#include <time.h>
#include <zlib.h>
-#include <list>
+#include <vector>
#include STL_STRING
#include <simgear/bucket/newbucket.hxx>
#include "lowlevel.hxx"
#include "sg_binobj.hxx"
+FG_USING_STD( string );
+FG_USING_STD( vector );
FG_USING_STD( cout );
FG_USING_STD( endl );
} tgPropertyTypes;
+class sgSimpleBuffer {
+ char *ptr;
+ unsigned int size;
+ inline sgSimpleBuffer( unsigned int s )
+ {
+ size = 1;
+ while ( size < s ) {
+ size *= 2;
+ }
+ cout << "Creating a new buffer of size = " << size << endl;
+ ptr = new char[size];
+ }
+ inline ~sgSimpleBuffer() {
+ delete [] ptr;
+ }
+ inline unsigned int get_size() const { return size; }
+ inline char *get_ptr() const { return ptr; }
+ inline void resize( unsigned int s ) {
+ if ( s > size ) {
+ if ( ptr != NULL ) {
+ delete [] ptr;
+ }
+ while ( size < s ) {
+ size *= 2;
+ }
+ cout << "resizing buffer to size = " << size << endl;
+ ptr = new char[size];
+ }
+ }
// calculate the center of a list of points, by taking the halfway
// point between the min and max points.
static Point3D calc_center( point_list& wgs84_nodes ) {
Point3D p;
int i, j, k;
char material[256];
+ unsigned int nbytes;
+ static sgSimpleBuffer buf( 32768 ); // 32 Kb
// zero out structures
gbs_center = Point3D( 0 );
- cout << "Loading binary input file = " << file << endl;
gzFile fp;
if ( (fp = gzopen( file.c_str(), "rb" )) == NULL ) {
string filegz = file + ".gz";
if ( (fp = gzopen( filegz.c_str(), "rb" )) == NULL ) {
- cout << "ERROR: opening " << file << " or " << filegz
- << "for reading!" << endl;
+ // cout << "ERROR: opening " << file << " or " << filegz
+ // << "for reading!" << endl;
return false;
// read headers
- int header, version;
- sgReadInt( fp, &header );
+ unsigned int header;
+ unsigned short version;
+ sgReadUInt( fp, &header );
if ( ((header & 0xFF000000) >> 24) == 'S' &&
((header & 0x00FF0000) >> 16) == 'G' ) {
- cout << "Good header" << endl;
+ // cout << "Good header" << endl;
// read file version
version = (header & 0x0000FFFF);
- cout << "File version = " << version << endl;
+ // cout << "File version = " << version << endl;
} else {
return false;
local_tm = localtime( &calendar_time );
char time_str[256];
strftime( time_str, 256, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y", local_tm);
- cout << "File created on " << time_str << endl;
+ // cout << "File created on " << time_str << endl;
// read number of top level objects
short nobjects;
sgReadShort( fp, &nobjects );
- cout << "Total objects to read = " << nobjects << endl;
+ // cout << "Total objects to read = " << nobjects << endl;
// read in objects
for ( i = 0; i < nobjects; ++i ) {
sgReadShort( fp, &nproperties );
sgReadShort( fp, &nelements );
- cout << "object " << i << " = " << (int)obj_type << " props = "
- << nproperties << " elements = " << nelements << endl;
+ // cout << "object " << i << " = " << (int)obj_type << " props = "
+ // << nproperties << " elements = " << nelements << endl;
if ( obj_type == SG_BOUNDING_SPHERE ) {
// read bounding sphere properties
char prop_type;
sgReadChar( fp, &prop_type );
- int nbytes;
- sgReadInt( fp, &nbytes );
- cout << "property size = " << nbytes << endl;
