create table nonce (\r
consumer_key varchar(255) not null /* comment 'unique identifier, root URL' */,\r
tok char(32) not null /* comment 'identifying value' */,\r
- nonce char(32) not null /* comment 'nonce' */,\r
+ nonce char(32) null /* comment 'buggy old value, ignored */,\r
ts integer not null /* comment 'timestamp sent' values are epoch, and only used internally */,\r
created timestamp not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP /* comment 'date this record was created' */,\r
modified timestamp /* comment 'date this record was modified' */,\r
- primary key (consumer_key, tok, nonce),\r
- foreign key (consumer_key, tok) references token (consumer_key, tok)\r
+ primary key (consumer_key, ts, nonce)\r
/* One-to-many relationship of user to openid_url */\r