#include "ATCmgr.hxx"
#include "ATCutils.hxx"
#include "commlist.hxx"
+#include "AILocalTraffic.hxx"
plane.callsign = "UNKNOWN";
plane = p;
plane.callsign = "UNKNOWN";
plane = p;
user_lon_node = fgGetNode("/position/longitude-deg", true);
user_lat_node = fgGetNode("/position/latitude-deg", true);
user_elev_node = fgGetNode("/position/altitude-ft", true);
+ user_hdg_node = fgGetNode("/orientation/heading-deg", true);
// Need some way to initialise rwyOccupied flag correctly if the user is on the runway and to know its the user.
// I'll punt the startup issue for now though!!!
// Assume the user is started at the threshold ready to take-off
TowerPlaneRec* t = new TowerPlaneRec;
t->plane.callsign = "Charlie Foxtrot Sierra"; // C-FGFS !!! - fixme - this is a bit hardwired
- t->opType = OUTBOUND; // How do we determine if the user actually wants to do circuits?
+ t->opType = TTT_UNKNOWN; // We don't know if the user wants to do circuits or a departure...
+ t->leg = TAKEOFF_ROLL;
t->isUser = true;
t->planePtr = NULL;
t->clearedToTakeOff = true;
void FGTower::Update(double dt) {
+ static int ii = 0; // Counter for spreading the load
//cout << "T" << flush;
- // Each time step, what do we need to do?
- // We need to go through the list of outstanding requests and acknowedgements
- // and process at least one of them.
- // We need to go through the list of planes under our control and check if
- // any need to be addressed.
- // We need to check for planes not under our control coming within our
- // control area and address if necessary.
+ // Each time step, what do we need to do?
+ // We need to go through the list of outstanding requests and acknowedgements
+ // and process at least one of them.
+ // We need to go through the list of planes under our control and check if
+ // any need to be addressed.
+ // We need to check for planes not under our control coming within our
+ // control area and address if necessary.
// TODO - a lot of the below probably doesn't need to be called every frame and should be staggered.
// Sort the arriving planes
// Calculate the eta of each plane to the threshold.
// For ground traffic this is the fastest they can get there.
// For air traffic this is the middle approximation.
- doThresholdETACalc();
+ if(ii == 1) {
+ doThresholdETACalc();
+ }
// Order the list of traffic as per expected threshold use and flag any conflicts
- bool conflicts = doThresholdUseOrder();
+ if(ii == 2) {
+ bool conflicts = doThresholdUseOrder();
+ }
// sortConficts() !!!
// Do one plane from the hold list
- if(holdList.size()) {
- //cout << "A" << endl;
- //cout << "*holdListItr = " << *holdListItr << endl;
- if(holdListItr == holdList.end()) {
- holdListItr = holdList.begin();
- }
- //cout << "*holdListItr = " << *holdListItr << endl;
- //Process(*holdListItr);
- TowerPlaneRec* t = *holdListItr;
- //cout << "t = " << t << endl;
- if(t->holdShortReported) {
- //cout << "B" << endl;
- double responseTime = 10.0; // seconds - this should get more sophisticated at some point
- if(t->clearanceCounter > responseTime) {
- //cout << "C" << endl;
- if(t->nextOnRwy) {
- //cout << "D" << endl;
- if(rwyOccupied) {
- //cout << "E" << endl;
- // Do nothing for now - consider acknowloging hold short eventually
- } else {
- // Lets Roll !!!!
- string trns = t->plane.callsign;
- //if(departed plane < some threshold in time away) {
- if(0) { // FIXME
- trns += " line up";
- t->clearedToLineUp = true;
- t->planePtr->RegisterTransmission(3); // cleared to line-up
- //} else if(arriving plane < some threshold away) {
- } else if(0) { // FIXME
- trns += " cleared immediate take-off";
- // TODO - add traffic is... ?
- t->clearedToTakeOff = true;
- t->planePtr->RegisterTransmission(4); // cleared to take-off - TODO differentiate between immediate and normal take-off
+ if(ii == 4) {
+ if(holdList.size()) {
+ //cout << "A" << endl;
+ //cout << "*holdListItr = " << *holdListItr << endl;
+ if(holdListItr == holdList.end()) {
+ holdListItr = holdList.begin();
+ }
+ //cout << "*holdListItr = " << *holdListItr << endl;
+ //Process(*holdListItr);
+ TowerPlaneRec* t = *holdListItr;
+ //cout << "t = " << t << endl;
+ if(t->holdShortReported) {
+ //cout << "B" << endl;
+ double responseTime = 10.0; // seconds - this should get more sophisticated at some point
+ if(t->clearanceCounter > responseTime) {
+ //cout << "C" << endl;
+ if(t->nextOnRwy) {
+ //cout << "D" << endl;
+ if(rwyOccupied) {
+ //cout << "E" << endl;
+ // Do nothing for now - consider acknowloging hold short eventually
} else {
- trns += " cleared for take-off";
- // TODO - add traffic is... ?
