# This should probably be cached rather than recalculated
$tags = DB_DataObject::factory('Notice_tag');
+ #Need to clear the selection and then only re-add the field
+ #we are grouping by, otherwise it's not a valid 'group by'
+ #even though MySQL seems to let it slide...
+ $tags->selectAdd();
+ $tags->selectAdd('tag');
+ #Add the aggregated columns...
$tags->selectAdd('max(notice_id) as last_notice_id');
- $tags->selectAdd(sprintf('sum(exp(-(now() - created)/%f)) as weight', common_config('tag', 'dropoff')));
+ if(common_config('db','type')=='pgsql') {
+ $calc='sum(exp(-extract(epoch from (now()-created))/%f)) as weight';
+ } else {
+ $calc='sum(exp(-(now() - created)/%f)) as weight';
+ }
+ $tags->selectAdd(sprintf($calc, common_config('tag', 'dropoff')));
$tags->orderBy('weight DESC');