// select someone by nick in the current network
if (!DBA::isResult($contact) && ($network != '')) {
- $condition = ["`nick` = ? AND `network` = ? AND `uid` = ?",
- $name, $network, $profile_uid];
+ $condition = [
+ "`nick` = ? AND `network` = ? AND `uid` = ?",
+ $name, $network, $profile_uid
+ ];
$contact = DBA::selectFirst('contact', $fields, $condition);
// select someone by attag in the current network
if (!DBA::isResult($contact) && ($network != '')) {
- $condition = ["`attag` = ? AND `network` = ? AND `uid` = ?",
- $name, $network, $profile_uid];
+ $condition = [
+ "`attag` = ? AND `network` = ? AND `uid` = ?",
+ $name, $network, $profile_uid
+ ];
$contact = DBA::selectFirst('contact', $fields, $condition);
$replaced = true;
// create profile link
$profile = str_replace(',', '%2c', $profile);
- $newtag = $tag_type.'[url=' . $profile . ']' . $newname . '[/url]';
+ $newtag = $tag_type . '[url=' . $profile . ']' . $newname . '[/url]';
$body = str_replace($tag_type . $name, $newtag, $body);
$xmlhead = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>';
if ($this->activity->match($item['verb'], Activity::TAG)) {
- $fields = ['author-id', 'author-link', 'author-name', 'author-network',
- 'verb', 'object-type', 'resource-id', 'body', 'plink'];
+ $fields = [
+ 'author-id', 'author-link', 'author-name', 'author-network',
+ 'verb', 'object-type', 'resource-id', 'body', 'plink'
+ ];
$obj = Post::selectFirst($fields, ['uri' => $item['parent-uri']]);
if (!DBA::isResult($obj)) {
if ($obj['resource-id']) {
$post_type = $this->l10n->t('photo');
- $m=[]; preg_match("/\[url=([^]]*)\]/", $obj['body'], $m);
+ $m = [];
+ preg_match("/\[url=([^]]*)\]/", $obj['body'], $m);
$rr['plink'] = $m[1];
} else {
$post_type = $this->l10n->t('status');
if ((($cid == 0) || ($rel == Contact::FOLLOWER)) &&
- in_array($item['network'], Protocol::FEDERATED)) {
+ in_array($item['network'], Protocol::FEDERATED)
+ ) {
$menu[$this->l10n->t('Connect/Follow')] = 'contact/follow?url=' . urlencode($item['author-link']) . '&auto=1';
} else {
public function moveAttachmentsFromBodyToAttach(array $post): array
- if (!preg_match_all('/(\[attachment\]([0-9]+)\[\/attachment\])/',$post['body'], $match)) {
+ if (!preg_match_all('/(\[attachment\]([0-9]+)\[\/attachment\])/', $post['body'], $match)) {
return $post;
if ($post['attach']) {
$post['attach'] .= ',';
- $post['attach'] .= Post\Media::getAttachElement($this->baseURL . '/attach/' . $attachment['id'],
- $attachment['filesize'], $attachment['filetype'], $attachment['filename'] ?? '');
- $fields = ['allow_cid' => $post['allow_cid'], 'allow_gid' => $post['allow_gid'],
- 'deny_cid' => $post['deny_cid'], 'deny_gid' => $post['deny_gid']];
+ $post['attach'] .= Post\Media::getAttachElement(
+ $this->baseURL . '/attach/' . $attachment['id'],
+ $attachment['filesize'],
+ $attachment['filetype'],
+ $attachment['filename'] ?? ''
+ );
+ $fields = [
+ 'allow_cid' => $post['allow_cid'], 'allow_gid' => $post['allow_gid'],
+ 'deny_cid' => $post['deny_cid'], 'deny_gid' => $post['deny_gid']
+ ];
$condition = ['id' => $attachment_id];
Attach::update($fields, $condition);
// embedded bookmark or attachment in post? set bookmark flag
$data = BBCode::getAttachmentData($post['body']);
if ((preg_match_all("/\[bookmark\=([^\]]*)\](.*?)\[\/bookmark\]/ism", $post['body'], $match, PREG_SET_ORDER) || !empty($data['type']))
- && ($post['post-type'] != ItemModel::PT_PERSONAL_NOTE)) {
+ && ($post['post-type'] != ItemModel::PT_PERSONAL_NOTE)
+ ) {
$post['post-type'] = ItemModel::PT_PAGE;
$post['object-type'] = Activity\ObjectType::BOOKMARK;
- $this->emailer->send(new ItemCCEMail($this->app, $this->l10n, $this->baseURL,
- $post, $address, $author['thumb'] ?? ''));
+ $this->emailer->send(new ItemCCEMail(
+ $this->app,
+ $this->l10n,
+ $this->baseURL,
+ $post,
+ $address,
+ $author['thumb'] ?? ''
+ ));
public static function replaceAttachment(string $body, bool $no_link_desc = false): string
- return preg_replace_callback("/\s*\[attachment (.*?)\](.*?)\[\/attachment\]\s*/ism",
+ return preg_replace_callback(
+ "/\s*\[attachment (.*?)\](.*?)\[\/attachment\]\s*/ism",
function ($match) use ($body, $no_link_desc) {
$attach_data = self::getAttachmentData($match[0]);
if (empty($attach_data['url'])) {
} else {
return " \n[url=" . $attach_data['url'] . ']' . $attach_data['title'] . "[/url]\n";
- }, $body);
+ },
+ $body
+ );
// We're depending on the property of 'foreach' (specified on the PHP website) that
// it loops over the array starting from the first element and going sequentially
// to the last element
- $newbody = str_replace('[$#saved_image' . $cnt . '#$]',
- '<img src="' . self::proxyUrl($image, self::INTERNAL, $uriid) . '" alt="' . DI::l10n()->t('Image/photo') . '" />', $newbody);
+ $newbody = str_replace(
+ '[$#saved_image' . $cnt . '#$]',
+ '<img src="' . self::proxyUrl($image, self::INTERNAL, $uriid) . '" alt="' . DI::l10n()->t('Image/photo') . '" />',
+ $newbody
+ );
$img_str = '<img src="' .
- self::proxyUrl($match[2], $simplehtml, $uriid) . '"';
+ self::proxyUrl($match[2], $simplehtml, $uriid) . '"';
foreach ($attributes as $key => $value) {
if (!empty($value)) {
$img_str .= ' ' . $key . '="' . htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_COMPAT) . '"';
switch ($simplehtml) {
case self::MASTODON_API:
case self::TWITTER_API:
- $text = ($is_quote_share? '<br>' : '') .
- '<b><a href="' . $attributes['link'] . '">' . html_entity_decode('♲', ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . ' ' . $author_contact['addr'] . "</a>:</b><br>\n" .
