Forum</a> um Hilfe fragen, wenn Sie selber ein Werbenetzwerk einrichten möchten.', 10);
- addAdminMenuSql('network', 'list_network_error_codes', 'Fehlercodes', '<strong>Experten-Einstellungen!</strong> Hier stellen Sie die Fehlercodes ein, die im Falle eines Fehlers pro API-Script kommen können. Sie sollten hier generell nichts einstellen und <a href="http://forum.mxchange.org/forum-43.html" target="_blank" title="Direktlink zum Forum">im Forum</a> um Hilfe fragen, wenn Sie selber ein Werbenetzwerk einrichten möchten.', 11);
+ addAdminMenuSql('network', 'list_networks', 'Auflisten/Verwalten', '<strong>Entwicklereinstellungen!</strong> Hier ändern Sie die Einstellungen an den Grunddaten (Stammdaten) des jeweiligen Werbenetzwerks ab. Sie sollten hier generell nichts einstellen und <a href="http://forum.mxchange.org/forum-43.html" target="_blank" title="Direktlink zum Forum">im Forum</a> um Hilfe fragen, wenn Sie selber ein Werbenetzwerk einrichten möchten.', 6);
+ addAdminMenuSql('network', 'list_network_types', 'Werbearten-Handler', '<strong>Entwicklereinstellungen!</strong> Hier ändern Sie die Einstellungen zu den Werbearten-Handler pro Werbenetzwerken. Sie sollten hier generell nichts einstellen und <a href="http://forum.mxchange.org/forum-43.html" target="_blank" title="Direktlink zum Forum">im Forum</a> um Hilfe fragen, wenn Sie selber ein Werbenetzwerk einrichten möchten.', 7);
+ addAdminMenuSql('network', 'list_network_params', 'Abfrageparameter', '<strong>Entwicklereinstellungen!</strong> Hier stellen Sie die Abfrageparameter (wie sie genannt werden müssen, um das API-Script korrekt aufrufen zu können) ein, pro Werbenetzwerk. Sie sollten hier generell nichts einstellen und <a href="http://forum.mxchange.org/forum-43.html" target="_blank" title="Direktlink zum Forum">im Forum</a> um Hilfe fragen, wenn Sie selber ein Werbenetzwerk einrichten möchten.', 8);
+ addAdminMenuSql('network', 'list_network_api_translation', 'Antwort-Array', '<strong>Entwicklereinstellungen!</strong> Hier stellen Sie die Zuweisungen der aus der analysierten API-Antwort Array-Elementen zu den Datenspalten ein. Sie sollten hier generell nichts einstellen und <a href="http://forum.mxchange.org/forum-43.html" target="_blank" title="Direktlink zum Forum">im Forum</a> um Hilfe fragen, wenn Sie selber ein Werbenetzwerk einrichten möchten.', 10);
+ addAdminMenuSql('network', 'list_network_error_codes', 'Fehlercodes', '<strong>Entwicklereinstellungen!</strong> Hier stellen Sie die Fehlercodes ein, die im Falle eines Fehlers pro API-Script kommen können. Sie sollten hier generell nichts einstellen und <a href="http://forum.mxchange.org/forum-43.html" target="_blank" title="Direktlink zum Forum">im Forum</a> um Hilfe fragen, wenn Sie selber ein Werbenetzwerk einrichten möchten.', 11);
// Configuration entries
addConfigAddSql('network_cache_refresh', 'BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT ' . (60 * 15));
} // END - if
// Version number
// Version history array (add more with , '0.0.1' and so on)
-setExtensionVersionHistory(array('0.0.0', '0.0.1', '0.0.2', '0.0.3', '0.0.4', '0.0.5', '0.0.6', '0.0.7', '0.0.8', '0.0.9', '0.1.0', '0.1.1', '0.1.2', '0.1.3', '0.1.4', '0.1.5', '0.1.6', '0.1.7', '0.1.8', '0.1.9', '0.2.0', '0.2.1', '0.2.2', '0.2.3', '0.2.4', '0.2.5', '0.2.6', '0.2.7', '0.2.8', '0.2.9', '0.3.0', '0.3.1', '0.3.2', '0.3.3', '0.3.4', '0.3.5', '0.3.6', '0.3.7', '0.3.8', '0.3.9', '0.4.0', '0.4.1', '0.4.2', '0.4.3', '0.4.4', '0.4.5', '0.4.6', '0.4.7', '0.4.8', '0.4.9', '0.5.0', '0.5.1', '0.5.2', '0.5.3', '0.5.4', '0.5.5', '0.5.6', '0.5.7', '0.5.8', '0.5.9', '0.6.0', '0.6.1', '0.6.2', '0.6.3', '0.6.4', '0.6.4', '0.6.5', '0.6.6', '0.6.7', '0.6.8', '0.6.9', '0.7.0', '0.7.1', '0.7.2', '0.7.3', '0.7.4', '0.7.5', '0.7.6', '0.7.7', '0.7.8', '0.7.9', '0.8.0', '0.8.1', '0.8.2', '0.8.3', '0.8.4', '0.8.5', '0.8.6'));
+setExtensionVersionHistory(array('0.0.0', '0.0.1', '0.0.2', '0.0.3', '0.0.4', '0.0.5', '0.0.6', '0.0.7', '0.0.8', '0.0.9', '0.1.0', '0.1.1', '0.1.2', '0.1.3', '0.1.4', '0.1.5', '0.1.6', '0.1.7', '0.1.8', '0.1.9', '0.2.0', '0.2.1', '0.2.2', '0.2.3', '0.2.4', '0.2.5', '0.2.6', '0.2.7', '0.2.8', '0.2.9', '0.3.0', '0.3.1', '0.3.2', '0.3.3', '0.3.4', '0.3.5', '0.3.6', '0.3.7', '0.3.8', '0.3.9', '0.4.0', '0.4.1', '0.4.2', '0.4.3', '0.4.4', '0.4.5', '0.4.6', '0.4.7', '0.4.8', '0.4.9', '0.5.0', '0.5.1', '0.5.2', '0.5.3', '0.5.4', '0.5.5', '0.5.6', '0.5.7', '0.5.8', '0.5.9', '0.6.0', '0.6.1', '0.6.2', '0.6.3', '0.6.4', '0.6.4', '0.6.5', '0.6.6', '0.6.7', '0.6.8', '0.6.9', '0.7.0', '0.7.1', '0.7.2', '0.7.3', '0.7.4', '0.7.5', '0.7.6', '0.7.7', '0.7.8', '0.7.9', '0.8.0', '0.8.1', '0.8.2', '0.8.3', '0.8.4', '0.8.5', '0.8.6', '0.8.7'));
// Keep this extension always active!
// Update notes (these will be set as task text!)
setExtensionUpdateNotes("Uralten Konfigurationseintrag entfernt.");
+ case '0.8.7': // SQL queries for v0.8.7
+ addConfigAddSql('admin_menu_javascript', "ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N'");
+ // Update notes (these will be set as task text!)
+ setExtensionUpdateNotes("Es kann ausgewählt werden, ob das herkömliche JavaScrit-lose Menü oder mit JavaScript aktiv sein soll. Das herkömliche ist erstmal Standarteinstellung, bis das JavaScript-Menü funktioniert.");
+ break;
} // END - switch
} // END - if
- if (($bonus === true) && (getRequestElement('mode') == 'bonus')) {
+ if (($bonus === true) && (getRequestElement('do') == 'bonus')) {
// Output message with added points
$GLOBALS['message'] .= '<div class="tiny">{--MEMBER_BONUS_LOGIN_BONUS_ADDED--}</div>';
} else {
function FILTER_ADD_BOOKING_RECORD ($filterData) {
// Add a record
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Called!');
- addBookingRecord($filterData['subject'], $filterData['userid'], $filterData['points'], $filterData['mode']);
+ addBookingRecord($filterData['subject'], $filterData['userid'], $filterData['points'], $filterData['points_mode']);
// Return data
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'Done!');
function FILTER_UPDATE_MEDIADATA_ENTRY ($filterData) {
// Execute the filter function
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'added[' . gettype($filterData['added']) . ']=' . intval($filterData['added']) . ' - Called!');
- $filterData['added'] = ($filterData['added'] === true && updateMediadataEntry(array('total_points'), $filterData['mode'], $filterData['points']));
+ $filterData['added'] = ($filterData['added'] === true && updateMediadataEntry(array('total_points'), $filterData['points_mode'], $filterData['points']));
// Return data
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'added[' . gettype($filterData['added']) . ']=' . intval($filterData['added']) . ' - Done!');
$data = array(
'matches' => $matches,
'key' => $key,
- 'mode' => getScriptOutputMode(),
+ 'output_mode' => getScriptOutputMode(),
'code' => $filterData,
'callback' => $callback,
'extra_func' => $extraFunction,
// This is a high-level function!
