double mesh_altitude(double lon, double lat) {
/* we expect incoming (lon,lat) to be in arcsec for now */
- double xoffset, yoffset;
+ double xlocal, ylocal, dx, dy;
+ int x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3;
int xindex, yindex;
+ double tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, tmp5, tmp6, tmp7, tmp8, tmp9, tmp10;
+ double a, b, c;
/* determine if we are in the lower triangle or the upper triangle
| / |
|/ |
+ then calculate our end points
- xoffset = lon - eg.originx;
- yoffset = lat - eg.originy;
+ xlocal = ( lon - eg.originx ) / eg.col_step;
+ ylocal = ( lat - eg.originy ) / eg.row_step;
+ xindex = (int)xlocal;
+ yindex = (int)ylocal;
+ dx = xlocal - xindex;
+ dy = ylocal - yindex;
- xindex = xoffset / eg.col_step;
- yindex = yoffset / eg.row_step;
+ x1 = xindex;
+ y1 = yindex;
+ z1 = eg.mesh_data[x1 * eg.rows + y1];
- if ( xindex > yindex ) {
+ x2 = xindex + eg.col_step;
+ y2 = yindex + eg.row_step;
+ z2 = eg.mesh_data[x2 * eg.rows + y2];
+ if ( dx > dy ) {
+ x3 = xindex + eg.col_step;
+ y3 = yindex;
+ z3 = eg.mesh_data[x3 * eg.rows + y3];
+ } else {
+ x3 = xindex;
+ y3 = yindex + eg.row_step;
+ z3 = eg.mesh_data[x3 * eg.rows + y3];
+ /* given (x1, y1, z1) (x2, y2, z2) and (x3, y3, z3) calculate (a,
+ * b, c) such that z = ax + by + c is the equation of the plane
+ * intersecting the three given points */
+ tmp1 = (x2 * z1 / x1 - z2);
+ tmp2 = (y2 - x2 * y1 / x1);
+ tmp3 = (x2 * y1 / x1 - y2);
+ tmp4 = (1 - x2 / x1);
+ tmp5 = (x3*(z1 + y1*tmp1 / tmp2) / x1 - z3 + y3*tmp1 / tmp3);
+ tmp6 = x3*(y1*tmp4 / tmp2 - 1);
+ tmp7 = tmp5 / (y3*tmp4 / tmp2 - tmp6 / x1 - 1);
+ tmp8 = (tmp6 / x1 + y3*tmp4 / tmp3 + 1);
+ tmp9 = (z1 + tmp5 / tmp8);
+ tmp10 = (tmp7 + x2*tmp9 / x1 - z2);
+ a = (tmp9 + y1*tmp10 / tmp2) / x1;
+ b = tmp10 / tmp3;
+ c = tmp7;
+ /* Then, given a position we can calculate the current ground elevation */
+ printf("Our true ground elevation is %.2f\n", a*lon + b*lat + c);
if ( (xindex >= 0) && (xindex < eg.cols) ) {
if ( (yindex >= 0) && (yindex < eg.rows) ) {
return( eg.mesh_data[xindex * eg.rows + yindex] );
- /*
- given (x1, y1, z1) (x2, y2, z2) and (x3, y3, z3)
- calculate z = ax + by + c (the equation of the plane intersecting the
- three given points
- Then, given a position we can calculate the current ground elevation
- tmp1 = (x2 * z1 / x1 - z2);
- tmp2 = (y2 - x2 * y1 / x1);
- tmp3 = (x2 * y1 / x1 - y2);
- tmp4 = (1 - x2 / x1);
- tmp5 = (x3*(z1 + y1*tmp1 / tmp2) / x1 - z3 + y3*tmp1 / tmp3);
- tmp6 = x3*(y1*tmp4 / tmp2 - 1);
- tmp7 = tmp5 / (y3*tmp4 / tmp2 - tmp6 / x1 - 1);
- tmp8 = (tmp6 / x1 + y3*tmp4 / tmp3 + 1);
- tmp9 = (z1 + tmp5 / tmp8);
- tmp10 = (tmp7 + x2*tmp9 / x1 - z2);
- a = (tmp9 + y1*tmp10 / tmp2) / x1;
- b = tmp10 / tmp3;
- c = tmp7;
- */
/* $Log$
-/* Revision 1.8 1997/07/09 21:31:15 curt
-/* Working on making the ground "hard."
+/* Revision 1.9 1997/07/10 02:22:10 curt
+/* Working on terrain elevation interpolation routine.
+ * Revision 1.8 1997/07/09 21:31:15 curt
+ * Working on making the ground "hard."
+ *
* Revision 1.7 1997/07/08 18:20:13 curt
* Working on establishing a hard ground.