- '<blockquote class="shared_content" dir="auto">' . $content . '</blockquote>';
+ $text = ($is_quote_share ? '<br>' : '') .
+ '<b><a href="' . $attributes['link'] . '">' . html_entity_decode('♲', ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . ' ' . $author_contact['addr'] . "</a>:</b><br>\n" .
+ '<blockquote class="shared_content" dir="auto">' . $content . '</blockquote>';
case self::DIASPORA:
if (stripos(Strings::normaliseLink($attributes['link']), 'http://twitter.com/') === 0) {
- $text = ($is_quote_share? '<hr />' : '') . '<p><a href="' . $attributes['link'] . '">' . $attributes['link'] . '</a></p>' . "\n";
+ $text = ($is_quote_share ? '<hr />' : '') . '<p><a href="' . $attributes['link'] . '">' . $attributes['link'] . '</a></p>' . "\n";
} else {
$headline = '<p><b>♲ <a href="' . $attributes['profile'] . '">' . $attributes['author'] . '</a>:</b></p>' . "\n";
$headline = '<p><b>♲ <a href="' . $attributes['profile'] . '">' . $attributes['author'] . '</a></b> - <a href="' . $attributes['link'] . '">' . $attributes['posted'] . ' GMT</a></p>' . "\n";
- $text = ($is_quote_share? '<hr />' : '') . $headline . '<blockquote>' . trim($content) . '</blockquote>' . "\n";
+ $text = ($is_quote_share ? '<hr />' : '') . $headline . '<blockquote>' . trim($content) . '</blockquote>' . "\n";
if (empty($attributes['posted']) && !empty($attributes['link'])) {
$text .= '<p><a href="' . $attributes['link'] . '">[Source]</a></p>' . "\n";
$headline .= DI::l10n()->t('<a href="%1$s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">%2$s</a> %3$s', $attributes['link'], $mention, $attributes['posted']);
$headline .= ':</b></p>' . "\n";
- $text = ($is_quote_share? '<hr />' : '') . $headline . '<blockquote class="shared_content" dir="auto">' . trim($content) . '</blockquote>' . "\n";
+ $text = ($is_quote_share ? '<hr />' : '') . $headline . '<blockquote class="shared_content" dir="auto">' . trim($content) . '</blockquote>' . "\n";
case self::OSTATUS:
- $text = ($is_quote_share? '<br>' : '') . '<p>' . html_entity_decode('♲ ', ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . ' @' . $author_contact['addr'] . ': ' . $content . '</p>' . "\n";
+ $text = ($is_quote_share ? '<br>' : '') . '<p>' . html_entity_decode('♲ ', ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . ' @' . $author_contact['addr'] . ': ' . $content . '</p>' . "\n";
case self::ACTIVITYPUB:
$author = '@<span class="vcard"><a href="' . $author_contact['url'] . '" class="url u-url mention" title="' . $author_contact['addr'] . '"><span class="fn nickname mention">' . $author_contact['addr'] . '</span></a>:</span>';
$text = '<div><a href="' . $attributes['link'] . '">' . html_entity_decode('♲', ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '</a> ' . $author . '<blockquote>' . $content . '</blockquote></div>' . "\n";
- $text = ($is_quote_share? "\n" : '');
+ $text = ($is_quote_share ? "\n" : '');
$contact = Contact::getByURL($attributes['profile'], false, ['network']);
$network = $contact['network'] ?? Protocol::PHANTOM;
* $match[1] = $url
* $match[2] = $title or absent
- $try_oembed_callback = function (array $match)
- {
+ $try_oembed_callback = function (array $match) {
$url = $match[1];
$title = $match[2] ?? '';
// Remove linefeeds inside of the table elements. See issue #6799
- $search = ["\n[th]", "[th]\n", " [th]", "\n[/th]", "[/th]\n", "[/th] ",
+ $search = [
+ "\n[th]", "[th]\n", " [th]", "\n[/th]", "[/th]\n", "[/th] ",
"\n[td]", "[td]\n", " [td]", "\n[/td]", "[/td]\n", "[/td] ",
"\n[tr]", "[tr]\n", " [tr]", "[tr] ", "\n[/tr]", "[/tr]\n", " [/tr]", "[/tr] ",
"\n[hr]", "[hr]\n", " [hr]", "[hr] ",
"\n[attachment ", " [attachment ", "\n[/attachment]", "[/attachment]\n", " [/attachment]", "[/attachment] ",
- "[table]\n", "[table] ", " [table]", "\n[/table]", " [/table]", "[/table] "];
- $replace = ["[th]", "[th]", "[th]", "[/th]", "[/th]", "[/th]",
+ "[table]\n", "[table] ", " [table]", "\n[/table]", " [/table]", "[/table] "
+ ];
+ $replace = [
+ "[th]", "[th]", "[th]", "[/th]", "[/th]", "[/th]",
"[td]", "[td]", "[td]", "[/td]", "[/td]", "[/td]",
"[tr]", "[tr]", "[tr]", "[tr]", "[/tr]", "[/tr]", "[/tr]", "[/tr]",
"[hr]", "[hr]", "[hr]", "[hr]",
"[attachment ", "[attachment ", "[/attachment]", "[/attachment]", "[/attachment]", "[/attachment]",
- "[table]", "[table]", "[table]", "[/table]", "[/table]", "[/table]"];
+ "[table]", "[table]", "[table]", "[/table]", "[/table]", "[/table]"
+ ];
do {
$oldtext = $text;
$text = str_replace($search, $replace, $text);
// removing multiplicated newlines
if (DI::config()->get('system', 'remove_multiplicated_lines')) {
- $search = ["\n\n\n", "\n ", " \n", "[/quote]\n\n", "\n[/quote]", "[/li]\n", "\n[li]", "\n[*]", "\n[ul]", "[/ul]\n", "\n\n[share ", "[/attachment]\n",
- "\n[h1]", "[/h1]\n", "\n[h2]", "[/h2]\n", "\n[h3]", "[/h3]\n", "\n[h4]", "[/h4]\n", "\n[h5]", "[/h5]\n", "\n[h6]", "[/h6]\n"];
- $replace = ["\n\n", "\n", "\n", "[/quote]\n", "[/quote]", "[/li]", "[li]", "[*]", "[ul]", "[/ul]", "\n[share ", "[/attachment]",
- "[h1]", "[/h1]", "[h2]", "[/h2]", "[h3]", "[/h3]", "[h4]", "[/h4]", "[h5]", "[/h5]", "[h6]", "[/h6]"];
+ $search = [
+ "\n\n\n", "\n ", " \n", "[/quote]\n\n", "\n[/quote]", "[/li]\n", "\n[li]", "\n[*]", "\n[ul]", "[/ul]\n", "\n\n[share ", "[/attachment]\n",
+ "\n[h1]", "[/h1]\n", "\n[h2]", "[/h2]\n", "\n[h3]", "[/h3]\n", "\n[h4]", "[/h4]\n", "\n[h5]", "[/h5]\n", "\n[h6]", "[/h6]\n"
+ ];
+ $replace = [
+ "\n\n", "\n", "\n", "[/quote]\n", "[/quote]", "[/li]", "[li]", "[*]", "[ul]", "[/ul]", "\n[share ", "[/attachment]",
+ "[h1]", "[/h1]", "[h2]", "[/h2]", "[h3]", "[/h3]", "[h4]", "[/h4]", "[h5]", "[/h5]", "[h6]", "[/h6]"
+ ];
do {
$oldtext = $text;
$text = str_replace($search, $replace, $text);
$endlessloop = 0;
while ((((strpos($text, "[/list]") !== false) && (strpos($text, "[list") !== false)) ||
- ((strpos($text, "[/ol]") !== false) && (strpos($text, "[ol]") !== false)) ||
- ((strpos($text, "[/ul]") !== false) && (strpos($text, "[ul]") !== false)) ||