function addNewBonusMail ($data, $mode = '', $output = true) {
// Use mode from data if not set and availble ;-)
- if ((empty($mode)) && (isset($data['mode']))) {
- $mode = $data['mode'];
+ if ((empty($mode)) && (isset($data['mail_mode']))) {
+ $mode = $data['mail_mode'];
} // END - if
// Generate receiver list
'MEMBER_NO_MAILS_IN_POOL' => "Sie haben noch keine Mailbuchungen aufgegeben! Es können somit Ihnen auch keine angezeigt werden.",
'ADMIN_CONFIG_ADMIN_MENU_TITLE' => "Einstellungen am Adminmenü",
'ADMIN_CONFIG_SELECT_MENU_TYPE' => "Menütyp auswählen",
- 'ADMIN_MENU_NEW' => "Neues Menüsystem mit "logischen Bereichen"",
- 'ADMIN_MENU_OLD' => "Herkömliches Menüsystem links im Browser",
+ 'ADMIN_CONFIG_ADMIN_MENU_NEW' => "Neues Menüsystem mit "logischen Bereichen"",
+ 'ADMIN_CONFIG_ADMIN_MENU_OLD' => "Herkömliches Menüsystem links im Browser",
+ 'ADMIN_CONFIG_ADMIN_MENU_JAVASCRIPT_ENABLED' => "Soll das mit JavaScript ("interaktiv") gesteuerte Adminmenü eingeschaltet werden? (Dies ist noch sehr experimentell.)",
'ADMIN_BACK_TO_GUEST_MENU' => "Zum Gastmenü zurück...",
'ADMIN_LOGOUT_NOW' => "Aus dem Admin-Bereich ausloggen",
'ADMIN_LOGOUT_NOTE' => "Loggen Sie sich immer aus dem Admin-Bereich aus, wenn Sie beabsichten, ihn nicht mehr zu benutzen. Auch sollten Sie dies <strong>auf jedem Fall</strong> in einem Internet-Cafe vor Verlassen des Platzes tun.",
'ADMIN_LIST_STATUS_LOCKED_ACCOUNTS' => "Alle gesperrten Mitglieder-Accounts auflisten",
'ADMIN_LIST_STATUS_CONFIRMED_ACCOUNTS' => "Alle bestätigten Mitglieder-Accounts auflisten",
'ADMIN_LIST_STATUS_UNCONFIRMED_ACCOUNTS' => "Alle unbestätigten Mitglieder-Accounts auflisten",
- 'ADMIN_LIST_MODE_CONFIRMED_ACCOUNTS' => "Alle bestätigten Mitglieder-Accounts auflisten",
- 'ADMIN_LIST_MODE_NOREFS_ACCOUNTS' => "Alle Mitglieder-Accounts ohne Referrals auflisten",
- 'ADMIN_LIST_MODE_RANDOM_REFID_ACCOUNTS' => "Alle Mitglieder-Accounts für Zufallsreferral auflisten",
+ 'ADMIN_LIST_DO_CONFIRMED_ACCOUNTS' => "Alle bestätigten Mitglieder-Accounts auflisten",
+ 'ADMIN_LIST_DO_NOREFS_ACCOUNTS' => "Alle Mitglieder-Accounts ohne Referrals auflisten",
+ 'ADMIN_LIST_DO_RANDOM_REFID_ACCOUNTS' => "Alle Mitglieder-Accounts für Zufallsreferral auflisten",
// Admin task lines
'ADMIN_TASK_TYPE_MEMBER_SUPPORT' => "Support-Anfrage eines Mitgliedes",
'CACHE_CANNOT_UNLINK' => "Kann nicht die Cache-Datei <strong><span class=\"data\">%s</span></strong> vom Server entfernen.",
// Expert settings
- 'ADMIN_EXPERT_SETTINGS_STATUS_UPDATE' => "Ihr {?mt_word?} weisst nicht die nötige Erweiterung <span class=\"data\">admins</span> mindestens in der Version <span class=\"data\">0.7.3</span> auf, um Experten-Einstellungen zu prüfen. Bitte aktualisieren Sie Ihre {?mt_word?}-Installation.",
+ 'ADMIN_EXPERT_SETTINGS_STATUS_UPDATE' => "Ihr {?mt_word?} weisst nicht die nötige Erweiterung <span class=\"data\">admins</span> mindestens in der Version <span class=\"data\">0.7.3</span> auf, um Entwicklereinstellungen zu prüfen. Bitte aktualisieren Sie Ihre {?mt_word?}-Installation.",
'ADMIN_EXPERT_SETTINGS_STATUS_FAILED' => "Es ist ein allgemeiner Fehler beim Prüfen der Experteneinstellungen aufgetreten für den Sie vermutlich nichts können.",
- 'ADMIN_EXPERT_SETTINGS_STATUS_FORBIDDEN' => "Sie haben nicht die Berechtigung, Experten-Einstellungen zu ändern.",
- 'ADMIN_EXPERT_SETTINGS_TITLE' => "Änderungen von Experten-Einstellungen",
+ 'ADMIN_EXPERT_SETTINGS_STATUS_FORBIDDEN' => "Sie haben nicht die Berechtigung, Entwicklereinstellungen zu ändern.",
+ 'ADMIN_EXPERT_SETTINGS_TITLE' => "Änderungen von Entwicklereinstellungen",
'ADMIN_EXPERT_SETTINGS_NOTE' => "Sie sind im Begriff Einstellungen zu ändern, die sehr sensibel sind und sich auf die Funktionalität Ihres {?mt_word2?} negativ auswirken können. Sie sollten daher hier nichts ändern, solange Sie nicht wissen, was Sie da tun.",
'ADMIN_EXPERT_SETTINGS_MAKE_PERMANENT' => "Ja, ich weiss was ich tue und möchte diesen Hinweis nicht mehr angezeigt bekommen.",
- 'ADMIN_EXPERT_SETTINGS_CONTINUE' => "Dennoch die Experten-Einstellungen aufrufen",
+ 'ADMIN_EXPERT_SETTINGS_CONTINUE' => "Dennoch die Entwicklereinstellungen aufrufen",
// Payment modes
'ADMIN_CONFIG_PAYMENT_MODE_DIRECT' => "Nur direktem Mitglied gutschreiben.",
'MEMBER_WERNIS_PAYOUT_MIN_POINTS' => "Mindestens auszuzahlendes Wernis-Guthaben",
'MEMBER_WERNIS_PAYOUT_SUBMIT' => "Auszahlung durchführen",
'MEMBER_WERNIS_PAYOUT_NOTE' => "Ihr Wernis-Passwort wird bei {?MAIN_TITLE?} nicht gespeichert. Bitte bei Wernis-Betrag nur gerade Beträge eingeben! Überprüfen Sie vor dem Absenden Ihren WDS66-Usernamen.",
- 'MEMBER_WERNIS_WDS66_ID' => "Username bei WDS66-Portal: [<a href=\"http://www.wds66.com/modules.php?module=wpass&mode=new\" target=\"_blank\">Vergessen?</a>]",
- 'MEMBER_WERNIS_WDS66_PASSWORD' => "Wernis-Passwort (nicht Accountpasswort!): [<a href=\"http://www.wds66.com/modules.php?module=wpass&mode=new\" target=\"_blank\">Vergessen?</a>]",
+ 'MEMBER_WERNIS_WDS66_ID' => "Username bei WDS66-Portal: [<a href=\"http://www.wds66.com/modules.php?module=wpass\" target=\"_blank\">Vergessen?</a>]",
+ 'MEMBER_WERNIS_WDS66_PASSWORD' => "Wernis-Passwort (nicht Accountpasswort!): [<a href=\"http://www.wds66.com/modules.php?module=wpass\" target=\"_blank\">Vergessen?</a>]",
'MEMBER_WERNIS_WDS66_AMOUNT' => "Zu überweisenden Betrag eingeben:",
'MEMBER_WERNIS_MODE_INVALID' => "Ungültiger Modus <span class=\"data\">%s</span> erkannt! Bitte links im Menü fortfahren.",
'MEMBER_WERNIS_EMPTY_USERNAME' => "Sie haben Ihren WDS66-Usernamen nicht eingegeben.",
- $postData['mode'][$id],
+ $postData['access_mode'][$id],
), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// Shall we allow changing default ACL?
