__all__ = [
- 'command',
+ 'commands',
import sys
import tempfile
import zc.lockfile
-from fba import command
+from fba import commands
from fba import fba
# Lock file
help="Checks given instance if it exists and returns proper exit code"
parser.add_argument("--domain", required=True, help="Instance name (aka. domain) to check")
- parser.set_defaults(command=command.check_instance)
+ parser.set_defaults(command=commands.check_instance)
### Fetch from bka.li ###
parser = subparser_command.add_parser(
help="Fetches domain names from bka.li API",
- parser.set_defaults(command=command.fetch_bkali)
+ parser.set_defaults(command=commands.fetch_bkali)
### Fetch blocks from registered instances or given ###
parser = subparser_command.add_parser(
help="Fetches blocks from registered instances (run command fetch_instances first!).",
parser.add_argument("--domain", help="Instance name (aka. domain) to fetch blocks from")
- parser.set_defaults(command=command.fetch_blocks)
+ parser.set_defaults(command=commands.fetch_blocks)
### Fetch blocks from chaos.social ###
parser = subparser_command.add_parser(
help="Fetches blocks from chaos.social's meta sub domain.",
- parser.set_defaults(command=command.fetch_cs)
+ parser.set_defaults(command=commands.fetch_cs)
### Fetch blocks from a FBA-specific RSS feed ###
parser = subparser_command.add_parser(
help="Fetches domains from a FBA-specific RSS feed.",
parser.add_argument("--feed", required=True, help="RSS feed to fetch domains from (e.g. https://fba.ryoma.agency/rss?domain=foo.bar).")
- parser.set_defaults(command=command.fetch_fba_rss)
+ parser.set_defaults(command=commands.fetch_fba_rss)
### Fetch blocks from FBA's bot account ###
parser = subparser_command.add_parser(
help="Fetches ATOM feed with domains from FBA's bot account. You may wish to re-run this command several times (at least 3 with big instances) to have a decent amount of valid instances.",
- parser.set_defaults(command=command.fetch_fbabot_atom)
+ parser.set_defaults(command=commands.fetch_fbabot_atom)
### Fetch instances from given initial instance ###
parser = subparser_command.add_parser(
help="Fetches instances (aka. \"domains\") from an initial instance.",
parser.add_argument("--domain", help="Instance name (aka. domain) to fetch further instances from. Start with a large instance, e.g. mastodon.social .")
- parser.set_defaults(command=command.fetch_instances)
+ parser.set_defaults(command=commands.fetch_instances)
# DEBUG: print("DEBUG: init_parser(): EXIT!")
+++ /dev/null
-# Fedi API Block - An aggregator for fetching blocking data from fediverse nodes
-# Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
-# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-import argparse
-import atoma
-import bs4
-import itertools
-import json
-import re
-import reqto
-import sys
-import time
-import validators
-from fba import boot
-from fba import config
-from fba import fba
-def check_instance(args: argparse.Namespace) -> int:
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: args.domain='{args.domain}' - CALLED!")
- status = 0
- if not validators.domain(args.domain):
- print(f"WARNING: args.domain='{args.domain}' is not valid")
- status = 100
- elif fba.is_blacklisted(args.domain):
- print(f"WARNING: args.domain='{args.domain}' is blacklisted")
- status = 101
- elif fba.is_instance_registered(args.domain):
- print(f"WARNING: args.domain='{args.domain}' is already registered")
- staus = 102
- else:
- print(f"INFO: args.domain='{args.domain}' is not known")
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: status={status} - EXIT!")
- return status
-def fetch_bkali(args: argparse.Namespace):
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: args[]={type(args)} - CALLED!")
- domains = list()
- try:
- fetched = fba.post_json_api("gql.api.bka.li", "/v1/graphql", json.dumps({
- "query": "query domainlist {nodeinfo(order_by: {domain: asc}) {domain}}"
- }))
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: fetched({len(fetched)})[]='{type(fetched)}'")
- if len(fetched) == 0:
- raise Exception("WARNING: Returned no records")
- elif not "data" in fetched:
- raise Exception(f"WARNING: fetched()={len(fetched)} does not contain element 'data'")
- elif not "nodeinfo" in fetched["data"]:
- raise Exception(f"WARNING: fetched()={len(fetched['data'])} does not contain element 'nodeinfo'")
- for entry in fetched["data"]["nodeinfo"]:
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: entry['{type(entry)}']='{entry}'")
- if not "domain" in entry:
- print(f"WARNING: entry does not contain 'domain' - SKIPPED!")
