--- /dev/null
+ * Mailer v0.2.1-FINAL Start: 06/20/2010 *
+ * =================== Last change: 06/20/2010 *
+ * *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * File : mailid_functions.php *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * Short description : Functions for ext- *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * Kurzbeschreibung : Funktionen fuer ext- *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * $Revision:: 1793 $ *
+ * $Date:: 2010-05-28 18:58:31 +0200 (Fri, 28 May 2010) $ *
+ * $Tag:: 0.2.1-FINAL $ *
+ * $Author:: quix0r $ *
+ * Needs to be in all Files and every File needs "svn propset *
+ * svn:keywords Date Revision" (autoprobset!) at least!!!!!! *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003 - 2009 by Roland Haeder *
+ * Copyright (c) 2009, 2010 by Mailer Developer Team *
+ * For more information visit: http://www.mxchange.org *
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, *
+ * MA 02110-1301 USA *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// Some security stuff...
+if (!defined('__SECURITY')) {
+ die();
+} // END - if
+// Handles the error code from mail confirmation
+function handleMailIdErrorCode ($errorCode) {
+ // Is an error set?
+ if (!empty($errorCode)) {
+ // @TODO Rewrite this to a dynamic include or so
+ switch (getConfig('mailid_error_redirect')) {
+ case 'INDEX': // Redirect to index page
+ redirectToUrl('modules.php?module=index&code=' . $errorCode . '&ext=mailid');
+ break;
+ case 'REJECT': // Redirect to rejection page
+ if (isExtensionActive('other')) {
+ // Redirect to configured URL
+ redirectToConfiguredUrl('reject_url');
+ } else {
+ // Redirect to index
+ redirectToUrl('modules.php?module=index');
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ logDebugMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, sprintf("Unknown status %s detected in mailid_error_redirect.", getConfig('mailid_error_redirect')));
+ redirectToUrl('modules.php?module=index&code=' . getCode('UNKNOWN_STATUS') . '&ext=mailid');
+ break;
+ } // END - switch
+ } // END - if
+// [EOF]
// Init
$url_userid = '0';
-$url_bid = '0';
-$url_mid = '0';
+$url_bid = '0';
+$url_mid = '0';
// Secure all data
if (isGetRequestParameterSet('userid')) $url_userid = bigintval(getRequestParameter('userid'));
if (isGetRequestParameterSet('mailid')) $url_mid = bigintval(getRequestParameter('mailid'));
if (isGetRequestParameterSet('bonusid')) $url_bid = bigintval(getRequestParameter('bonusid'));
-// 01 1 12 2 2 21 1 22 10
+// 01 1 12 2 2 21 1 2210
if (($url_userid) > 0 && (($url_mid > 0) || ($url_bid > 0)) && (!ifFatalErrorsDetected())) {
// Init result
$result_link = false;
// Error code is set?
-if (!empty($errorCode)) {
- // @TODO Rewrite this to a dynamic include or so
- switch (getConfig('mailid_error_redirect')) {
- case 'INDEX': // Redirect to index page
- redirectToUrl('modules.php?module=index&code=' . $errorCode . '&ext=mailid');
- break;
- case 'REJECT': // Redirect to rejection page
- if (isExtensionActive('other')) {
- // Redirect to configured URL
- redirectToConfiguredUrl('reject_url');
- } else {
- // Redirect to index
- redirectToUrl('modules.php?module=index');
- }
- break;
- default:
- logDebugMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, sprintf("Unknown status %s detected in mailid_error_redirect.", getConfig('mailid_error_redirect')));
- redirectToUrl('modules.php?module=index&code=' . getCode('UNKNOWN_STATUS') . '&ext=mailid');
- break;
- } // END - switch
-} // END - if
// Include footer
// Maybe he wants to confirm an email?
if ($url_mid > 0) {
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`, `link_type` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_links` WHERE `stats_id`=%s AND `userid`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result_main = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`, `link_type` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_links` WHERE `stats_id`=%s AND `userid`=%s LIMIT 1",
array($url_mid, $url_userid), __FILE__, __LINE__);
$type = 'mailid'; $urlId = $url_mid;
} elseif ($url_bid > 0) {
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`, `link_type` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_links` WHERE `bonus_id`=%s AND `userid`=%s LIMIT 1",
+ $result_main = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT `id`, `link_type` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_links` WHERE `bonus_id`=%s AND `userid`=%s LIMIT 1",
array($url_bid, $url_userid), __FILE__, __LINE__);
$type = 'bonusid'; $urlId = $url_bid;
- if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) {
+ if (SQL_NUMROWS($result_main) == 1) {
// Is the stats id valid?
- list($lid, $ltype) = SQL_FETCHROW($result);
- SQL_FREERESULT($result);
+ list($lid, $ltype) = SQL_FETCHROW($result_main);
// Init result here with invalid to avoid possible missing variable
$result_mailid = false;
// Correct notification switch in non-bonus mails
if (($notify != 'Y') && ($notify != 'N')) $notify = 'N';
- // Free some memory
- SQL_FREERESULT($result_mailid);
// Set sender to 0 when we have a bonus mail
if ($ltype == 'BONUS') $sender = '0';
$mode = 'failed';
} else {
- SQL_FREERESULT($result);
loadTemplate('admin_settings_saved', false, '<div class="member_failed">{--MAIL_ALREADY_CONFIRMED--} (3)</div>');
$mode = 'failed';
} else {
- SQL_FREERESULT($result);
loadTemplate('admin_settings_saved', false, '<div class="member_failed">{--MAIL_ALREADY_CONFIRMED--} (2)</div>');
$mode = 'failed';
+ // Free result
+ SQL_FREERESULT($result_mailid);
} else {
- SQL_FREERESULT($result);
loadTemplate('admin_settings_saved', false, '<div class="member_failed">{--MAIL_ALREADY_CONFIRMED--} (1)</div>');
$mode = 'failed';
+ // Free result
+ SQL_FREERESULT($result_main);
// Insert footer if no image
if ($mode != 'img') {
// Write footer