- ((strpos($text, "[/li]") !== false) && (strpos($text, "[li]") !== false))) && (++$endlessloop < 20)) {
+ ((strpos($text, "[/ol]") !== false) && (strpos($text, "[ol]") !== false)) ||
+ ((strpos($text, "[/ul]") !== false) && (strpos($text, "[ul]") !== false)) ||
+ ((strpos($text, "[/li]") !== false) && (strpos($text, "[li]") !== false))) && (++$endlessloop < 20)) {
$text = preg_replace("/\[list\](.*?)\[\/list\]/ism", '<ul class="listbullet" style="list-style-type: circle;">$1</ul>', $text);
$text = preg_replace("/\[list=\](.*?)\[\/list\]/ism", '<ul class="listnone" style="list-style-type: none;">$1</ul>', $text);
$text = preg_replace("/\[list=1\](.*?)\[\/list\]/ism", '<ul class="listdecimal" style="list-style-type: decimal;">$1</ul>', $text);
// handle nested quotes
$endlessloop = 0;
- while ((strpos($text, "[/spoiler]")!== false) && (strpos($text, "[spoiler=") !== false) && (++$endlessloop < 20)) {
- $text = preg_replace("/\[spoiler=[\"\']*(.*?)[\"\']*\](.*?)\[\/spoiler\]/ism",
+ while ((strpos($text, "[/spoiler]") !== false) && (strpos($text, "[spoiler=") !== false) && (++$endlessloop < 20)) {
+ $text = preg_replace(
+ "/\[spoiler=[\"\']*(.*?)[\"\']*\](.*?)\[\/spoiler\]/ism",
'<details class="spoiler"><summary>$1</summary>$2</details>',
- $text);
+ $text
+ );
// Declare the format for [quote] layout
// handle nested quotes
$endlessloop = 0;
- while ((strpos($text, "[/quote]")!== false) && (strpos($text, "[quote=") !== false) && (++$endlessloop < 20)) {
- $text = preg_replace("/\[quote=[\"\']*(.*?)[\"\']*\](.*?)\[\/quote\]/ism",
- "<p><strong class=".'"author"'.">" . $t_wrote . "</strong></p><blockquote>$2</blockquote>",
- $text);
+ while ((strpos($text, "[/quote]") !== false) && (strpos($text, "[quote=") !== false) && (++$endlessloop < 20)) {
+ $text = preg_replace(
+ "/\[quote=[\"\']*(.*?)[\"\']*\](.*?)\[\/quote\]/ism",
+ "<p><strong class=" . '"author"' . ">" . $t_wrote . "</strong></p><blockquote>$2</blockquote>",
+ $text
+ );
$text = preg_replace("/\[img\=([0-9]*)x([0-9]*)\](.*?)\[\/img\]/ism", '<img src="$3" style="width: $1px;" >', $text);
$text = preg_replace("/\[zmg\=([0-9]*)x([0-9]*)\](.*?)\[\/zmg\]/ism", '<img class="zrl" src="$3" style="width: $1px;" >', $text);
- $text = preg_replace_callback("/\[img\=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/img\]/ism",
+ $text = preg_replace_callback(
+ "/\[img\=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/img\]/ism",
function ($matches) use ($simple_html, $uriid) {
$matches[1] = self::proxyUrl($matches[1], $simple_html, $uriid);
$matches[2] = htmlspecialchars($matches[2], ENT_COMPAT);
return '<img src="' . $matches[1] . '" alt="' . $matches[2] . '" title="' . $matches[2] . '">';
- $text);
+ $text
+ );
// Images
// [img]pathtoimage[/img]
$text = self::convertImages($text, $simple_html, $uriid);
- $text = preg_replace("/\[crypt\](.*?)\[\/crypt\]/ism", '<br><img src="' .DI::baseUrl() . '/images/lock_icon.gif" alt="' . DI::l10n()->t('Encrypted content') . '" title="' . DI::l10n()->t('Encrypted content') . '" /><br>', $text);
- $text = preg_replace("/\[crypt(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/crypt\]/ism", '<br><img src="' .DI::baseUrl() . '/images/lock_icon.gif" alt="' . DI::l10n()->t('Encrypted content') . '" title="' . '$1' . ' ' . DI::l10n()->t('Encrypted content') . '" /><br>', $text);
+ $text = preg_replace("/\[crypt\](.*?)\[\/crypt\]/ism", '<br><img src="' . DI::baseUrl() . '/images/lock_icon.gif" alt="' . DI::l10n()->t('Encrypted content') . '" title="' . DI::l10n()->t('Encrypted content') . '" /><br>', $text);
+ $text = preg_replace("/\[crypt(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/crypt\]/ism", '<br><img src="' . DI::baseUrl() . '/images/lock_icon.gif" alt="' . DI::l10n()->t('Encrypted content') . '" title="' . '$1' . ' ' . DI::l10n()->t('Encrypted content') . '" /><br>', $text);
//$text = preg_replace("/\[crypt=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/crypt\]/ism", '<br><img src="' .DI::baseUrl() . '/images/lock_icon.gif" alt="' . DI::l10n()->t('Encrypted content') . '" title="' . '$1' . ' ' . DI::l10n()->t('Encrypted content') . '" /><br>', $text);
// Simplify "video" element
if ($try_oembed) {
// html5 video and audio
- $text = preg_replace("/\[video\](.*?\.(ogg|ogv|oga|ogm|webm|mp4).*?)\[\/video\]/ism",
- '<video src="$1" controls width="100%" height="auto"><a href="$1">$1</a></video>', $text);
+ $text = preg_replace(
+ "/\[video\](.*?\.(ogg|ogv|oga|ogm|webm|mp4).*?)\[\/video\]/ism",
+ '<video src="$1" controls width="100%" height="auto"><a href="$1">$1</a></video>',
+ $text
+ );
$text = preg_replace_callback("/\[video\](.*?)\[\/video\]/ism", $try_oembed_callback, $text);
$text = preg_replace_callback("/\[audio\](.*?)\[\/audio\]/ism", $try_oembed_callback, $text);
- $text = preg_replace("/\[video\](.*?)\[\/video\]/ism",
- '<a href="$1" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">$1</a>', $text);
+ $text = preg_replace(
+ "/\[video\](.*?)\[\/video\]/ism",
+ '<a href="$1" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">$1</a>',
+ $text
+ );
$text = preg_replace("/\[audio\](.*?)\[\/audio\]/ism", '<audio src="$1" controls><a href="$1">$1</a></audio>', $text);
} else {
- $text = preg_replace("/\[video\](.*?)\[\/video\]/ism",
- '<a href="$1" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">$1</a>', $text);
- $text = preg_replace("/\[audio\](.*?)\[\/audio\]/ism",
- '<a href="$1" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">$1</a>', $text);
+ $text = preg_replace(
+ "/\[video\](.*?)\[\/video\]/ism",
+ '<a href="$1" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">$1</a>',
+ $text
+ );
+ $text = preg_replace(
+ "/\[audio\](.*?)\[\/audio\]/ism",
+ '<a href="$1" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">$1</a>',
+ $text
+ );
// Backward compatibility, [iframe] support has been removed in version 2020.12
if ($try_oembed) {
$text = preg_replace("/\[youtube\]([A-Za-z0-9\-_=]+)(.*?)\[\/youtube\]/ism", '<iframe width="' . $a->getThemeInfoValue('videowidth') . '" height="' . $a->getThemeInfoValue('videoheight') . '" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/$1" frameborder="0" ></iframe>', $text);
