"""The priority ordering of hashes, and how to extract them."""
ORDER = [ {'name': 'sha1',
+ 'length': 20,
'AptPkgRecord': 'SHA1Hash',
'AptSrcRecord': False,
'AptIndexRecord': 'SHA1',
'hashlib_func': 'sha1',
{'name': 'sha256',
+ 'length': 32,
'AptPkgRecord': 'SHA256Hash',
'AptSrcRecord': False,
'AptIndexRecord': 'SHA256',
'hashlib_func': 'sha256',
{'name': 'md5',
+ 'length': 16,
'AptPkgRecord': 'MD5Hash',
'AptSrcRecord': True,
'AptIndexRecord': 'MD5SUM',
- def __init__(self, digest = None, size = None):
+ def __init__(self, digest = None, size = None, pieces = ''):
self.hashTypeNum = 0 # Use the first if nothing else matters
+ if sys.version_info < (2, 5):
+ # sha256 is not available in python before 2.5, remove it
+ for hashType in self.ORDER:
+ if hashType['name'] == 'sha256':
+ del self.ORDER[self.ORDER.index(hashType)]
+ break
self.expHash = None
self.expHex = None
self.expSize = None
self.fileHasher = None
self.pieceHasher = None
self.fileHash = digest
- self.pieceHash = []
+ self.pieceHash = [pieces[x:x+self.ORDER[self.hashTypeNum]['length']]
+ for x in xrange(0, len(pieces), self.ORDER[self.hashTypeNum]['length'])]
self.size = size
self.fileHex = None
self.fileNormHash = None
self.done = True
self.result = None
- if sys.version_info < (2, 5):
- # sha256 is not available in python before 2.5, remove it
- for hashType in self.ORDER:
- if hashType['name'] == 'sha256':
- del self.ORDER[self.ORDER.index(hashType)]
- break
def _norm_hash(self, hashString, bits=None, bytes=None):
if bits is not None:
# Save the last piece hash
if self.pieceHasher:
- else:
- # If there are no piece hashes, then the file hash is the only piece hash
- self.pieceHash.append(self.fileHash)
return self.fileHash
def hexdigest(self):
def refreshFiles(self):
"""Refresh any files in the DHT that are about to expire."""
expireAfter = config.gettime('DEFAULT', 'KEY_REFRESH')
- hashes = self.db.expiredFiles(expireAfter)
+ hashes = self.db.expiredHashes(expireAfter)
if len(hashes.keys()) > 0:
log.msg('Refreshing the keys of %d DHT values' % len(hashes.keys()))
- for raw_hash in hashes:
+ self._refreshFiles(None, hashes)
+ def _refreshFiles(self, result, hashes):
+ if result is not None:
+ log.msg('Storage resulted in: %r' % result)
+ if hashes:
+ raw_hash = hashes.keys()[0]
- hash = HashObject(raw_hash)
- key = hash.norm(bits = config.getint(config.get('DEFAULT', 'DHT'), 'HASH_LENGTH'))
- value = {'c': self.my_contact}
- storeDefer = self.dht.storeValue(key, value)
- storeDefer.addCallback(self.store_done, hash)
- reactor.callLater(60, self.refreshFiles)
+ hash = HashObject(raw_hash, pieces = hashes[raw_hash]['pieces'])
+ del hashes[raw_hash]
+ storeDefer = self.store(hash)
+ storeDefer.addBoth(self._refreshFiles, hashes)
+ else:
+ reactor.callLater(60, self.refreshFiles)
def check_freshness(self, req, path, modtime, resp):
log.msg('Checking if %s is still fresh' % path)
log.msg('Found hash %s for %s' % (hash.hexexpected(), path))
# Lookup hash in cache
- locations = self.db.lookupHash(hash.expected())
+ locations = self.db.lookupHash(hash.expected(), filesOnly = True)
self.getCachedFile(hash, req, path, d, locations)
def getCachedFile(self, hash, req, path, d, locations):
return response
def new_cached_file(self, file_path, hash, new_hash, url = None, forceDHT = False):
- """Add a newly cached file to the DHT.
+ """Add a newly cached file to the appropriate places.
If the file was downloaded, set url to the path it was downloaded for.
- Don't add a file to the DHT unless a hash was found for it
- (but do add it anyway if forceDHT is True).
+ Doesn't add a file to the DHT unless a hash was found for it
+ (but does add it anyway if forceDHT is True).
if url:
self.mirrors.updatedFile(url, file_path)
if self.my_contact and hash and new_hash and (hash.expected() is not None or forceDHT):
- key = hash.norm(bits = config.getint(config.get('DEFAULT', 'DHT'), 'HASH_LENGTH'))
- value = {'c': self.my_contact}
- pieces = hash.pieceDigests()
- if len(pieces) <= 1:
- pass
- elif len(pieces) <= DHT_PIECES:
- value['t'] = {'t': ''.join(pieces)}
- elif len(pieces) <= TORRENT_PIECES:
- s = sha.new().update(''.join(pieces))
- value['h'] = s.digest()
- else:
- s = sha.new().update(''.join(pieces))
- value['l'] = s.digest()
- storeDefer = self.dht.storeValue(key, value)
- storeDefer.addCallback(self.store_done, hash)
- return storeDefer
+ return self.store(hash)
return None
+ def store(self, hash):
+ """Add a file to the DHT."""
