- <td>If you need to put literal bbcode in a message, [noparse], [nobb] or [pre] are used to escape bbcode:
+ <td>If you need to put literal BBCode in a message, [noparse], [nobb] or [pre] blocks prevent BBCode conversion:
+ Note: [code] has priority over [noparse], [nobb] and [pre] which makes them display as BBCode tags in code blocks instead of being removed.
+ [code] blocks inside [noparse] will still be converted to a code block.
+ <td>Additionally, [noparse] and [pre] blocks prevent mention and hashtag conversion to links:
+ <ul>
+ <li>[noparse]@user@domain.tld #hashtag[/noparse]</li>
+ <li>[pre]@user@domain.tld #hashtag[/pre]</li>
+ </ul>
+ </td>
+ <td>@user@domain.tld #hashtag</td>
<td>[nosmile] is used to disable smilies on a post by post basis<br>