Of course, absolute FDM coordinates can then no longer directly be read from Blender's 3D view.
The cursor coordinates display in the script area, however, shows the coordinates in YASim space.
-Note that object names don't contain XML indices but element numbers. YASim_hstab#2 is the third
-hstab in the whole file, not necessarily in its parent XML group. A floating point part in the
-object name (e.g. YASim_hstab#2.004) only means that the geometry has been reloaded that often.
+Note that object names don't contain XML indices but element numbers. YASim_flap0#2 is the third
+flap0 in the whole file, not necessarily in its parent XML group. A floating point part in the
+object name (e.g. YASim_flap0#2.004) only means that the geometry has been reloaded that often.
It's an unavoidable consequence of how Blender deals with meshes.
cockpit -> monkey head
fuselage -> blue "tube" (with only 12 sides for less clutter); center at "a"
- vstab -> red with yellow flaps
- wing/mstab/hstab -> green with yellow flaps/spoilers/slats (always 20 cm deep);
+ vstab -> red with yellow controls surfaces (flap0, flap1, slat, spoiler)
+ wing/mstab/hstab -> green with yellow control surfaces (which are always 20 cm deep);
symmetric surfaces are only displayed on the left side
thrusters (jet/propeller/thruster) -> dashed line from center to actionpt;
arrow from actionpt along thrust vector (always 1 m long);
propeller circle
- rotor -> radius and rel_len_blade_start circle, direction arrow,
- normal and forward vector, one blade at phi0
+ rotor -> radius and rel_len_blade_start circle, normal and forward vector,
+ one blade at phi0 with direction arrow near blade tip
gear -> contact point and compression vector (no arrow head)
tank -> cube (10 cm side length)
weight -> inverted cone
hook -> dashed line for up angle, T-line for down angle
launchbar -> dashed line for up angles, T-line for down angles
+The Mirror button complements symmetrical surfaces (wing/hstab/mstab) and control surfaces
+(flap0/flap1/slat/spoiler). This is useful for asymmetrical aircraft, but has the disadvantage
+that it moves the surfaces' object centers from their usual place, yasim's [x, y, z] value,
+to [0, 0, 0]. Turning mirroring off restores the object center.
-import Blender, BPyMessages, string, math
+import Blender, BPyMessages, string, math, os
from Blender.Mathutils import *
from xml.sax import handler, make_parser
+CONFIG = string.split(os.getenv("BLENDER_YASIM_IMPORT") or "")
YASIM_MATRIX = Matrix([-1, 0, 0, 0], [0, -1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1])
ORIGIN = Vector(0, 0, 0)
X = Vector(1, 0, 0)
DEG2RAD = math.pi / 180
RAD2DEG = 180 / math.pi
class Global:
+ verbose = "verbose" in CONFIG
path = ""
matrix = None
cursor = ORIGIN
last_cursor = Vector(Blender.Window.GetCursorPos())
+ mirror = Blender.Draw.Create(0)
class Abort(Exception):
self.msg = msg
def log(msg):
- #print(msg) # uncomment to get verbose log messages
- pass
+ if Global.verbose:
+ print(msg)
def error(msg):
Blender.Draw.PupMenu("Error%t|" + msg)
def getfloat(attrs, key, default):
if attrs.has_key(key):
return float(attrs[key])
return default
def draw_dashed_line(mesh, start, end):
w = 0.04
step = w * (end - start).normalize()
mesh.edges.extend([n + 2 * i, n + 2 * i + 1])
def draw_arrow(mesh, start, end):
v = end - start
m = v.toTrackQuat('x', 'z').toMatrix().resize4x4() * TranslationMatrix(start)
mesh.edges.extend([[n, n + 1], [n + 1, n + 2], [n + 1, n + 3], [n + 4, n + 5]])
def draw_circle(mesh, numpoints, radius, matrix):
n = len(mesh.verts)
for i in range(numpoints):
mesh.edges.extend([[n + i, n + i1]])
class Item:
scene = Blender.Scene.GetCurrent()
for f in mesh.faces:
f.mode |= Blender.Mesh.FaceModes.TWOSIDE | Blender.Mesh.FaceModes.OBCOL
- def set_color(self, mesh, name, color):
+ def set_color(self, obj, name, color):
mat = Blender.Material.New(name)
mat.setRGBCol(color[0], color[1], color[2])
