timeSinceLastDeparture = 9999;
departed = false;
+ nominal_downwind_leg_pos = 1000.0;
+ nominal_base_leg_pos = -1000.0;
+ // TODO - set nominal crosswind leg pos based on minimum distance from takeoff end of rwy.
FGTower::~FGTower() {
//cout << "Done T" << endl;
+void FGTower::ReceiveUserCallback(int code) {
+ if(code == (int)USER_REQUEST_DEPARTURE) {
+ cout << "User requested departure\n";
+ }
void FGTower::Respond() {
//cout << "Entering Respond..." << endl;
TowerPlaneRec* t = FindPlane(responseID);
} else if(t->finalReported && !(t->finalAcknowledged)) {
bool disp = true;
string trns = t->plane.callsign;
+ cout << (t->nextOnRwy ? "Next on rwy " : "Not next!! ");
+ cout << (rwyOccupied ? "RWY OCCUPIED!!\n" : "Rwy not occupied\n");
if(t->nextOnRwy && !rwyOccupied) {
if(t->landingType == FULL_STOP) {
trns += " cleared to land ";
bool FGTower::GetDownwindConstraint(double& dpos) {
- if(downwind_leg_pos != 0.0) {
+ if(fabs(downwind_leg_pos) > nominal_downwind_leg_pos) {
dpos = downwind_leg_pos;
} else {
bool FGTower::GetBaseConstraint(double& bpos) {
- if(base_leg_pos != 0.0) {
+ if(base_leg_pos < nominal_base_leg_pos) {
bpos = base_leg_pos;
} else {
- bpos = 0.0;
+ bpos = nominal_base_leg_pos;
Point3D op = ortho.ConvertToLocal(tpr->pos);
//if(printout) {
- // cout << "Orthopos is " << op.x() << ", " << op.y() << '\n';
+ //if(!tpr->isUser) cout << "Orthopos is " << op.x() << ", " << op.y() << ' ';
// cout << "opType is " << tpr->opType << '\n';
double dist_out_m = op.y();
if(!GetBaseConstraint(current_base_dist_out_m)) {
current_base_dist_out_m = nominal_base_dist_out_m;
+ //cout << "current_base_dist_out_m = " << current_base_dist_out_m << '\n';
double nominal_dist_across_m = 1000; // Hardwired value from AILocalTraffic
double current_dist_across_m;
if(!GetDownwindConstraint(current_dist_across_m)) {
double nominal_cross_dist_out_m = 2000; // Bit of a guess - AI plane turns to crosswind at 600ft agl.
tpr->eta = fabs(current_base_dist_out_m) / final_ias; // final
- //if(printout) cout << "a = " << tpr->eta << '\n';
+ //cout << "a = " << tpr->eta << '\n';
if((tpr->leg == DOWNWIND) || (tpr->leg == TURN2)) {
tpr->eta += dist_across_m / circuit_ias;
- //if(printout) cout << "b = " << tpr->eta << '\n';
+ //cout << "b = " << tpr->eta << '\n';
tpr->eta += fabs(current_base_dist_out_m - dist_out_m) / circuit_ias;
- //if(printout) cout << "c = " << tpr->eta << '\n';
+ //cout << "c = " << tpr->eta << '\n';
} else if((tpr->leg == CROSSWIND) || (tpr->leg == TURN1)) {
if(dist_across_m > nominal_dist_across_m) {
tpr->eta += dist_across_m / circuit_ias;
//if(printout) {
// cout << "ETA = " << tpr->eta << '\n';
+ //if(!tpr->isUser) cout << tpr->plane.callsign << '\t' << tpr->eta << '\n';
} else {
tpr->eta = 99999;
ostream& operator << (ostream& os, tower_traffic_type ttt);
+enum tower_callback_type {
// TODO - need some differentiation of IFR and VFR traffic in order to give the former priority.
// Structure for holding details of a plane under tower control.
void Init();
void Update(double dt);
+ void ReceiveUserCallback(int code);
void RequestLandingClearance(string ID);
void RequestDepartureClearance(string ID);
// Currently not sure whether the above should be always +ve or just take the natural orthopos sign (+ve for RH circuit, -ve for LH).
double base_leg_pos; // Actual offset distance from the threshold (-ve) that planes are turning to base leg.
+ double nominal_crosswind_leg_pos;
+ double nominal_downwind_leg_pos;
+ double nominal_base_leg_pos;
friend istream& operator>> ( istream&, FGTower& );