// Constructor
FGView::FGView( void ) {
- MAT3identity(WORLD);
+#ifdef 0
// Basically, this is a modified version of the Mesa gluLookAt()
// function that's been modified slightly so we can capture the
// result before sending it off to OpenGL land.
// xglMultMatrixd( m );
xglLoadMatrixf( m );
// Update the view volume, position, and orientation
FGInterface *f = current_aircraft.fdm_state;
- UpdateWorldToEye(f);
+ // UpdateWorldToEye(f);
if ((current_options.get_panel_status() != panel_hist) && (current_options.get_panel_status()))
-// Update the "World to Eye" transformation matrix
-// This is most useful for view frustum culling
-void FGView::UpdateWorldToEye( FGInterface *f ) {
- MAT3mat R_Phi, R_Theta, R_Psi, R_Lat, R_Lon, T_view;
- MAT3mat TMP;
- MAT3hvec vec;
- if ( use_larcsim_local_to_body ) {
- // Question: hey this is even different then LOCAL[][] above??
- // Answer: yet another coordinate system, this time the
- // coordinate system in which we do our view frustum culling.
- AIRCRAFT[0][0] = -f->get_T_local_to_body_22();
- AIRCRAFT[0][1] = -f->get_T_local_to_body_23();
- AIRCRAFT[0][2] = f->get_T_local_to_body_21();
- AIRCRAFT[0][3] = 0.0;
- AIRCRAFT[1][0] = f->get_T_local_to_body_32();
- AIRCRAFT[1][1] = f->get_T_local_to_body_33();
- AIRCRAFT[1][2] = -f->get_T_local_to_body_31();
- AIRCRAFT[1][3] = 0.0;
- AIRCRAFT[2][0] = f->get_T_local_to_body_12();
- AIRCRAFT[2][1] = f->get_T_local_to_body_13();
- AIRCRAFT[2][2] = -f->get_T_local_to_body_11();
- AIRCRAFT[2][3] = 0.0;
- AIRCRAFT[3][0] = AIRCRAFT[3][1] = AIRCRAFT[3][2] = AIRCRAFT[3][3] = 0.0;
- AIRCRAFT[3][3] = 1.0;
- } else {
- // Roll Matrix
- MAT3_SET_HVEC(vec, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 1.0);
- MAT3rotate(R_Phi, vec, f->get_Phi());
- // printf("Roll matrix (Phi)\n");
- // MAT3print(R_Phi, stdout);
- // Pitch Matrix
- MAT3_SET_HVEC(vec, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
- MAT3rotate(R_Theta, vec, f->get_Theta());
- // printf("\nPitch matrix (Theta)\n");
- // MAT3print(R_Theta, stdout);
- // Yaw Matrix
- MAT3_SET_HVEC(vec, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
- MAT3rotate(R_Psi, vec, f->get_Psi() + FG_PI /* - view_offset */ );
- // MAT3rotate(R_Psi, vec, f->get_Psi() + FG_PI - view_offset );
- // printf("\nYaw matrix (Psi)\n");
- // MAT3print(R_Psi, stdout);
- // aircraft roll/pitch/yaw
- MAT3mult(TMP, R_Phi, R_Theta);
- MAT3mult(AIRCRAFT, TMP, R_Psi);
- } // if ( use_larcsim_local_to_body )
- // printf("AIRCRAFT matrix\n");
- // MAT3print(AIRCRAFT, stdout);
- // View rotation matrix relative to current aircraft orientation
- MAT3_SET_HVEC(vec, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
- MAT3mult_vec(vec, vec, AIRCRAFT);
- // printf("aircraft up vector = %.2f %.2f %.2f\n",
- // vec[0], vec[1], vec[2]);
- MAT3rotate(TMP, vec, -view_offset );
- // printf("VIEW_OFFSET matrix\n");