mat.mode |= Blender.Material.Modes.ZTRANSP | Blender.Material.Modes.TRANSPSHADOW
+ obj.transp = True
+ mesh = obj.getData(mesh = True)
mesh.materials += [mat]
+ for f in mesh.faces:
+ f.smooth = True
+ mesh.calcNormals()
class Cockpit(Item):
def __init__(self, center):
obj.setMatrix(TranslationMatrix(center) * Global.matrix)
class Tank(Item):
def __init__(self, name, center):
mesh = Blender.Mesh.Primitives.Cube()
obj.setMatrix(TranslationMatrix(center) * Global.matrix)
class Ballast(Item):
def __init__(self, name, center):
mesh = Blender.Mesh.Primitives.Cylinder()
obj.setMatrix(TranslationMatrix(center) * Global.matrix)
class Weight(Item):
def __init__(self, name, center):
mesh = Blender.Mesh.Primitives.Cone()
obj.setMatrix(TranslationMatrix(center) * Global.matrix)
class Gear(Item):
def __init__(self, name, center, compression):
mesh = Blender.Mesh.New()
obj.setMatrix(TranslationMatrix(center) * Global.matrix)
class Hook(Item):
def __init__(self, name, center, length, up_angle, dn_angle):
mesh = Blender.Mesh.New()
obj.setMatrix(TranslationMatrix(center) * Global.matrix)
class Launchbar(Item):
def __init__(self, name, lb, lb_length, hb, hb_length, up_angle, dn_angle):
mesh = Blender.Mesh.New()
obj.setMatrix(TranslationMatrix(lb) * Global.matrix)
class Hitch(Item):
def __init__(self, name, center):
mesh = Blender.Mesh.Primitives.Circle(8, 0.1)
obj.setMatrix(RotationMatrix(90, 4, "x") * TranslationMatrix(center) * Global.matrix)
class Thrust:
def set_actionpt(self, p):
self.actionpt = p
self.thrustvector = d
class Thruster(Thrust, Item):
def __init__(self, name, center, thrustvector):
(self.name, self.center, self.actionpt, self.thrustvector) = (name, center, center, thrustvector)
obj.setMatrix(TranslationMatrix(self.center) * Global.matrix)
class Propeller(Thrust, Item):
def __init__(self, name, center, radius):
(self.name, self.center, self.radius, self.actionpt, self.thrustvector) = (name, center, radius, center, -X)
obj.setMatrix(TranslationMatrix(self.center) * Global.matrix)
class Jet(Thrust, Item):
def __init__(self, name, center, rotate):
(self.name, self.center, self.actionpt) = (name, center, center)
obj.setMatrix(TranslationMatrix(self.center) * Global.matrix)
class Fuselage(Item):
def __init__(self, name, a, b, width, taper, midpoint):
numvert = 12
mesh.faces.extend([[i + numvert, i1 + numvert, i1 + 2 * numvert, i + 2 * numvert]])
mesh.verts.extend([ORIGIN, length * X])
- self.set_color(mesh, name + "mat", [0, 0, 0.5, 0.4])
obj = self.scene.objects.new(mesh, name)
- obj.transp = True
obj.setMatrix(axis.toTrackQuat('x', 'y').toMatrix().resize4x4() * TranslationMatrix(a) * Global.matrix)
+ self.set_color(obj, name + "mat", [0, 0, 0.5, 0.4])
class Rotor(Item):
obj.setMatrix(matrix * TranslationMatrix(center) * Global.matrix)
class Wing(Item):
def __init__(self, name, root, length, chord, incidence, twist, taper, sweep, dihedral):
# <1--0--2
# \ | /
# 4-3-5
- is_vstab = name.startswith("YASim_vstab")
+ self.is_symmetric = not name.startswith("YASim_vstab#")
mesh = Blender.Mesh.New()
mesh.verts.extend([ORIGIN, ORIGIN + 0.5 * chord * X, ORIGIN - 0.5 * chord * X])
tip = ORIGIN + math.cos(sweep * DEG2RAD) * length * Y - math.sin(sweep * DEG2RAD) * length * X
mesh.verts.extend([tip, tipfore, tipaft])
mesh.faces.extend([[0, 1, 4, 3], [2, 0, 3, 5]])
- self.set_color(mesh, name + "mat", [[0, 0.5, 0, 0.5], [0.5, 0, 0, 0.5]][is_vstab])
obj = self.scene.objects.new(mesh, name)
- obj.transp = True
- m = Euler(dihedral, -incidence, 0).toMatrix().resize4x4()
- m *= TranslationMatrix(root)
- obj.setMatrix(m * Global.matrix)
+ mesh.transform(Euler(dihedral, -incidence, 0).toMatrix().resize4x4())
+ self.set_color(obj, name + "mat", [[0.5, 0.0, 0, 0.5], [0.0, 0.5, 0, 0.5]][self.is_symmetric])
(self.obj, self.mesh) = (obj, mesh)
+ if self.is_symmetric and Global.mirror.val:
+ mod = obj.modifiers.append(Blender.Modifier.Type.MIRROR)
+ mod[Blender.Modifier.Settings.AXIS_X] = False
+ mod[Blender.Modifier.Settings.AXIS_Y] = True
