print "Re-running feed discovery for profile URL $oprofile->uri\n";
// @fixme will bork where the URI isn't the profile URL for now
$discover = new FeedDiscovery();
-$feedurl = $discover->discoverFromURL($oprofile->uri);
+try {
+ $feedurl = $discover->discoverFromURL($oprofile->uri);
+ $salmonuri = $discover->getAtomLink(Salmon::REL_SALMON)
+ ?: $discover->getAtomLink(Salmon::NS_REPLIES); // NS_REPLIES is deprecated
+} catch (FeedSubException $e) {
+ $acct = $oprofile->localProfile()->getAcctUri();
+ print "Could not discover feeds HTML response, trying reconstructed acct URI: " . $acct;
+ $disco = new Discovery();
+ $xrd = $disco->lookup($acct);
+ $hints = DiscoveryHints::fromXRD($xrd);
+ if (!array_key_exists('feedurl', $hints)) {
+ throw new FeedSubNoFeedException($acct);
+ }
+ $feedurl = $hints['feedurl'];
+ $salmonuri = array_key_exists('salmon', $hints) ? $hints['salmon'] : null;
+ // get the hub data too and put it in the FeedDiscovery object
+ $discover->discoverFromFeedUrl($feedurl);
$huburi = $discover->getHubLink();
-$salmonuri = $discover->getAtomLink(Salmon::REL_SALMON)
- ?: $discover->getAtomLink(Salmon::NS_REPLIES);
print " Feed URL: $feedurl\n";
print " Hub URL: $huburi\n";