// pui didn't want the click event so compute a
// scenegraph intersection point corresponding to the mouse click
if (updown == MOUSE_BUTTON_DOWN) {
- FGScenery* scenery = globals->get_scenery();
- SGVec3d start, dir;
// Get the list of hit callbacks. Take the first callback that
// accepts the mouse button press and ignore the rest of them
// That is they get sorted by distance and by scenegraph depth.
// The nearest one is the first one and the deepest
// (the most specialized one in the scenegraph) is the first.
- if (FGRenderer::getPickInfo(start, dir, x, y)) {
- std::vector<SGSceneryPick> pickList;
- scenery->pick(start, dir, pickList);
+ std::vector<SGSceneryPick> pickList;
+ if (FGRenderer::pick(x, y, pickList)) {
std::vector<SGSceneryPick>::const_iterator i;
for (i = pickList.begin(); i != pickList.end(); ++i) {
if (i->callback->buttonPressed(b, i->info)) {
#include <osgUtil/SceneView>
#include <osgUtil/UpdateVisitor>
+#include <osgUtil/IntersectVisitor>
#include <osg/io_utils>
#include <osgDB/WriteFile>
-bool FGRenderer::getPickInfo( SGVec3d& pt, SGVec3d& dir,
- unsigned x, unsigned y )
+FGRenderer::pick( unsigned x, unsigned y,
+ std::vector<SGSceneryPick>& pickList )
- // Get the matrices involved in the transform from global to screen
- // coordinates.
- osg::Matrix pm = sceneView->getCamera()->getProjectionMatrix();
- osg::Matrix mv;
- osg::NodePathList paths;
- paths = globals->get_scenery()->get_scene_graph()->getParentalNodePaths();
- if (!paths.empty()) {
- // Ok, we know that this should not have multiple parents ...
- // FIXME: is this allways true?
- mv = osg::computeLocalToEye(sceneView->getCamera()->getViewMatrix(),
- paths.front(), false);
- }
- // Compose and invert
- osg::Matrix m = osg::Matrix::inverse(mv*pm);
- // Get the width and height of the display to be able to normalize the
- // mouse coordinate
- float width = fgGetInt("/sim/startup/xsize");
- float height = fgGetInt("/sim/startup/ysize");
- // Compute some coordinates of in the line from the eyepoint to the
- // mouse click coodinates.
- // First build the normalized projection coordinates
- osg::Vec4 normPt((2*x - width)/width, -(2*y - height)/height, 1, 1);
- // Transform them into the real world
- osg::Vec4 worldPt4 = m.preMult(normPt);
- if (fabs(worldPt4[3]) < SGLimitsf::min())
- return false;
- SGVec3f worldPt(worldPt4[0]/worldPt4[3],
- worldPt4[1]/worldPt4[3],
- worldPt4[2]/worldPt4[3]);
+ // wipe out the return ...
+ pickList.resize(0);
- // Now build a direction from the point
- FGViewer* view = globals->get_current_view();
- dir = normalize(toVec3d(worldPt - SGVec3f(view->get_view_pos())));
+ // we can get called early ...
+ if (!sceneView.valid())
+ return false;
- // Copy the start point
- pt = SGVec3d(view->get_absolute_view_pos());
+ osg::Node* sceneData = globals->get_scenery()->get_scene_graph();
+ if (!sceneData)
+ return false;
+ osg::Viewport* viewport = sceneView->getViewport();
+ if (!viewport)
+ return false;
- // OSGFIXME: ist this sufficient??? especially the precision problems here??
-// bool mSceneView->projectWindowXYIntoObject(int x,int y,osg::Vec3& near_point,osg::Vec3& far_point) const;
+ // good old scenery center
+ SGVec3d center = globals->get_scenery()->get_center();
+ // don't know why, but the update has partly happened somehow,
+ // so update the scneery part of the viewer
+ FGViewer *current_view = globals->get_current_view();
+ // Force update of center dependent values ...
+ current_view->set_dirty();
+ SGVec3d position = current_view->getViewPosition();
+ SGQuatd attitude = current_view->getViewOrientation();
+ SGVec3d osgPosition = attitude.transform(center - position);
+ mCameraView->setPosition(osgPosition.osg());
+ mCameraView->setAttitude(inverse(attitude).osg());
+ osg::Matrix projection(sceneView->getProjectionMatrix());
+ osg::Matrix modelview(sceneView->getViewMatrix());
+ osg::NodePathList nodePath = sceneData->getParentalNodePaths();
+ // modify the view matrix so that it accounts for this nodePath's
+ // accumulated transform
+ if (!nodePath.empty())
+ modelview.preMult(computeLocalToWorld(nodePath.front()));
+ // swap the y values ...
+ y = viewport->height() - y;
+ // set up the pick visitor
+ osgUtil::PickVisitor pickVisitor(viewport, projection, modelview, x, y);
+ sceneData->accept(pickVisitor);
+ if (!pickVisitor.hits())
+ return false;
+ // collect all interaction callbacks on the pick ray.
