// Generate XHTML code for the CAPTCHA
function generateCaptchaCode ($code, $type, $DATA, $userid) {
- return '<IMG border="0" alt="Code" src="{?URL?}/mailid_top.php?userid=' . $userid . '&' . $type . '=' . $DATA . '&mode=img&code=' . $code . '" />';
+ return '<img border="0" alt="Code ' . $code . '" src="{?URL?}/mailid_top.php?userid=' . $userid . '&' . $type . '=' . $DATA . '&mode=img&code=' . $code . '" />';
// Generates a timestamp (some wrapper for mktime())
-function makeTime ($H, $M, $S, $stamp) {
+function makeTime ($hours, $minutes, $seconds, $stamp) {
// Extract day, month and year from given timestamp
- $day = date('d', $stamp);
- $month = date('m', $stamp);
- $year = date('Y', $stamp);
+ $days = date('d', $stamp);
+ $months = date('m', $stamp);
+ $years = date('Y', $stamp);
// Create timestamp for wished time which depends on extracted date
- return mktime($H, $M, $S, $month, $day, $year);
+ return mktime(
+ $hours,
+ $minutes,
+ $seconds,
+ $months,
+ $days,
+ $years
+ );
// Redirects to an URL and if neccessarry extends it with own base URL
// Load data
$rows = merge_array($rows, SQL_FETCHARRAY($result_users));
+ // Is ext-nickname active?
+ if (isExtensionActive('nickname')) {
+ // Then get the nickname
+ $nick = getNickname($rows['userid']);
+ // Is it not empty? Then use it
+ if (!empty($nick)) $rows['userid'] = $nick . '(' . $rows['userid'] . ')';
+ } // END - if
// Translate comma
$rows['points'] = translateComma($rows['points']);
} // END - if