reportReadyForDeparture = false;
contactTower = false;
contactGround = false;
+ descending = false;
+ targetDescentRate = 0.0;
FGAILocalTraffic::~FGAILocalTraffic() {
//cout << "I " << flush;
+ // Convienience output for AI debugging user the property logger
+ fgSetDouble("/AI/Local1/ortho-x", (ortho.ConvertToLocal(pos)).x());
+ fgSetDouble("/AI/Local1/ortho-y", (ortho.ConvertToLocal(pos)).y());
+ fgSetDouble("/AI/Local1/elev", pos.elev() * SG_METER_TO_FEET);
void FGAILocalTraffic::RegisterTransmission(int code) {
pitch = 10.0;
IAS = best_rate_of_climb_speed;
- slope = 7.0;
+ //slope = 7.0;
+ slope = 6.0; // Reduced it slightly since it's climbing a lot steeper than I can in the JSBSim C172.
inAir = true;
transmitted = true;
- if(orthopos.y() < -480) {
- // FIXME - TODO - take tower baseleg constraint ie. other traffic, into account when calculating start of descent
- slope = -4.0; // FIXME - calculate to descent at 500fpm and hit the threshold (taking wind into account as well!!)
+ if((orthopos.y() < -100) && (!descending)) {
+ // Maybe we should think about when to start descending.
+ // For now we're assuming that we aim to follow the same glidepath regardless of wind.
+ double d1;
+ double d2;
+ CalculateSoD((tower->GetBaseConstraint(d1) ? d1 : -1000.0), (tower->GetDownwindConstraint(d2) ? d2 : 1000.0 * patternDirection), (patternDirection ? true : false));
+ if(SoD.leg == DOWNWIND) {
+ descending = (orthopos.y() < SoD.y ? true : false);
+ }
+ }
+ if(descending) {
+ slope = -5.5; // FIXME - calculate to descent at 500fpm and hit the desired point on the runway (taking wind into account as well!!)
pitch = -3.0;
IAS = 85.0;
- if(orthopos.y() < -980) {
+ // Try and arrange to turn nicely onto base
+ turn_circumference = IAS * 0.514444 * turn_time;
+ //Hmmm - this is an interesting one - ground vs airspeed in relation to turn radius
+ //We'll leave it as a hack with IAS for now but it needs revisiting.
+ turn_radius = turn_circumference / (2.0 * DCL_PI);
+ if(orthopos.y() < -1000.0 + turn_radius) {
+ //if(orthopos.y() < -980) {
double bb = 0.0;
- if(tower->GetDownwindConstraint(bb)) {
+ if(tower->GetBaseConstraint(bb)) {
if(fabs(orthopos.y()) > fabs(bb)) {
cout << "Turning to base, distance from threshold = " << fabs(orthopos.y()) << '\n';
leg = TURN3;
transmitted = true;
+ if(!descending) {
+ double d1;
+ // Make downwind leg position artifically large to avoid any chance of SoD being returned as
+ // on downwind when we are already on base.
+ CalculateSoD((tower->GetBaseConstraint(d1) ? d1 : -1000.0), (10000.0 * patternDirection), (patternDirection ? true : false));
+ if(SoD.leg == BASE) {
+ descending = (fabs(orthopos.y()) < fabs(SoD.y) ? true : false);
+ }
+ }
+ if(descending) {
+ slope = -5.5; // FIXME - calculate to descent at 500fpm and hit the threshold (taking wind into account as well!!)
+ pitch = -4.0;
+ IAS = 70.0;
+ }
track = rwy.hdg - (90 * patternDirection);
- slope = -6.0; // FIXME - calculate to descent at 500fpm and hit the threshold
- pitch = -4.0;
- IAS = 70.0; // FIXME - slowdown gradually
- // Try and arrange to turn nicely onto base
+ // Try and arrange to turn nicely onto final
turn_circumference = IAS * 0.514444 * turn_time;
//Hmmm - this is an interesting one - ground vs airspeed in relation to turn radius
- //We'll leave it as a hack with IAS for now but it needs revisiting.