if ($currMode == 'allow') {
// Allow changing it
- $content['mode'] = '{%pipe,generateAdminAccessModeSelectionBox=' . $id . '%}';
+ $content['access_mode'] = '{%pipe,generateAdminAccessModeSelectionBox=' . $id . '%}';
} else {
// Don't allow it
- $content['mode'] = ' ';
+ $content['access_mode'] = ' ';
// Load row template and switch color
// Generate access mode selection box for given admin id
function generateAdminAccessModeSelectionBox ($adminId = NULL) {
// Start the selection box
- $OUT = '<select name="mode[' . $adminId . ']" size="1" class="form_select">';
+ $OUT = '<select name="access_mode[' . $adminId . ']" size="1" class="form_select">';
// Add option list
$OUT .= generateOptionList('/ARRAY/', array('allow', 'deny'), array('{--ADMIN_ADMINS_ACCESS_MODE_ALLOW--}', '{--ADMIN_ADMINS_ACCESS_MODE_DENY--}'), getAdminDefaultAcl($adminId));
$id = bigintval($id);
// Get the admin's data
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `login`,`email`,`default_acl` AS `mode`,`la_mode` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admins` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `login`,`email`,`default_acl` AS `access_mode`,`la_mode` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_admins` WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array($id), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// Do we have an entry?
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) {
// Entry found, so load data
$content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result);
- $content['mode'] = '{--ADMIN_ADMINS_ACCESS_MODE_' . strtoupper($content['mode']) . '--}';
- $content['la_mode'] = '{--ADMIN_ADMINS_LA_MODE_' . strtoupper($content['la_mode']) . '--}';
+ $content['access_mode'] = '{--ADMIN_ADMINS_ACCESS_MODE_' . strtoupper($content['access_mode']) . '--}';
+ $content['la_mode'] = '{--ADMIN_ADMINS_LA_MODE_' . strtoupper($content['la_mode']) . '--}';
// Prepare some more data
$content['id'] = $id;
- `default_acl` AS `mode`,
+ `default_acl` AS `access_mode`,
$OUT = '';
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Compile some variables
- $content['mode'] = '{--ADMIN_ADMINS_ACCESS_MODE_' . strtoupper($content['mode']) . '--}';
- $content['la_mode'] = '{--ADMIN_ADMINS_LA_MODE_' . strtoupper($content['la_mode']) . '--}';
+ $content['access_mode'] = '{--ADMIN_ADMINS_ACCESS_MODE_' . strtoupper($content['access_mode']) . '--}';
+ $content['la_mode'] = '{--ADMIN_ADMINS_LA_MODE_' . strtoupper($content['la_mode']) . '--}';
// Load row template and switch color
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_list_admins_row', true, $content);
} // END - if
-// Add a record entry ("mode" can be add/sub!)
-function addBookingRecord ($subject, $userid, $points, $mode) {
+// Add a record entry ('pointsMode' can be add/sub!)
+function addBookingRecord ($subject, $userid, $points, $pointsMode) {
// Is the sql_patches updated?
if (isExtensionInstalledAndOlder('sql_patches', '0.5.7')) {
// Abort here
} // END - if
// Add record entry here
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_booking` (`userid`,`subject`,`mode`,`points`) VALUES (%s,'%s','%s',%s)",
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_booking` (`userid`,`subject`,`points_mode`,`points`) VALUES (%s,'%s','%s',%s)",
- $mode,
+ strtoupper($pointsMode),
), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// And random refid
$value = getTotalRandomRefidUser();
if ($value > 0) {
- $content['random_refid'] = '<a href="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&what=list_user&mode=random_refid%}">' . $value . '</a>';
+ $content['random_refid'] = '<a href="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&what=list_user&do=random_refid%}">' . $value . '</a>';
} // END - if
} // END - if
addSql("SELECT `userid` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_data` WHERE `refid`=0 OR `refid` IS NULL ORDER BY `userid` ASC");
- $WHATs[] = 'list_user&mode=norefs';
+ $WHATs[] = 'list_user&do=norefs';
} // END - if
if (isExtensionActive('payout')) {
if (isExtensionActive('doubler')) {
// List waiting payouts
addSql("SELECT `id` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_doubler` WHERE `completed`='N' ORDER BY `id` ASC");
- $WHATs[] = 'list_doubler&mode=waiting&select=all';
+ $WHATs[] = 'list_doubler&do=waiting&select=all';
addSql('SELECT `id` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_doubler` ORDER BY `id` ASC');
// Add links for selecting some users
function alpha ($sortby) {
$add = '';
- foreach (array('page','offset','mode','status') as $param) {
+ foreach (array('page','offset','do','status') as $param) {
if (isGetRequestElementSet($param)) {
$add .= '&' . $param . '=' . getRequestElement($param);
} // END - if
$add = '&page=' . getRequestElement('page') . '&offset=' . getRequestElement('offset');
// Add status/ mode
- foreach (array('mode','status') as $param) {
+ foreach (array('do','status') as $param) {
if (isGetRequestElementSet($param)) {
$add .= '&' . $param . '=' . getRequestElement($param);
} // END - if
$OUT .= '<a href="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&what=' . getWhat();
// Add status/mode
- foreach (array('mode','status') as $param) {
+ foreach (array('do','status') as $param) {
if (isGetRequestElementSet($param)) {
$OUT .= '&' . $param . '=' . getRequestElement($param);
} // END - if
// Procedure to checking for login data
if (($GLOBALS['bonus_payed'] === true) && (isExtensionActive('bonus'))) {
// Bonus added (just displaying!)
- $url = 'modules.php?module=chk_login&mode=bonus';
+ $url = 'modules.php?module=chk_login&do=bonus';
} else {
// Bonus not added
- $url = 'modules.php?module=chk_login&mode=login';
+ $url = 'modules.php?module=chk_login&do=login';
} else {
// Use this URL
// Init title with "all accounts"
$code = '{--ADMIN_LIST_ALL_ACCOUNTS--}';
- // Do we have a 'status' or 'mode' set?
+ // Do we have a 'status' or 'do' set?
if (isGetRequestElementSet('status')) {
// Set title according to the 'status'
$code = sprintf("{--ADMIN_LIST_STATUS_%s_ACCOUNTS--}", strtoupper(getRequestElement('status')));
- } elseif (isGetRequestElementSet('mode')) {
- // Set title according to the "mode"
- $code = sprintf("{--ADMIN_LIST_MODE_%s_ACCOUNTS--}", strtoupper(getRequestElement('mode')));
+ } elseif (isGetRequestElementSet('do')) {
+ // Set title according to 'do'
+ $code = sprintf("{--ADMIN_LIST_DO_%s_ACCOUNTS--}", strtoupper(getRequestElement('do')));
// Return the code
// Adds the mail to the bonus mail pool
-function YOOMEDIA_SEND_BONUS_MAIL ($data, $mode) {
+function YOOMEDIA_SEND_BONUS_MAIL ($data, $mailMode) {
// Is this an admin?
if (!isAdmin()) {
// Abort here
// HTML or normal? (normal is default...)