} else {
- $text = preg_replace("/\[youtube\]([A-Za-z0-9\-_=]+)(.*?)\[\/youtube\]/ism",
- '<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=$1" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=$1</a>', $text);
+ $text = preg_replace(
+ "/\[youtube\]([A-Za-z0-9\-_=]+)(.*?)\[\/youtube\]/ism",
+ '<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=$1" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=$1</a>',
+ $text
+ );
if ($try_oembed) {
if ($try_oembed) {
$text = preg_replace("/\[vimeo\]([0-9]+)(.*?)\[\/vimeo\]/ism", '<iframe width="' . $a->getThemeInfoValue('videowidth') . '" height="' . $a->getThemeInfoValue('videoheight') . '" src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/$1" frameborder="0" ></iframe>', $text);
} else {
- $text = preg_replace("/\[vimeo\]([0-9]+)(.*?)\[\/vimeo\]/ism",
- '<a href="https://vimeo.com/$1" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">https://vimeo.com/$1</a>', $text);
+ $text = preg_replace(
+ "/\[vimeo\]([0-9]+)(.*?)\[\/vimeo\]/ism",
+ '<a href="https://vimeo.com/$1" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">https://vimeo.com/$1</a>',
+ $text
+ );
// oembed tag
// Handle mentions and hashtag links
if ($simple_html == self::DIASPORA) {
// The ! is converted to @ since Diaspora only understands the @
- $text = preg_replace("/([@!])\[url\=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/ism",
+ $text = preg_replace(
+ "/([@!])\[url\=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/ism",
'@<a href="$2">$3</a>',
- $text);
+ $text
+ );
} elseif (in_array($simple_html, [self::OSTATUS, self::ACTIVITYPUB])) {
- $text = preg_replace("/([@!])\[url\=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/ism",
+ $text = preg_replace(
+ "/([@!])\[url\=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/ism",
'<span class="h-card"><a href="$2" class="u-url mention">$1<span>$3</span></a></span>',
- $text);
- $text = preg_replace("/([#])\[url\=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/ism",
+ $text
+ );
+ $text = preg_replace(
+ "/([#])\[url\=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/ism",
'<a href="$2" class="mention hashtag" rel="tag">$1<span>$3</span></a>',
- $text);
+ $text
+ );
} elseif (in_array($simple_html, [self::INTERNAL, self::EXTERNAL, self::TWITTER_API])) {
- $text = preg_replace("/([@!])\[url\=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/ism",
+ $text = preg_replace(
+ "/([@!])\[url\=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/ism",
'<bdi>$1<a href="$2" class="userinfo mention" title="$3">$3</a></bdi>',
- $text);
+ $text
+ );
} elseif ($simple_html == self::MASTODON_API) {
- $text = preg_replace("/([@!])\[url\=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/ism",
+ $text = preg_replace(
+ "/([@!])\[url\=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/ism",
'<a class="u-url mention status-link" href="$2" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" title="$3">$1<span>$3</span></a>',
- $text);
- $text = preg_replace("/([#])\[url\=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/ism",
+ $text
+ );
+ $text = preg_replace(
+ "/([#])\[url\=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/ism",
'<a class="mention hashtag status-link" href="$2" rel="tag">$1<span>$3</span></a>',
- $text);
+ $text
+ );
} else {
$text = preg_replace("/([#@!])\[url\=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/ism", '$1$3', $text);
// Bookmarks in red - will be converted to bookmarks in friendica
$text = preg_replace("/#\^\[url\](.*?)\[\/url\]/ism", '[bookmark=$1]$1[/bookmark]', $text);
$text = preg_replace("/#\^\[url\=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/ism", '[bookmark=$1]$2[/bookmark]', $text);
- $text = preg_replace("/#\[url\=.*?\]\^\[\/url\]\[url\=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/i",
- "[bookmark=$1]$2[/bookmark]", $text);
+ $text = preg_replace(
+ "/#\[url\=.*?\]\^\[\/url\]\[url\=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/i",
+ "[bookmark=$1]$2[/bookmark]",
+ $text
+ );
if (in_array($simple_html, [self::OSTATUS, self::TWITTER])) {
$text = preg_replace_callback("/([^#@!])\[url\=([^\]]*)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/ism", [self::class, 'expandLinksCallback'], $text);
function ($match) {
return "[url=" . DI::baseUrl() . "/display/" . $match[1] . "]" . $match[2] . "[/url]";
- }, $text
+ },
+ $text
$text = preg_replace_callback(
function ($match) {
return "[url=" . DI::baseUrl() . "/search?search=%40" . $match[1] . "]" . $match[2] . "[/url]";
- }, $text
+ },
+ $text
// Server independent link to posts and comments
// See issue: https://github.com/diaspora/diaspora_federation/issues/75
$expression = "=diaspora://.*?/post/([0-9A-Za-z\-_@.:]{15,254}[0-9A-Za-z])=ism";
- $text = preg_replace($expression, DI::baseUrl()."/display/$1", $text);
+ $text = preg_replace($expression, DI::baseUrl() . "/display/$1", $text);
/* Tag conversion
* Supports:
* - [url=<anything>]#<term>[/url]
self::performWithEscapedTags($text, ['url', 'share'], function ($text) use ($simple_html) {
- $text = preg_replace_callback("/(?:#\[url\=[^\[\]]*\]|\[url\=[^\[\]]*\]#)(.*?)\[\/url\]/ism", function($matches) use ($simple_html) {
+ $text = preg_replace_callback("/(?:#\[url\=[^\[\]]*\]|\[url\=[^\[\]]*\]#)(.*?)\[\/url\]/ism", function ($matches) use ($simple_html) {
if ($simple_html == self::ACTIVITYPUB) {
return '<a href="' . DI::baseUrl() . '/search?tag=' . rawurlencode($matches[1])
. '" data-tag="' . XML::escape($matches[1]) . '" rel="tag ugc">#'
// We need no target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" for local links
// convert links start with DI::baseUrl() as local link without the target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" attribute
$escapedBaseUrl = preg_quote(DI::baseUrl(), '/');
- $text = preg_replace("/\[url\](".$escapedBaseUrl.".*?)\[\/url\]/ism", '<a href="$1">$1</a>', $text);
