SG_LOG( SG_EVENT, SG_DEBUG, " Updating Sun position" );
SG_LOG( SG_EVENT, SG_DEBUG, " Gst = " << time_now->getGst() );
- double sun_lon;
- double sun_gd_lat;
- fgSunPositionGST(time_now->getGst(), &sun_lon, &sun_gd_lat);
+ double sun_lon, sun_lat;
+ fgSunPositionGST(time_now->getGst(), &sun_lon, &sun_lat);
- light->set_sun_lat(sun_gd_lat);
+ light->set_sun_lat(sun_lat);
// update the sun light vector
- // calculations are in the horizontal normal plane:
- // x-north, y-east, z-down
+ // calculations are in the horizontal normal plane: x-north, y-east, z-down
+ static SGQuatd q = SGQuatd::fromLonLat(SGGeod::fromRad(0,0));
- SGGeod geodViewPos = SGGeod::fromCart(viewer->getViewPosition());
- SGGeod geodSunPos = SGGeod::fromRad(sun_lon, sun_gd_lat);
+ // sun orientation
+ SGGeod geodSunPos = SGGeod::fromRad(sun_lon, sun_lat);
+ SGQuatd sunOr = SGQuatd::fromLonLat(geodSunPos);
- //static SGQuatd q = SGQuatd::fromLonLat(SGGeod::fromRad(0,0));
+ // scenery orientation
+ SGGeod geodViewPos = SGGeod::fromCart(viewer->getViewPosition());
SGQuatd hlOr = SGQuatd::fromLonLat(geodViewPos);
- SGQuatd sunOr = SGQuatd::fromLonLat(geodSunPos);
+ SGVec3d localAt = hlOr.backTransform(SGVec3d::e3());
+ // transpose the sun direction from (lat,lon) to (0,0)
+ SGVec3d transSunDir = (q*sunOr).transform(-localAt);
+ SGQuatd sunDirOr = SGQuatd::fromRealImag(0, transSunDir);
- SGVec3d sunDirection = (hlOr*sunOr).transform(SGVec3d::e3());
- light->set_sun_rotation( acos(sunDirection[1]) - SGD_PI_2 );
+ // transpose the calculated sun vector back to (lat,lon)
+ SGVec3d sunDirection = sunDirOr.transform(localAt);
+ light->set_sun_rotation( acos(sunDirection[1])-SGD_PI_2 );
light->set_sun_angle( acos(-sunDirection[2]) );
SGVec3d sunPos = SGVec3d::fromGeod(geodSunPos);
// calculate the sun's relative angle to local up
SGVec3d viewPos = v->get_view_pos();
SGQuatd hlOr = SGQuatd::fromLonLat(SGGeod::fromCart(viewPos));
- SGVec3f nup(toVec3f(hlOr.backTransform(-SGVec3d::e3())));
- SGVec3f nsun(toVec3f(normalize(sunpos)));
+ SGVec3f world_up = toVec3f(hlOr.backTransform(-SGVec3d::e3()));
+ SGVec3f nsun = toVec3f(normalize(sunpos));
// cout << "nup = " << nup[0] << "," << nup[1] << ","
// << nup[2] << endl;
// cout << "nsun = " << nsun[0] << "," << nsun[1] << ","
// << nsun[2] << endl;
- l->set_sun_angle( acos( dot ( nup, nsun ) ) );
+ l->set_sun_angle( acos( dot ( world_up, nsun ) ) );
SG_LOG( SG_EVENT, SG_DEBUG, "sun angle relative to current location = "
<< l->get_sun_angle() );
// earth's surface the sun is directly over, map into onto the
// local plane representing "horizontal".
- SGVec3f world_up = toVec3f(hlOr.backTransform(-SGVec3d::e3()));
- SGVec3f view_pos = toVec3f(v->get_view_pos());
// surface direction to go to head towards sun
SGVec3f surface_to_sun;
+ SGVec3f view_pos = toVec3f(v->get_view_pos());
sgmap_vec_onto_cur_surface_plane(,,, );
surface_to_sun = normalize(surface_to_sun);