- // MAT3print(VIEW_OFFSET, stdout);
- // View position in scenery centered coordinates
- MAT3_SET_HVEC(vec, view_pos.x(), view_pos.y(), view_pos.z(), 1.0);
- MAT3translate(T_view, vec);
- // printf("\nTranslation matrix\n");
- // MAT3print(T_view, stdout);
- // Latitude
- MAT3_SET_HVEC(vec, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
- // R_Lat = rotate about X axis
- MAT3rotate(R_Lat, vec, f->get_Latitude());
- // printf("\nLatitude matrix\n");
- // MAT3print(R_Lat, stdout);
- // Longitude
- MAT3_SET_HVEC(vec, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
- // R_Lon = rotate about Z axis
- MAT3rotate(R_Lon, vec, f->get_Longitude() - FG_PI_2 );
- // printf("\nLongitude matrix\n");
- // MAT3print(R_Lon, stdout);
- // lon/lat
- MAT3mult(WORLD, R_Lat, R_Lon);
- // printf("\nworld\n");
- // MAT3print(WORLD, stdout);
- // printf("\nEye to world\n");
- // MAT3print(EYE_TO_WORLD, stdout);
- // printf("\nWorld to eye\n");
- // MAT3print(WORLD_TO_EYE, stdout);
- // printf( "\nview_pos = %.2f %.2f %.2f\n",
- // view_pos.x, view_pos.y, view_pos.z );
- // MAT3_SET_HVEC(eye, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
- // MAT3mult_vec(vec, eye, EYE_TO_WORLD);
- // printf("\neye -> world = %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", vec[0], vec[1], vec[2]);
- // MAT3_SET_HVEC(vec1, view_pos.x, view_pos.y, view_pos.z, 1.0);
- // MAT3mult_vec(vec, vec1, WORLD_TO_EYE);
- // printf( "\nabs_view_pos -> eye = %.2f %.2f %.2f\n",
- // vec[0], vec[1], vec[2]);
- MAT3_SET_HVEC(vec, -AIRCRAFT[1][0], -AIRCRAFT[1][1], -AIRCRAFT[1][2], -AIRCRAFT[1][3]);
- getRotMatrix((double *)TMP, vec, -view_offset );
- // MAT3print_formatted(VIEW_OFFSET, stdout, "VIEW_OFFSET matrix:\n",
- // NULL, "%#8.6f ", "\n");
- // Build spherical to cartesian transform matrix directly
- double *mat = (double *)WORLD; //T_view; //WORLD;
- double cos_lat = f->get_cos_latitude(); //cos(f->get_Latitude());
- double sin_lat = f->get_sin_latitude(); //sin(f->get_Latitude());
- // using trig identities this:
- // mat[0] = cos(f->get_Longitude() - FG_PI_2);//cos_lon;
- // mat[1] = sin(f->get_Longitude() - FG_PI_2);//sin_lon;
- // becomes this: :-)
- mat[0] = f->get_sin_longitude(); //cos_lon;
- mat[1] = -f->get_cos_longitude(); //sin_lon;
- mat[4] = -cos_lat*mat[1]; //mat[1]=sin_lon;
- mat[5] = cos_lat*mat[0]; //mat[0]=cos_lon;
- mat[6] = sin_lat;
- mat[8] = sin_lat*mat[1]; //mat[1]=sin_lon;
- mat[9] = -sin_lat*mat[0]; //mat[0]=cos_lon;
- mat[10] = cos_lat;
- // and WORLD_TO_EYE = Inverse( EYE_TO_WORLD) concurrently
- // by Transposing the 3x3 rotation sub-matrix
- WORLD_TO_EYE[0][0] = EYE_TO_WORLD[0][0] =
- VIEW_OFFSET[0][0]*mat[0] + VIEW_OFFSET[0][1]*mat[4] + VIEW_OFFSET[0][2]*mat[8];
- WORLD_TO_EYE[1][0] = EYE_TO_WORLD[0][1] =
- VIEW_OFFSET[0][0]*mat[1] + VIEW_OFFSET[0][1]*mat[5] + VIEW_OFFSET[0][2]*mat[9];
- WORLD_TO_EYE[2][0] = EYE_TO_WORLD[0][2] =