+ key = hash.norm(bits = config.getint(config.get('DEFAULT', 'DHT'), 'HASH_LENGTH'))
+ value = {'c': self.my_contact}
+ pieces = hash.pieceDigests()
+ if len(pieces) <= 1:
+ pass
+ elif len(pieces) <= DHT_PIECES:
+ value['t'] = {'t': ''.join(pieces)}
+ elif len(pieces) <= TORRENT_PIECES:
+ s = sha.new().update(''.join(pieces))
+ value['h'] = s.digest()
+ else:
+ s = sha.new().update(''.join(pieces))
+ value['l'] = s.digest()
+ storeDefer = self.dht.storeValue(key, value)
+ storeDefer.addCallback(self.store_done, hash)
+ return storeDefer
def store_done(self, result, hash):
log.msg('Added %s to the DHT: %r' % (hash.hexdigest(), result))
self.conn = sqlite.connect(database=self.db.path, detect_types=sqlite.PARSE_DECLTYPES)
c = self.conn.cursor()
- c.execute("CREATE TABLE files (path TEXT PRIMARY KEY, hash KHASH, size NUMBER, mtime NUMBER, refreshed TIMESTAMP)")
- c.execute("CREATE INDEX files_hash ON files(hash)")
- c.execute("CREATE INDEX files_refreshed ON files(refreshed)")
+ c.execute("CREATE TABLE files (path TEXT PRIMARY KEY UNIQUE, hashID INTEGER, " +
+ "size NUMBER, mtime NUMBER)")
+ "hash KHASH UNIQUE, pieces KHASH, " +
+ "piecehash KHASH, refreshed TIMESTAMP)")
+ c.execute("CREATE INDEX hashes_refreshed ON hashes(refreshed)")
+ c.execute("CREATE INDEX hashes_piecehash ON hashes(piecehash)")
return res
- def storeFile(self, file, hash):
+ def storeFile(self, file, hash, pieces = ''):
"""Store or update a file in the database.
@return: True if the hash was not in the database before
(so it needs to be added to the DHT)
- new_hash = True
- refreshTime = datetime.now()
+ piecehash = ''
+ if pieces:
+ s = sha.new().update(pieces)
+ piecehash = sha.digest()
c = self.conn.cursor()
- c.execute("SELECT MAX(refreshed) AS max_refresh FROM files WHERE hash = ?", (khash(hash), ))
+ c.execute("SELECT hashID, piecehash FROM hashes WHERE hash = ?", (khash(hash), ))
row = c.fetchone()
- if row and row['max_refresh']:
+ if row:
+ assert piecehash == row['piecehash']
new_hash = False
- refreshTime = row['max_refresh']
- c.close()
+ hashID = row['hashID']
+ else:
+ c = self.conn.cursor()
+ c.execute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO hashes (hash, pieces, piecehash, refreshed) VALUES (?, ?, ?)",
+ (khash(hash), khash(pieces), khash(piecehash), datetime.now()))
+ self.conn.commit()
+ new_hash = True
+ hashID = c.lastrowid
- c = self.conn.cursor()
- c.execute("SELECT path FROM files WHERE path = ?", (file.path, ))
- row = c.fetchone()
- if row:
- c.execute("UPDATE files SET hash = ?, size = ?, mtime = ?, refreshed = ?",
- (khash(hash), file.getsize(), file.getmtime(), refreshTime))
- else:
- c.execute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO files VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
- (file.path, khash(hash), file.getsize(), file.getmtime(), refreshTime))
+ c.execute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO files (path, hashID, size, mtime) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)",
+ (file.path, hashID, file.getsize(), file.getmtime()))
None if not in database or missing
c = self.conn.cursor()
- c.execute("SELECT hash, size, mtime FROM files WHERE path = ?", (file.path, ))
+ c.execute("SELECT hash, size, mtime, pieces FROM files JOIN hashes USING (hashID) WHERE path = ?", (file.path, ))
row = c.fetchone()
res = None
if row:
res = {}
res['hash'] = row['hash']
res['size'] = row['size']
+ res['pieces'] = row['pieces']
return res
- def lookupHash(self, hash):
+ def lookupHash(self, hash, filesOnly = False):
"""Find a file by hash in the database.
If any found files have changed or are missing, they are removed
- from the database.
+ from the database. If filesOnly is False then it will also look for
+ piece string hashes if no files can be found.
