--- /dev/null
+ * Name: IFTTT Receiver
+ * Description: Receives a post from https://ifttt.com/ and distributes it.
+ * Version: 0.1
+ * Author: Michael Vogel <https://pirati.ca/profile/heluecht>
+ */
+function ifttt_install() {
+ register_hook('connector_settings', 'addon/ifttt/ifttt.php', 'ifttt_settings');
+ register_hook('connector_settings_post','addon/ifttt/ifttt.php', 'ifttt_settings_post');
+function ifttt_uninstall() {
+ unregister_hook('connector_settings', 'addon/ifttt/ifttt.php', 'ifttt_settings');
+ unregister_hook('connector_settings_post', 'addon/ifttt/ifttt.php', 'ifttt_settings_post');
+function ifttt_module() {
+function ifttt_content(&$a) {
+function ifttt_settings(&$a,&$s) {
+ if(! local_user())
+ return;
+ $key = get_pconfig(local_user(),'ifttt','key');
+ if (!$key) {
+ $key = substr(random_string(),0,20);
+ set_pconfig(local_user(),'ifttt','key', $key);
+ }
+ $s .= '<span id="settings_ifttt_inflated" class="settings-block fakelink" style="display: block;" onclick="openClose(\'settings_ifttt_expanded\'); openClose(\'settings_ifttt_inflated\');">';
+ $s .= '<img class="connector" src="addon/ifttt/ifttt.png" /><h3 class="connector">'. t('IFTTT Mirror').'</h3>';
+ $s .= '</span>';
+ $s .= '<div id="settings_ifttt_expanded" class="settings-block" style="display: none;">';
+ $s .= '<span class="fakelink" onclick="openClose(\'settings_ifttt_expanded\'); openClose(\'settings_ifttt_inflated\');">';
+ $s .= '<img class="connector" src="addon/ifttt/ifttt.png" /><h3 class="connector">'. t('IFTTT Mirror').'</h3>';
+ $s .= '</span>';
+ $s .= '<div id="ifttt-configuration-wrapper">';
+ $s .= '<p>'.t("Create an account at <a href='http://www.ifttt.com'>IFTTT</a>. Create three Facebook recipes that are connected with 'Maker' with the following parameters:").'</p>';
+ $s .= '<h4>URL</h4>';
+ $s .= '<p>'.$a->get_baseurl()."/ifttt/".'</p>';
+ $s .= '<h4>Method</h4>';
+ $s .= '<p>POST</p>';
+ $s .= '<h4>Content Type</h4>';
+ $s .= '<p>application/x-www-form-urlencoded</p>';
+ $s .= '<h4>'.t("Body for 'new status message'").'</h4>';
+ $s .= '<p><code>'.htmlentities('key='.$key.'&type=status&msg=<<<{{Message}}>>>&date=<<<{{UpdatedAt}}>>>&url=<<<{{PageUrl}}>>>').'</code></p>';
+ $s .= '<h4>'.t("Body for 'new photo upload'").'</h4>';
+ $s .= '<p><code>'.htmlentities('key='.$key.'&type=photo&link=<<<{{Link}}>>>&image=<<<{{ImageSource}}>>>&msg=<<<{{Caption}}>>>&date=<<<{{CreatedAt}}>>>&url=<<<{{PageUrl}}>>>').'</code></p>';
+ $s .= '<h4>'.t("Body for 'new link post'").'</h4>';
+ $s .= '<p><code>'.htmlentities('key='.$key.'&type=link&link=<<<{{Link}}>>>&title=<<<{{Title}}>>>&msg=<<<{{Message}}>>>&description=<<<{{Description}}>>>&date=<<<{{CreatedAt}}>>>&url=<<<{{PageUrl}}>>>').'</code></p>';
+ $s .= '</div><div class="clear"></div>';
+ $s .= '<div id="ifttt-rekey-wrapper">';
+ $s .= '<label id="ifttt-rekey-label" for="ifttt-checkbox">' . t('Generate new key') . '</label>';
+ $s .= '<input id="ifttt-checkbox" type="checkbox" name="ifttt-rekey" value="1" />';