- VIEW_OFFSET[0][1]*mat[6] + VIEW_OFFSET[0][2]*mat[10];
- WORLD_TO_EYE[0][1] = EYE_TO_WORLD[1][0] =
- VIEW_OFFSET[1][0]*mat[0] + VIEW_OFFSET[1][1]*mat[4] + VIEW_OFFSET[1][2]*mat[8];
- WORLD_TO_EYE[1][1] = EYE_TO_WORLD[1][1] =
- VIEW_OFFSET[1][0]*mat[1] + VIEW_OFFSET[1][1]*mat[5] + VIEW_OFFSET[1][2]*mat[9];
- WORLD_TO_EYE[2][1] = EYE_TO_WORLD[1][2] =
- VIEW_OFFSET[1][1]*mat[6] + VIEW_OFFSET[1][2]*mat[10];
- WORLD_TO_EYE[0][2] = EYE_TO_WORLD[2][0] =
- VIEW_OFFSET[2][0]*mat[0] + VIEW_OFFSET[2][1]*mat[4] + VIEW_OFFSET[2][2]*mat[8];
- WORLD_TO_EYE[1][2] = EYE_TO_WORLD[2][1] =
- VIEW_OFFSET[2][0]*mat[1] + VIEW_OFFSET[2][1]*mat[5] + VIEW_OFFSET[2][2]*mat[9];
- WORLD_TO_EYE[2][2] = EYE_TO_WORLD[2][2] =
- VIEW_OFFSET[2][1]*mat[6] + VIEW_OFFSET[2][2]*mat[10];
- EYE_TO_WORLD[3][0] = view_pos.x();
- EYE_TO_WORLD[3][1] = view_pos.y();
- EYE_TO_WORLD[3][2] = view_pos.z();
- WORLD_TO_EYE[0][3] = WORLD_TO_EYE[1][3] = WORLD_TO_EYE[2][3] =
- EYE_TO_WORLD[0][3] = EYE_TO_WORLD[1][3] = EYE_TO_WORLD[2][3] = 0.0;
- WORLD_TO_EYE[3][3] = EYE_TO_WORLD[3][3] = 1.0;
- mat = (double *)EYE_TO_WORLD;
- WORLD_TO_EYE[3][0] = -mat[12]*mat[0]
- -mat[13]*mat[1]
- -mat[14]*mat[2];
- WORLD_TO_EYE[3][1] = -mat[12]*mat[4]
- -mat[13]*mat[5]
- -mat[14]*mat[6];
- WORLD_TO_EYE[3][2] = -mat[12]*mat[8]
- -mat[13]*mat[9]
- -mat[14]*mat[10];
- // MAT3print_formatted(EYE_TO_WORLD, stdout, "EYE_TO_WORLD matrix:\n",
- // NULL, "%#8.6f ", "\n");
- // MAT3print_formatted(WORLD_TO_EYE, stdout, "WORLD_TO_EYE matrix:\n",
- // NULL, "%#8.6f ", "\n");
-#if 0
-// Reject non viewable spheres from current View Frustrum by Curt
-// Olson curt@me.umn.edu and Norman Vine nhv@yahoo.com with 'gentle
-// guidance' from Steve Baker sbaker@link.com
-FGView::SphereClip( const Point3D& cp, const double radius )
- double x1, y1;
- MAT3vec eye;
- double *mat;
- double x, y, z;
- x = cp->x;
- y = cp->y;
- z = cp->z;
- mat = (double *)(WORLD_TO_EYE);
- eye[2] = x*mat[2] + y*mat[6] + z*mat[10] + mat[14];
- // Check near and far clip plane
- if( ( eye[2] > radius ) ||
- ( eye[2] + radius + current_weather.visibility < 0) )
- // ( eye[2] + radius + far_plane < 0) )
- {
- return 1;
- }
- // check right and left clip plane (from eye perspective)
- x1 = radius * fov_x_clip;
- eye[0] = (x*mat[0] + y*mat[4] + z*mat[8] + mat[12]) * slope_x;
- if( (eye[2] > -(eye[0]+x1)) || (eye[2] > (eye[0]-x1)) ) {
- return(1);
- }
- // check bottom and top clip plane (from eye perspective)
- y1 = radius * fov_y_clip;
- eye[1] = (x*mat[1] + y*mat[5] + z*mat[9] + mat[13]) * slope_y;
- if( (eye[2] > -(eye[1]+y1)) || (eye[2] > (eye[1]-y1)) ) {
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
// Destructor
FGView::~FGView( void ) {
-// Calculate if point/radius is inside view frustum
-static int viewable( const Point3D& cp, double radius ) {
- int viewable = 1; // start by assuming it's viewable
- double x1, y1;
- /********************************/