+ // They get stored in the pickCallbacks list where they are sorted back
+ // to front and croasest to finest wrt the scenery node they are attached to
+ osgUtil::PickVisitor::LineSegmentHitListMap::const_iterator mi;
+ for (mi = pickVisitor.getSegHitList().begin();
+ mi != pickVisitor.getSegHitList().end();
+ ++mi) {
+ osgUtil::IntersectVisitor::HitList::const_iterator hi;
+ for (hi = mi->second.begin(); hi != mi->second.end(); ++hi) {
+ // ok, go back the nodes and ask for intersection callbacks,
+ // execute them in top down order
+ const osg::NodePath& np = hi->getNodePath();
+ osg::NodePath::const_reverse_iterator npi;
+ for (npi = np.rbegin(); npi != np.rend(); ++npi) {
+ SGSceneUserData* ud = SGSceneUserData::getSceneUserData(*npi);
+ if (!ud)
+ continue;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < ud->getNumPickCallbacks(); ++i) {
+ SGPickCallback* pickCallback = ud->getPickCallback(i);
+ if (!pickCallback)
+ continue;
+ SGSceneryPick sceneryPick;
+ /// note that this is done totally in doubles instead of
+ /// just using getWorldIntersectionPoint
+ osg::Vec3d localPt = hi->getLocalIntersectPoint();
+ sceneryPick.info.local = SGVec3d(localPt);
+ if (hi->getMatrix())
+ sceneryPick.info.wgs84 = SGVec3d(localPt*(*hi->getMatrix()));
+ else
+ sceneryPick.info.wgs84 = SGVec3d(localPt);
+ sceneryPick.info.wgs84 += globals->get_scenery()->get_center();
+ sceneryPick.callback = pickCallback;
+ pickList.push_back(sceneryPick);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
- return true;
+ return !pickList.empty();
// end of renderer.cxx
return hits;
-static const osgUtil::Hit*
-getNearestHit(const osgUtil::IntersectVisitor::HitList& hitList,
- const SGVec3d& start)
- const osgUtil::Hit* nearestHit = 0;
- double dist = SGLimitsd::max();
- osgUtil::IntersectVisitor::HitList::const_iterator hit;
- for (hit = hitList.begin(); hit != hitList.end(); ++hit) {
- SGVec3d point(hit->getWorldIntersectPoint());
- double newdist = length(start - point);
- if (newdist < dist) {
- dist = newdist;
- nearestHit = &*hit;
- }
- }
- return nearestHit;
FGScenery::get_cart_ground_intersection(const SGVec3d& pos, const SGVec3d& dir,
SGVec3d& nearestHit, bool exact)
return hits;
-FGScenery::pick(const SGVec3d& pos, const SGVec3d& dir,
- std::vector<SGSceneryPick>& pickList)
- pickList.clear();
- // Make really sure the direction is normalized, is really cheap compared to
- // computation of ground intersection.
- SGVec3d start = pos - center;
- SGVec3d end = start + 1e5*normalize(dir); // FIXME visibility ???
- osgUtil::IntersectVisitor intersectVisitor;
-// osgUtil::PickVisitor intersectVisitor;
-// intersectVisitor.setTraversalMask(SG_NODEMASK_TERRAIN_BIT);
- osg::ref_ptr<osg::LineSegment> lineSegment;
- lineSegment = new osg::LineSegment(start.osg(), end.osg());
- intersectVisitor.addLineSegment(lineSegment.get());
- get_scene_graph()->accept(intersectVisitor);
- if (!intersectVisitor.hits())
- return;
- // collect all interaction callbacks on the pick ray.
- // They get stored in the pickCallbacks list where they are sorted back
- // to front and croasest to finest wrt the scenery node they are attached to
- osgUtil::IntersectVisitor::HitList::const_iterator hi;
- for (hi = intersectVisitor.getHitList(lineSegment.get()).begin();
- hi != intersectVisitor.getHitList(lineSegment.get()).end();
- ++hi) {
- // ok, go back the nodes and ask for intersection callbacks,
- // execute them in top down order
- const osg::NodePath& np = hi->getNodePath();
- osg::NodePath::const_reverse_iterator npi;
- for (npi = np.rbegin(); npi != np.rend(); ++npi) {
- SGSceneUserData* ud = SGSceneUserData::getSceneUserData(*npi);
- if (!ud)
- continue;
- SGPickCallback* pickCallback = ud->getPickCallback();
- if (!pickCallback)
- continue;
- SGSceneryPick sceneryPick;
- sceneryPick.info.wgs84 = center + SGVec3d(hi->getWorldIntersectPoint());
- sceneryPick.info.local = SGVec3d(hi->getLocalIntersectPoint());
- sceneryPick.callback = pickCallback;
- pickList.push_back(sceneryPick);
- }
- }