+++ /dev/null
-// obj.cxx -- routines to handle loading scenery and building the plib
-// scene graph.
-// Written by Curtis Olson, started October 1997.
-// Copyright (C) 1997 Curtis L. Olson - curt@infoplane.com
-// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
-// License, or (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-// $Id$
-// #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
-// # include <config.h>
-// #endif
-#include <simgear/compiler.h>
-#include STL_STRING
-#include <simgear/bucket/newbucket.hxx>
-#include <simgear/io/sg_binobj.hxx>
-#include <simgear/math/sg_geodesy.hxx>
-#include <simgear/math/sg_types.hxx>
-#include <simgear/misc/texcoord.hxx>
-#include <simgear/scene/material/mat.hxx>
-#include <simgear/scene/material/matlib.hxx>
-#include <simgear/scene/tgdb/leaf.hxx>
-#include <simgear/scene/tgdb/pt_lights.hxx>
-#include <simgear/scene/tgdb/userdata.hxx>
-#include "obj.hxx"
-// Generate an ocean tile
-bool fgGenTile( const string& path, SGBucket b,
- Point3D *center, double *bounding_radius,
- SGMaterialLib *matlib, ssgBranch* geometry )
- ssgSimpleState *state = NULL;
- geometry->setName( (char *)path.c_str() );
- double tex_width = 1000.0;
- // double tex_height;
- // find Ocean material in the properties list
- SGMaterial *mat = matlib->find( "Ocean" );
- if ( mat != NULL ) {
- // set the texture width and height values for this
- // material
- tex_width = mat->get_xsize();
- // tex_height = newmat->get_ysize();
- // set ssgState
- state = mat->get_state();
- } else {
- "Ack! unknown usemtl name = " << "Ocean"
- << " in " << path );
- }
- // Calculate center point
- double clon = b.get_center_lon();
- double clat = b.get_center_lat();
- double height = b.get_height();
- double width = b.get_width();
- *center = sgGeodToCart( Point3D(clon*SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS,
- 0.0) );
- // cout << "center = " << center << endl;;
- // Caculate corner vertices
- Point3D geod[4];
- geod[0] = Point3D( clon - width/2.0, clat - height/2.0, 0.0 );
- geod[1] = Point3D( clon + width/2.0, clat - height/2.0, 0.0 );
- geod[2] = Point3D( clon + width/2.0, clat + height/2.0, 0.0 );
- geod[3] = Point3D( clon - width/2.0, clat + height/2.0, 0.0 );
- Point3D rad[4];
- int i;
- for ( i = 0; i < 4; ++i ) {
- rad[i] = Point3D( geod[i].x() * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS,
- geod[i].y() * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS,
- geod[i].z() );
- }
- Point3D cart[4], rel[4];
- for ( i = 0; i < 4; ++i ) {
- cart[i] = sgGeodToCart(rad[i]);
- rel[i] = cart[i] - *center;
- // cout << "corner " << i << " = " << cart[i] << endl;
- }
- // Calculate bounding radius
- *bounding_radius = center->distance3D( cart[0] );
- // cout << "bounding radius = " << t->bounding_radius << endl;
- // Calculate normals
- Point3D normals[4];
- for ( i = 0; i < 4; ++i ) {
- double length = cart[i].distance3D( Point3D(0.0) );
- normals[i] = cart[i] / length;
- // cout << "normal = " << normals[i] << endl;
- }
- // Calculate texture coordinates
- point_list geod_nodes;
- geod_nodes.clear();
- geod_nodes.reserve(4);
- int_list rectangle;
- rectangle.clear();
- rectangle.reserve(4);
- for ( i = 0; i < 4; ++i ) {
- geod_nodes.push_back( geod[i] );
- rectangle.push_back( i );
- }
- point_list texs = calc_tex_coords( b, geod_nodes, rectangle,
- 1000.0 / tex_width );
- // Allocate ssg structure
- ssgVertexArray *vl = new ssgVertexArray( 4 );
- ssgNormalArray *nl = new ssgNormalArray( 4 );
- ssgTexCoordArray *tl = new ssgTexCoordArray( 4 );
- ssgColourArray *cl = new ssgColourArray( 1 );
- sgVec4 color;
- sgSetVec4( color, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
- cl->add( color );
- // sgVec3 *vtlist = new sgVec3 [ 4 ];
- // t->vec3_ptrs.push_back( vtlist );
- // sgVec3 *vnlist = new sgVec3 [ 4 ];
- // t->vec3_ptrs.push_back( vnlist );
- // sgVec2 *tclist = new sgVec2 [ 4 ];
- // t->vec2_ptrs.push_back( tclist );
- sgVec2 tmp2;
- sgVec3 tmp3;
- for ( i = 0; i < 4; ++i ) {
- sgSetVec3( tmp3,
- rel[i].x(), rel[i].y(), rel[i].z() );
- vl->add( tmp3 );
- sgSetVec3( tmp3,
- normals[i].x(), normals[i].y(), normals[i].z() );
- nl->add( tmp3 );
- sgSetVec2( tmp2, texs[i].x(), texs[i].y());
- tl->add( tmp2 );
- }
- ssgLeaf *leaf =
- new ssgVtxTable ( GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, vl, nl, tl, cl );
- leaf->setState( state );
- geometry->addKid( leaf );
- return true;
- * SSG callback for an in-range leaf of randomly-placed objects.
