- cleanup from some older code (the caching needs to be back)
- no need to compare against true
- updated jar(s)
Signed-off-by:Roland Häder <roland@mxchange.org>
throw new NullPointerException("product is null"); //NOI18N
- // Has the "cache" some entries?
- if (!this.getBasketBean().isEmpty()) {
- // Generate fake instance
- AddableBasketItem item = new BasketItem(product);
- // Then ask it about it
- if (this.getBasketBean().isAdded(item)) {
- // Found it
- return true;
- }
- }
// Generate fake instance
AddableBasketItem item = new BasketItem(product);
<ui:repeat var="product" value="#{controller.availableProducts}">
- <ui:fragment rendered="#{basket.isProductAdded(product) == true}">
+ <ui:fragment rendered="#{basket.isProductAdded(product)}">
<table class="basket_item_table">