MinManifoldPressure_inHg = 6.5;
MaxManifoldPressure_inHg = 28.5;
ISFC = -1;
- volumetric_efficiency = -0.1;
+ volumetric_efficiency = 0.85;
Bore = 5.125;
Stroke = 4.375;
Cylinders = 4;
StarterHP = sqrt(MaxHP) * 0.4;
displacement_SI = Displacement * in3tom3;
+ RatedMeanPistonSpeed_fps = ( MaxRPM * Stroke) / (360); // AKA 2 * (RPM/60) * ( Stroke / 12) or 2NS
- // Create IFSC and VE to match the engine if not provided
- int calculated_ve=0;
- if (volumetric_efficiency < 0) {
- volumetric_efficiency = MaxManifoldPressure_inHg / 29.92;
- calculated_ve=1;
- }
+ // Create IFSC to match the engine if not provided
if (ISFC < 0) {
- double pmep = MaxManifoldPressure_inHg > 29.92 ? 0 : 29.92 - MaxManifoldPressure_inHg;
+ double pmep = 29.92 - MaxManifoldPressure_inHg;
pmep *= inhgtopa;
- double fmep = (18400 * (2*(Stroke/12)*(MaxRPM/60)) * fttom + 46500)/2;
+ double fmep = (18400 * RatedMeanPistonSpeed_fps * fttom + 46500);
double hp_loss = ((pmep + fmep) * displacement_SI * MaxRPM)/(Cycles*22371);
- ISFC = ( Displacement * MaxRPM * volumetric_efficiency ) / (9411 * (MaxHP+hp_loss));
+ ISFC = ( 1.1*Displacement * MaxRPM * volumetric_efficiency *(MaxManifoldPressure_inHg / 29.92) ) / (9411 * (MaxHP+hp_loss));
// cout <<"FMEP: "<< fmep <<" PMEP: "<< pmep << " hp_loss: " <<hp_loss <<endl;
if ( MaxManifoldPressure_inHg > 29.9 ) { // Don't allow boosting with a bogus number
MaxManifoldPressure_inHg = 29.9;
- if (calculated_ve) volumetric_efficiency = 1.0;
minMAP = MinManifoldPressure_inHg * inhgtopa; // inHg to Pa
maxMAP = MaxManifoldPressure_inHg * inhgtopa;
// For throttle
- RatedMeanPistonSpeed_fps = ( MaxRPM * Stroke) / (360); // AKA 2 * (RPM/60) * ( Stroke / 12) or 2NS
- if(Z_airbox < 998){
- double Ze=RatedMeanPistonSpeed_fps/PeakMeanPistonSpeed_fps; // engine impedence
+ * Pm = ( Ze / ( Ze + Zi + Zt ) ) * Pa
+ * Where:
+ * Pm = Manifold Pressure
+ * Pa = Ambient Pressre
+ * Ze = engine impedance, Ze is effectively 1 / Mean Piston Speed
+ * Zi = airbox impedance
+ * Zt = throttle impedance
+ *
+ * For the calculation below throttle is fully open or Zt = 0
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ if(Z_airbox < 0.0){
+ double Ze=PeakMeanPistonSpeed_fps/RatedMeanPistonSpeed_fps; // engine impedence
Z_airbox = (standard_pressure *Ze / maxMAP) - Ze; // impedence of airbox
Z_throttle=(((MaxRPM * Stroke) / 360)/((IdleRPM * Stroke) / 360))*(standard_pressure/minMAP - 1) - Z_airbox; // Constant for Throttle impedence
cout << " MaxThrottle: " << MaxThrottle << endl;
cout << " MinThrottle: " << MinThrottle << endl;
cout << " ISFC: " << ISFC << endl;
- cout << " Volumentric Efficiency: " << volumetric_efficiency << endl;
+ cout << " Volumetric Efficiency: " << volumetric_efficiency << endl;
+ cout << " PeakMeanPistonSpeed_fps: " << PeakMeanPistonSpeed_fps << endl;
+ cout << " Intake Impedance Factor: " << Z_airbox << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << " Combustion Efficiency table:" << endl;
FuelFlowRate = 0.0;
OxidizerFlowRate = 0.0;
SLOxiFlowMax = 0.0;
+ BuildupTime = 0.0;
It = 0.0;
// Defaults
if (el->FindElement("isp"))
Isp = el->FindElementValueAsNumber("isp");
+ if (el->FindElement("builduptime"))
+ BuildupTime = el->FindElementValueAsNumber("builduptime");
if (el->FindElement("maxthrottle"))
MaxThrottle = el->FindElementValueAsNumber("maxthrottle");
if (el->FindElement("minthrottle"))
if (ThrustTable != 0L) { // Thrust table given -> Solid fuel used
if ((Throttle == 1 || BurnTime > 0.0 ) && !Starved) {
- BurnTime += State->Getdt();
double TotalEngineFuelBurned=0.0;
for (int i=0; i<(int)SourceTanks.size(); i++) {
FGTank* tank = Propulsion->GetTank(i);
VacThrust = ThrustTable->GetValue(TotalEngineFuelBurned);
+ if (BurnTime <= BuildupTime && BuildupTime > 0.0) {
+ VacThrust *= sin((BurnTime/BuildupTime)*M_PI/2.0);
+ // VacThrust *= (1-cos((BurnTime/BuildupTime)*M_PI))/2.0; // 1 - cos approach
+ }
+ BurnTime += State->Getdt(); // Increment burn time
} else {
VacThrust = 0.0;