AtomicChangeListener.cxx \
-check_PROGRAMS = props_test
+check_PROGRAMS = props_test propertyObject_test
+TESTS = propertyObject_test
props_test_SOURCES = props_test.cxx
props_test_LDADD = \
$(top_builddir)/simgear/debug/libsgdebug.a \
+propertyObject_test_SOURCES = propertyObject_test.cxx
+propertyObject_test_LDADD = \
+ libsgprops.a \
+ $(top_builddir)/simgear/xml/libsgxml.a \
+ $(top_builddir)/simgear/misc/libsgmisc.a \
+ $(top_builddir)/simgear/debug/libsgdebug.a \
+ $(top_builddir)/simgear/structure/libsgstructure.a
props_test_LDFLAGS = $(openthreads_FRAMEWORK)
static void setDefaultRoot(SGPropertyNode* aRoot);
+ PropertyObjectBase(const PropertyObjectBase& aOther);
PropertyObjectBase(const char* aChild);
PropertyObjectBase(SGPropertyNode* aNode, const char* aChild = NULL);
+// copy-constructor
+ PropertyObject(const PropertyObject<T>& aOther) :
+ PropertyObjectBase(aOther)
+ {
+ }
// create() form creates the property immediately
static PropertyObject<T> create(const char* aPath, T aValue)
// conversion operators
operator T () const
- SGPropertyNode* n = node(false);
+ SGPropertyNode* n = node();
if (!n) {
throw sg_exception("read of undefined property:", _path);
T operator=(const T& aValue)
- SGPropertyNode* n = node(true);
+ SGPropertyNode* n = PropertyObjectBase::node(true);
if (!n) {
return aValue;
return aValue;
+ SGPropertyNode* node() const
+ {
+ return PropertyObjectBase::node(false);
+ }
}; // of template PropertyObject
operator std::string () const
- SGPropertyNode* n = node(false);
+ SGPropertyNode* n = node();
if (!n) {
throw sg_exception("read of undefined property:", _path);
const char* operator=(const char* aValue)
- SGPropertyNode* n = node(true);
+ SGPropertyNode* n = PropertyObjectBase::node(true);
if (!n) {
return aValue;
std::string operator=(const std::string& aValue)
- SGPropertyNode* n = node(true);
+ SGPropertyNode* n = PropertyObjectBase::node(true);
if (!n) {
return aValue;
return aValue;
+ bool operator==(const char* value) const
+ {
+ std::string s(*this);
+ return (s == value);
+ }
+ bool operator==(const std::string& value) const
+ {
+ std::string s(*this);
+ return (s == value);
+ }
+ SGPropertyNode* node() const
+ {
+ return PropertyObjectBase::node(false);
+ }
--- /dev/null
+#include <simgear/compiler.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cstring>
+#include "propertyObject.hxx"
+using std::cout;
+using std::cerr;
+using std::endl;
+using namespace simgear;
+SGPropertyNode* testRoot = NULL;
+bool testBasic()
+ PropertyObject<int> aBar("a/bar");
+ assert(aBar == 1234);
+ PropertyObject<int> aWib("a/wib"); // doesn't exist
+ aWib = 999; // create + set
+ assert(aWib == 999); // read back
+ assert(testRoot->getIntValue("a/wib") == 999);
+ assert(aWib < 1000);
+ assert(998 < aWib);
+ PropertyObject<double> aFoo("a/foo");
+ assert(aFoo == 12.0);
+ double ff(aFoo);
+ assert(ff == 12.0); // comparison with literal
+ const float fff(12.0f);
+ assert(fff == aFoo); // comparion with float value
+ return true;
+void testString()
+ PropertyObject<std::string> sp("a/alice");
+ assert(sp == "aaaa"); // read
+ sp = "xxxx"; // assignment from char* literal
+ assert(!strcmp(testRoot->getStringValue("a/alice"), "xxxx"));
+ std::string d = "yyyy";
+ sp = d; // assignment from std::string
+ assert(sp == d); // comaprisom with std::string
+ std::string e(sp), f; // check construction-conversion
+ assert(e == "yyyy");
+ f = sp; // assignment conversion
+ assert(f == "yyyy");
+void testAssignment()
+ PropertyObject<int> a1("a/bar");
+ PropertyObject<int> a2("b/blah/foo[1]");
+ // ensure assignment between property objects copies values, *not*
+ // copies the property reference
+ a2 = a1 = 88; // a2 should *not* point to a/bar after this!
+ assert(testRoot->getIntValue("b/blah/foo[1]") == 88);
+ assert(a2.node() == testRoot->getNode("b/blah/foo[1]"));
+ a2 = 99;
+ assert(a2 == 99);
+ assert(a1 == 88);
+ PropertyObject<int> a3(a1);
+ assert(a1.node() == a3.node());
+ a3 = 44;
+ assert(a1 == 44);
+void testSTLContainer()
+ std::vector<PropertyObject<int> > vec;
+// enlarging the vec causes the copy-constructor to be called,
+// when the storage is re-sized
+ vec.push_back(PropertyObject<int>("a/thing[0]"));
+ vec.push_back(PropertyObject<int>("a/thing[1]"));
+ vec.push_back(PropertyObject<int>("a/thing[2]"));
+ vec.push_back(PropertyObject<int>("a/thing[3]"));
+ vec[0] = 1234;
+ vec[1] = 2345;
+ vec[2] = 6789;
+ vec[3] = -11;
+ assert(testRoot->getIntValue("a/thing[2]") == 6789);
+ assert(testRoot->getIntValue("a/thing[3]") == -11);
+ assert(testRoot->getIntValue("a/thing[0]") == 1234);
+ for (int i=0; i<100; ++i) {
+ char path[128];
+ ::snprintf(path, 128, "d/foo[%d]", i);
+ vec.push_back(PropertyObject<int>(path));
+ testRoot->setIntValue(path, i * 4);
+ }
+ assert(vec[0] == 1234);
+ assert(vec[3] == -11);
+void testReadMissing()
+ PropertyObject<bool> b("not/found/honest");
+ try {
+ bool v = b;
+ assert(false && "read of missing property didn't throw");
+ } catch (sg_exception& e) {
+ // expected
+ }
+ PropertyObject<std::string> s("also/missing");
+ try {
+ std::string s2 = s;
+ } catch (sg_exception& e) {
+ // expected
+ }
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
+ testRoot = new SGPropertyNode();
+ simgear::PropertyObjectBase::setDefaultRoot(testRoot);
+// create some properties 'manually'
+ testRoot->setDoubleValue("a/foo", 12.0);
+ testRoot->setIntValue("a/bar", 1234);
+ testRoot->setBoolValue("a/flags[3]", true);
+ testRoot->setStringValue("a/alice", "aaaa");
+// basic reading / setting
+ if (!testBasic()) {
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ testReadMissing();
+ testString();
+ testAssignment();
+ testSTLContainer();
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;