$type = 't';
- if (($mode == 'html') && (isExtensionActive('html_mail'))) $type = 'h';
+ if (($mailMode == 'html') && (isExtensionActive('html_mail'))) $type = 'h';
// Auto-generate URL
$data['url'] = sprintf("http://www.yoomedia.de/code/%s-mail.php?id=%s&sid=%s",
// Lock this mail for new delivery
- YOOMEDIA_RELOAD_LOCK($data, $mode);
+ YOOMEDIA_RELOAD_LOCK($data, $mailMode);
// Call the lower function
- addNewBonusMail($data, $mode);
+ addNewBonusMail($data, $mailMode);
// Lockdown given id
-function YOOMEDIA_EXCLUDE_MAIL ($data, $mode) {
+function YOOMEDIA_EXCLUDE_MAIL ($data, $mailMode) {
// Search for the entry
- if (YOOMEDIA_CHECK_RELOAD($data['id'], $data['reload'], $mode) === false) {
+ if (YOOMEDIA_CHECK_RELOAD($data['id'], $data['reload'], $mailMode) === false) {
// Convert mode for mails
- $mode = YOOMEDIA_CONVERT_MODE($mode);
+ $mailMode = YOOMEDIA_CONVERT_MODE($mailMode);
// Add the entry
SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_yoomedia_reload` (`type`,`y_id`,`y_reload`,`inserted`) VALUES ('%s',%s,%s,'0000-00-00 00:00')",
- $mode,
+ $mailMode,
), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// Remove lock of given mail
-function YOOMEDIA_UNLIST_MAIL ($data, $mode) {
+function YOOMEDIA_UNLIST_MAIL ($data, $mailMode) {
// Convert mode for mails
- $mode = YOOMEDIA_CONVERT_MODE($mode);
+ $mailMode = YOOMEDIA_CONVERT_MODE($mailMode);
// Add the entry
SQL_QUERY_ESC("DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_yoomedia_reload` WHERE `type`='%s' AND `y_id`=%s LIMIT 1",
- array($mode, bigintval($data['id'])), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+ array($mailMode, bigintval($data['id'])), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// "Translates" the index number into an assosiative value
// Lock given mail down for reload lock
-function YOOMEDIA_RELOAD_LOCK ($data, $mode) {
+function YOOMEDIA_RELOAD_LOCK ($data, $mailMode) {
// Search for the entry
- if (YOOMEDIA_CHECK_RELOAD($data['id'], $data['reload'], $mode) === false) {
+ if (YOOMEDIA_CHECK_RELOAD($data['id'], $data['reload'], $mailMode) === false) {
// Convert mode for mails
- $mode = YOOMEDIA_CONVERT_MODE($mode);
+ $mailMode = YOOMEDIA_CONVERT_MODE($mailMode);
// Add the entry
SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_yoomedia_reload` (`type`,`y_id`,`y_reload`) VALUES ('%s',%s,%s)",
- array($mode, bigintval($data['id']), bigintval($data['reload'])), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+ array($mailMode, bigintval($data['id']), bigintval($data['reload'])), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
} // END - if
// Convert mode for mails
-function YOOMEDIA_CONVERT_MODE ($mode) {
+function YOOMEDIA_CONVERT_MODE ($mailMode) {
// Convert mode for normal/html
- switch ($mode) {
+ switch ($mailMode) {
case 'normal':
- $mode = 'textmail';
+ $mailMode = 'textmail';
case 'html':
- $mode = 'htmlmail';
+ $mailMode = 'htmlmail';
} // END - switch
// Return result
- return $mode;
+ return $mailMode;
// Extract code from response
// Load header, footer, render menu
$content['header'] = loadTemplate('admin_header' , true, $content);
$content['footer'] = loadTemplate('admin_footer' , true, $content);
- $content['menu'] = addAdminMenu($action, $what, true);
+ $content['menu'] = addAdminMenu($action, $what);
- // Tableset header
- loadTemplate('admin_main_header', false, $content);
+ // Load main template
+ loadTemplate('admin_main', false, $content);
// Check if action/what pair is valid
$result_action = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT
$GLOBALS['menu']['title'][$mainContent['main_action']] = $mainContent['main_title'];
$GLOBALS['menu']['description'][$mainContent['main_action']] = $mainContent['main_descr'];
} // END - if
- $OUT .= '<li class="admin_menu">
+ $OUT .= '<li class="admin_menu"' . addJavaScriptMenuContent('admin', $mainContent['main_action'], $action, $what) . '>
<div class="nobr"><strong>·</strong> ';
if ($readable === true) {
$OUT .= '</div>
- // Check for menu entries
- $result_what = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT
+ // Add sub menu
+ $OUT .= addAdminSubMenu($mainContent, $action, $what);
+ } // END - if
+ } // END - while
+ // Close ul-tag
+ $OUT .= '</ul>';
+ // Free memory
+ SQL_FREERESULT($result_main);
+ } // END - if
+ // Return content
+ return $OUT;
+// Add admin sub menu
+function addAdminSubMenu ($mainContent, $action, $what) {
+ // Init content
+ $OUT = '';
+ // Check for menu entries
+ $result_what = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT
`what` AS `sub_what`,
`title` AS `sub_title`,
`descr` AS `sub_descr`
`sort` ASC,
`id` DESC",
- array($mainContent['main_action']), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
- // Remember the count for later checks
- setAdminMenuHasEntries($mainContent['main_action'], ((!SQL_HASZERONUMS($result_what)) && ($action == $mainContent['main_action'])));
- // Start li-tag for sub menu content
- $OUT .= '<li class="admin_menu_sub" id="action_menu_' . $mainContent['main_action'] . '">';
- // Do we have entries?
- if (ifAdminMenuHasEntries($mainContent['main_action'])) {
- // Sub menu has been called
- $SUB = true;
- $OUT .= '<ul class="admin_menu_sub">';
- // Load all entries
- while ($subContent = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result_what)) {
- // Filename
- $inc = sprintf("inc/modules/admin/what-%s.php", $subContent['sub_what']);
- // Is the file readable?
- $readable = isIncludeReadable($inc);
- // Is the current admin allowed to access this 'what' menu?
- if (isAdminAllowedAccessMenu(NULL, $subContent['sub_what'])) {
- // Insert compiled title and description
- $GLOBALS['menu']['title'][$subContent['sub_what']] = $subContent['sub_title'];
- $GLOBALS['menu']['description'][$subContent['sub_what']] = $subContent['sub_descr'];
- $OUT .= '<li class="admin_menu">
+ array($mainContent['main_action']), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+ // Remember the count for later checks
+ setAdminMenuHasEntries($mainContent['main_action'], ((!SQL_HASZERONUMS($result_what)) && (($action == $mainContent['main_action']) || (isAdminMenuJavascriptEnabled()))));
+ // Start li-tag for sub menu content
+ $OUT .= '<li class="admin_menu_sub" id="action_menu_' . $mainContent['main_action'] . '"' . addStyleMenuContent('admin', $mainContent['main_action'], $action) . '>';
+ // Do we have entries?
+ if (ifAdminMenuHasEntries($mainContent['main_action'])) {
+ // Sub menu has been called
+ $SUB = true;
+ $OUT .= '<ul class="admin_menu_sub">';
+ // Load all entries
+ while ($subContent = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result_what)) {
+ // Filename
+ $inc = sprintf("inc/modules/admin/what-%s.php", $subContent['sub_what']);
+ // Is the file readable?
+ $readable = isIncludeReadable($inc);
+ // Is the current admin allowed to access this 'what' menu?