- $text = preg_replace("/\[url\=(".$escapedBaseUrl.".*?)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/ism", '<a href="$1">$2</a>', $text);
+ $text = preg_replace("/\[url\](" . $escapedBaseUrl . ".*?)\[\/url\]/ism", '<a href="$1">$1</a>', $text);
+ $text = preg_replace("/\[url\=(" . $escapedBaseUrl . ".*?)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/ism", '<a href="$1">$2</a>', $text);
$text = preg_replace("/\[url\](.*?)\[\/url\]/ism", '<a href="$1" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">$1</a>', $text);
$text = preg_replace("/\[url\=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/ism", '<a href="$1" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">$2</a>', $text);
// sanitizes src attributes (http and redir URLs for displaying in a web page, cid used for inline images in emails)
$allowed_src_protocols = ['//', 'http://', 'https://', 'contact/redir/', 'cid:'];
- array_walk($allowed_src_protocols, function(&$value) { $value = preg_quote($value, '#');});
+ array_walk($allowed_src_protocols, function (&$value) {
+ $value = preg_quote($value, '#');
+ });
- $text = preg_replace('#<([^>]*?)(src)="(?!' . implode('|', $allowed_src_protocols) . ')(.*?)"(.*?)>#ism',
- '<$1$2=""$4 data-original-src="$3" class="invalid-src" title="' . DI::l10n()->t('Invalid source protocol') . '">', $text);
+ $text = preg_replace(
+ '#<([^>]*?)(src)="(?!' . implode('|', $allowed_src_protocols) . ')(.*?)"(.*?)>#ism',
+ '<$1$2=""$4 data-original-src="$3" class="invalid-src" title="' . DI::l10n()->t('Invalid source protocol') . '">',
+ $text
+ );
// sanitize href attributes (only allowlisted protocols URLs)
// default value for backward compatibility
$allowed_link_protocols[] = 'https://';
$allowed_link_protocols[] = 'contact/redir/';
- array_walk($allowed_link_protocols, function(&$value) { $value = preg_quote($value, '#');});
+ array_walk($allowed_link_protocols, function (&$value) {
+ $value = preg_quote($value, '#');
+ });
$regex = '#<([^>]*?)(href)="(?!' . implode('|', $allowed_link_protocols) . ')(.*?)"(.*?)>#ism';
$text = preg_replace($regex, '<$1$2="javascript:void(0)"$4 data-original-href="$3" class="invalid-href" title="' . DI::l10n()->t('Invalid link protocol') . '">', $text);
function (array $attributes, array $author_contact, $content, $is_quote_share) use ($simple_html) {
return self::convertShareCallback($attributes, $author_contact, $content, $is_quote_share, $simple_html);
- }, $uriid
+ },
+ $uriid
$text = self::interpolateSavedImagesIntoItemBody($uriid, $text, $saved_image);
// Additionally, [pre] tags preserve spaces
$text = preg_replace_callback("/\[pre\](.*?)\[\/pre\]/ism", function ($match) {
- return str_replace([' ', "\n"], [' ', "<br>"], htmlentities($match[1], ENT_NOQUOTES,'UTF-8'));
+ return str_replace([' ', "\n"], [' ', "<br>"], htmlentities($match[1], ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8'));
}, $text);
return $text;
}); // Escaped code
- $text = preg_replace_callback("#\[code(?:=([^\]]*))?\](.*?)\[\/code\]#ism",
+ $text = preg_replace_callback(
+ "#\[code(?:=([^\]]*))?\](.*?)\[\/code\]#ism",
function ($matches) {
if (strpos($matches[2], "\n") !== false) {
$return = '<pre><code class="language-' . trim($matches[1]) . '">' . htmlentities(trim($matches[2], "\n\r"), ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '</code></pre>';
// Default iframe allowed domains/path
$allowedIframeDomains = [
- . (DI::baseUrl()->getPath() ? '/' . DI::baseUrl()->getPath() : '')
- . '/oembed/', # The path part has to change with the source in Content\Oembed::iframe
+ . (DI::baseUrl()->getPath() ? '/' . DI::baseUrl()->getPath() : '')
+ . '/oembed/', # The path part has to change with the source in Content\Oembed::iframe
* Transform #tags, strip off the [url] and replace spaces with underscore
$url_search_string = "^\[\]";
- $text = preg_replace_callback("/#\[url\=([$url_search_string]*)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/i",
+ $text = preg_replace_callback(
+ "/#\[url\=([$url_search_string]*)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/i",
function ($matches) {
return '#' . str_replace(' ', '_', $matches[2]);
public static function expandTags(string $body): string
- return preg_replace_callback("/(?<=\W|^)([!#@])([^\^ \x0D\x0A,;:?'\"]*[^\^ \x0D\x0A,;:?!'\".])/",
+ return preg_replace_callback(
+ "/(?<=\W|^)([!#@])([^\^ \x0D\x0A,;:?'\"]*[^\^ \x0D\x0A,;:?!'\".])/",
function (array $match) {
switch ($match[1]) {
case '!':
return $match[1] . '[url=' . DI::baseUrl() . '/search?tag=' . $match[2] . ']' . $match[2] . '[/url]';
- }, $body);
+ },
+ $body
+ );
$body = preg_replace("/([#@])\[url\=([$URLSearchString]*)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/ism", '$1$3', $item['body']);
// Add an URL element if the text contains a raw link
- $body = preg_replace('/([^\]\=\'"]|^)(https?\:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\:\/\-\?\&\;\.\=\_\~\#\%\$\!\+\,]+)/ism',
- '$1[url]$2[/url]', $body);
+ $body = preg_replace(
+ '/([^\]\=\'"]|^)(https?\:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\:\/\-\?\&\;\.\=\_\~\#\%\$\!\+\,]+)/ism',
+ '$1[url]$2[/url]',
+ $body
+ );
// Remove the abstract
$body = BBCode::stripAbstract($body);
if (($limit == 0) && ($abstract == $default_abstract)) {
$abstract = '';
- } else {// Try to guess the correct target network
+ } else { // Try to guess the correct target network
switch ($htmlmode) {
case BBCode::TWITTER:
$abstract = BBCode::getAbstract($item['body'], Protocol::TWITTER);
public static function getAttachElement(string $href, int $length, string $type, string $title = ''): string
- $media = self::fetchAdditionalData(['type' => self::DOCUMENT, 'url' => $href,
- 'size' => $length, 'mimetype' => $type, 'description' => $title]);
+ $media = self::fetchAdditionalData([
+ 'type' => self::DOCUMENT, 'url' => $href,
+ 'size' => $length, 'mimetype' => $type, 'description' => $title
+ ]);
return '[attach]href="' . $media['url'] . '" length="' . $media['size'] .