- *
- * This pretraversal callback is attached to a branch that is
- * traversed only when a leaf is in range. If the leaf is not
- * currently prepared to be populated with randomly-placed objects,
- * this callback will prepare it (actual population is handled by
- * the tri_in_range_callback for individual triangles).
- *
- * @param entity The entity to which the callback is attached (not used).
- * @param mask The entity's traversal mask (not used).
- * @return Always 1, to allow traversal and culling to continue.
- */
-static int
-leaf_in_range_callback (ssgEntity * entity, int mask)
- sgLeafUserData * data = (sgLeafUserData *)entity->getUserData();
- if (!data->is_filled_in) {
- // Iterate through all the triangles
- // and populate them.
- int num_tris = data->leaf->getNumTriangles();
- for ( int i = 0; i < num_tris; ++i ) {
- data->setup_triangle(i);
- }
- data->is_filled_in = true;
- }
- return 1;
- * SSG callback for an out-of-range leaf of randomly-placed objects.
- *
- * This pretraversal callback is attached to a branch that is
- * traversed only when a leaf is out of range. If the leaf is
- * currently prepared to be populated with randomly-placed objects (or
- * is actually populated), the objects will be removed.
- *
- * @param entity The entity to which the callback is attached (not used).
- * @param mask The entity's traversal mask (not used).
- * @return Always 0, to prevent any further traversal or culling.
- */
-static int
-leaf_out_of_range_callback (ssgEntity * entity, int mask)
- sgLeafUserData * data = (sgLeafUserData *)entity->getUserData();
- if (data->is_filled_in) {
- data->branch->removeAllKids();
- data->is_filled_in = false;
- }
- return 0;
- * Randomly place objects on a surface.
- *
- * The leaf node provides the geometry of the surface, while the
- * material provides the objects and placement density. Latitude
- * and longitude are required so that the objects can be rotated
- * to the world-up vector. This function does not actually add
- * any objects; instead, it attaches an ssgRangeSelector to the
- * branch with callbacks to generate the objects when needed.
- *
- * @param leaf The surface where the objects should be placed.
- * @param branch The branch that will hold the randomly-placed objects.
- * @param center The center of the leaf in FlightGear coordinates.
- * @param material_name The name of the surface's material.
- */
-static void
-gen_random_surface_objects (ssgLeaf *leaf,
- ssgBranch *branch,
- Point3D *center,
- SGMaterial *mat )
- // If the surface has no triangles, return
- // now.
- int num_tris = leaf->getNumTriangles();
- if (num_tris < 1)
- return;
- // If the material has no randomly-placed
- // objects, return now.
- if (mat->get_object_group_count() < 1)
- return;
- // Calculate the geodetic centre of
- // the tile, for aligning automatic
- // objects.
- double lon_deg, lat_rad, lat_deg, alt_m, sl_radius_m;
- Point3D geoc = sgCartToPolar3d(*center);
- lon_deg = geoc.lon() * SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
- sgGeocToGeod(geoc.lat(), geoc.radius(),
- &lat_rad, &alt_m, &sl_radius_m);
- lat_deg = lat_rad * SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
- // LOD for the leaf
- // max random object range: 20000m
- float ranges[] = { 0, 20000, 1000000 };
- ssgRangeSelector * lod = new ssgRangeSelector;
- lod->setRanges(ranges, 3);
- branch->addKid(lod);
- // Create the in-range and out-of-range
- // branches.
- ssgBranch * in_range = new ssgBranch;
- ssgBranch * out_of_range = new ssgBranch;
- lod->addKid(in_range);
- lod->addKid(out_of_range);
- sgLeafUserData * data = new sgLeafUserData;
- data->is_filled_in = false;
- data->leaf = leaf;
- data->mat = mat;
- data->branch = in_range;
- data->sin_lat = sin(lat_deg * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);
- data->cos_lat = cos(lat_deg * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);
- data->sin_lon = sin(lon_deg * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);
- data->cos_lon = cos(lon_deg * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);
- in_range->setUserData(data);
- in_range->setTravCallback(SSG_CALLBACK_PRETRAV, leaf_in_range_callback);
- out_of_range->setUserData(data);
- out_of_range->setTravCallback(SSG_CALLBACK_PRETRAV,
- leaf_out_of_range_callback);
- out_of_range
- ->addKid(new sgDummyBSphereEntity(leaf->getBSphere()->getRadius()));
-// Scenery loaders.
