--- /dev/null
+ require_once("bbcode.php");
+ require_once("datetime.php");
+ /*
+ * Twitter-Like API
+ *
+ */
+ $API = Array();
+ class XMLSerializer {
+ // functions adopted from http://www.sean-barton.co.uk/2009/03/turning-an-array-or-object-into-xml-using-php/
+ public static function generateValidXmlFromObj(stdClass $obj, $node_block='nodes', $node_name='node') {
+ $arr = get_object_vars($obj);
+ return self::generateValidXmlFromArray($arr, $node_block, $node_name);
+ }
+ public static function generateValidXmlFromArray($array, $node_block='nodes', $node_name='node') {
+ $attrs="";
+ if ($array instanceof Container){
+ $node_block=$array->name;
+ foreach($array->attrs as $n=>$v){
+ $attrs .= " $n='$v'";
+ }
+ }
+ $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>';
+ $xml .= '<' . $node_block . $attrs. '>';
+ $xml .= self::generateXmlFromArray($array, $node_name);
+ $xml .= '</' . $node_block . '>';
+ return $xml;
+ }
+ private static function generateXmlFromArray($array, $node_name) {
+ $xml = '';
+ if (is_array($array) || is_object($array)) {
+ foreach ($array as $key=>$value) {
+ $attrs="";
+ if ($value instanceof Container){
+ $node_name=$value->name;
+ foreach($value->attrs as $n=>$v){
+ $attrs .= " $n='$v'";
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_numeric($key)) {
+ $key = $node_name;
+ }
+ $xml .= '<' . $key . $attrs.'>' . self::generateXmlFromArray($value, $node_name) . '</' . $key . '>';
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (is_bool($array)) $array = ($array===true?"true":"false");
+ $xml = htmlspecialchars($array, ENT_QUOTES);
+ }
+ return $xml;
+ }
+ }
+ // this is used when json and xml are not translatable to arrays
+ // like [{text:'text'},{text:'text2'}]
+ // and <statuses type='array'><status><text>text</text></status><status><text>text2</text></status></statuses>
+ class Container extends ArrayObject{
+ public $name;
+ public $attrs=Array();
+ function __construct($name){
+ $this->name = $name;
+ $args = func_get_args();
+ unset($args[0]);
+ call_user_func_array(array(parent,'__construct'), $args);
+ }
+ }
+ function api_date($str){
+ //Wed May 23 06:01:13 +0000 2007
+ return datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', $str, "D M d h:i:s +0000 Y" );
+ }
+ function api_register_func($path, $func, $auth=false){
+ global $API;
+ $API[$path] = array('func'=>$func,
+ 'auth'=>auth);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Simple HTTP Login
+ */
+ function api_login(&$a){
+ if (!isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'])) {
+ header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Friendika"');
+ header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');
+ die('This api require login');
+ }
+ $user = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'];
+ $encrypted = hash('whirlpool',trim($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']));
+ // da auth.php
+ // process normal login request
+ $r = q("SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE ( `email` = '%s' OR `nickname` = '%s' )
+ AND `password` = '%s' AND `blocked` = 0 AND `verified` = 1 LIMIT 1",
+ dbesc(trim($user)),
+ dbesc(trim($user)),
+ dbesc($encrypted)
+ );
+ if(count($r))
+ $record = $r[0];
+ $_SESSION['uid'] = $record['uid'];
+ $_SESSION['theme'] = $record['theme'];
+ $_SESSION['authenticated'] = 1;
+ $_SESSION['page_flags'] = $record['page-flags'];
+ $_SESSION['my_url'] = $a->get_baseurl() . '/profile/' . $record['nickname'];
+ $_SESSION['addr'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
+ notice( t("Welcome back ") . $record['username'] . EOL);
+ $a->user = $record;
+ if(strlen($a->user['timezone'])) {
+ date_default_timezone_set($a->user['timezone']);
+ $a->timezone = $a->user['timezone'];
+ }
+ $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %s AND `self` = 1 LIMIT 1",
+ intval($_SESSION['uid']));
+ if(count($r)) {
+ $a->contact = $r[0];
+ $a->cid = $r[0]['id'];
+ $_SESSION['cid'] = $a->cid;
+ }
+ q("UPDATE `user` SET `login_date` = '%s' WHERE `uid` = %d LIMIT 1",
+ dbesc(datetime_convert()),
+ intval($_SESSION['uid'])
+ );
+ call_hooks('logged_in', $a->user);
+ header('X-Account-Management-Status: active; name="' . $a->user['username'] . '"; id="' . $a->user['nickname'] .'"');
+ }
+ function api_call(&$a){
+ foreach ($API as $p=>$info){
+ if (strpos($a->query_string, $p)===0){
+ if ($info['auth']===true) api_login($a);
+ $r = call_user_func($info['func'], $a);
+ if ($r===false) return;
+ if ($r instanceof Container){
+ $name=NULL; $values=$r;
+ } else {
+ foreach($r as $name=>$values){}
+ }
+ // return xml
+ if (strpos($a->query_string, ".xml")>0){
+ return XMLSerializer::generateValidXmlFromArray($values, $name);
+ }
+ // return json
+ if (strpos($a->query_string, ".json")>0){
+ if ($values instanceof Container) $values= iterator_to_array($values);
+ return json_encode($values);
+ }
+ //echo "<pre>"; var_dump($r); die();
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns extended information of a given user, specified by ID or screen name as per the required id parameter.