+ mod[Blender.Modifier.Settings.AXIS_Z] = False
+ mesh.transform(TranslationMatrix(root)) # must move object center to x axis
+ obj.setMatrix(Global.matrix)
+ else:
+ obj.setMatrix(TranslationMatrix(root) * Global.matrix)
def add_flap(self, name, start, end):
a = Vector(self.mesh.verts[2].co)
b = Vector(self.mesh.verts[5].co)
mesh.verts.extend([i0, i1, i0 + c, i1 + c])
mesh.faces.extend([[0, 1, 3, 2]])
- self.set_color(mesh, name + "mat", [0.8, 0.8, 0, 0.9])
obj = self.scene.objects.new(mesh, name)
- obj.transp = True
+ self.set_color(obj, name + "mat", [0.8, 0.8, 0, 0.9])
+ if self.is_symmetric and Global.mirror.val:
+ mod = obj.modifiers.append(Blender.Modifier.Type.MIRROR)
+ mod[Blender.Modifier.Settings.AXIS_X] = False
+ mod[Blender.Modifier.Settings.AXIS_Y] = True
+ mod[Blender.Modifier.Settings.AXIS_Z] = False
class import_yasim(handler.ContentHandler):
def extract_matrix(path, tag):
v = { 'x': 0.0, 'y': 0.0, 'z': 0.0, 'h': 0.0, 'p': 0.0, 'r': 0.0 }
has_offsets = False
return matrix
-def run_parser(path):
+def load_yasim_config(path):
if BPyMessages.Error_NoFile(path):
- editmode = Blender.Window.EditMode()
- if editmode:
- Blender.Window.EditMode(0)
+ Blender.Window.EditMode(0)
print(("loading '%s'" % path))
- if editmode:
- Blender.Window.EditMode(1)
-def draw():
+def gui_draw():
from Blender import BGL, Draw
(width, height) = Blender.Window.GetAreaSize()
BGL.glClearColor(0.4, 0.4, 0.45, 1)
- Draw.PushButton("Reload YASim", 0, 5, 5, 100, 28)
- Draw.PushButton("Update Cursor", 1, width - 650, 5, 100, 28)
BGL.glColor3f(1, 1, 1)
+ BGL.glRasterPos2f(5, 55)
+ Draw.Text("FlightGear YASim Import: '%s'" % Global.path)
- BGL.glRasterPos2f(120, 15)
- Draw.Text(Global.path)
+ Draw.PushButton("Reload", RELOAD_BUTTON, 5, 5, 80, 32, "reload YASim config file")
+ Global.mirror = Draw.Toggle("Mirror", MIRROR_BUTTON, 100, 5, 50, 16, Global.mirror.val, \
+ "show symmetric surfaces on both sides (reloads config)")
+ Draw.PushButton("Update Cursor", CURSOR_BUTTON, width - 650, 5, 100, 32, "update cursor display")
- BGL.glRasterPos2f(width - 530 + Blender.Draw.GetStringWidth("Distance from last") - Blender.Draw.GetStringWidth("Current"), 24)
+ BGL.glRasterPos2f(width - 530 + Blender.Draw.GetStringWidth("Vector from last") - Blender.Draw.GetStringWidth("Current"), 24)
Draw.Text("Current cursor pos: x = %+.3f y = %+.3f z = %+.3f" % tuple(Global.cursor))
c = Global.cursor - Global.last_cursor
BGL.glRasterPos2f(width - 530, 7)
- Draw.Text("Distance from last cursor pos: x = %+.3f y = %+.3f z = %+.3f length = %.3f" % (c[0], c[1], c[2], c.length))
+ Draw.Text("Vector from last cursor pos: x = %+.3f y = %+.3f z = %+.3f length = %.3f" % (c[0], c[1], c[2], c.length))
-def event(ev, value):
+def gui_event(ev, value):
if ev == Blender.Draw.ESCKEY:
-def button(n):
- if n == 0:
- run_parser(Global.path)
- elif n == 1:
+def gui_button(n):
+ if n == NO_EVENT:
+ return
+ elif n == RELOAD_BUTTON:
+ load_yasim_config(Global.path)
+ elif n == CURSOR_BUTTON:
Global.last_cursor = Global.cursor
Global.cursor = Vector(Blender.Window.GetCursorPos()) * Global.matrix.invert()
d = Global.cursor - Global.last_cursor
print(("cursor: x=\"%f\" y=\"%f\" z=\"%f\" dx=%f dy=%f dz=%f length=%f" \
% (Global.cursor[0], Global.cursor[1], Global.cursor[2], d[0], d[1], d[2], d.length)))
+ elif n == MIRROR_BUTTON:
+ load_yasim_config(Global.path)
def main():
+ log(6 * "\n")
registry = Blender.Registry.GetKey("FGYASimImportExport", False)
if registry and "path" in registry and Blender.sys.exists(Blender.sys.expandpath(registry["path"])):
path = registry["path"]
path = ""
- log(6 * "\n")
if Blender.Window.GetScreenInfo(Blender.Window.Types.SCRIPT):
- Blender.Draw.Register(draw, event, button)
+ Blender.Draw.Register(gui_draw, gui_event, gui_button)
+ Blender.Window.FileSelector(load_yasim_config, "Import YASim Configuration File", path)
- Blender.Window.FileSelector(run_parser, "Import YASim Configuration File", path)