- _callback_code(0),
//Render(pending_transmission, ident, false);
- // Run the callback regardless of whether on same freq as user or not.
- //cout << "_callback_code = " << _callback_code << '\n';
- if(_callback_code) {
- ProcessCallback(_callback_code);
- }
_transmit = false;
_transmitting = true;
} else if(_transmitting) {
-void FGATC::Transmit(int callback_code) {
- SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_INFO, "Transmit called by " << ident << " " << _type << ", msg = " << pending_transmission);
- _pending = true;
- _callback_code = callback_code;
- _timeout = 0.0;
-void FGATC::ConditionalTransmit(double timeout, int callback_code) {
- SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_INFO, "Timed transmit called by " << ident << " " << _type << ", msg = " << pending_transmission);
- _pending = true;
- _callback_code = callback_code;
- _timeout = timeout;
-void FGATC::ImmediateTransmit(int callback_code) {
- SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_INFO, "Immediate transmit called by " << ident << " " << _type << ", msg = " << pending_transmission);
- if(_display) {
- //Render(pending_transmission, ident, false);
- Render(pending_transmission);
- // At the moment Render doesn't work except for ATIS
- }
- if(callback_code) {
- ProcessCallback(callback_code);
- }
-// Derived classes should override this.
-void FGATC::ProcessCallback(int code) {
-void FGATC::AddPlane(const string& pid) {
-int FGATC::RemovePlane() {
- return 0;
void FGATC::SetData(ATCData* d) {
_type = d->type;
_geod = d->geod;
if (freq > 1000.) return int(freq);
return int(freq*100.0 + 0.25);
-enum plane_type {
-// PlaneRec - a structure holding ATC-centric details of planes under control
-// This might move or change eventually
-struct PlaneRec {
- PlaneRec() : type(UNKNOWN), squawkcode(0) {}
- PlaneRec(const std::string& s) : type(UNKNOWN), callsign(s), squawkcode(0) {}
- plane_type type;
- std::string callsign;
- int squawkcode;
// Possible types of ATC type that the radios may be tuned to.
// INVALID implies not tuned in to anything.
- INVALID /* must be last element; see ATC_NUM_TYPES */
+ INVALID /* must be last element; see ATC_NUM_TYPES */
const int ATC_NUM_TYPES = 1 + INVALID;
// DCL - new experimental ATC data store
struct ATCData {
- ATCData() : type(INVALID), cart(0, 0, 0), freq(0), range(0) {}
+ ATCData() : type(INVALID), cart(0, 0, 0), freq(0), range(0) {}
atc_type type;
SGGeod geod;
SGVec3d cart;
// perhaps we could use an FGRunway instead of this.
// That wouldn't cache the orthopos though.
struct RunwayDetails {
- RunwayDetails() : end1ortho(0, 0, 0), end2ortho(0, 0, 0), hdg(0), length(-1), width(-1) {}
+ RunwayDetails() : end1ortho(0, 0, 0), end2ortho(0, 0, 0), hdg(0), length(-1), width(-1) {}
SGGeod threshold_pos;
SGVec3d end1ortho; // ortho projection end1 (the threshold ATM)
SGVec3d end2ortho; // ortho projection end2 (the take off end in the current hardwired scheme)
std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, atc_type atc);
class FGATC {
- friend class FGATCMgr;
+ friend class FGATCMgr;
// Recieve a coded callback from the ATC menu system based on the user's selection
virtual void ReceiveUserCallback(int code);
- // Add plane to a stack
- virtual void AddPlane(const std::string& pid);
- // Remove plane from stack
- virtual int RemovePlane();
// Indicate that this instance should output to the display if appropriate
inline void SetDisplay() { _display = true; }
// Requires the sound manager refname if audio, else "".
void NoRender(const std::string& refname);
- // Transmit a message when channel becomes free of other dialog
- void Transmit(int callback_code = 0);
- // Transmit a message if channel becomes free within timeout (seconds). timeout of zero implies no limit
- void ConditionalTransmit(double timeout, int callback_code = 0);
- // Transmit regardless of other dialog on the channel eg emergency
- void ImmediateTransmit(int callback_code = 0);
- virtual void ProcessCallback(int code);
SGGeod _geod;
SGVec3d _cart;
int freq;
bool responseReqd; // Flag to indicate we should be responding to a request/report
double _releaseTime;
double _releaseCounter;
- atc_type _type;
+ atc_type _type;
bool _display; // Flag to indicate whether we should be outputting to the ATC display.
std::string pending_transmission; // derived classes set this string before calling Transmit(...)
// Transmission timing stuff.
double _timeout;
bool _pending;
- int _callback_code; // A callback code to be notified and processed by the derived classes
- // A value of zero indicates no callback required
bool _transmit; // we are to transmit
bool _transmitting; // we are transmitting
double _counter;