- char buf[nbytes];
- char *ptr = buf;
+ sgReadUInt( fp, &nbytes );
+ // cout << "property size = " << nbytes << endl;
+ if ( nbytes > buf.get_size() ) { buf.resize( nbytes ); }
+ char *ptr = buf.get_ptr();
sgReadBytes( fp, nbytes, ptr );
// read bounding sphere elements
for ( j = 0; j < nelements; ++j ) {
- int nbytes;
- sgReadInt( fp, &nbytes );
- cout << "element size = " << nbytes << endl;
- char buf[nbytes];
- char *ptr = buf;
+ sgReadUInt( fp, &nbytes );
+ // cout << "element size = " << nbytes << endl;
+ if ( nbytes > buf.get_size() ) { buf.resize( nbytes ); }
+ char *ptr = buf.get_ptr();
sgReadBytes( fp, nbytes, ptr );
double *dptr = (double *)ptr;
gbs_center = Point3D( dptr[0], dptr[1], dptr[2] );
- cout << "Center = " << gbs_center << endl;
+ // cout << "Center = " << gbs_center << endl;
ptr += sizeof(double) * 3;
float *fptr = (float *)ptr;
gbs_radius = fptr[0];
- cout << "Bounding radius = " << gbs_radius << endl;
+ // cout << "Bounding radius = " << gbs_radius << endl;
} else if ( obj_type == SG_VERTEX_LIST ) {
// read vertex list properties
char prop_type;
sgReadChar( fp, &prop_type );
- int nbytes;
- sgReadInt( fp, &nbytes );
- cout << "property size = " << nbytes << endl;
- char buf[nbytes];
- char *ptr = buf;
+ sgReadUInt( fp, &nbytes );
+ // cout << "property size = " << nbytes << endl;
+ if ( nbytes > buf.get_size() ) { buf.resize( nbytes ); }
+ char *ptr = buf.get_ptr();
sgReadBytes( fp, nbytes, ptr );
// read vertex list elements
for ( j = 0; j < nelements; ++j ) {
- int nbytes;
- sgReadInt( fp, &nbytes );
- cout << "element size = " << nbytes << endl;
- char buf[nbytes];
- char *ptr = buf;
+ sgReadUInt( fp, &nbytes );
+ // cout << "element size = " << nbytes << endl;
+ if ( nbytes > buf.get_size() ) { buf.resize( nbytes ); }
+ char *ptr = buf.get_ptr();
sgReadBytes( fp, nbytes, ptr );
int count = nbytes / (sizeof(float) * 3);
float *fptr = (float *)ptr;
for ( k = 0; k < count; ++k ) {
p = Point3D( fptr[0], fptr[1], fptr[2] );
- cout << "node = " << p << endl;
+ // cout << "node = " << p << endl;
wgs84_nodes.push_back( p );
fptr += 3;
char prop_type;
sgReadChar( fp, &prop_type );
- int nbytes;
- sgReadInt( fp, &nbytes );
- cout << "property size = " << nbytes << endl;
- char buf[nbytes];
- char *ptr = buf;
+ sgReadUInt( fp, &nbytes );
+ // cout << "property size = " << nbytes << endl;
+ if ( nbytes > buf.get_size() ) { buf.resize( nbytes ); }
+ char *ptr = buf.get_ptr();
sgReadBytes( fp, nbytes, ptr );
// read normal list elements
for ( j = 0; j < nelements; ++j ) {
- int nbytes;
- sgReadInt( fp, &nbytes );
- cout << "element size = " << nbytes << endl;
- char buf[nbytes];
- unsigned char *ptr = (unsigned char *)buf;
+ sgReadUInt( fp, &nbytes );
+ // cout << "element size = " << nbytes << endl;
+ if ( nbytes > buf.get_size() ) { buf.resize( nbytes ); }
+ unsigned char *ptr = (unsigned char *)(buf.get_ptr());
sgReadBytes( fp, nbytes, ptr );
int count = nbytes / 3;
for ( k = 0; k < count; ++k ) {
p = Point3D( ptr[0] / 128.0 - 1.0,
ptr[1] / 128.0 - 1.0,
ptr[2] / 128.0 - 1.0 );
- cout << "normal = " << p << endl;
+ // cout << "normal = " << p << endl;
