+Erik Hofman <>
+ Irix port.
Charlie Hotchkiss <>
Worked on improving and enhancing the HUD code.
Lots of code style tips and code tweaks ...
all original creations.
+Cameron Moore <>
+ Reigning list admin.
+ Provided our pages.
Anders Morken <>
Maintained the European mirror of the FG web pages.
Unfortunately this mirror has been taken down due to reglementation
Project Bonanza -
+Martin Spott <>
+ Contributed to the installation / user guide.
U.S. Geological Survey
Provided geographic data used by this project
WoodSoup Project
+ [ FlightGear no longer uses woodsoup services, but we appreciate
+ the support provided to our project during the time they hosted us. ]
Provided computing resources and services so that the Flight Gear
project could have real home. This includes, web services,
ftp services, shell accounts, email lists, dns services, etc.