- continue
- elif not validators.domain(entry["domain"]):
- print(f"WARNING: domain='{entry['domain']}' is not a valid domain - SKIPPED!")
- continue
- elif fba.is_blacklisted(entry["domain"]):
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: domain='{entry['domain']}' is blacklisted - SKIPPED!")
- continue
- elif fba.is_instance_registered(entry["domain"]):
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: domain='{entry['domain']}' is already registered - SKIPPED!")
- continue
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: Adding domain='{entry['domain']}' ...")
- domains.append(entry["domain"])
- except BaseException as e:
- print(f"ERROR: Cannot fetch graphql,exception[{type(e)}]:'{str(e)}'")
- sys.exit(255)
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: domains()={len(domains)}")
- if len(domains) > 0:
- boot.acquire_lock()
- print(f"INFO: Adding {len(domains)} new instances ...")
- for domain in domains:
- print(f"INFO: Fetching instances from domain='{domain}' ...")
- fba.fetch_instances(domain, None, None, sys.argv[0])
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: EXIT!")
-def fetch_blocks(args: argparse.Namespace):
- print(f"DEBUG: args[]={type(args)} - CALLED!")
- if args.domain != None and args.domain != "":
- if not validators.domain(args.domain):
- print(f"WARNING: domain='{args.domain}' is not valid.")
- return
- elif fba.is_blacklisted(args.domain):
- print(f"WARNING: domain='{args.domain}' is blacklisted, won't check it!")
- return
- elif not fba.is_instance_registered(args.domain):
- print(f"WARNING: domain='{args.domain}' is not registered, please run ./fba.py fetch_instances {args.domain} first.")
- return
- boot.acquire_lock()
- if args.domain != None and args.domain != "":
- fba.cursor.execute(
- "SELECT domain, software, origin, nodeinfo_url FROM instances WHERE software IN ('pleroma', 'mastodon', 'friendica', 'misskey', 'gotosocial', 'bookwyrm', 'takahe') AND domain = ?", [args.domain]
- )
- else:
- fba.cursor.execute(
- "SELECT domain, software, origin, nodeinfo_url FROM instances WHERE software IN ('pleroma', 'mastodon', 'friendica', 'misskey', 'gotosocial', 'bookwyrm', 'takahe') AND (last_blocked IS NULL OR last_blocked < ?) ORDER BY rowid DESC", [time.time() - config.get("recheck_block")]
- )
- rows = fba.cursor.fetchall()
- print(f"INFO: Checking {len(rows)} entries ...")
- for blocker, software, origin, nodeinfo_url in rows:
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: BEFORE blocker,software,origin,nodeinfo_url:", blocker, software, origin, nodeinfo_url)
- blockdict = []
- blocker = fba.tidyup_domain(blocker)
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: AFTER blocker,software:", blocker, software)
- if blocker == "":
- print("WARNING: blocker is now empty!")
- continue
- elif fba.is_blacklisted(blocker):
- print(f"WARNING: blocker='{blocker}' is blacklisted now!")
- continue
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: blocker='{blocker}'")
- fba.update_last_blocked(blocker)
- if software == "pleroma":
- print("INFO: blocker:", blocker)
- try:
- # Blocks
- json = fba.fetch_nodeinfo(blocker, nodeinfo_url)
- if json is None:
- print("WARNING: Could not fetch nodeinfo from blocker:", blocker)
- continue
- elif not "metadata" in json:
- print(f"WARNING: json()={len(json)} does not have key 'metadata', blocker='{blocker}'")
- continue
- elif not "federation" in json["metadata"]:
- print(f"WARNING: json()={len(json['metadata'])} does not have key 'federation', blocker='{blocker}'")
- continue
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Updating nodeinfo:", blocker)
- fba.update_last_nodeinfo(blocker)
- federation = json["metadata"]["federation"]
- if "enabled" in federation:
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Instance has no block list to analyze:", blocker)
- continue
- if "mrf_simple" in federation:
- for block_level, blocks in (
- {**federation["mrf_simple"],
- **{"quarantined_instances": federation["quarantined_instances"]}}
- ).items():
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: block_level, blocks():", block_level, len(blocks))
- block_level = fba.tidyup_domain(block_level)
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: BEFORE block_level:", block_level)
- if block_level == "":
- print("WARNING: block_level is now empty!")