+ if (isAdminAllowedAccessMenu(NULL, $subContent['sub_what'])) {
+ // Insert compiled title and description
+ $GLOBALS['menu']['title'][$subContent['sub_what']] = $subContent['sub_title'];
+ $GLOBALS['menu']['description'][$subContent['sub_what']] = $subContent['sub_descr'];
+ $OUT .= '<li class="admin_menu">
<div class="nobr"><strong>--></strong> ';
- if ($readable === true) {
- if ($what == $subContent['sub_what']) {
- $OUT .= '<strong>';
- } else {
- $OUT .= '[<a href="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&what=' . $subContent['sub_what'] . '%}">';
- }
- } else {
- $OUT .= '<span class="bad" style="cursor:help" title="{%message,ADMIN_MENU_WHAT_404_TITLE=' . $subContent['sub_what'] . '%}">';
- }
- $OUT .= $subContent['sub_title'];
- if ($readable === true) {
- if ($what == $subContent['sub_what']) {
- $OUT .= '</strong>';
- } else {
- $OUT .= '</a>]';
- }
- } else {
- $OUT .= '</span>';
- }
- $OUT .= '</div>
- } // END - if
- } // END - while
+ if ($readable === true) {
+ if ($what == $subContent['sub_what']) {
+ $OUT .= '<strong>';
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= '[<a href="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&what=' . $subContent['sub_what'] . '%}">';
+ }
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= '<span class="bad" style="cursor:help" title="{%message,ADMIN_MENU_WHAT_404_TITLE=' . $subContent['sub_what'] . '%}">';
+ }
- // Free memory
- SQL_FREERESULT($result_what);
- $OUT .= '</ul>';
- } // END - if
+ $OUT .= $subContent['sub_title'];
- // Close li-tag
- $OUT .= '</li>';
+ if ($readable === true) {
+ if ($what == $subContent['sub_what']) {
+ $OUT .= '</strong>';
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= '</a>]';
+ }
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= '</span>';
+ }
+ $OUT .= '</div>
} // END - if
} // END - while
// Free memory
- SQL_FREERESULT($result_main);
+ SQL_FREERESULT($result_what);
$OUT .= '</ul>';
} // END - if
+ // Close li-tag
+ $OUT .= '</li>';
// Return content
return $OUT;
// Query all entries
- `id`,`login`' . $ADD . '
+ `id`,
+ `login`
+ ' . $ADD . '
// Add more data to $content
- $content['mode'] = 'admin';
+ $content['do'] = 'admin';
// Load row template and switch colors
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_menu_overview_row', true, $content);
// Add description as navigation point
addYouAreHereLink('admin', __FILE__);
-if ((isGetRequestElementSet('id')) && (isGetRequestElementSet('mode'))) {
+if ((isGetRequestElementSet('id')) && (isGetRequestElementSet('do'))) {
// Check for selected sponsor
$result_main = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT
$content['warning_interval'] = createTimeSelections($content['warning_interval'], 'warning_interval', 'MWDh');
// Init variables here
- $TPL = sprintf("admin_edit_sponsor_%s", getRequestElement('mode'));
+ $TPL = sprintf("admin_edit_sponsor_%s", getRequestElement('do'));
// Sponsor was found
if ((isFormSent()) || (isFormSent('edit'))) {
// Perform action on mode
- switch (getRequestElement('mode')) {
+ switch (getRequestElement('do')) {
case 'add_points': // Add points
if (bigintval(postRequestElement('points')) > 0) {
// Replace german decimal comma with computer's decimal dot
default: // Unknown mode
- logDebugMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, sprintf("Unknown mode %s detected.", getRequestElement('mode')));
- $message = '{%message,ADMIN_SPONSOR_INVALID_MODE=' . getRequestElement('mode') . '%}';
+ logDebugMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, sprintf("Unknown mode %s detected.", getRequestElement('do')));
+ $message = '{%message,ADMIN_SPONSOR_INVALID_MODE=' . getRequestElement('do') . '%}';
loadTemplate($TPL, false, $content);
} else {
// Template not found
- displayMessage('{%message,ADMIN_SPONSOR_MODUS_TPL_404', getRequestElement('mode') . '%}');
+ displayMessage('{%message,ADMIN_SPONSOR_MODUS_TPL_404', getRequestElement('do') . '%}');
} else {
// Sponsor not found
'what' => $content['what'],
'title' => $content['title'],
'navi' => $NAVI,
- 'mode' => 'guest'
+ 'do' => 'guest'
// Load row template
postRequestElement('admin', $id),
postRequestElement('action_menu', $id),
postRequestElement('what_menu', $id),
- postRequestElement('mode', $id),
+ postRequestElement('access_mode', $id),
),__FILE__, __LINE__);
} // END - foreach
$ACL = isAdminsAllowedByAcl(getActionFromModuleWhat('admin', postRequestElement('what_menu')), '');
} // END - if
- if (($mode != postRequestElement('mode')) || (($ACL === true) && (postRequestElement('mode') == 'deny'))) {
+ if (($mode != postRequestElement('do')) || (($ACL === true) && (postRequestElement('do') == 'deny'))) {
// Mode is fine
$BOTH = ((isPostRequestElementSet('action_menu')) && (isPostRequestElementSet('what_menu')) && (postRequestElement('action_menu') != '') && (postRequestElement('what_menu') != ''));
- postRequestElement('mode')
+ postRequestElement('do')
), __FILE__, __LINE__);
$content = '{--ADMIN_ADMINS_ACL_SAVED--}';
if (isFormSent('edit')) {
// Edit template
$row = 'admin_edit_country_row';
- $post = 'modify';
+ $do = 'modify';
$class = 'form_submit';
$submit = '{--ADMIN_COUNTRY_EDIT_NOW--}';
$title = '{--ADMIN_COUNTRY_EDIT_TITLE--}';
} else {
// Delete template
$row = 'admin_delete_country_row';
- $post = 'remove';
+ $do = 'remove';
$class = 'form_delete';
$submit = '{--ADMIN_COUNTRY_DELETE_NOW--}';
// Prepare content for template
$content = array(
'rows' => $OUT,
- 'mode' => $post,
+ 'do' => $do,
'class' => $class,
'title' => $title,
'submit' => $submit,
// Add description as navigation point
addYouAreHereLink('admin', __FILE__);
-if (!isGetRequestElementSet('mode')) {
+if (!isGetRequestElementSet('do')) {
// Chosse the overview page as default
- setGetRequestElement('mode', 'overview');
+ setGetRequestElement('do', 'overview');
} else {
// Set table title automatically
if (!isGetRequestElementSet('select')) {
} // END - if
// Prepare header
- $content['list_' . strtolower(getRequestElement('mode'))] = strtoupper('{--ADMIN_DOUBLER_LIST_' . getRequestElement('mode') . '_' . getRequestElement('select') . '--}');
+ $content['list_' . strtolower(getRequestElement('do'))] = strtoupper('{--ADMIN_DOUBLER_LIST_' . getRequestElement('do') . '_' . getRequestElement('select') . '--}');
// Load data for the template
-switch (getRequestElement('mode')) {
+switch (getRequestElement('do')) {
case 'already': // Already payed out points
if ($count > 0) {
// Something was payed out
$sumAlready += $count;
- $content['already_direct_link'] = '<a href="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&what=list_doubler&mode=already&select=direct%}">' . $count . '</a>';
+ $content['already_direct_link'] = '<a href="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&what=list_doubler&do=already&select=direct%}">' . $count . '</a>';
} // END - if
$count = countSumTotalData('Y','doubler','id','completed',true, " AND `is_ref`='Y'");
if ($count > 0) {
// Something was payed out
$sumAlready += $count;
- $content['already_ref_link'] = '<a href="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&what=list_doubler&mode=already&select=ref%}">' . $count . '</a>';
+ $content['already_ref_link'] = '<a href="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&what=list_doubler&do=already&select=ref%}">' . $count . '</a>';
} // END - if
// And the same for waiting pouts (direct and referral)
if ($count > 0) {
// Something was payed out
$sumWaiting += $count;
- $content['waiting_direct_link'] = '<a href="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&what=list_doubler&mode=waiting&select=direct%}">' . $count . '</a>';
+ $content['waiting_direct_link'] = '<a href="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&what=list_doubler&do=waiting&select=direct%}">' . $count . '</a>';
} // END - if
$count = countSumTotalData('N','doubler','id','completed',true, " AND `is_ref`='Y'");
if ($count > 0) {
// Something was payed out
$sumWaiting += $count;
- $content['waiting_ref_link'] = '<a href="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&what=list_doubler&mode=waiting&select=ref%}">' . $count . '</a>';
+ $content['waiting_ref_link'] = '<a href="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&what=list_doubler&do=waiting&select=ref%}">' . $count . '</a>';
} // END - if
// Links for all
- $content['already_all_link'] = '<a href="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&what=list_doubler&mode=already&select=all%}">' . $sumAlready . '</a>';
- $content['waiting_all_link'] = '<a href="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&what=list_doubler&mode=waiting&select=all%}">' . $sumWaiting . '</a>';
+ $content['already_all_link'] = '<a href="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&what=list_doubler&do=already&select=all%}">' . $sumAlready . '</a>';
+ $content['waiting_all_link'] = '<a href="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&what=list_doubler&do=waiting&select=all%}">' . $sumWaiting . '</a>';
// All data is loaded here...