'" type="' . $media['mimetype'] . '" title="' . $media['description'] . '"[/attach]';
return $media;
- if (!empty($item['plink']) && Strings::compareLink($item['plink'], $media['url']) &&
- parse_url($item['plink'], PHP_URL_HOST) != parse_url($item['uri'], PHP_URL_HOST)) {
+ if (
+ !empty($item['plink']) && Strings::compareLink($item['plink'], $media['url']) &&
+ parse_url($item['plink'], PHP_URL_HOST) != parse_url($item['uri'], PHP_URL_HOST)
+ ) {
Logger::debug('Not a link to an activity', ['uri-id' => $media['uri-id'], 'url' => $media['url'], 'plink' => $item['plink'], 'uri' => $item['uri']]);
return $media;
$body = str_replace($picture[0], '', $body);
$image = str_replace('-1.', '-0.', $picture[2]);
- $attachments[$image] = ['uri-id' => $uriid, 'type' => self::IMAGE, 'url' => $image,
- 'preview' => $picture[2], 'description' => $picture[3]];
+ $attachments[$image] = [
+ 'uri-id' => $uriid, 'type' => self::IMAGE, 'url' => $image,
+ 'preview' => $picture[2], 'description' => $picture[3]
+ ];
$body = str_replace($picture[0], '', $body);
$image = str_replace('-1.', '-0.', $picture[2]);
- $attachments[$image] = ['uri-id' => $uriid, 'type' => self::IMAGE, 'url' => $image,
- 'preview' => $picture[2], 'description' => null];
+ $attachments[$image] = [
+ 'uri-id' => $uriid, 'type' => self::IMAGE, 'url' => $image,
+ 'preview' => $picture[2], 'description' => null
+ ];
public static function insertFromAttachmentData(int $uriid, string $body)
$data = BBCode::getAttachmentData($body);
- if (empty($data)) {
+ if (empty($data)) {
- if (in_array($medium['type'], [self::AUDIO, self::IMAGE]) ||
- in_array($filetype, ['audio', 'image'])) {
+ if (
+ in_array($medium['type'], [self::AUDIO, self::IMAGE]) ||
+ in_array($filetype, ['audio', 'image'])
+ ) {
$attachments['visual'][] = $medium;
} elseif (($medium['type'] == self::VIDEO) || ($filetype == 'video')) {
if (!empty($medium['height'])) {
if ($media['type'] == self::IMAGE) {
if (!empty($media['preview'])) {
if (!empty($media['description'])) {
- $body .= "\n[url=" . $media['url'] . "][img=" . $media['preview'] . ']' . $media['description'] .'[/img][/url]';
+ $body .= "\n[url=" . $media['url'] . "][img=" . $media['preview'] . ']' . $media['description'] . '[/img][/url]';
} else {
- $body .= "\n[url=" . $media['url'] . "][img]" . $media['preview'] .'[/img][/url]';
+ $body .= "\n[url=" . $media['url'] . "][img]" . $media['preview'] . '[/img][/url]';
} else {
if (!empty($media['description'])) {
- $body .= "\n[img=" . $media['url'] . ']' . $media['description'] .'[/img]';
+ $body .= "\n[img=" . $media['url'] . ']' . $media['description'] . '[/img]';
} else {
- $body .= "\n[img]" . $media['url'] .'[/img]';
+ $body .= "\n[img]" . $media['url'] . '[/img]';
} elseif ($media['type'] == self::AUDIO) {
return $contacts;
- $items = Post::select(['author-id', 'author-link', 'parent-author-link', 'parent-guid', 'guid'],
- ['parent' => $item['parent'], 'gravity' => [Item::GRAVITY_COMMENT, Item::GRAVITY_ACTIVITY]]);
+ $items = Post::select(
+ ['author-id', 'author-link', 'parent-author-link', 'parent-guid', 'guid'],
+ ['parent' => $item['parent'], 'gravity' => [Item::GRAVITY_COMMENT, Item::GRAVITY_ACTIVITY]]
+ );
while ($item = Post::fetch($items)) {
- $contact = DBA::selectFirst('contact', ['id', 'url', 'name', 'protocol', 'batch', 'network'],
- ['id' => $item['author-id']]);
- if (!DBA::isResult($contact) || empty($contact['batch']) ||
+ $contact = DBA::selectFirst(
+ 'contact',
+ ['id', 'url', 'name', 'protocol', 'batch', 'network'],
+ ['id' => $item['author-id']]
+ );
+ if (
+ !DBA::isResult($contact) || empty($contact['batch']) ||
($contact['network'] != Protocol::DIASPORA) ||
- Strings::compareLink($item['parent-author-link'], $item['author-link'])) {
+ Strings::compareLink($item['parent-author-link'], $item['author-link'])
+ ) {
$basedom = XML::parseString($xml, true);
if (!is_object($basedom)) {
- Logger::notice('Received data does not seem to be an XML. Discarding. '.$xml);
+ Logger::notice('Received data does not seem to be an XML. Discarding. ' . $xml);
if ($no_exit) {
return false;
} else {
$alg = $base->alg;
- $signed_data = $data.'.'.Strings::base64UrlEncode($type).'.'.Strings::base64UrlEncode($encoding).'.'.Strings::base64UrlEncode($alg);
+ $signed_data = $data . '.' . Strings::base64UrlEncode($type) . '.' . Strings::base64UrlEncode($encoding) . '.' . Strings::base64UrlEncode($alg);
// decode the data
$signed_data .= $entry;
- if (!in_array($fieldname, ['parent_author_signature', 'target_author_signature'])
+ if (
+ !in_array($fieldname, ['parent_author_signature', 'target_author_signature'])
|| ($orig_type == 'relayable_retraction')
) {
XML::copy($entry, $fields, $fieldname);
Logger::info('Fetching diaspora key', ['handle' => $uri->getAddr(), 'callstack' => System::callstack(20)]);
try {
return DI::dsprContact()->getByAddr($uri)->pubKey;
- } catch (HTTPException\NotFoundException|\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
+ } catch (HTTPException\NotFoundException | \InvalidArgumentException $e) {
return '';
private static function parentItem(int $uid, string $guid, WebFingerUri $author, array $contact)
- $fields = ['id', 'parent', 'body', 'wall', 'uri', 'guid', 'private', 'origin',
+ $fields = [
+ 'id', 'parent', 'body', 'wall', 'uri', 'guid', 'private', 'origin',
'author-name', 'author-link', 'author-avatar', 'gravity',
- 'owner-name', 'owner-link', 'owner-avatar'];
+ 'owner-name', 'owner-link', 'owner-avatar'
+ ];
$condition = ['uid' => $uid, 'guid' => $guid];