+ * The author's most recent status will be returned inline.
+ * http://developer.twitter.com/doc/get/users/show
+ */
+ function api_users_show(&$a){
+ $user = null;
+ $extra_query = "";
+ if(x($_GET, 'user_id')) {
+ $user = intval($_GET['user_id']);
+ $extra_query = "AND `user`.`uid` = %d ";
+ }
+ if(x($_GET, 'screen_name')) {
+ $user = dbesc($_GET['screen_name']);
+ $extra_query = "AND `user`.`nickname` = '%s' ";
+ }
+ if ($user===null){
+ list($user, $null) = explode(".",$a->argv[3]);
+ if(is_numeric($user)){
+ $user = intval($user);
+ $extra_query = "AND `user`.`uid` = %d ";
+ } else {
+ $user = dbesc($user);
+ $extra_query = "AND `user`.`nickname` = '%s' ";
+ }
+ }
+ if ($user==='') {
+ return False;
+ }
+ // user info
+ $uinfo = q("SELECT * FROM `user`, `contact`
+ WHERE `user`.`uid`=`contact`.`uid` AND `contact`.`self`=1
+ $extra_query",
+ $user
+ );
+ if (count($uinfo)==0) {
+ return False;
+ }
+ // count public wall messages
+ $r = q("SELECT COUNT(`id`) as `count` FROM `item`
+ WHERE `uid` = %d
+ AND `type`='wall'
+ AND `allow_cid`='' AND `allow_gid`='' AND `deny_cid`='' AND `deny_gid`=''",
+ intval($uinfo[0]['uid'])
+ );
+ $countitms = $r[0]['count'];
+ // count friends
+ $r = q("SELECT COUNT(`id`) as `count` FROM `contact`
+ WHERE `uid` = %d
+ AND `self`=0 AND `blocked`=0",
+ intval($uinfo[0]['uid'])
+ );
+ $countfriends = $r[0]['count'];
+ // get last public wall message
+ $lastwall = q("SELECT * FROM `item`
+ WHERE `uid` = %d
+ AND `type`='wall'
+ AND `allow_cid`='' AND `allow_gid`='' AND `deny_cid`='' AND `deny_gid`=''
+ ORDER BY `created` DESC LIMIT 1",
+ intval($uinfo[0]['uid'])
+ );
+ //echo "<pre>"; var_dump($lastwall); die();
+ $ret = Array(
+ 'user' => Array(
+ 'id' => $uinfo[0]['uid'],
+ 'name' => $uinfo[0]['username'],
+ 'screen_name' => $uinfo[0]['nickname'],
+ 'location' => $uinfo[0]['default-location'],
+ 'profile_image_url' => $uinfo[0]['photo'],
+ 'url' => $uinfo[0]['url'],
+ 'protected' => false, #
+ 'friends_count' => $countfriends,
+ 'created_at' => api_date($uinfo[0]['created']),
+ 'utc_offset' => 0, #XXX: fix me
+ 'time_zone' => $uinfo[0]['timezone'],
+ 'geo_enabled' => false,
+ 'statuses_count' => $countitms, #XXX: fix me
+ 'lang' => 'en', #XXX: fix me
+ 'status' => array(
+ 'created_at' => api_date($lastwall[0]['created']),
+ 'id' => $lastwall[0]['id'],
+ 'text' => bbcode($lastwall[0]['body']),
+ 'source' => 'web',
+ 'truncated' => false,
+ 'in_reply_to_status_id' => '',
+ 'in_reply_to_user_id' => '',
+ 'favorited' => false,
+ 'in_reply_to_screen_name' => '',
+ 'geo' => '',
+ 'coordinates' => $lastwall[0]['coord'],
+ 'place' => $lastwall[0]['location'],
+ 'contributors' => ''
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ return $ret;
+ }
+ api_register_func('api/users/show','api_users_show');
+ /**
+ *
+ * http://developer.twitter.com/doc/get/statuses/home_timeline
+ */