- t->clearedToTakeOff = true;
- t->planePtr->RegisterTransmission(4); // cleared to take-off
+ // Lets Roll !!!!
+ string trns = t->plane.callsign;
+ //if(departed plane < some threshold in time away) {
+ if(0) { // FIXME
+ trns += " line up";
+ t->clearedToLineUp = true;
+ t->planePtr->RegisterTransmission(3); // cleared to line-up
+ t->leg = TAKEOFF_ROLL;
+ //} else if(arriving plane < some threshold away) {
+ } else if(0) { // FIXME
+ trns += " cleared immediate take-off";
+ // TODO - add traffic is... ?
+ t->clearedToTakeOff = true;
+ t->planePtr->RegisterTransmission(4); // cleared to take-off - TODO differentiate between immediate and normal take-off
+ t->leg = TAKEOFF_ROLL;
+ } else {
+ trns += " cleared for take-off";
+ // TODO - add traffic is... ?
+ t->clearedToTakeOff = true;
+ t->planePtr->RegisterTransmission(4); // cleared to take-off
+ t->leg = TAKEOFF_ROLL;
+ }
+ if(display) {
+ globals->get_ATC_display()->RegisterSingleMessage(trns, 0);
+ }
+ t->holdShortReported = false;
+ t->clearanceCounter = 0;
+ rwyList.push_back(t);
+ rwyOccupied = true;
+ holdList.erase(holdListItr);
+ holdListItr = holdList.begin();
- if(display) {
- globals->get_ATC_display()->RegisterSingleMessage(trns, 0);
- }
- t->holdShortReported = false;
- t->clearanceCounter = 0;
- rwyList.push_back(t);
- rwyOccupied = true;
- holdList.erase(holdListItr);
- holdListItr = holdList.begin();
+ } else {
+ // possibly tell him to hold and what position he is?
} else {
- // possibly tell him to hold and what position he is?
+ t->clearanceCounter += (dt * holdList.size());
+ }
+ ++holdListItr;
+ }
+ }
+ // Do the runway list - we'll do the whole runway list since it's important and there'll never be many planes on the rwy at once!!
+ if(ii == 5) {
+ if(rwyOccupied) {
+ if(!rwyList.size()) {
+ rwyOccupied = false;
} else {
- t->clearanceCounter += (dt * holdList.size());
+ rwyListItr = rwyList.begin();
+ TowerPlaneRec* t = *rwyListItr;
+ if(t->isUser) {
+ bool on_rwy = OnActiveRunway(Point3D(user_lon_node->getDoubleValue(), user_lat_node->getDoubleValue(), 0.0));
+ // TODO - how do we find the position when it's not the user?
+ if(!on_rwy) {
+ if((t->opType == INBOUND) || (t->opType == STRAIGHT_IN)) {
+ rwyList.pop_front();
+ delete t;
+ // TODO - tell it to taxi / contact ground / don't delete it etc!
+ } else if(t->opType == OUTBOUND) {
+ depList.push_back(t);
+ rwyList.pop_front();
+ } else if(t->opType == CIRCUIT) {
+ circuitList.push_back(t);
+ rwyList.pop_front();
+ } else if(t->opType == TTT_UNKNOWN) {
+ depList.push_back(t);
+ circuitList.push_back(t);
+ rwyList.pop_front();
+ } else {
+ // HELP - we shouldn't ever get here!!!
+ }
+ }
+ } // else TODO figure out what to do when it's not the user
- }
- ++holdListItr;
+ }
- // Do the runway list - we'll do the whole runway list since it's important and there'll never be many planes on the rwy at once!!
- if(rwyOccupied) {
- if(!rwyList.size()) {
- rwyOccupied = false;
- } else {
- rwyListItr = rwyList.begin();
- TowerPlaneRec* t = *rwyListItr;
+ // do the ciruit list
+ if(ii == 6) {
+ // Clear the constraints - we recalculate here.
+ base_leg_pos = 0.0;
+ downwind_leg_pos = 0.0;
+ crosswind_leg_pos = 0.0;
+ if(circuitList.size()) {
+ circuitListItr = circuitList.begin(); // TODO - at the moment we're constraining plane 2 based on plane 1 - this won't work for 3 planes in the circuit!!