$item = Post::selectFirst($fields, $condition);
} elseif ($person_uri) {
try {
return DI::dsprContact()->selectOneByAddr($person_uri)->baseurl . '/objects/' . $guid;
- } catch (HTTPException\NotFoundException|\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
+ } catch (HTTPException\NotFoundException | \InvalidArgumentException $e) {
return '';
$contact = DI::dsprContact()->getByUrl(new Uri($match[3]));
Tag::storeByHash($uriid, $match[1], $contact->name ?: $contact->nick, $contact->url);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
try {
$author_url = (string)DI::dsprContact()->getByAddr($author)->url;
- } catch (HTTPException\NotFoundException|\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
+ } catch (HTTPException\NotFoundException | \InvalidArgumentException $e) {
Logger::notice('Unable to find author details', ['author' => $author->getAddr()]);
return false;
try {
$author_url = (string)DI::dsprContact()->getByAddr($author)->url;
- } catch (HTTPException\NotFoundException|\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
+ } catch (HTTPException\NotFoundException | \InvalidArgumentException $e) {
Logger::notice('Unable to find author details', ['author' => $author->getAddr()]);
return false;
try {
$author = DI::dsprContact()->getByAddr($author_uri);
- } catch (HTTPException\NotFoundException|\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
+ } catch (HTTPException\NotFoundException | \InvalidArgumentException $e) {
Logger::notice('Unable to find author details', ['author' => $author_uri->getAddr()]);
return false;
try {
$author_url = (string)DI::dsprContact()->getByAddr($author)->url;
- } catch (HTTPException\NotFoundException|\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
+ } catch (HTTPException\NotFoundException | \InvalidArgumentException $e) {
Logger::notice('unable to find author details', ['author' => $author->getAddr()]);
return false;
Logger::info('Participation stored', ['id' => $message_id, 'guid' => $guid, 'parent_guid' => $parent_guid, 'author' => $author]);
// Send all existing comments and likes to the requesting server
- $comments = Post::select(['id', 'uri-id', 'parent-author-network', 'author-network', 'verb', 'gravity'],
- ['parent' => $toplevel_parent_item['id'], 'gravity' => [Item::GRAVITY_COMMENT, Item::GRAVITY_ACTIVITY]]);
+ $comments = Post::select(
+ ['id', 'uri-id', 'parent-author-network', 'author-network', 'verb', 'gravity'],
+ ['parent' => $toplevel_parent_item['id'], 'gravity' => [Item::GRAVITY_COMMENT, Item::GRAVITY_ACTIVITY]]
+ );
while ($comment = Post::fetch($comments)) {
if (($comment['gravity'] == Item::GRAVITY_ACTIVITY) && !in_array($comment['verb'], [Activity::LIKE, Activity::DISLIKE])) {
Logger::info('Unsupported activities are not relayed', ['item' => $comment['id'], 'verb' => $comment['verb']]);
return false;
- $name = XML::unescape($data->first_name).((strlen($data->last_name)) ? ' ' . XML::unescape($data->last_name) : '');
+ $name = XML::unescape($data->first_name) . ((strlen($data->last_name)) ? ' ' . XML::unescape($data->last_name) : '');
$image_url = XML::unescape($data->image_url);
$birthday = XML::unescape($data->birthday);
$about = Markdown::toBBCode(XML::unescape($data->bio));
$birthday = $contact['bd'];
- $fields = ['name' => $name, 'location' => $location,
+ $fields = [
+ 'name' => $name, 'location' => $location,
'name-date' => DateTimeFormat::utcNow(), 'about' => $about,
'addr' => $author->getAddr(), 'nick' => $author->getUser(), 'keywords' => $keywords,
- 'unsearchable' => !$searchable, 'sensitive' => $nsfw];
+ 'unsearchable' => !$searchable, 'sensitive' => $nsfw
+ ];
if (!empty($birthday)) {
$fields['bd'] = $birthday;
try {
$author_url = (string)DI::dsprContact()->getByAddr($author)->url;
- } catch (HTTPException\NotFoundException|\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
+ } catch (HTTPException\NotFoundException | \InvalidArgumentException $e) {
Logger::notice('Cannot resolve diaspora handle for recipient', ['author' => $author->getAddr(), 'recipient' => $recipient]);
return false;
try {
$author = DI::dsprContact()->getByAddr($author_uri);
- } catch (HTTPException\NotFoundException|\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
+ } catch (HTTPException\NotFoundException | \InvalidArgumentException $e) {
Logger::notice('Unable to find details for author', ['author' => $author_uri->getAddr()]);
return false;
private static function storePhotoAsMedia(int $uriid, $photo)
// @TODO Need to find object type, roland@f.haeder.net
- Logger::debug('photo='.get_class($photo));
+ Logger::debug('photo=' . get_class($photo));
$data = [];
$data['uri-id'] = $uriid;
$data['type'] = Post\Media::IMAGE;
try {
$target = DI::dsprContact()->getByAddr(WebFingerUri::fromString($contact['addr']));
$dest_url = $public_batch ? $target->batch : $target->notify;
- } catch (HTTPException\NotFoundException|\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
+ } catch (HTTPException\NotFoundException | \InvalidArgumentException $e) {
if (empty($dest_url)) {
if (!empty($contact['addr'])) {
try {
$pubkey = DI::dsprContact()->getByAddr(WebFingerUri::fromString($contact['addr']))->pubKey;
- } catch (HTTPException\NotFoundException|\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
+ } catch (HTTPException\NotFoundException | \InvalidArgumentException $e) {
} else {
// The "addr" field should always be filled.
// If the item belongs to a user, we take this user id.
if ($item['uid'] == 0) {
// @todo Possibly use an administrator account?
