DBA::update('apcontact', $apcontact, ['url' => $url], true);
+ // Update some data in the contact table with various ways to catch them all
+ $contact_fields = ['name' => $apcontact['name'], 'about' => $apcontact['about']];
+ DBA::update('contact', $contact_fields, ['nurl' => normalise_link($url)]);
+ $contacts = DBA::select('contact', ['uid', 'id'], ['nurl' => normalise_link($url)]);
+ while ($contact = DBA::fetch($contacts)) {
+ Contact::updateAvatar($apcontact['photo'], $contact['uid'], $contact['id']);
+ }
+ DBA::close($contacts);
+ // Update the gcontact table
+ DBA::update('gcontact', $contact_fields, ['nurl' => normalise_link($url)]);
return $apcontact;
$receivers['uid:' . $contact['uid']] = $contact['uid'];
+ self::switchContacts($receivers, $actor);
return $receivers;
+ private static function switchContact($cid, $uid, $url)
+ {
+ $profile = ActivityPub::probeProfile($url);
+ if (empty($profile)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ logger('Switch contact ' . $cid . ' (' . $profile['url'] . ') for user ' . $uid . ' from OStatus to ActivityPub');
+ $photo = $profile['photo'];
+ unset($profile['photo']);
+ unset($profile['baseurl']);
+ $profile['nurl'] = normalise_link($profile['url']);
+ DBA::update('contact', $profile, ['id' => $cid]);
+ Contact::updateAvatar($photo, $uid, $cid);
+ }
+ private static function switchContacts($receivers, $actor)
+ {
+ if (empty($actor)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ foreach ($receivers as $receiver) {
+ $contact = DBA::selectFirst('contact', ['id'], ['uid' => $receiver, 'network' => Protocol::OSTATUS, 'nurl' => normalise_link($actor)]);
+ if (DBA::isResult($contact)) {
+ self::switchContact($contact['id'], $receiver, $actor);
+ }
+ $contact = DBA::selectFirst('contact', ['id'], ['uid' => $receiver, 'network' => Protocol::OSTATUS, 'alias' => [normalise_link($actor), $actor]]);
+ if (DBA::isResult($contact)) {
+ self::switchContact($contact['id'], $receiver, $actor);
+ }
+ }
+ }
private static function addActivityFields($object_data, $activity)
if (!empty($activity['published']) && empty($object_data['published'])) {