- continue
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: Checking {len(blocks)} entries from blocker='{blocker}',software='{software}',block_level='{block_level}' ...")
- for blocked in blocks:
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: BEFORE blocked:", blocked)
- blocked = fba.tidyup_domain(blocked)
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: AFTER blocked:", blocked)
- if blocked == "":
- print("WARNING: blocked is empty after fba.tidyup_domain():", blocker, block_level)
- continue
- elif fba.is_blacklisted(blocked):
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: blocked='{blocked}' is blacklisted - skipping!")
- continue
- elif blocked.count("*") > 1:
- # -ACK!-oma also started obscuring domains without hash
- fba.cursor.execute(
- "SELECT domain, nodeinfo_url FROM instances WHERE domain LIKE ? ORDER BY rowid LIMIT 1", [blocked.replace("*", "_")]
- )
- searchres = fba.cursor.fetchone()
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: searchres[]:", type(searchres))
- if searchres == None:
- print(f"WARNING: Cannot deobsfucate blocked='{blocked}' - SKIPPED!")
- continue
- blocked = searchres[0]
- nodeinfo_url = searchres[1]
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Looked up domain:", blocked)
- elif not validators.domain(blocked):
- print(f"WARNING: blocked='{blocked}',software='{software}' is not a valid domain name - skipped!")
- continue
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Looking up instance by domain:", blocked)
- if not validators.domain(blocked):
- print(f"WARNING: blocked='{blocked}',software='{software}' is not a valid domain name - skipped!")
- continue
- elif not fba.is_instance_registered(blocked):
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: Domain blocked='{blocked}' wasn't found, adding ..., blocker='{blocker}',origin='{origin}',nodeinfo_url='{nodeinfo_url}'")
- fba.add_instance(blocked, blocker, sys.argv[0], nodeinfo_url)
- if not fba.is_instance_blocked(blocker, blocked, block_level):
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Blocking:", blocker, blocked, block_level)
- fba.block_instance(blocker, blocked, "unknown", block_level)
- if block_level == "reject":
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Adding to blockdict:", blocked)
- blockdict.append(
- {
- "blocked": blocked,
- "reason" : None
- })
- else:
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: Updating block last seen for blocker='{blocker}',blocked='{blocked}' ...")
- fba.update_last_seen(blocker, blocked, block_level)
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Committing changes ...")
- fba.connection.commit()
- # Reasons
- if "mrf_simple_info" in federation:
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Found mrf_simple_info:", blocker)
- for block_level, info in (
- {**federation["mrf_simple_info"],
- **(federation["quarantined_instances_info"]
- if "quarantined_instances_info" in federation
- else {})}
- ).items():
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: block_level, info.items():", block_level, len(info.items()))
- block_level = fba.tidyup_domain(block_level)
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: BEFORE block_level:", block_level)
- if block_level == "":
- print("WARNING: block_level is now empty!")
- continue
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: Checking {len(info.items())} entries from blocker='{blocker}',software='{software}',block_level='{block_level}' ...")
- for blocked, reason in info.items():
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: BEFORE blocked:", blocked)
- blocked = fba.tidyup_domain(blocked)
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: AFTER blocked:", blocked)
- if blocked == "":
- print("WARNING: blocked is empty after fba.tidyup_domain():", blocker, block_level)
- continue
- elif fba.is_blacklisted(blocked):
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: blocked='{blocked}' is blacklisted - skipping!")
- continue
- elif blocked.count("*") > 1:
- # same domain guess as above, but for reasons field
- fba.cursor.execute(
- "SELECT domain, origin, nodeinfo_url FROM instances WHERE domain LIKE ? ORDER BY rowid LIMIT 1", [blocked.replace("*", "_")]
- )
- searchres = fba.cursor.fetchone()
- if searchres == None:
- print(f"WARNING: Cannot deobsfucate blocked='{blocked}' - SKIPPED!")
- continue
- blocked = searchres[0]
- origin = searchres[1]
- nodeinfo_url = searchres[2]
- elif not validators.domain(blocked):
- print(f"WARNING: blocked='{blocked}',software='{software}' is not a valid domain name - skipped!")