} // END - switch
// Load mode template
-loadTemplate('admin_list_doubler_' . getRequestElement('mode'), false, $content);
+loadTemplate('admin_list_doubler_' . getRequestElement('do'), false, $content);
// [EOF]
// Start a new one
$whereStatement = sprintf(" WHERE `status`='%s'", SQL_ESCAPE(secureString(strtoupper(getRequestElement('status')))));
- } elseif (isGetRequestElementSet('mode')) {
+ } elseif (isGetRequestElementSet('do')) {
// Choose what we need to list
- switch (getRequestElement('mode')) {
+ switch (getRequestElement('do')) {
case 'norefs': // Users w/o refs
if (!empty($whereStatement)) {
// Add AND statement
default: // Invalid list mode
- debug_report_bug(__FILE__, __LINE__, sprintf("Invalid list mode %s detected.", getRequestElement('mode')));
+ debug_report_bug(__FILE__, __LINE__, sprintf("Invalid do %s detected.", getRequestElement('do')));
} // END - switch
} // END - if
// Add more entries
- $content['mode'] = 'mem';
+ $content['do'] = 'mem';
// Load row template and switch color
$OUT .= loadTemplate('admin_menu_overview_row', true, $content);
} // END - if
if (isFormSent()) {
- // Fix older calls from add-new-banner-form
- if (!isGetRequestElementSet('mode')) setGetRequestElement('mode', 'add');
$sql = '';
- switch (getRequestElement('mode')) {
+ switch (getRequestElement('do')) {
case 'add':
// Check if banner is already added
$result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refbanner` WHERE `url`='%s' LIMIT 1",
} // END - if
-// 'mode' is not set by default
-if (!isGetRequestElementSet('mode')) {
- // Set empty mode to "select"
- setGetRequestElement('mode', 'select');
+// mail_mode is not set by default
+if (!isGetRequestElementSet('mail_mode')) {
+ // Is HTML extension enabled?
+ if (isExtensionInstalled('html_mail')) {
+ // Set empty mode to 'select'
+ setGetRequestElement('mail_mode', 'select');
+ } else {
+ // Set empty mode to 'normal'
+ setGetRequestElement('mail_mode', 'normal');
+ }
} // END - if
if (isFormSent()) {
// Deliver bonus mail
- addNewBonusMail(postRequestArray(), getRequestElement('mode'));
+ addNewBonusMail(postRequestArray(), getRequestElement('mail_mode'));
} else {
// Store send mode
- $content['mode'] = getRequestElement('mode');
+ $content['mail_mode'] = getRequestElement('mail_mode');
$content['html_select'] = '';
if (isExtensionActive('html_mail')) {
$content['html_select'] = loadTemplate('admin_send_bonus_html', true);
} // END - if
+ // Default template name is an invalid one
+ $template = 'admin_send_bonus_invalid';
// Select template
- switch(getRequestElement('mode')) {
+ switch(getRequestElement('mail_mode')) {
case 'html': // HTML mails
case 'normal': // Normal mails
$template = 'admin_send_bonus_form';
$template = 'newsletter';
// Check for extension and sending-mode
- if (!isExtensionActive('html_mail', true) && (postRequestElement('mode') == 'html')) {
+ if (!isExtensionActive('html_mail', true) && (postRequestElement('mail_mode') == 'html')) {
// Set mode to text mode
- postRequestElement('mode') == 'text';
- } elseif (postRequestElement('mode') == 'html') {
+ postRequestElement('mail_mode') == 'text';
+ } elseif (postRequestElement('mail_mode') == 'html') {
// Set HTML templates
$template = 'newsletter_html';
$message = loadEmailTemplate($template, array('text' => postRequestElement('text')), $content['userid']);
// ... and send it away!
- sendNewsletter($content['email'], postRequestElement('subject'), $message, postRequestElement('mode'));
+ sendNewsletter($content['email'], postRequestElement('subject'), $message, postRequestElement('mail_mode'));
} // END - while
// Output message
$mode = '';
-if (isGetRequestElementSet('mode')) {
+if (isGetRequestElementSet('do')) {
// A "special" mode of the login system was requested
- switch (getRequestElement('mode')) {
+ switch (getRequestElement('do')) {
case 'activate' : $mode = 'activate'; break; // Activation link requested
case 'lost_pass': $mode = 'lost_pass'; break; // Request new password
} // END - switch
} // END - if
// Determine which stats we want and set mode and title for the link below stats block
-if (!isGetRequestElementSet('mode')) {
- setGetRequestElement('mode', strtolower(getConfig('guest_stats')));
+if (!isGetRequestElementSet('do')) {
+ setGetRequestElement('do', strtolower(getConfig('guest_stats')));
} // END - if
// Set config temporarily
-setConfigEntry('guest_stats', strtoupper(getRequestElement('mode')));
+setConfigEntry('guest_stats', strtoupper(getRequestElement('do')));
-switch (getRequestElement('mode')) {
+switch (getRequestElement('do')) {
case 'members' :
$lmode = 'modules';
// Unsupported mode
- debug_report_bug(__FILE__, __LINE__, sprintf("Unsupported mode <span class=\"data\">%s</span> detected.", secureString(getRequestElement('mode'))));
+ debug_report_bug(__FILE__, __LINE__, sprintf("Unsupported mode <span class=\"data\">%s</span> detected.", secureString(getRequestElement('do'))));
$points = false;
// Is the mode set (payout only)
-if (!isGetRequestElementSet('mode')) {
+if (!isGetRequestElementSet('do')) {
// Is there an id?
- if ((!empty($content['primera_nickname'])) && (!isGetRequestElementSet('mode'))) {
- // Then use an other "mode"
- setGetRequestElement('mode', 'list');
+ if ((!empty($content['primera_nickname'])) && (!isGetRequestElementSet('do'))) {
+ // Then list all entries
+ setGetRequestElement('do', 'list');
// And load all rows!
$result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`,`primera_account`,`primera_amount`,`primera_timestamp`,`primera_type` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_primera` WHERE `userid`=%s ORDER BY `primera_timestamp` DESC",
} else {
// Mode pay
- setGetRequestElement('mode', 'pay');
+ setGetRequestElement('do', 'pay');
} // END - if
-if (getRequestElement('mode') == 'pay') {
+if (getRequestElement('do') == 'pay') {
// Get total points and check if the user can request a payout
$points = getTotalPoints(getMemberId());
$content['points'] = $points;
} else {
// Invalid mode!
- displayMessage('{%message,MEMBER_PRIMERA_MODE_INVALID=' . getRequestElement('mode') . '%}');
+ displayMessage('{%message,MEMBER_PRIMERA_MODE_INVALID=' . getRequestElement('do') . '%}');
// Is the formular sent?
-if ((isFormSent()) && (isGetRequestElementSet('mode'))) {
+if ((isFormSent()) && (isGetRequestElementSet('do'))) {
// Check input data depending on the mode and execute the requested mode
- switch (getRequestElement('mode')) {
+ switch (getRequestElement('do')) {
case 'pay': // Payout this exchange -> Primus
// Is the user id and password set?
if (!isPostRequestElementSet('primera_nickname')) {
default: // Invalid mode!
- logDebugMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, sprintf("Invalid mode %s detected.", getRequestElement('mode')));
- displayMessage('{%message,MEMBER_PRIMERA_MODE_INVALID=' . getRequestElement('mode') . '%}');
+ logDebugMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, sprintf("Invalid mode %s detected.", getRequestElement('do')));
+ displayMessage('{%message,MEMBER_PRIMERA_MODE_INVALID=' . getRequestElement('do') . '%}');
} // END - if
// Prepare mode for template name
-$mode = sprintf("member_primera_mode_%s", getRequestElement('mode'));
+$mode = sprintf("member_primera_mode_%s", getRequestElement('do'));
// Load the template
loadTemplate($mode, false, $content);
// Check for mode in GET
$mode = '';
-if (isGetRequestElementSet('mode')) {
- $mode = getRequestElement('mode');
+if (isGetRequestElementSet('do')) {
+ $mode = getRequestElement('do');
} // END - if
// Check for "faker"
$totalIn = countSumTotalData(getMemberId(), 'user_transfers_in', 'id', 'userid', true);
$content['in_link'] = $totalIn;
if ($totalIn > 0) {
- $content['in_link'] = '<a href="{%url=modules.php?module=login&what=transfer&mode=list_in%}">' . $totalIn . '</a>';
+ $content['in_link'] = '<a href="{%url=modules.php?module=login&what=transfer&do=list_in%}">' . $totalIn . '</a>';
} // END - if
// Check outgoing transfers
$content['out_link'] = $totalOut;
if ($totalOut > 0) {
- $content['out_link'] = '<a href="{%url=modules.php?module=login&what=transfer&mode=list_out%}">' . $totalOut . '</a>';
+ $content['out_link'] = '<a href="{%url=modules.php?module=login&what=transfer&do=list_out%}">' . $totalOut . '</a>';
} // END - if
// Add all to total amount
// Total transactions
$content['all_link'] = $total;
if ($total > 0) {
- $content['all_link'] = '<a href="{%url=modules.php?module=login&what=transfer&mode=list_all%}">{%pipe,translateComma=' . $total . '%}</a>';
+ $content['all_link'] = '<a href="{%url=modules.php?module=login&what=transfer&do=list_all%}">{%pipe,translateComma=' . $total . '%}</a>';
} // END - if
if (isFormSent()) {
// Set 'new transfer' link according to above option
switch (getUserData('opt_in')) {
case 'Y':
- $content['new_link'] = '<a href="{%url=modules.php?module=login&what=transfer&mode=new%}" title="{--TRANSFER_NOW_TITLE--}">{--TRANSFER_NOW_LINK--}</a>';
+ $content['new_link'] = '<a href="{%url=modules.php?module=login&what=transfer&do=new%}" title="{--TRANSFER_NOW_TITLE--}">{--TRANSFER_NOW_LINK--}</a>';
case 'N':
$content = array(); $points = false;
// Is the mode set (withdraw or payout)
-if ((!isGetRequestElementSet('mode')) || (getRequestElement('mode') == 'choose')) {
+if ((!isGetRequestElementSet('do')) || (getRequestElement('do') == 'choose')) {
// Let the user choose what he wants to do
$content['wernis_userid'] = '0';
// Is there an id?
- if ((!empty($content['wernis_userid'])) && (!isGetRequestElementSet('mode'))) {
- // Then use an other "mode"
- setGetRequestElement('mode', 'list');
+ if ((!empty($content['wernis_userid'])) && (!isGetRequestElementSet('do'))) {
+ // Then list all entries
+ setGetRequestElement('do', 'list');
// And load all rows!
$result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`,`wernis_account`,`wernis_amount`,`wernis_timestamp`,`wernis_type` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_wernis` WHERE `userid`=%s ORDER BY `wernis_timestamp` DESC",
// Is the payout mode active?
if (getConfig('wernis_payout_active') == 'Y') {
// Add link
- $content['payout_link'] = '<a class="menu_blur" style="height: 40px" href="{%url=modules.php?module=login&what=wernis&mode=payout%}"><div style="padding-top: 10px">{--MEMBER_WERNIS_MODE_PAYOUT--}</div></a>';
+ $content['payout_link'] = '<a class="menu_blur" style="height: 40px" href="{%url=modules.php?module=login&what=wernis&do=payout%}"><div style="padding-top: 10px">{--MEMBER_WERNIS_MODE_PAYOUT--}</div></a>';
} // END - if
// Is the withdraw mode active?
if (isWernisWithdrawActive()) {
// Add link
- $content['withdraw_link'] = '<a class="menu_blur" style="height: 40px" href="{%url=modules.php?module=login&what=wernis&mode=withdraw%}"><div style="padding-top: 10px">{--MEMBER_WERNIS_MODE_WITHDRAW--}</div></a>';
+ $content['withdraw_link'] = '<a class="menu_blur" style="height: 40px" href="{%url=modules.php?module=login&what=wernis&do=withdraw%}"><div style="padding-top: 10px">{--MEMBER_WERNIS_MODE_WITHDRAW--}</div></a>';
} // END - if
// Mode chooser! ;-)
- setGetRequestElement('mode', 'choose');
+ setGetRequestElement('do', 'choose');
-} elseif ((getRequestElement('mode') == 'payout') && (getConfig('wernis_payout_active') == 'Y')) {
+} elseif ((getRequestElement('do') == 'payout') && (getConfig('wernis_payout_active') == 'Y')) {
// Get user's total points and remove the registration fee
$points = getTotalPoints(getMemberId()) - getPointsRegister();
// Add points to content array
$content['points'] = $points;
-} elseif ((getRequestElement('mode') == 'withdraw') && (isWernisWithdrawActive())) {
+} elseif ((getRequestElement('do') == 'withdraw') && (isWernisWithdrawActive())) {
// Prepare data for the template
$content['points'] = getTotalPoints(getMemberId());
$content['wernis_userid'] = '';
$content['wernis_userid'] = getUserData('wernis_userid');
} else {
// Invalid mode!
- displayMessage('{%message,MEMBER_WERNIS_MODE_INVALID=' . getRequestElement('mode') . '%}');
+ displayMessage('{%message,MEMBER_WERNIS_MODE_INVALID=' . getRequestElement('do') . '%}');
// Is the formular sent?
-if ((isFormSent()) && (isGetRequestElementSet('mode'))) {
+if ((isFormSent()) && (isGetRequestElementSet('do'))) {
// Is the user id and password set?
if (!isPostRequestElementSet('wernis_userid')) {
// Nothing entered in WDS66 user id
} else {
// Check input data depending on the mode and execute the requested mode
- switch (getRequestElement('mode')) {
+ switch (getRequestElement('do')) {
case 'withdraw': // Widthdraws WDS66 -> This exchange
if (postRequestElement('amount') < getConfig('wernis_min_withdraw')) {
// Not enougth entered!
default: // Invalid mode!
- logDebugMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, sprintf("Invalid mode %s detected.", getRequestElement('mode')));
- displayMessage('{%message,MEMBER_WERNIS_MODE_INVALID=' . getRequestElement('mode') . '%}');
+ logDebugMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, sprintf("Invalid mode %s detected.", getRequestElement('do')));
+ displayMessage('{%message,MEMBER_WERNIS_MODE_INVALID=' . getRequestElement('do') . '%}');
} // END - switch
} // END - if
// Prepare mode for template name
-$mode = sprintf("member_wernis_mode_%s", getRequestElement('mode'));
+$mode = sprintf("member_wernis_mode_%s", getRequestElement('do'));
// Load the template
loadTemplate($mode, false, $content);
// Prepare data
$content = array(
- 'rows' => $GLOBALS['rows'],
- 'mode' => $mode
+ 'rows' => $GLOBALS['rows'],
+ 'menu_mode' => $mode
// Load main template
// Prepare data for the filter
$filterData = array(
- 'subject' => $subject,
- 'userid' => $userid,
- 'points' => $points,
- 'ref_points' => $ref_points,
- 'column' => $pointsColumn,
- 'notify' => $sendNotify,
- 'refid' => $refid,
- 'locked' => $locked,
- 'mode' => 'add',
- 'add_mode' => $paymentMethod,
- 'added' => $added
+ 'subject' => $subject,
+ 'userid' => $userid,
+ 'points' => $points,
+ 'ref_points' => $ref_points,
+ 'column' => $pointsColumn,
+ 'notify' => $sendNotify,
+ 'refid' => $refid,
+ 'locked' => $locked,
+ 'points_mode' => 'add',
+ 'add_mode' => $paymentMethod,
+ 'added' => $added
// Filter it now
// Prepare filter data
$filterData = array(
- 'subject' => $subject,
- 'userid' => $userid,
- 'points' => $points,
- 'mode' => 'sub',
- 'added' => (!SQL_HASZEROAFFECTED())
+ 'subject' => $subject,
+ 'userid' => $userid,
+ 'points' => $points,
+ 'points_mode' => 'sub',
+ 'added' => (!SQL_HASZEROAFFECTED())
// Insert booking record
$ret = '';
if ((isInString('$', $GLOBALS['tpl_content'][$template])) || (isInString('{--', $GLOBALS['tpl_content'][$template])) || (isInString('{?', $GLOBALS['tpl_content'][$template])) || (isInString('{%', $GLOBALS['tpl_content'][$template]))) {
// Normal HTML output?