- $condition = ['verified' => true, 'blocked' => false,
- 'account_removed' => false, 'account_expired' => false, 'account-type' => User::ACCOUNT_TYPE_PERSON];
+ $condition = [
+ 'verified' => true, 'blocked' => false,
+ 'account_removed' => false, 'account_expired' => false, 'account-type' => User::ACCOUNT_TYPE_PERSON
+ ];
$first_user = DBA::selectFirst('user', ['uid'], $condition, ['order' => ['uid']]);
$owner = User::getOwnerDataById($first_user['uid']);
} else {
$old_handle = DI::pConfig()->get($uid, 'system', 'previous_addr');
$profile = self::createProfileData($uid);
- $signed_text = 'AccountMigration:'.$old_handle.':'.$profile['author'];
+ $signed_text = 'AccountMigration:' . $old_handle . ':' . $profile['author'];
$signature = base64_encode(Crypto::rsaSign($signed_text, $owner['uprvkey'], 'sha256'));
$message = [
if (count($event)) {
$message['event'] = $event;
- if (!empty($event['location']['address']) &&
+ if (
+ !empty($event['location']['address']) &&
!empty($event['location']['lat']) &&
- !empty($event['location']['lng'])) {
+ !empty($event['location']['lng'])
+ ) {
$message['location'] = $event['location'];
private static function prependParentAuthorMention(string $body, string $profile_url): string
$profile = Contact::getByURL($profile_url, false, ['addr', 'name']);
- if (!empty($profile['addr'])
+ if (
+ !empty($profile['addr'])
&& !strstr($body, $profile['addr'])
&& !strstr($body, $profile_url)
) {
$kw = str_replace(' ', ' ', $kw);
$arr = explode(' ', $kw);
if (count($arr)) {
- for ($x = 0; $x < 5; $x ++) {
+ for ($x = 0; $x < 5; $x++) {
if (!empty($arr[$x])) {
- $data['tag_string'] .= '#'. trim($arr[$x]) .' ';
+ $data['tag_string'] .= '#' . trim($arr[$x]) . ' ';
'body' => '',
'quote-uri-id' => $UriId,
'allow_cid' => $owner['allow_cid'] ?? '',
- 'allow_gid' => $owner['allow_gid']?? '',
+ 'allow_gid' => $owner['allow_gid'] ?? '',
'deny_cid' => $owner['deny_cid'] ?? '',
'deny_gid' => $owner['deny_gid'] ?? '',
if (!$dryRun) {
- $condition = ["`uid` = ? AND `uri` = ? AND `network` IN (?, ?)",
- $importer['uid'], $item['uri'], Protocol::FEED, Protocol::DFRN];
+ $condition = [
+ "`uid` = ? AND `uri` = ? AND `network` IN (?, ?)",
+ $importer['uid'], $item['uri'], Protocol::FEED, Protocol::DFRN
+ ];
$previous = Post::selectFirst(['id', 'created'], $condition);
if (DBA::isResult($previous)) {
// Use the creation date when the post had been stored. It can happen this date changes in the feed.
if (!$notify) {
Post\Delayed::publish($item, $notify, $taglist, $attachments);
} else {
- $postings[] = ['item' => $item, 'notify' => $notify,
- 'taglist' => $taglist, 'attachments' => $attachments];
+ $postings[] = [
+ 'item' => $item, 'notify' => $notify,
+ 'taglist' => $taglist, 'attachments' => $attachments
+ ];
} else {
Logger::info('Post already created or exists in the delayed posts queue', ['uid' => $item['uid'], 'uri' => $item['uri']]);
$min_poll_interval = max(1, DI::config()->get('system', 'min_poll_interval'));
- $poll_intervals = [$min_poll_interval, 15, 30, 60, 120, 180, 360, 720 ,1440, 10080, 43200];
+ $poll_intervals = [$min_poll_interval, 15, 30, 60, 120, 180, 360, 720, 1440, 10080, 43200];
//$poll_intervals = [$min_poll_interval . ' minute', '15 minute', '30 minute',
// '1 hour', '2 hour', '3 hour', '6 hour', '12 hour' ,'1 day', '1 week', '1 month'];
$previous_created = $last_update;
// Don't cache when the last item was posted less then 15 minutes ago (Cache duration)
- if ((time() - strtotime($owner['last-item'])) < 15*60) {
+ if ((time() - strtotime($owner['last-item'])) < 15 * 60) {
$result = DI::cache()->get($cachekey);
if (!$nocache && !is_null($result)) {
Logger::info('Cached feed duration', ['seconds' => number_format(microtime(true) - $stamp, 3), 'nick' => $owner['nickname'], 'filter' => $filter, 'created' => $previous_created]);
$check_date = empty($last_update) ? '' : DateTimeFormat::utc($last_update);
$authorid = Contact::getIdForURL($owner['url']);
- $condition = ["`uid` = ? AND `received` > ? AND NOT `deleted` AND `gravity` IN (?, ?)
+ $condition = [
+ "`uid` = ? AND `received` > ? AND NOT `deleted` AND `gravity` IN (?, ?)
AND `private` != ? AND `visible` AND `wall` AND `parent-network` IN (?, ?, ?, ?)",
$owner['uid'], $check_date, Item::GRAVITY_PARENT, Item::GRAVITY_COMMENT,
- Protocol::OSTATUS, Protocol::DFRN, Protocol::DIASPORA];
+ Protocol::OSTATUS, Protocol::DFRN, Protocol::DIASPORA
+ ];
if ($filter === 'comments') {
$condition[0] .= " AND `gravity` = ? ";
XML::addElement($doc, $entry, 'content', $body, ['type' => 'html']);
- XML::addElement($doc, $entry, 'link', '', ['rel' => 'alternate', 'type' => 'text/html',
- 'href' => DI::baseUrl() . '/display/' . $item['guid']]
+ XML::addElement(
+ $doc,
+ $entry,
+ 'link',
+ '',
+ [
+ 'rel' => 'alternate', 'type' => 'text/html',
+ 'href' => DI::baseUrl() . '/display/' . $item['guid']
+ ]
XML::addElement($doc, $entry, 'published', DateTimeFormat::utc($item['created'] . '+00:00', DateTimeFormat::ATOM));
if (isset($parent_plink)) {
$attributes = [
'ref' => $item['thr-parent'],
- 'href' => $parent_plink];
+ 'href' => $parent_plink
+ ];
XML::addElement($doc, $entry, 'thr:in-reply-to', '', $attributes);
$attributes = [
'rel' => 'related',
- 'href' => $parent_plink];
+ 'href' => $parent_plink
+ ];
XML::addElement($doc, $entry, 'link', '', $attributes);
// Remove the share element before fetching the first line
$title = trim(preg_replace("/\[share.*?\](.*?)\[\/share\]/ism", "\n$1\n", $item['body']));
- $title = BBCode::toPlaintext($title)."\n";
+ $title = BBCode::toPlaintext($title) . "\n";
$pos = strpos($title, "\n");
$trailer = '';
if (($pos == 0) || ($pos > 100)) {