- continue
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Looking up instance by domain:", blocked)
- if not validators.domain(blocked):
- print(f"WARNING: blocked='{blocked}',software='{software}' is not a valid domain name - skipped!")
- continue
- elif not fba.is_instance_registered(blocked):
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: Domain blocked='{blocked}' wasn't found, adding ..., blocker='{blocker}',origin='{origin}',nodeinfo_url='{nodeinfo_url}'")
- fba.add_instance(blocked, blocker, sys.argv[0], nodeinfo_url)
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Updating block reason:", blocker, blocked, reason["reason"])
- fba.update_block_reason(reason["reason"], blocker, blocked, block_level)
- for entry in blockdict:
- if entry["blocked"] == blocked:
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Updating entry reason:", blocked)
- entry["reason"] = reason["reason"]
- fba.connection.commit()
- except Exception as e:
- print(f"ERROR: blocker='{blocker}',software='{software}',exception[{type(e)}]:'{str(e)}'")
- elif software == "mastodon":
- print("INFO: blocker:", blocker)
- try:
- # json endpoint for newer mastodongs
- try:
- json = {
- "reject" : [],
- "media_removal" : [],
- "followers_only": [],
- "report_removal": []
- }
- # handling CSRF, I've saw at least one server requiring it to access the endpoint
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Fetching meta:", blocker)
- meta = bs4.BeautifulSoup(
- fba.get_response(blocker, "/", fba.headers, (config.get("connection_timeout"), config.get("read_timeout"))).text,
- "html.parser",
- )
- try:
- csrf = meta.find("meta", attrs={"name": "csrf-token"})["content"]
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Adding CSRF token:", blocker, csrf)
- reqheaders = {**fba.api_headers, **{"X-CSRF-Token": csrf}}
- except BaseException as e:
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: No CSRF token found, using normal headers:", blocker, e)
- reqheaders = fba.api_headers
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Querying API domain_blocks:", blocker)
- blocks = fba.get_response(blocker, "/api/v1/instance/domain_blocks", reqheaders, (config.get("connection_timeout"), config.get("read_timeout"))).json()
- print(f"INFO: Checking {len(blocks)} entries from blocker='{blocker}',software='{software}' ...")
- for block in blocks:
- entry = {
- 'domain': block['domain'],
- 'hash' : block['digest'],
- 'reason': block['comment']
- }
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: severity,domain,hash,comment:", block['severity'], block['domain'], block['digest'], block['comment'])
- if block['severity'] == 'suspend':
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: Adding entry='{entry}' with severity='{block['severity']}' ...")
- json['reject'].append(entry)
- elif block['severity'] == 'silence':
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: Adding entry='{entry}' with severity='{block['severity']}' ...")
- json['followers_only'].append(entry)
- elif block['severity'] == 'reject_media':
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: Adding entry='{entry}' with severity='{block['severity']}' ...")
- json['media_removal'].append(entry)
- elif block['severity'] == 'reject_reports':
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: Adding entry='{entry}' with severity='{block['severity']}' ...")
- json['report_removal'].append(entry)
- else:
- print("WARNING: Unknown severity:", block['severity'], block['domain'])
- except BaseException as e:
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: Failed, trying mastodon-specific fetches: blocker='{blocker}',exception[{type(e)}]={str(e)}")
- json = fba.get_mastodon_blocks(blocker)
- print(f"INFO: Checking {len(json.items())} entries from blocker='{blocker}',software='{software}' ...")
- for block_level, blocks in json.items():
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: blocker,block_level,blocks():", blocker, block_level, len(blocks))
- block_level = fba.tidyup_domain(block_level)
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: AFTER-block_level:", block_level)
- if block_level == "":
- print("WARNING: block_level is empty, blocker:", blocker)
- continue
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: Checking {len(blocks)} entries from blocker='{blocker}',software='{software}',block_level='{block_level}' ...")
- for block in blocks:
- blocked, blocked_hash, reason = block.values()
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: blocked,hash,reason:", blocked, blocked_hash, reason)
- blocked = fba.tidyup_domain(blocked)
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: AFTER-blocked:", blocked)
- if blocked == "":
- print("WARNING: blocked is empty:", blocker)
- continue
- elif fba.is_blacklisted(blocked):
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: blocked='{blocked}' is blacklisted - skipping!")