+ TowerPlaneRec* t = *circuitListItr;
+ Point3D tortho = ortho.ConvertToLocal(t->pos);
if(t->isUser) {
- bool on_rwy = OnActiveRunway(Point3D(user_lon_node->getDoubleValue(), user_lat_node->getDoubleValue(), 0.0));
- // TODO - how do we find the position when it's not the user?
- if(!on_rwy) {
- rwyList.pop_front();
- delete t;
+ // Need to figure out which leg he's on
+ double ho = GetAngleDiff_deg(user_hdg_node->getDoubleValue(), rwy.hdg);
+ // TODO FIXME - get the wind and convert this to track, or otherwise use track somehow!!!
+ // If it's gusty might need to filter the value, although we are leaving 30 degrees each way leeway!
+ if(abs(ho) < 30) {
+ // could be either takeoff, climbout or landing - check orthopos.y
+ if((tortho.y() < 0) || (t->leg == TURN4) || (t->leg == LANDING_ROLL)) {
+ t->leg = LANDING_ROLL;
+ //cout << "Landing_roll\n";
+ } else {
+ t->leg = CLIMBOUT; // TODO - check elev wrt. apt elev to differentiate takeoff roll and climbout
+ //cout << "Climbout\n";
+ }
+ } else if(abs(ho) < 60) {
+ // turn1 or turn 4
+ // TODO - either fix or doublecheck this hack by looking at heading and pattern direction
+ if((t->leg == CLIMBOUT) || (t->leg == TURN1)) {
+ t->leg = TURN1;
+ //cout << "Turn1\n";
+ } else {
+ t->leg = TURN4;
+ //cout << "Turn4\n";
+ }
+ } else if(abs(ho) < 120) {
+ // crosswind or base
+ // TODO - either fix or doublecheck this hack by looking at heading and pattern direction
+ if((t->leg == TURN1) || (t->leg == CROSSWIND)) {
+ t->leg = CROSSWIND;
+ //cout << "Crosswind\n";
+ } else {
+ t->leg = BASE;
+ //cout << "Base\n";
+ }
+ } else if(abs(ho) < 150) {
+ // turn2 or turn 3
+ // TODO - either fix or doublecheck this hack by looking at heading and pattern direction
+ if((t->leg == CROSSWIND) || (t->leg == TURN2)) {
+ t->leg = TURN2;
+ //cout << "Turn2\n";
+ } else {
+ t->leg = TURN3;
+ //cout << "Turn3\n";
+ }
+ } else {
+ // downwind
+ t->leg = DOWNWIND;
+ //cout << "Downwind\n";
- } // else TODO figure out what to do when it's not the user
+ } else {
+ t->leg = t->planePtr->GetLeg();
+ }
+ switch(t->leg) {
+ case FINAL:
+ // Base leg must be at least as far out as the plane is - actually possibly not necessary for separation, but we'll use that for now.
+ base_leg_pos = tortho.y();
+ break;
+ case TURN4:
+ // Fall through to base
+ case BASE:
+ base_leg_pos = tortho.y();
+ break;
+ case TURN3:
+ // Fall through to downwind
+ case DOWNWIND:
+ // Only have the downwind leg pos as turn-to-base constraint if more negative than we already have.
+ base_leg_pos = (tortho.y() < base_leg_pos ? tortho.y() : base_leg_pos);
+ downwind_leg_pos = tortho.x(); // Assume that a following plane can simply be constrained by the immediately in front downwind plane
+ break;
+ case TURN2:
+ // Fall through to crosswind
+ crosswind_leg_pos = tortho.y();
+ break;
+ case TURN1:
+ // Fall through to climbout
+ case CLIMBOUT:
+ // Only use current by constraint as largest
+ crosswind_leg_pos = (tortho.y() > crosswind_leg_pos ? tortho.x() : crosswind_leg_pos);
+ break;
+ break;
+ break;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
- //cout << "R " << flush;
+ ++ii;
+ // How big should ii get - ie how long should the update cycle interval stretch?