- if (isHtmlOutputMode()) {
+ if ((isHtmlOutputMode()) && (substr($template, 0, 3) != 'js_')) {
// Add surrounding HTML comments to help finding bugs faster
$ret = '<!-- Template ' . $template . ' - Start //-->' . $GLOBALS['tpl_content'][$template] . '<!-- Template ' . $template . ' - End //-->';
// Generate XHTML code for the CAPTCHA
function generateCaptchaCode ($code, $type, $type, $userid) {
- return '<img border="0" alt="Code ' . $code . '" src="{%url=mailid_top.php?userid=' . $userid . '&' . $type . '=' . $type . '&mode=img&code=' . $code . '%}" />';
+ return '<img border="0" alt="Code ' . $code . '" src="{%url=mailid_top.php?userid=' . $userid . '&' . $type . '=' . $type . '&do=img&code=' . $code . '%}" />';
// Compiles the given HTML/mail code
} // END - if
// Add title from what file
- $mode = '';
+ $menuMode = '';
if (getModule() == 'login') {
- $mode = 'member';
+ $menuMode = 'member';
} elseif (getModule() == 'index') {
- $mode = 'guest';
+ $menuMode = 'guest';
} elseif (getModule() == 'admin') {
- $mode = 'admin';
+ $menuMode = 'admin';
} elseif (getModule() == 'sponsor') {
- $mode = 'sponsor';
+ $menuMode = 'sponsor';
// Add middle part (always in admin area!)
- if ((!empty($mode)) && ((isWhatTitleEnabled()) || ($mode == 'admin'))) {
- $pageTitle .= ' {%config,trim=title_middle%} ' . getTitleFromMenu($mode, getWhat());
+ if ((!empty($menuMode)) && ((isWhatTitleEnabled()) || ($menuMode == 'admin'))) {
+ $pageTitle .= ' {%config,trim=title_middle%} ' . getTitleFromMenu($menuMode, getWhat());
} // END - if
// Add title decorations? (right)
return $out;
+// Function to add style tag (wether display:none/block)
+function addStyleMenuContent ($menuMode, $mainAction, $action) {
+ // Do we have foo_menu_javascript enabled?
+ if (getConfig($menuMode . '_menu_javascript') == 'N') {
+ // Silently abort here, not enabled
+ return '';
+ } // END - if
+ // Is action=mainAction?
+ if ($action == $mainAction) {
+ // Add "menu open" style
+ return ' style="display:block"';
+ } else {
+ return ' style="display:none"';
+ }
+// Function to add onclick attribute
+function addJavaScriptMenuContent ($menuMode, $mainAction, $action, $what) {
+ // Do we have foo_menu_javascript enabled?
+ if (getConfig($menuMode . '_menu_javascript') == 'N') {
+ // Silently abort here, not enabled
+ return '';
+ } // END - if
+ // Prepare content
+ $content = array(
+ 'menu_mode' => $menuMode,
+ 'main_action' => $mainAction,
+ 'action' => $action,
+ 'what' => $what
+ );
+ // Return template
+ return loadTemplate('js_' . $menuMode . '_menu_onclick', true, $content);
// Template helper functions for EL code
return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
+// Checks wether JavaScript-based admin menu is enabled
+function isAdminMenuJavascriptEnabled () {
+ // Do we have cache?
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__])) {
+ // Determine it
+ $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__] = ((isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('sql_patches', '0.8.7')) && (getConfig('admin_menu_javascript') == 'Y'));
+ } // END - if
+ // Return cache
+ return $GLOBALS[__FUNCTION__];
// Wrapper to check if current task is for extension (not update)
function isExtensionTask ($content) {
// Do we have cache?
--- /dev/null
+ * JavaScript for folding/unfolding menus
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * $Revision:: $
+ * $Date:: $
+ * $Tag:: 0.2.1-FINAL$
+ * $Author:: $
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Copyright (c) 2003 - 2009 by Roland Haeder
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 - 2011 by Mailer Developer Team
+ * For more information visit: http://mxchange.org
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston,
+ * MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+// Init variables
+var menuStates = [];
+var id = null;
+ * Function to fold all menus and unfold current (mainAction) one
+ *
+ * @param mode Unused ATM, is the menu 'mode' and will be 'admin','guest','member' or 'sponsor')
+ * @param currentAction Currently selected (clicked) 'action'
+ * @param action Unused ATM, 'action' of menu block
+ * @param what Unused ATM, 'what' of menu entry
+ */
+function changeMenuFoldState (mode, currentAction, action, what) {
+ // Get all li-tags
+ var li = document.getElementsByTagName('li');
+ // Generate tag id
+ id = 'action_menu_' + currentAction;
+ // Get element
+ var current = document.getElementById(id);
+ // Is it displayed?
+ if (menuStates[id] == true) {
+ // Then hide it
+ hideMenu(current, id);
+ } else {
+ // Else display it
+ showMenu(current, id);
+ }
+ // Stop click
+ return false;
+// Hide given menu
+function hideMenu (current, id) {
+ // Change CSS and state
+ current.style.cssText = 'display: none;';
+ menuStates[id] = false;
+// Show given menu and hide all others
+function showMenu (current, id) {
+ // Hide all menus first
+ for (id2 in menuStates) {
+ // Hide this
+ hideMenu(document.getElementById(id2), id2);
+ } // END - for
+ // Last make given menu visible
+ current.style.cssText = 'display: visible;';
+ menuStates[id] = true;
+// Init all folding states
+function initMenuFoldStates () {
+ // Init variables
+ var style = null;
+ var style2 = null;
+ // Get all li-tags
+ var li = document.getElementsByTagName('li');
+ // Search for all menus
+ for (var i = 0; i < li.length; i++) {
+ // Skip login/logout
+ if ((li[i].id.substr(-5, 5) == 'login') || (li[i].id.substr(-6, 6) == 'logout')) {
+ // Skip this entry
+ continue;
+ } // END - if
+ // We only want to look for 'action_menu_foo'
+ if (li[i].id.substr(0, 12) == 'action_menu_') {
+ // Okay, found one, so copy it
+ style = li[i].style.cssText;
+ // Is last char a semicolon
+ if (style.substr(-1, 1) == ';') {
+ // Then cut it off
+ style = style.substr(0, (style.length - 1));
+ } // END - if
+ // Is first part 'display' and last 'none'?
+ menuStates[li[i].id] = ((style.substr(0, 7) == 'display') && (style.substr((style.length - 4), 4) != 'none'));
+ //* DEBUG */ document.write('DEBUG: id=' + li[i].id + ',style=' + style + ',' + style.substr(0, 7) + '/' + style.substr((style.length - 4), 4) + '=' + menuStates[li[i].id] + '<br />');
+ } // END - if
+ } // END - for
$bonusId = '0';
$mailId = '0';
$code = '0';
-$mode = '';
+$do = '';
// Secure all data
if (isGetRequestElementSet('userid')) $userId = bigintval(getRequestElement('userid'));
if (isGetRequestElementSet('mailid')) $mailId = bigintval(getRequestElement('mailid'));
if (isGetRequestElementSet('bonusid')) $bonusId = bigintval(getRequestElement('bonusid'));
if (isGetRequestElementSet('code')) $code = bigintval(getRequestElement('code'));
-if (isGetRequestElementSet('mode')) $mode = getRequestElement('mode');
+if (isGetRequestElementSet('do')) $do = getRequestElement('do');
// 01 2 21 12 2 2 21 1 2210
if ((isValidUserId($userId)) && (($mailId > 0) || ($bonusId > 0)) && (!ifFatalErrorsDetected())) {
// No image?
- if ($mode != 'img') {
+ if ($do != 'img') {
// ... then output header
} //Â END - fi
} // END - if
// @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
- switch ($mode) {
+ switch ($do) {
case 'add':
// Init stats data
$stats_data = '0';
default: // Unknown mode
- debug_report_bug(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'Unknown mode ' . $mode . ' detected.');
+ debug_report_bug(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'Unknown mode ' . $do . ' detected.');
} // END - switch
} else {
loadTemplate('admin_settings_unsaved', false, '{--MAIL_ALREADY_CONFIRMED--} (6)');
- $mode = 'failed';
+ $do = 'failed';
} else {
loadTemplate('admin_settings_unsaved', false, '{--MAIL_ALREADY_CONFIRMED--} (5)');
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