normals.push_back( p );
ptr += 3;
char prop_type;
sgReadChar( fp, &prop_type );
- int nbytes;
- sgReadInt( fp, &nbytes );
- cout << "property size = " << nbytes << endl;
- char buf[nbytes];
- char *ptr = buf;
+ sgReadUInt( fp, &nbytes );
+ // cout << "property size = " << nbytes << endl;
+ if ( nbytes > buf.get_size() ) { buf.resize( nbytes ); }
+ char *ptr = buf.get_ptr();
sgReadBytes( fp, nbytes, ptr );
// read texcoord list elements
for ( j = 0; j < nelements; ++j ) {
- int nbytes;
- sgReadInt( fp, &nbytes );
- cout << "element size = " << nbytes << endl;
- char buf[nbytes];
- char *ptr = buf;
+ sgReadUInt( fp, &nbytes );
+ // cout << "element size = " << nbytes << endl;
+ if ( nbytes > buf.get_size() ) { buf.resize( nbytes ); }
+ char *ptr = buf.get_ptr();
sgReadBytes( fp, nbytes, ptr );
int count = nbytes / (sizeof(float) * 2);
float *fptr = (float *)ptr;
for ( k = 0; k < count; ++k ) {
p = Point3D( fptr[0], fptr[1], 0 );
- cout << "texcoord = " << p << endl;
+ // cout << "texcoord = " << p << endl;
texcoords.push_back( p );
fptr += 2;
char prop_type;
sgReadChar( fp, &prop_type );
- int nbytes;
- sgReadInt( fp, &nbytes );
- cout << "property size = " << nbytes << endl;
- char buf[nbytes];
- char *ptr = buf;
+ sgReadUInt( fp, &nbytes );
+ // cout << "property size = " << nbytes << endl;
+ if ( nbytes > buf.get_size() ) { buf.resize( nbytes ); }
+ char *ptr = buf.get_ptr();
sgReadBytes( fp, nbytes, ptr );
if ( prop_type == SG_MATERIAL ) {
strncpy( material, ptr, nbytes );
material[nbytes] = '\0';
- cout << "material type = " << material << endl;
+ // cout << "material type = " << material << endl;
// read triangle face elements
for ( j = 0; j < nelements; ++j ) {
- int nbytes;
- sgReadInt( fp, &nbytes );
- cout << "element size = " << nbytes << endl;
- char buf[nbytes];
- char *ptr = buf;
+ sgReadUInt( fp, &nbytes );
+ // cout << "element size = " << nbytes << endl;
+ if ( nbytes > buf.get_size() ) { buf.resize( nbytes ); }
+ char *ptr = buf.get_ptr();
sgReadBytes( fp, nbytes, ptr );
int count = nbytes / (sizeof(short) * 2);
short *sptr = (short *)ptr;
for ( k = 0; k < count; ++k ) {
vs.push_back( sptr[0] );
tcs.push_back( sptr[1] );
- cout << sptr[0] << "/" << sptr[1] << " ";
+ // cout << sptr[0] << "/" << sptr[1] << " ";
sptr += 2;
- cout << endl;
+ // cout << endl;
tris_v.push_back( vs );
tris_tc.push_back( tcs );
tri_materials.push_back( material );
char prop_type;
sgReadChar( fp, &prop_type );
- int nbytes;
- sgReadInt( fp, &nbytes );
- cout << "property size = " << nbytes << endl;
- char buf[nbytes];
- char *ptr = buf;
+ sgReadUInt( fp, &nbytes );
+ // cout << "property size = " << nbytes << endl;
+ if ( nbytes > buf.get_size() ) { buf.resize( nbytes ); }
+ char *ptr = buf.get_ptr();
sgReadBytes( fp, nbytes, ptr );
if ( prop_type == SG_MATERIAL ) {
strncpy( material, ptr, nbytes );
material[nbytes] = '\0';
- cout << "material type = " << material << endl;
+ // cout << "material type = " << material << endl;
// read triangle strip elements
for ( j = 0; j < nelements; ++j ) {
- int nbytes;
- sgReadInt( fp, &nbytes );
- cout << "element size = " << nbytes << endl;
