--- /dev/null
+Users Guide to FlightGear sound configuration
+Version 0.7.10, Mar 02 2002
+Author: Erik Hofman <erik@ehofman.com>
+This document is an attempt to describe the configuration of
+FlightGear flight simulator's aircraft sound via XML.
+Some History:
+Older versions of FGFS had a hard coded audio layer. This was a
+than ideal state of affairs due to FGFS ability to use different
+aircraft models. Being primarily developed on UNIX type systems, a
+modular approach is taken towards the simulation. To date, most
+alternatives to the default Cessna 172 aircraft are the product
+of research institutions interested in the flight characteristics and
+not cosmetics. The result of this was that one could fly the X-15 or
+a Boeing 747 but be limited to C172 sounds.
+A rewrite of the sound code was done around v0.7.10 by Erik Hofman
+allowing for configuration of the sounds via XML to address this
+About The Property Manager:
+Sound Architecture:
+All of the sound configuration files are XML-encoded* property lists.
+The root element of each file is always named <PropertyList>. Tags are
+almost always found in pairs, with the closing tag having a slash
+prefixing the tag name, i.e </PropertyList>. The exception is the tag
+representing an aliased property. In this case a slash is prepended to
+the closing angle bracket. (see section Aliasing)
+The top level sound configuration file is composed of a <fx>, a
+<name>, a <path> sound file and zero or more <volume> and/or <pitch>
+[ Paths are relative to $FG_ROOT (the installed location of FGFS data files.) ]
+[ Absolute paths may be used.Comments are bracketed with <!-- -->. ]
+A limited sound configuration file would look something like this:
+ <fx>
+ <engine>
+ <name>engine</name>
+ <path>Sounds/wasp.wav</path>
+ <mode>looped</mode>
+ <property>/engines/engine/running</property>
+ <volume>
+ <property>/engines/engine/mp-osi</property>
+ <factor>0.005</factor>
+ <min>0.15</min>
+ <max>0.5</max>
+ <offset>0.15</offset>
+ </volume>
+ <pitch>
+ <property>/engines/engine/rpm</property>
+ <factor>0.0012</factor>
+ <min>0.3</min>
+ <max>5.0</max>
+ <offset>0.3</offset>
+ </pitch>
+ </engine>
+ </fx>
+This would define an engine sound event handler for a piston engine driven
+aeroplane. The sound representing the engine is located in $FG_ROOT/Sounds
+and is named wasp.wav. The event is started when the property
+/engines/engine/running becomes non zero.
+When that happens, the sound will be played looped (see <mode>) until the
+property returns zero again. As you can see the volume is mp-osi dependant,
+and the pitch of the sound depents on the engine rpm.
+Configuration description:
+ Named FX subtree living under /sim/sound
+ < ... >
+ This is the event seperator. The text inside the brackets
+ can be anything. Bit it is adviced to give it a meaningfull name
+ like:
+ crank, engine, rumble, gear, squeal, flap, wind, stall or click.
+ The value can be defined multiple times, thus anything which is
+ related may have the same name.
+ <name>
+ This defines the name of the event. This name is used internally
+ and, although it can me defined multiple times in the same file,
+ should have a unique value unless you realy know what you're doing.
+ Defining it multiple times could lead to unexpected behaviour.
+ <path>
+ This defined th path to the sound file. The path is relative to the
+ FlightGear root directory but could be specified absolute.
+ <property>
+ Define which property triggers the event, and reffers to a node
+ in the FlightGear property tree.
+ The value is converted to an integer value (anything less than 0.5 is
+ is considered to be 0) and handled if it were a boolean value
+ (0 = false, anything else = true).
+ The triger depends on the value of <type>.
+ <type>
+ This specifies how the event is triggered.
+ There are multiple options:
+ level: events are active if the value is true.
+ this is the default behaviour.
+ inverted: events are active if the value is false.
+ flipflop: events are triggered on state changes.
+ this is only usefull for samples which are played
+ once.
+ <mode>
+ This defines how the sample should be played:
+ once: the sample is played once.
+ this is the default.
+ looped: the sample plays continuesly,
+ until the event turns false.
+ <volume> / <pitch>
+ Volume or Pitch definition. Currently there may be up to 5
+ volume and up to 5 pitch definitions defined within one sound
+ event. Normally all <offset> values are added together and the
+ results after property calculations will be miltplied.
+ A special condition occurs when the <factor> value is negative,
+ in which case the offset doesn't get added to the other offset values
+ but instead will be used in the multiplication section.
+ <property>
+ Defins which property supplies the value for the calculation.
+ The value is treatened as a floating point number.
+ <type>
+ lin: lineair handling of the property value.
+ this is the default.
+ ln: convert the property value to a natural logarithmic
+ value before scaling it.
+ log: convert the property value to a true logarithmic
+ value before scaling it.
+ <factor>
+ Defines the multiplication factor for the property value.
+ A special condition is when scale is defined as a negative
+ value. In this case the result of |<scale>| * <property) will be
+ subtracted from <default>
+ <offset>
+ The initial value for this sound. This value is also used as an
+ offset value for calulating the end result.
+ <min>
+ Minimum allowed value.
+ This is usefull if sounds start to sound funny. Anything lower
+ will be converted to 0.
+ <max>
+ Maximum allowed value.
+ This is usefull if sounds gets to loud. Anything higher will be
+ truncated to this value.
+ Calculations are made the following way
+ (function can be one of: none, ln or log ):
+ if (scale < 0) {
+ value[i] = offset[n] - abs(scale[n]) * function(property[n])
+ offset[i] = 0;
+ } else
+ value[i] = scale[n] * function(property[n])
+ And the end result will be:
+ result = offset[0..max] + value[0..max];