+ $s .= '</div><div class="clear"></div>';
+ $s .= '<div class="settings-submit-wrapper" ><input type="submit" name="ifttt-submit" class="settings-submit" value="' . t('Save Settings') . '" /></div>';
+ $s .= '</div>';
+function ifttt_settings_post(&$a,&$b) {
+ if(x($_POST,'ifttt-submit'))
+ if (isset($_POST['ifttt-rekey']))
+ del_pconfig(local_user(), 'ifttt', 'key');
+function ifttt_post(&$a) {
+ if ($a->argc != 2)
+ return;
+ $user = $a->argv[1];
+ $r = q("SELECT `uid` FROM `user` WHERE `nickname` = '%s' LIMIT 1", dbesc($user));
+ if (!$r) {
+ logger("User ".$user." not found.", LOGGER_DEBUG);
+ return;
+ }
+ $uid = $r[0]["uid"];
+ logger("Received a post for user ".$uid." from ifttt ".print_r($_REQUEST, true), LOGGER_DEBUG);
+ if (!isset($_REQUEST["key"])) {
+ logger("No key found.");
+ return;
+ }
+ $key = $_REQUEST["key"];
+ // Check the key
+ if ($key != get_pconfig($uid,'ifttt','key')) {
+ logger("Invalid key for user ".$uid, LOGGER_DEBUG);
+ return;
+ }
+ $item = array();
+ if (isset($_REQUEST["type"]))
+ $item["type"] = $_REQUEST["type"];
+ if (!in_array($item["type"], array("status", "link", "photo"))) {
+ logger("Unknown item type ".$item["type"], LOGGER_DEBUG);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (isset($_REQUEST["link"]))
+ $item["link"] = trim($_REQUEST["link"]);
+ if (isset($_REQUEST["image"]))
+ $item["image"] = trim($_REQUEST["image"]);
+ if (isset($_REQUEST["title"]))
+ $item["title"] = trim($_REQUEST["title"]);
+ if (isset($_REQUEST["msg"]))
+ $item["msg"] = trim($_REQUEST["msg"]);
+ if (isset($_REQUEST["description"]))
+ $item["description"] = trim($_REQUEST["description"]);
+ if (isset($_REQUEST["date"]))
+ $item["date"] = date("c", strtotime($date = str_replace(" at ", ", ", $_REQUEST["date"])));
+ if (isset($_REQUEST["url"]))
+ $item["url"] = trim($_REQUEST["url"]);
+ if ((substr($item["msg"], 0, 3) == "<<<") AND (substr($item["msg"], -3, 3) == ">>>"))
+ $item["msg"] = substr($item["msg"], 3, -3);
+ ifttt_message($uid, $item);
+function ifttt_message($uid, $item) {
+ $a = get_app();
+ $_SESSION["authenticated"] = true;
+ $_SESSION["uid"] = $uid;
+ unset($_REQUEST);
+ $_REQUEST["type"] = "wall";
+ $_REQUEST["api_source"] = true;
+ $_REQUEST["profile_uid"] = $uid;
+ $_REQUEST["source"] = "IFTTT";
+ $_REQUEST["title"] = "";
+ $_REQUEST["body"] = $item["msg"];
+ //$_REQUEST["date"] = $item["date"];
+ //$_REQUEST["uri"] = $item["url"];
+ if (strstr($item["url"], "facebook.com"))
+ if ($item["type"] == "link") {
+ $data = query_page_info($item["link"]);
+ if (isset($item["title"]) AND (trim($item["title"]) != ""))
+ $data["title"] = $item["title"];
+ if (isset($item["description"]) AND (trim($item["description"]) != ""))
+ $data["text"] = $item["description"];
+ $_REQUEST["body"] .= add_page_info_data($data);
+ } elseif (($item["type"] == "photo") AND ($item["image"] != ""))
+ $_REQUEST["body"] .= "\n\n[img]".$item["image"]."[/img]\n";
+ //print_r($_REQUEST);
+ item_post($a);