- continue
- elif blocked.count("*") > 0:
- # Doing the hash search for instance names as well to tidy up DB
- fba.cursor.execute(
- "SELECT domain, origin, nodeinfo_url FROM instances WHERE hash = ? LIMIT 1", [blocked_hash]
- )
- searchres = fba.cursor.fetchone()
- if searchres == None:
- print(f"WARNING: Cannot deobsfucate blocked='{blocked}',blocked_hash='{blocked_hash}' - SKIPPED!")
- continue
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Updating domain: ", searchres[0])
- blocked = searchres[0]
- origin = searchres[1]
- nodeinfo_url = searchres[2]
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Looking up instance by domain:", blocked)
- if not validators.domain(blocked):
- print(f"WARNING: blocked='{blocked}',software='{software}' is not a valid domain name - skipped!")
- continue
- elif not fba.is_instance_registered(blocked):
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: Domain blocked='{blocked}' wasn't found, adding ..., blocker='{blocker}',origin='{origin}',nodeinfo_url='{nodeinfo_url}'")
- fba.add_instance(blocked, blocker, sys.argv[0], nodeinfo_url)
- elif not validators.domain(blocked):
- print(f"WARNING: blocked='{blocked}',software='{software}' is not a valid domain name - skipped!")
- continue
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Looking up instance by domain:", blocked)
- if not validators.domain(blocked):
- print(f"WARNING: blocked='{blocked}',software='{software}' is not a valid domain name - skipped!")
- continue
- elif not fba.is_instance_registered(blocked):
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Hash wasn't found, adding:", blocked, blocker)
- fba.add_instance(blocked, blocker, sys.argv[0], nodeinfo_url)
- blocking = blocked if blocked.count("*") <= 1 else blocked_hash
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: blocking='{blocking}',blocked='{blocked}',blocked_hash='{blocked_hash}'")
- if not fba.is_instance_blocked(blocker, blocked, block_level):
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Blocking:", blocker, blocked, block_level)
- fba.block_instance(blocker, blocking, reason, block_level)
- if block_level == "reject":
- blockdict.append({
- "blocked": blocked,
- "reason" : reason
- })
- else:
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: Updating block last seen and reason for blocker='{blocker}',blocking='{blocking}' ...")
- fba.update_last_seen(blocker, blocking, block_level)
- fba.update_block_reason(reason, blocker, blocking, block_level)
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Committing changes ...")
- fba.connection.commit()
- except Exception as e:
- print(f"ERROR: blocker='{blocker}',software='{software}',exception[{type(e)}]:'{str(e)}'")
- elif software == "friendica" or software == "misskey" or software == "bookwyrm" or software == "takahe":
- print("INFO: blocker:", blocker)
- try:
- if software == "friendica":
- json = fba.get_friendica_blocks(blocker)
- elif software == "misskey":
- json = fba.get_misskey_blocks(blocker)
- elif software == "bookwyrm":
- print("WARNING: bookwyrm is not fully supported for fetching blacklist!", blocker)
- #json = fba.get_bookwyrm_blocks(blocker)
- continue
- elif software == "takahe":
- print("WARNING: takahe is not fully supported for fetching blacklist!", blocker)
- #json = fba.get_takahe_blocks(blocker)
- continue
- print(f"INFO: Checking {len(json.items())} entries from blocker='{blocker}',software='{software}' ...")
- for block_level, blocks in json.items():
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: blocker,block_level,blocks():", blocker, block_level, len(blocks))
- block_level = fba.tidyup_domain(block_level)
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: AFTER-block_level:", block_level)
- if block_level == "":
- print("WARNING: block_level is empty, blocker:", blocker)
- continue
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: Checking {len(blocks)} entries from blocker='{blocker}',software='{software}',block_level='{block_level}' ...")
- for block in blocks:
- blocked, reason = block.values()
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: BEFORE blocked:", blocked)
- blocked = fba.tidyup_domain(blocked)
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: AFTER blocked:", blocked)
- if blocked == "":
- print("WARNING: blocked is empty:", blocker)
- continue
- elif fba.is_blacklisted(blocked):
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: blocked='{blocked}' is blacklisted - skipping!")
