#include <simgear/constants.h>
#include <simgear/math/polar3d.hxx>
#include <simgear/math/sg_geodesy.hxx>
-#include <simgear/scene/model/location.hxx>
#include <simgear/scene/model/placement.hxx>
#include <simgear/math/vector.hxx>
- _location(0),
- _target_location(0),
_absolute_view_pos = SGVec3d(0, 0, 0);
FGViewer::init ()
- if ( _from_model )
- _location = (SGLocation *) globals->get_aircraft_model()->get3DModel()->getSGLocation();
- else
- _location = new SGLocation;
- if ( _type == FG_LOOKAT ) {
- if ( _at_model )
- _target_location = (SGLocation *) globals->get_aircraft_model()->get3DModel()->getSGLocation();
- else
- _target_location = (SGLocation *) new SGLocation;
- }
- // Update viewer's postion data for the eye location...
- _lon_deg = _location->getLongitude_deg();
- _lat_deg = _location->getLatitude_deg();
- _alt_ft = _location->getAltitudeASL_ft();
- _roll_deg = _location->getRoll_deg();
- _pitch_deg = _location->getPitch_deg();
- _heading_deg = _location->getHeading_deg();
- // Update viewer's postion data for the target (at object) location
- if (_type == FG_LOOKAT) {
- _target_lon_deg = _target_location->getLongitude_deg();
- _target_lat_deg = _target_location->getLatitude_deg();
- _target_alt_ft = _target_location->getAltitudeASL_ft();
- _target_roll_deg = _target_location->getRoll_deg();
- _target_pitch_deg = _target_location->getPitch_deg();
- _target_heading_deg = _target_location->getHeading_deg();
- }
FGViewer::recalcLookFrom ()
// Update location data ...
- if ( !_from_model ) {
- _location->setPosition( _lon_deg, _lat_deg, _alt_ft );
- _location->setOrientation( _roll_deg, _pitch_deg, _heading_deg );
- _location->getTransformMatrix();
+ double lat, lon, alt, head, pitch, roll;
+ if ( _from_model ) {
+ SGModelPlacement* placement = globals->get_aircraft_model()->get3DModel();
+ lat = placement->getLatitudeDeg();
+ lon = placement->getLongitudeDeg();
+ alt = placement->getElevationFt();
+ head = placement->getHeadingDeg();
+ pitch = placement->getPitchDeg();
+ roll = placement->getRollDeg();
+ } else {
+ lat = _lat_deg;
+ lon = _lon_deg;
+ alt = _alt_ft;
+ head = _heading_deg;
+ pitch = _pitch_deg;
+ roll = _roll_deg;
- double lat = _location->getLatitude_deg();
- double lon = _location->getLongitude_deg();
- double alt = _location->getAltitudeASL_ft();
- double head = _location->getHeading_deg();
- double pitch = _location->getPitch_deg();
- double roll = _location->getRoll_deg();
if ( !_from_model ) {
// update from our own data...
dampEyeData(roll, pitch, head);
SGGeod geodTargetPos;
SGQuatd geodTargetOr;
if ( _at_model ) {
- geodTargetPos = SGGeod::fromDegFt(_target_location->getLongitude_deg(),
- _target_location->getLatitude_deg(),
- _target_location->getAltitudeASL_ft());
- double head = _target_location->getHeading_deg();
- double pitch = _target_location->getPitch_deg();
- double roll = _target_location->getRoll_deg();
+ SGModelPlacement* placement = globals->get_aircraft_model()->get3DModel();
+ double lat = placement->getLatitudeDeg();
+ double lon = placement->getLongitudeDeg();
+ double alt = placement->getElevationFt();
+ geodTargetPos = SGGeod::fromDegFt(lon, lat, alt);
+ double head = placement->getHeadingDeg();
+ double pitch = placement->getPitchDeg();
+ double roll = placement->getRollDeg();
geodTargetOr = SGQuatd::fromYawPitchRollDeg(head, pitch, roll);
} else {
dampEyeData(_target_roll_deg, _target_pitch_deg, _target_heading_deg);
- _target_location->setPosition( _target_lon_deg, _target_lat_deg, _target_alt_ft );
- _target_location->setOrientation( _target_roll_deg, _target_pitch_deg, _target_heading_deg );
- _target_location->getTransformMatrix();
// if not model then calculate our own target position...
geodTargetPos = SGGeod::fromDegFt(_target_lon_deg,
SGGeod geodEyePos;
SGQuatd geodEyeOr;
if ( _from_model ) {
- geodEyePos = SGGeod::fromDegFt(_location->getLongitude_deg(),
- _location->getLatitude_deg(),
- _location->getAltitudeASL_ft());
- double head = _location->getHeading_deg();
- double pitch = _location->getPitch_deg();
- double roll = _location->getRoll_deg();
+ SGModelPlacement* placement = globals->get_aircraft_model()->get3DModel();
+ double lat = placement->getLatitudeDeg();
+ double lon = placement->getLongitudeDeg();
+ double alt = placement->getElevationFt();
+ geodEyePos = SGGeod::fromDegFt(lon, lat, alt);
+ double head = placement->getHeadingDeg();
+ double pitch = placement->getPitchDeg();
+ double roll = placement->getRollDeg();
geodEyeOr = SGQuatd::fromYawPitchRollDeg(head, pitch, roll);
} else {
dampEyeData(_roll_deg, _pitch_deg, _heading_deg);
- _location->setPosition( _lon_deg, _lat_deg, _alt_ft );
- _location->setOrientation( _roll_deg, _pitch_deg, _heading_deg );
- _location->getTransformMatrix();
// update from our own data, just the rotation here...
geodEyePos = SGGeod::fromDegFt(_lon_deg, _lat_deg, _alt_ft);