+ if(ii >= 15) {
+ ii = 0;
+ }
//cout << "Doing ETA calc for " << tpr->plane.callsign << '\n';
if(tpr->opType == CIRCUIT) {
// It's complicated - depends on if base leg is delayed or not
- if(tpr->leg == TWR_LANDING_ROLL) {
+ if(tpr->leg == LANDING_ROLL) {
tpr->eta = 0;
- } else if(tpr->leg == TWR_FINAL) {
+ } else if((tpr->leg == FINAL) || (tpr->leg == TURN4)) {
tpr->eta = fabs(dist_out_m) / final_ias;
- } else if(tpr->leg == TWR_BASE) {
+ } else if((tpr->leg == BASE) || (tpr->leg == TURN3)) {
tpr->eta = (fabs(dist_out_m) / final_ias) + (dist_across_m / circuit_ias);
} else {
// Need to calculate where base leg is likely to be
double nominal_dist_across_m = 1000; // Hardwired value from AILocalTraffic
double nominal_cross_dist_out_m = 1000; // Bit of a guess - AI plane turns to crosswind at 600ft agl.
tpr->eta = fabs(current_base_dist_out_m) / final_ias; // final
- if(tpr->leg == TWR_DOWNWIND) {
+ if((tpr->leg == DOWNWIND) || (tpr->leg == TURN2)) {
tpr->eta += dist_across_m / circuit_ias;
tpr->eta += fabs(current_base_dist_out_m - dist_out_m) / circuit_ias;
- } else if(tpr->leg == TWR_CROSSWIND) {
+ } else if((tpr->leg == CROSSWIND) || (tpr->leg == TURN1)) {
tpr->eta += nominal_dist_across_m / circuit_ias; // should we use the dist across of the previous plane if there is previous still on downwind?
tpr->eta += fabs(current_base_dist_out_m - nominal_cross_dist_out_m) / circuit_ias;
tpr->eta += (nominal_dist_across_m - dist_across_m) / circuit_ias;
void FGTower::doCommunication() {
-void FGTower::ContactAtHoldShort(PlaneRec plane, FGAIEntity* requestee, tower_traffic_type operation) {
+void FGTower::ContactAtHoldShort(PlaneRec plane, FGAIPlane* requestee, tower_traffic_type operation) {
// HACK - assume that anything contacting at hold short is new for now - FIXME LATER
TowerPlaneRec* t = new TowerPlaneRec;
t->plane = plane;
//#include "ATCmgr.hxx"
#include "ground.hxx"
#include "ATCProjection.hxx"
+#include "AIPlane.hxx"
//DCL - a complete guess for now.
+ TTT_UNKNOWN, // departure, but we don't know if for circuits or leaving properly
// Umm - what's the difference between INBOUND and STRAIGHT_IN ?
-// Much simplified compared to AILocalTraffic
-enum TwrPatternLeg {
// Structure for holding details of a plane under tower control.
// Not fixed yet - may include more stuff later.
class TowerPlaneRec {
TowerPlaneRec(Point3D pt);
TowerPlaneRec(PlaneRec p, Point3D pt);
- FGAIEntity* planePtr; // This might move to the planeRec eventually
+ FGAIPlane* planePtr; // This might move to the planeRec eventually
PlaneRec plane;
Point3D pos;
tower_traffic_type opType;
// Whereabouts in circuit if doing circuits
- TwrPatternLeg leg;
+ PatternLeg leg;
bool isUser; // true if this plane is the user
void ReportRunwayVacated(string ID);
void ReportReadyForDeparture(string ID);
- // Contact tower when at a hold short for departure
- void ContactAtHoldShort(PlaneRec plane, FGAIEntity* requestee, tower_traffic_type operation);
+ // Contact tower when at a hold short for departure - for now we'll assume plane - maybe vehicles might want to cross runway eventually?
+ void ContactAtHoldShort(PlaneRec plane, FGAIPlane* requestee, tower_traffic_type operation);
// Public interface to the active runway - this will get more complex
// in the future and consider multi-runway use, airplane weight etc.
string trans_ident; // transmitted ident
bool tower_failed; // tower failed?
- // Pointers to current users position
+ // Pointers to current users position and orientation
SGPropertyNode* user_lon_node;
SGPropertyNode* user_lat_node;
SGPropertyNode* user_elev_node;
+ SGPropertyNode* user_hdg_node;
+ // Details of the general traffic flow etc in the circuit
+ double crosswind_leg_pos; // Distance from threshold crosswind leg is being turned to in meters (actual operation - *not* ideal circuit)
+ double downwind_leg_pos; // Actual offset distance in meters from the runway that planes are flying the downwind leg
+ // Currently not sure whether the above should be always +ve or just take the natural orthopos sign (+ve for RH circuit, -ve for LH).
+ double base_leg_pos; // Actual offset distance from the threshold (-ve) that planes are turning to base leg.
friend istream& operator>> ( istream&, FGTower& );