'$uid' => $newuid )
- $res = mail($r[0]['email'], sprintf(t("Connection accepted at %s"), $a->config['sitename']),
+ $res = mail($r[0]['email'], sprintf( t("Connection accepted at %s") , $a->config['sitename']),
$email_tpl, 'From: ' . t('Administrator') . '@' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] );
if(!$res) {
// pointless throwing an error here and confusing the person at the other end of the wire.
'$body' => html_entity_decode(strip_tags(bbcode(stripslashes($datarray['body']))), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')
- $res = mail($importer['email'], sprintf(t("%s commented on an item at %s"), $from ,$a->config['sitename']),
- $email_tpl,t("From: Administrator@") . $a->get_hostname() );
+ $res = mail($importer['email'], sprintf( t("%s commented on an item at %s") , $from ,$a->config['sitename']),
+ $email_tpl, t("From: Administrator@") . $a->get_hostname() );
'$sitename' => $a->config['sitename']
$res = mail($r[0]['email'],
- t("Introduction received at ") . $a->config['sitename'],
+ t("Introduction received at ") . $a->config['sitename'],
'From: ' . t('Administrator') . '@' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] );
// This is a redundant notification - no point throwing errors if it fails.
- $o .= '<h1>' . ((x($a->config,'sitename')) ? sprintf(t("Welcome to %s"),$a->config['sitename']) : "" ) . '</h1>';
+ $o .= '<h1>' . ((x($a->config,'sitename')) ? sprintf( t("Welcome to %s") ,$a->config['sitename']) : "" ) . '</h1>';
$o .= file_get_contents('home.html');
- notice( sprintf(tt("%d message sent.", "%d messages sent.", $total), $total) . EOL);
+ notice( sprintf( tt("%d message sent.", "%d messages sent.", $total) , $total) . EOL);
'$body' => strip_tags(bbcode($datarray['body']))
- $res = mail($user['email'], sprintf(t("%s commented on your item at %s"),$from,$a->config['sitename']),
+ $res = mail($user['email'], sprintf( t("%s commented on your item at %s") ,$from,$a->config['sitename']),
$email_tpl,"From: " . t("Administrator") . "@" . $a->get_hostname() );
'$body' => strip_tags(bbcode($datarray['body']))
- $res = mail($user['email'], sprintf(t("%s posted on your profile wall at %s"),$from, $a->config['sitename']),
+ $res = mail($user['email'], sprintf( t("%s posted on your profile wall at %s") ,$from, $a->config['sitename']),
$email_tpl,"From: " . t("Administrator@") . "@" . $a->get_hostname() );
$arr['author-link'] = $contact['url'];
$arr['author-avatar'] = $contact['thumb'];
$arr['body'] = '[url=' . $contact['url'] . ']' . $contact['name'] . '[/url]' . ' ' . $bodyverb . ' '
- . '[url=' . $item['author-link'] . ']' . sprintf(t("%s's"),$item['author-name']) . '[/url]' . ' '
+ . '[url=' . $item['author-link'] . ']' . sprintf( t("%s's") ,$item['author-name']) . '[/url]' . ' '
. '[url=' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/display/' . $owner['nickname'] . '/' . $item['id'] . ']' . $post_type . '[/url]' ;
$arr['verb'] = $activity;
$_SESSION['page_flags'] = $r[0]['page-flags'];
$_SESSION['my_url'] = $a->get_baseurl() . '/profile/' . $r[0]['nickname'];
- notice( sprintf(t("Welcome back %s"), $r[0]['username']) . EOL);
+ notice( sprintf( t("Welcome back %s") , $r[0]['username']) . EOL);
$a->user = $r[0];
if(strlen($a->user['timezone'])) {