- char buf[nbytes];
- char *ptr = buf;
+ sgReadUInt( fp, &nbytes );
+ // cout << "element size = " << nbytes << endl;
+ if ( nbytes > buf.get_size() ) { buf.resize( nbytes ); }
+ char *ptr = buf.get_ptr();
sgReadBytes( fp, nbytes, ptr );
int count = nbytes / (sizeof(short) * 2);
short *sptr = (short *)ptr;
for ( k = 0; k < count; ++k ) {
vs.push_back( sptr[0] );
tcs.push_back( sptr[1] );
- cout << sptr[0] << "/" << sptr[1] << " ";
+ // cout << sptr[0] << "/" << sptr[1] << " ";
sptr += 2;
- cout << endl;
+ // cout << endl;
strips_v.push_back( vs );
strips_tc.push_back( tcs );
strip_materials.push_back( material );
char prop_type;
sgReadChar( fp, &prop_type );
- int nbytes;
- sgReadInt( fp, &nbytes );
- cout << "property size = " << nbytes << endl;
- char buf[nbytes];
- char *ptr = buf;
+ sgReadUInt( fp, &nbytes );
+ // cout << "property size = " << nbytes << endl;
+ if ( nbytes > buf.get_size() ) { buf.resize( nbytes ); }
+ char *ptr = buf.get_ptr();
sgReadBytes( fp, nbytes, ptr );
if ( prop_type == SG_MATERIAL ) {
strncpy( material, ptr, nbytes );
material[nbytes] = '\0';
- cout << "material type = " << material << endl;
+ // cout << "material type = " << material << endl;
// read triangle fan elements
for ( j = 0; j < nelements; ++j ) {
- int nbytes;
- sgReadInt( fp, &nbytes );
- cout << "element size = " << nbytes << endl;
- char buf[nbytes];
- char *ptr = buf;
+ sgReadUInt( fp, &nbytes );
+ // cout << "element size = " << nbytes << endl;
+ if ( nbytes > buf.get_size() ) { buf.resize( nbytes ); }
+ char *ptr = buf.get_ptr();
sgReadBytes( fp, nbytes, ptr );
int count = nbytes / (sizeof(short) * 2);
short *sptr = (short *)ptr;
for ( k = 0; k < count; ++k ) {
vs.push_back( sptr[0] );
tcs.push_back( sptr[1] );
- cout << sptr[0] << "/" << sptr[1] << " ";
+ // cout << sptr[0] << "/" << sptr[1] << " ";
sptr += 2;
- cout << endl;
+ // cout << endl;
fans_v.push_back( vs );
fans_tc.push_back( tcs );
fan_materials.push_back( material );
char prop_type;
sgReadChar( fp, &prop_type );
- int nbytes;
- sgReadInt( fp, &nbytes );
- cout << "property size = " << nbytes << endl;
- char buf[nbytes];
- char *ptr = buf;
+ sgReadUInt( fp, &nbytes );
+ // cout << "property size = " << nbytes << endl;
+ if ( nbytes > buf.get_size() ) { buf.resize( nbytes ); }
+ char *ptr = buf.get_ptr();
sgReadBytes( fp, nbytes, ptr );
// read elements
for ( j = 0; j < nelements; ++j ) {
- int nbytes;
- sgReadInt( fp, &nbytes );
- cout << "element size = " << nbytes << endl;
- char buf[nbytes];
- char *ptr = buf;
+ sgReadUInt( fp, &nbytes );
+ // cout << "element size = " << nbytes << endl;
+ if ( nbytes > buf.get_size() ) { buf.resize( nbytes ); }
+ char *ptr = buf.get_ptr();
sgReadBytes( fp, nbytes, ptr );
cout << "tex coords = " << texcoords.size() << endl;
// write header magic
- sgWriteInt( fp, SG_FILE_MAGIC_NUMBER );
+ sgWriteUInt( fp, SG_FILE_MAGIC_NUMBER );
time_t calendar_time = time(NULL);
sgWriteLong( fp, (long int)calendar_time );
sgWriteShort( fp, 0 ); // nproperties
sgWriteShort( fp, 1 ); // nelements
- sgWriteInt( fp, sizeof(double) * 3 + sizeof(float) ); // nbytes
+ sgWriteUInt( fp, sizeof(double) * 3 + sizeof(float) ); // nbytes