- continue
- elif blocked.count("*") > 0:
- # Some friendica servers also obscure domains without hash
- fba.cursor.execute(
- "SELECT domain, origin, nodeinfo_url FROM instances WHERE domain LIKE ? ORDER BY rowid LIMIT 1", [blocked.replace("*", "_")]
- )
- searchres = fba.cursor.fetchone()
- if searchres == None:
- print(f"WARNING: Cannot deobsfucate blocked='{blocked}' - SKIPPED!")
- continue
- blocked = searchres[0]
- origin = searchres[1]
- nodeinfo_url = searchres[2]
- elif blocked.count("?") > 0:
- # Some obscure them with question marks, not sure if that's dependent on version or not
- fba.cursor.execute(
- "SELECT domain, origin, nodeinfo_url FROM instances WHERE domain LIKE ? ORDER BY rowid LIMIT 1", [blocked.replace("?", "_")]
- )
- searchres = fba.cursor.fetchone()
- if searchres == None:
- print(f"WARNING: Cannot deobsfucate blocked='{blocked}' - SKIPPED!")
- continue
- blocked = searchres[0]
- origin = searchres[1]
- nodeinfo_url = searchres[2]
- elif not validators.domain(blocked):
- print(f"WARNING: blocked='{blocked}',software='{software}' is not a valid domain name - skipped!")
- continue
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Looking up instance by domain:", blocked)
- if not validators.domain(blocked):
- print(f"WARNING: blocked='{blocked}',software='{software}' is not a valid domain name - skipped!")
- continue
- elif not fba.is_instance_registered(blocked):
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Hash wasn't found, adding:", blocked, blocker)
- fba.add_instance(blocked, blocker, sys.argv[0], nodeinfo_url)
- if not fba.is_instance_blocked(blocker, blocked, block_level):
- fba.block_instance(blocker, blocked, reason, block_level)
- if block_level == "reject":
- blockdict.append({
- "blocked": blocked,
- "reason" : reason
- })
- else:
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: Updating block last seen and reason for blocker='{blocker}',blocked='{blocked}' ...")
- fba.update_last_seen(blocker, blocked, block_level)
- fba.update_block_reason(reason, blocker, blocked, block_level)
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Committing changes ...")
- fba.connection.commit()
- except Exception as e:
- print(f"ERROR: blocker='{blocker}',software='{software}',exception[{type(e)}]:'{str(e)}'")
- elif software == "gotosocial":
- print("INFO: blocker:", blocker)
- try:
- # Blocks
- federation = fba.get_response(blocker, "{fba.get_peers_url}?filter=suspended", fba.api_headers, (config.get("connection_timeout"), config.get("read_timeout"))).json()
- if (federation == None):
- print("WARNING: No valid response:", blocker);
- elif "error" in federation:
- print("WARNING: API returned error:", federation["error"])
- else:
- print(f"INFO: Checking {len(federation)} entries from blocker='{blocker}',software='{software}' ...")
- for peer in federation:
- blocked = peer["domain"].lower()
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: BEFORE blocked:", blocked)
- blocked = fba.tidyup_domain(blocked)
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: AFTER blocked:", blocked)
- if blocked == "":
- print("WARNING: blocked is empty:", blocker)
- continue
- elif fba.is_blacklisted(blocked):
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: blocked='{blocked}' is blacklisted - skipping!")
- continue
- elif blocked.count("*") > 0:
- # GTS does not have hashes for obscured domains, so we have to guess it
- fba.cursor.execute(
- "SELECT domain, origin, nodeinfo_url FROM instances WHERE domain LIKE ? ORDER BY rowid LIMIT 1", [blocked.replace("*", "_")]
- )
- searchres = fba.cursor.fetchone()
- if searchres == None:
- print(f"WARNING: Cannot deobsfucate blocked='{blocked}' - SKIPPED!")
- continue
- blocked = searchres[0]
- origin = searchres[1]
- nodeinfo_url = searchres[2]
- elif not validators.domain(blocked):
- print(f"WARNING: blocked='{blocked}',software='{software}' is not a valid domain name - skipped!")
- continue
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Looking up instance by domain:", blocked)
- if not validators.domain(blocked):
- print(f"WARNING: blocked='{blocked}',software='{software}' is not a valid domain name - skipped!")