-// Load an Binary obj file
-bool fgBinObjLoad( const string& path, const bool is_base,
- Point3D *center,
- double *bounding_radius,
- SGMaterialLib *matlib,
- bool use_random_objects,
- ssgBranch* geometry,
- ssgBranch* rwy_lights,
- ssgBranch* taxi_lights,
- ssgVertexArray *ground_lights )
- SGBinObject obj;
- if ( ! obj.read_bin( path ) ) {
- return false;
- }
- geometry->setName( (char *)path.c_str() );
- // reference point (center offset/bounding sphere)
- *center = obj.get_gbs_center();
- *bounding_radius = obj.get_gbs_radius();
- point_list const& nodes = obj.get_wgs84_nodes();
- // point_list const& colors = obj.get_colors();
- point_list const& normals = obj.get_normals();
- point_list const& texcoords = obj.get_texcoords();
- string material;
- int_list tex_index;
- group_list::size_type i;
- // generate points
- string_list const& pt_materials = obj.get_pt_materials();
- group_list const& pts_v = obj.get_pts_v();
- group_list const& pts_n = obj.get_pts_n();
- for ( i = 0; i < pts_v.size(); ++i ) {
- // cout << "pts_v.size() = " << pts_v.size() << endl;
- if ( pt_materials[i].substr(0, 3) == "RWY" ) {
- sgVec3 up;
- sgSetVec3( up, center->x(), center->y(), center->z() );
- // returns a transform -> lod -> leaf structure
- ssgBranch *branch = sgMakeDirectionalLights( nodes, normals,
- pts_v[i], pts_n[i],
- matlib,
- pt_materials[i], up );
- if ( pt_materials[i].substr(0, 16) == "RWY_BLUE_TAXIWAY" ) {
- taxi_lights->addKid( branch );
- } else {
- rwy_lights->addKid( branch );
- }
- } else {
- material = pt_materials[i];
- tex_index.clear();
- ssgLeaf *leaf = sgMakeLeaf( path, GL_POINTS, matlib, material,
- nodes, normals, texcoords,
- pts_v[i], pts_n[i], tex_index,
- false, ground_lights );
- geometry->addKid( leaf );
- }
- }
- // Put all randomly-placed objects under a separate branch
- // (actually an ssgRangeSelector) named "random-models".
- ssgBranch * random_object_branch = 0;
- if (use_random_objects) {
- float ranges[] = { 0, 20000 }; // Maximum 20km range for random objects
- ssgRangeSelector * object_lod = new ssgRangeSelector;
- object_lod->setRanges(ranges, 2);
- object_lod->setName("random-models");
- geometry->addKid(object_lod);
- random_object_branch = new ssgBranch;
- object_lod->addKid(random_object_branch);
- }
- // generate triangles
- string_list const& tri_materials = obj.get_tri_materials();
- group_list const& tris_v = obj.get_tris_v();
- group_list const& tris_n = obj.get_tris_n();
- group_list const& tris_tc = obj.get_tris_tc();
- for ( i = 0; i < tris_v.size(); ++i ) {
- ssgLeaf *leaf = sgMakeLeaf( path, GL_TRIANGLES, matlib,
- tri_materials[i],
- nodes, normals, texcoords,
- tris_v[i], tris_n[i], tris_tc[i],
- is_base, ground_lights );
- if ( use_random_objects ) {
- SGMaterial *mat = matlib->find( tri_materials[i] );
- if ( mat == NULL ) {
- "Unknown material for random surface objects = "
- << tri_materials[i] );
- } else {
- gen_random_surface_objects( leaf, random_object_branch,
- center, mat );
- }
- }
- geometry->addKid( leaf );
- }
- // generate strips
- string_list const& strip_materials = obj.get_strip_materials();
- group_list const& strips_v = obj.get_strips_v();
- group_list const& strips_n = obj.get_strips_n();
- group_list const& strips_tc = obj.get_strips_tc();
- for ( i = 0; i < strips_v.size(); ++i ) {
- ssgLeaf *leaf = sgMakeLeaf( path, GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP,
- matlib, strip_materials[i],
- nodes, normals, texcoords,
- strips_v[i], strips_n[i], strips_tc[i],
- is_base, ground_lights );
- if ( use_random_objects ) {
- SGMaterial *mat = matlib->find( strip_materials[i] );
- if ( mat == NULL ) {
- "Unknown material for random surface objects = "
- << strip_materials[i] );
- } else {
- gen_random_surface_objects( leaf, random_object_branch,
- center, mat );
- }
- }
- geometry->addKid( leaf );
- }
- // generate fans
- string_list const& fan_materials = obj.get_fan_materials();
- group_list const& fans_v = obj.get_fans_v();
- group_list const& fans_n = obj.get_fans_n();
- group_list const& fans_tc = obj.get_fans_tc();
- for ( i = 0; i < fans_v.size(); ++i ) {
- ssgLeaf *leaf = sgMakeLeaf( path, GL_TRIANGLE_FAN,
- matlib, fan_materials[i],
- nodes, normals, texcoords,
- fans_v[i], fans_n[i], fans_tc[i],
- is_base, ground_lights );
- if ( use_random_objects ) {
- SGMaterial *mat = matlib->find( fan_materials[i] );
- if ( mat == NULL ) {
- "Unknown material for random surface objects = "
- << fan_materials[i] );
- } else {
- gen_random_surface_objects( leaf, random_object_branch,
- center, mat );
- }
- }
- geometry->addKid( leaf );
- }
- return true;