sgdVec3 center;
sgdSetVec3( center, gbs_center.x(), gbs_center.y(), gbs_center.z() );
sgWritedVec3( fp, center );
sgWriteChar( fp, (char)SG_VERTEX_LIST ); // type
sgWriteShort( fp, 0 ); // nproperties
sgWriteShort( fp, 1 ); // nelements
- sgWriteInt( fp, wgs84_nodes.size() * sizeof(float) * 3 ); // nbytes
+ sgWriteUInt( fp, wgs84_nodes.size() * sizeof(float) * 3 ); // nbytes
for ( i = 0; i < (int)wgs84_nodes.size(); ++i ) {
p = wgs84_nodes[i] - gbs_center;
sgSetVec3( pt, p.x(), p.y(), p.z() );
sgWriteChar( fp, (char)SG_NORMAL_LIST ); // type
sgWriteShort( fp, 0 ); // nproperties
sgWriteShort( fp, 1 ); // nelements
- sgWriteInt( fp, normals.size() * 3 ); // nbytes
+ sgWriteUInt( fp, normals.size() * 3 ); // nbytes
char normal[3];
for ( i = 0; i < (int)normals.size(); ++i ) {
p = normals[i];
- normal[0] = (char)((p.x() + 1.0) * 128);
- normal[1] = (char)((p.y() + 1.0) * 128);
- normal[2] = (char)((p.z() + 1.0) * 128);
+ normal[0] = (unsigned char)((p.x() + 1.0) * 128);
+ normal[1] = (unsigned char)((p.y() + 1.0) * 128);
+ normal[2] = (unsigned char)((p.z() + 1.0) * 128);
sgWriteBytes( fp, 3, normal );
sgWriteChar( fp, (char)SG_TEXCOORD_LIST ); // type
sgWriteShort( fp, 0 ); // nproperties
sgWriteShort( fp, 1 ); // nelements
- sgWriteInt( fp, texcoords.size() * sizeof(float) * 2 ); // nbytes
+ sgWriteUInt( fp, texcoords.size() * sizeof(float) * 2 ); // nbytes
for ( i = 0; i < (int)texcoords.size(); ++i ) {
p = texcoords[i];
sgSetVec2( t, p.x(), p.y() );
sgWriteShort( fp, 1 ); // nelements
sgWriteChar( fp, (char)SG_MATERIAL ); // property
- sgWriteInt( fp, material.length() ); // nbytes
+ sgWriteUInt( fp, material.length() ); // nbytes
sgWriteBytes( fp, material.length(), material.c_str() );
- sgWriteInt( fp, (end - start) * 3 * 2 * sizeof(short) ); // nbytes
+ sgWriteUInt( fp, (end - start) * 3 * 2 * sizeof(short) ); // nbytes
// write group
for ( i = start; i < end; ++i ) {
sgWriteShort( fp, 1 ); // nproperties
sgWriteShort( fp, end - start ); // nelements
- sgWriteChar( fp, (char)SG_MATERIAL ); // property
- sgWriteInt( fp, material.length() ); // nbytes
+ sgWriteChar( fp, (char)SG_MATERIAL ); // property
+ sgWriteUInt( fp, material.length() ); // nbytes
sgWriteBytes( fp, material.length(), material.c_str() );
// write strips
for ( i = start; i < end; ++i ) {
// nbytes
- sgWriteInt( fp, strips_v[i].size() * 2 * sizeof(short) );
+ sgWriteUInt( fp, strips_v[i].size() * 2 * sizeof(short) );
for ( j = 0; j < (int)strips_v[i].size(); ++j ) {
sgWriteShort( fp, (short)strips_v[i][j] );
sgWriteShort( fp, (short)strips_tc[i][j] );
sgWriteShort( fp, end - start ); // nelements
sgWriteChar( fp, (char)SG_MATERIAL ); // property
- sgWriteInt( fp, material.length() ); // nbytes
+ sgWriteUInt( fp, material.length() ); // nbytes
sgWriteBytes( fp, material.length(), material.c_str() );
// write fans
for ( i = start; i < end; ++i ) {
// nbytes
- sgWriteInt( fp, fans_v[i].size() * 2 * sizeof(short) );
+ sgWriteUInt( fp, fans_v[i].size() * 2 * sizeof(short) );
for ( j = 0; j < (int)fans_v[i].size(); ++j ) {
sgWriteShort( fp, (short)fans_v[i][j] );
sgWriteShort( fp, (short)fans_tc[i][j] );