+ //We'll leave it as a hack with IAS for now but it needs revisiting.
turn_radius = turn_circumference / (2.0 * DCL_PI);
if(fabs(orthopos.x()) < (turn_radius + 50)) {
leg = TURN4;
transmitted = true;
+ if(!descending) {
+ // Make base leg position artifically large to avoid any chance of SoD being returned as
+ // on base or downwind when we are already on final.
+ CalculateSoD(-10000.0, (1000.0 * patternDirection), (patternDirection ? true : false));
+ if(SoD.leg == FINAL) {
+ descending = (fabs(orthopos.y()) < fabs(SoD.y) ? true : false);
+ }
+ }
+ if(descending) {
+ slope = -5.5; // FIXME - calculate to descent at 500fpm and hit the threshold (taking wind into account as well!!)
+ pitch = -4.0;
+ IAS = 70.0;
+ }
// Try and track the extended centreline
track = rwy.hdg - (0.2 * orthopos.x());
//cout << "orthopos.x() = " << orthopos.x() << " hdg = " << hdg << '\n';
pos = dclUpdatePosition(pos, track, slope, dist);
+// Pattern direction is true for right, false for left
+void FGAILocalTraffic::CalculateSoD(double base_leg_pos, double downwind_leg_pos, bool pattern_direction) {
+ // For now we'll ignore wind and hardwire the glide angle.
+ double ga = 5.5; //degrees
+ double pa = 1000.0 * SG_FEET_TO_METER; // pattern altitude in meters
+ // FIXME - get glideslope angle and pattern altitude agl from airport details if available
+ // For convienience, we'll have +ve versions of the input distances
+ double blp = fabs(base_leg_pos);
+ double dlp = fabs(downwind_leg_pos);
+ //double turn_allowance = 150.0; // Approximate distance in meters that a 90deg corner is shortened by turned in a light plane.
+ double stod = pa / tan(ga * DCL_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); // distance in meters from touchdown point to start descent
+ cout << "Descent to start = " << stod << " meters out\n";
+ if(stod < blp) { // Start descending on final
+ SoD.leg = FINAL;
+ SoD.y = stod * -1.0;
+ SoD.x = 0.0;
+ } else if(stod < (blp + dlp)) { // Start descending on base leg
+ SoD.leg = BASE;
+ SoD.y = blp * -1.0;
+ SoD.x = (pattern_direction ? (stod - dlp) : (stod - dlp) * -1.0);
+ } else { // Start descending on downwind leg
+ SoD.leg = DOWNWIND;
+ SoD.x = (pattern_direction ? dlp : dlp * -1.0);
+ SoD.y = (blp - (stod - (blp + dlp))) * -1.0;
+ }
void FGAILocalTraffic::TransmitPatternPositionReport(void) {
// airport name + "traffic" + airplane callsign + pattern direction + pattern leg + rwy + ?
string trns = "";
-struct StartofDescent {
+struct StartOfDescent {
PatternLeg leg;
- double orthopos_x;
- double orthopos_y;
+ double x; // Runway aligned orthopos
+ double y; // ditto
class FGAILocalTraffic : public FGAIPlane {
int numAhead; // More importantly - how many of them are ahead of us?
double distToNext; // And even more importantly, how near are we getting to the one immediately ahead?
//PatternLeg leg; // Our current position in the pattern - now moved to FGAIPlane
- StartofDescent SoD; // Start of descent calculated wrt wind, pattern size & altitude, glideslope etc
+ StartOfDescent SoD; // Start of descent calculated wrt wind, pattern size & altitude, glideslope etc
+ bool descending; // We're in the coming down phase of the pattern
+ double targetDescentRate; // m/s
// Taxiing details
// At the moment this assumes that all taxiing in is to gates (a loose term that includes
void TransmitPatternPositionReport();
- void CalculateStartofDescent();
+ void CalculateSoD(double base_leg_pos, double downwind_leg_pos, bool pattern_direction);
void ExitRunway(Point3D orthopos);