-#if defined( USE_FAST_FOV_CLIP ) // views.hxx
- /********************************/
- MAT3vec eye;
- double *mat;
- double x, y, z;
- x = cp.x();
- y = cp.y();
- z = cp.z();
- mat = (double *)(current_view.get_WORLD_TO_EYE());
- eye[2] = x*mat[2] + y*mat[6] + z*mat[10] + mat[14];
- // Check near and far clip plane
- if( ( eye[2] > radius ) ||
- ( eye[2] + radius + current_weather.get_visibility() < 0) )
- {
- return(0);
- }
- eye[0] = (x*mat[0] + y*mat[4] + z*mat[8] + mat[12])
- * current_view.get_slope_x();
- // check right and left clip plane (from eye perspective)
- x1 = radius * current_view.get_fov_x_clip();
- if( (eye[2] > -(eye[0]+x1)) || (eye[2] > (eye[0]-x1)) )
- {
- return(0);
- }
- eye[1] = (x*mat[1] + y*mat[5] + z*mat[9] + mat[13])
- * current_view.get_slope_y();
- // check bottom and top clip plane (from eye perspective)
- y1 = radius * current_view.get_fov_y_clip();
- if( (eye[2] > -(eye[1]+y1)) || (eye[2] > (eye[1]-y1)) )
- {
- return(0);
- }
- /********************************/
- /********************************/
- fgVIEW *v;
- MAT3hvec world, eye;
- double x0, slope;
- v = ¤t_view;
- MAT3_SET_HVEC(world, cp->x, cp->y, cp->z, 1.0);
- // MAT3mult_vec(eye, world, v->WORLD_TO_EYE);
- // printf( "\nworld -> eye = %.2f %.2f %.2f radius = %.2f\n",
- // eye[0], eye[1], eye[2], radius);
- // Use lazy evaluation for calculating eye hvec.
-#define vec world
-#define mat v->WORLD_TO_EYE
- eye[2] = vec[0]*mat[0][2]+vec[1]*mat[1][2]+vec[2]*mat[2][2]+mat[3][2];
- // Check near clip plane
- if ( eye[2] > radius ) {
- return(0);
- }
- // Check far clip plane
- if ( eye[2] + radius < -current_weather.get_visibility() ) {
- return(0);
- }
- // check right clip plane (from eye perspective)
- // y = m * (x - x0) = equation of a line intercepting X axis at x0
- x1 = v->cos_fov_x * radius;
- y1 = v->sin_fov_x * radius;
- slope = v->slope_x;
- eye[0] = vec[0]*mat[0][0]+vec[1]*mat[1][0]+vec[2]*mat[2][0]+mat[3][0];
- if ( eye[2] > ((slope * (eye[0] - x1)) + y1) ) {
- return( false );
- }
- // check left clip plane (from eye perspective)
- if ( eye[2] > -((slope * (eye[0] + x1)) - y1) ) {
- return( false );
- }
- // check bottom clip plane (from eye perspective)
- x1 = -(v->cos_fov_y) * radius;
- y1 = v->sin_fov_y * radius;
- slope = v->slope_y;
- eye[1] = vec[0]*mat[0][1]+vec[1]*mat[1][1]+vec[2]*mat[2][1]+mat[3][1];
-#undef vec
-#undef mat
- if ( eye[2] > ((slope * (eye[1] - x1)) + y1) ) {
- return( false );
- }
- // check top clip plane (from eye perspective)
- if ( eye[2] > -((slope * (eye[1] + x1)) - y1) ) {
- return( false );
- }
-#endif // defined( USE_FAST_FOV_CLIP )
- return(viewable);
// NEW
-// Render the local tiles
-void FGTileMgr::render( void ) {
- "FGTileMgr::render() is depricated. We shouldn't be here!" );
- FGInterface *f;
- FGTileCache *c;
- FGTileEntry *t;
- FGView *v;
- Point3D frag_offset;
- fgFRAGMENT *frag_ptr;