@return: list of dictionaries of info for the found files
c = self.conn.cursor()
- c.execute("SELECT path, size, mtime, refreshed FROM files WHERE hash = ?", (khash(hash), ))
+ c.execute("SELECT path, size, mtime, refreshed, pieces FROM files JOIN hashes USING (hashID) WHERE hash = ?", (khash(hash), ))
row = c.fetchone()
files = []
while row:
res['path'] = file
res['size'] = row['size']
res['refreshed'] = row['refreshed']
+ res['pieces'] = row['pieces']
row = c.fetchone()
+ if not filesOnly and not files:
+ c.execute("SELECT refreshed, pieces, piecehash FROM hashes WHERE piecehash = ?", (khash(hash), ))
+ row = c.fetchone()
+ if row:
+ res = {}
+ res['refreshed'] = row['refreshed']
+ res['pieces'] = row['pieces']
+ files.append(res)
return files
def refreshHash(self, hash):
"""Refresh the publishing time all files with a hash."""
- refreshTime = datetime.now()
c = self.conn.cursor()
- c.execute("UPDATE files SET refreshed = ? WHERE hash = ?", (refreshTime, khash(hash)))
+ c.execute("UPDATE hashes SET refreshed = ? WHERE hash = ?", (datetime.now(), khash(hash)))
- def expiredFiles(self, expireAfter):
+ def expiredHashes(self, expireAfter):
"""Find files that need refreshing after expireAfter seconds.
For each hash that needs refreshing, finds all the files with that hash.
# First find the hashes that need refreshing
c = self.conn.cursor()
- c.execute("SELECT DISTINCT hash FROM files WHERE refreshed < ?", (t, ))
+ c.execute("SELECT hashID, hash, pieces FROM hashes WHERE refreshed < ?", (t, ))
row = c.fetchone()
expired = {}
while row:
- expired.setdefault(row['hash'], [])
+ res = expired.setdefault(row['hash'], {})
+ res['hashID'] = row['hashID']
+ res['hash'] = row['hash']
+ res['pieces'] = row['pieces']
row = c.fetchone()
- c.close()
- # Now find the files for each hash
- for hash in expired.keys():
- c = self.conn.cursor()
- c.execute("SELECT path, size, mtime FROM files WHERE hash = ?", (khash(hash), ))
+ # Make sure there are still valid files for each hash
+ for hash in expired.values():
+ valid = False
+ c.execute("SELECT path, size, mtime FROM files WHERE hashID = ?", (hash['hashID'], ))
row = c.fetchone()
while row:
res = self._removeChanged(FilePath(row['path']), row)
if res:
- expired[hash].append(FilePath(row['path']))
+ valid = True
row = c.fetchone()
- if len(expired[hash]) == 0:
- del expired[hash]
- c.close()
+ if not valid:
+ del expired[hash['hash']]
+ c.execute("DELETE FROM hashes WHERE hashID = ?", (hash['hashID'], ))
+ self.conn.commit()
+ c.close()
return expired
self.store = DB(self.db)
self.store.storeFile(self.file, self.hash)
- def test_openExistsingDB(self):
+ def test_openExistingDB(self):
self.store = None
res = self.store.isUnchanged(self.file)
self.failUnless(res == False)
- self.file.remove()
res = self.store.isUnchanged(self.file)
- self.failUnless(res == None)
+ self.failUnless(res is None)
def test_expiry(self):
- res = self.store.expiredFiles(1)
+ res = self.store.expiredHashes(1)
self.failUnlessEqual(len(res.keys()), 0)
- res = self.store.expiredFiles(1)
+ res = self.store.expiredHashes(1)
self.failUnlessEqual(len(res.keys()), 1)
self.failUnlessEqual(res.keys()[0], self.hash)
- self.failUnlessEqual(len(res[self.hash]), 1)
- res = self.store.expiredFiles(1)
+ res = self.store.expiredHashes(1)
self.failUnlessEqual(len(res.keys()), 0)
def build_dirs(self):
def test_multipleHashes(self):
- res = self.store.expiredFiles(1)
+ res = self.store.expiredHashes(1)
self.failUnlessEqual(len(res.keys()), 0)
res = self.store.lookupHash(self.hash)
self.failUnlessEqual(res[0]['refreshed'], res[2]['refreshed'])
self.failUnlessEqual(res[0]['refreshed'], res[3]['refreshed'])
- res = self.store.expiredFiles(1)
+ res = self.store.expiredHashes(1)
self.failUnlessEqual(len(res.keys()), 1)
self.failUnlessEqual(res.keys()[0], self.hash)
- self.failUnlessEqual(len(res[self.hash]), 4)
- res = self.store.expiredFiles(1)
+ res = self.store.expiredHashes(1)
self.failUnlessEqual(len(res.keys()), 0)
def test_removeUntracked(self):