+ function api_statuses_home_timeline(&$a){
+ if (local_user()===false) return false;
+ // count public wall messages
+ $r = q("SELECT COUNT(`id`) as `count` FROM `item`
+ WHERE `uid` = %d
+ AND `type`='wall'
+ AND `allow_cid`='' AND `allow_gid`='' AND `deny_cid`='' AND `deny_gid`=''",
+ intval($uinfo[0]['uid'])
+ );
+ $countitms = $r[0]['count'];
+ // get last newtork messages
+ $sql_extra = " AND `item`.`parent` IN ( SELECT `parent` FROM `item` WHERE `id` = `parent` ) ";
+ $r = q("SELECT `item`.*, `item`.`id` AS `item_id`,
+ `contact`.`name`, `contact`.`photo`, `contact`.`url`, `contact`.`rel`,
+ `contact`.`network`, `contact`.`thumb`, `contact`.`dfrn-id`, `contact`.`self`,
+ `contact`.`id` AS `cid`, `contact`.`uid` AS `contact-uid`
+ FROM `item`, `contact`, `user`
+ WHERE `item`.`uid` = %d AND `user`.`uid` = `item`.`uid`
+ AND `item`.`visible` = 1 AND `item`.`deleted` = 0
+ AND `contact`.`id` = `item`.`contact-id`
+ AND `contact`.`blocked` = 0 AND `contact`.`pending` = 0
+ $sql_extra
+ ORDER BY `item`.`created` DESC LIMIT %d ,%d ",
+ intval($_SESSION['uid']),
+ intval($a->pager['start']),
+ intval($a->pager['itemspage'])
+ );
+ $ret = new Container("statuses");
+ $ret->attrs['type']='array';
+ #foreach($r as $item) {
+ {
+ $item = $r[0];
+ $status = new Container('status', array(
+ 'created_at'=> api_date($item['created']),
+ 'id' => $item['id'],
+ 'text' => bbcode($item['body']),
+ 'source' => 'web', #XXX: Fix me!
+ 'truncated' => False,
+ 'in_reply_to_status_id' => '',
+ 'in_reply_to_user_id' => '',
+ 'favorited' => false,
+ 'in_reply_to_screen_name' => '',
+ 'geo' => '',
+ 'coordinates' => $item['coord'],
+ 'place' => $item['location'],
+ 'contributors' => '',
+ 'annotations' => '',
+ 'entities' => '',
+ 'user' => Array(
+ 'id' => $item['uid'],
+ 'name' => $item['username'],
+ 'screen_name' => $item['nickname'],
+ 'location' => $item['default-location'],
+ 'description' => '',
+ 'profile_image_url' => $item['photo'],
+ 'url' => $item['url'],
+ 'protected' => false, #
+ 'followers_count' => $countfriends, #XXX: fix me
+ 'friends_count' => $countfriends,
+ 'created_at' => api_date($item['created']),
+ 'utc_offset' => 0, #XXX: fix me
+ 'time_zone' => $item['timezone'],
+ 'geo_enabled' => false,
+ 'statuses_count' => $countitms, #XXX: fix me
+ 'lang' => 'en', #XXX: fix me
+ 'favourites_count' => 0,
+ 'contributors_enabled' => false,
+ 'follow_request_sent' => false,
+ 'profile_background_color' => 'cfe8f6',
+ 'profile_text_color' => '000000',
+ 'profile_link_color' => 'FF8500',
+ 'profile_sidebar_fill_color' =>'AD0066',
+ 'profile_sidebar_border_color' => 'AD0066',
+ 'profile_background_image_url' => '',
+ 'profile_background_tile' => false,
+ 'profile_use_background_image' => false,
+ 'notifications' => false,
+ )
+ ));
+ $ret[]=$status;
+ };
+ return $ret;
+ }
+ api_register_func('api/statuses/home_timeline','api_statuses_home_timeline', true);