- FGMaterialSlot *mtl_ptr;
- int i;
- int index;
- int culled = 0;
- int drawn = 0;
- c = &global_tile_cache;
- f = current_aircraft.fdm_state;
- v = ¤t_view;
- int tile_diameter = current_options.get_tile_diameter();
- // moved to fgTileMgrUpdate, right after we check if we need to
- // load additional tiles:
- // scenery.cur_elev = fgTileMgrCurElev( FG_Longitude, FG_Latitude,
- // v->abs_view_pos );
- // initialize the transient per-material fragment lists
- material_mgr.init_transient_material_lists();
- // Pass 1
- // traverse the potentially viewable tile list
- for ( i = 0; i < (tile_diameter * tile_diameter); i++ ) {
- index = tiles[i];
- // fgPrintf( FG_TERRAIN, FG_DEBUG, "Index = %d\n", index);
- t = c->get_tile(index);
- if ( t->is_loaded() ) {
- // calculate tile offset
- t->SetOffset( scenery.center );
- // Course (tile based) culling
- if ( viewable(t->offset, t->bounding_radius) ) {
- // at least a portion of this tile could be viewable
- // Calculate the model_view transformation matrix for this tile
- // This is equivalent to doing a glTranslatef(x, y, z);
- t->update_view_matrix( v->get_MODEL_VIEW() );
- // xglPushMatrix();
- // xglTranslatef(t->offset.x, t->offset.y, t->offset.z);
- // traverse fragment list for tile
- FGTileEntry::FragmentIterator current = t->begin();
- FGTileEntry::FragmentIterator last = t->end();
- for ( ; current != last; ++current ) {
- frag_ptr = &(*current);
- if ( false /* frag_ptr->display_list >= 0 */ ) {
- // Fine (fragment based) culling
- frag_offset = frag_ptr->center - scenery.center;
- if ( viewable(frag_offset,
- frag_ptr->bounding_radius*2) )
- {
- // add to transient per-material property
- // fragment list
- // frag_ptr->tile_offset.x = t->offset.x;
- // frag_ptr->tile_offset.y = t->offset.y;
- // frag_ptr->tile_offset.z = t->offset.z;
- mtl_ptr = frag_ptr->material_ptr;
- // printf(" lookup = %s\n", mtl_ptr->texture_name);
- if ( ! mtl_ptr->append_sort_list( frag_ptr ) ) {
- "Overran material sorting array" );
- }
- // xglCallList(frag_ptr->display_list);
- drawn++;
- } else {
- // printf("Culled a fragment %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f\n",
- // frag_ptr->center.x, frag_ptr->center.y,
- // frag_ptr->center.z,
- // frag_ptr->bounding_radius);
- culled++;
- }
- }
- }
- // xglPopMatrix();
- } else {
- culled += t->fragment_list.size();
- }
- } else {
- FG_LOG( FG_TERRAIN, FG_DEBUG, "Skipping a not yet loaded tile" );
- }
- }
- if ( (drawn + culled) > 0 ) {
- v->set_vfc_ratio( (double)culled / (double)(drawn + culled) );
- } else {
- v->set_vfc_ratio( 0.0 );
- }
- // printf("drawn = %d culled = %d saved = %.2f\n", drawn, culled,
- // v->vfc_ratio);
- // Pass 2
- // traverse the transient per-material fragment lists and render
- // out all fragments for each material property.
- xglPushMatrix();
- material_mgr.render_fragments();
- xglPopMatrix();