- continue
- elif not fba.is_instance_registered(blocked):
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: Domain blocked='{blocked}' wasn't found, adding ..., blocker='{blocker}',origin='{origin}',nodeinfo_url='{nodeinfo_url}'")
- fba.add_instance(blocked, blocker, sys.argv[0], nodeinfo_url)
- if not fba.is_instance_blocked(blocker, blocked, "reject"):
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: blocker='{blocker}' is blocking '{blocked}' for unknown reason at this point")
- fba.block_instance(blocker, blocked, "unknown", "reject")
- blockdict.append({
- "blocked": blocked,
- "reason" : None
- })
- else:
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: Updating block last seen for blocker='{blocker}',blocked='{blocked}' ...")
- fba.update_last_seen(blocker, blocked, "reject")
- if "public_comment" in peer:
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Updating block reason:", blocker, blocked, peer["public_comment"])
- fba.update_block_reason(peer["public_comment"], blocker, blocked, "reject")
- for entry in blockdict:
- if entry["blocked"] == blocked:
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: Setting block reason for blocked='{blocked}':'{peer['public_comment']}'")
- entry["reason"] = peer["public_comment"]
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Committing changes ...")
- fba.connection.commit()
- except Exception as e:
- print(f"ERROR: blocker='{blocker}',software='{software}',exception[{type(e)}]:'{str(e)}'")
- else:
- print("WARNING: Unknown software:", blocker, software)
- if config.get("bot_enabled") and len(blockdict) > 0:
- send_bot_post(blocker, blockdict)
- blockdict = []
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: EXIT!")
-def fetch_cs(args: argparse.Namespace):
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: args[]={type(args)} - CALLED!")
- domains = {
- "silenced": list(),
- "blocked": list(),
- }
- try:
- doc = bs4.BeautifulSoup(
- reqto.get("https://meta.chaos.social/federation", headers=fba.headers, timeout=(config.get("connection_timeout"), config.get("read_timeout"))).text,
- "html.parser",
- )
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: doc()={len(doc)}[]={type(doc)}")
- silenced = doc.find("h2", {"id": "silenced-instances"}).findNext("table")
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: silenced[]={type(silenced)}")
- domains["silenced"] = domains["silenced"] + find_domains(silenced)
- blocked = doc.find("h2", {"id": "blocked-instances"}).findNext("table")
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: blocked[]={type(blocked)}")
- domains["blocked"] = domains["blocked"] + find_domains(blocked)
- except BaseException as e:
- print(f"ERROR: Cannot fetch from meta.chaos.social,exception[{type(e)}]:'{str(e)}'")
- sys.exit(255)
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: domains()={len(domains)}")
- if len(domains) > 0:
- boot.acquire_lock()
- print(f"INFO: Adding {len(domains)} new instances ...")
- for block_level in domains:
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: block_level='{block_level}'")
- for row in domains[block_level]:
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: row='{row}'")
- if not fba.is_instance_registered(row["domain"]):
- print(f"INFO: Fetching instances from domain='{row['domain']}' ...")
- fba.fetch_instances(row["domain"], None, None, sys.argv[0])
- if not fba.is_instance_blocked('chaos.social', row["domain"], block_level):
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: domain='{row['domain']}',block_level='{block_level}' blocked by chaos.social, adding ...")
- fba.block_instance('chaos.social', row["domain"], row["reason"], block_level)
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Committing changes ...")
- fba.connection.commit()
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: EXIT!")
-def fetch_fba_rss(args: argparse.Namespace):
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: args[]={type(args)} - CALLED!")
- domains = list()
- try:
- print(f"INFO: Fetch FBA-specific RSS args.feed='{args.feed}' ...")
- response = reqto.get(args.feed, headers=fba.headers, timeout=(config.get("connection_timeout"), config.get("read_timeout")))
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: response.ok={response.ok},response.status_code='{response.status_code}',response.text()={len(response.text)}")
- if response.ok and response.status_code < 300 and len(response.text) > 0:
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: Parsing RSS feed ...")
- rss = atoma.parse_rss_bytes(response.content)
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: rss[]={type(rss)}")
- for item in rss.items:
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: item={item}")
- domain = item.link.split("=")[1]
- if fba.is_blacklisted(domain):
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: domain='{domain}' is blacklisted - SKIPPED!")
- continue
- elif domain in domains:
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: domain='{domain}' is already added - SKIPPED!")
- continue
- elif fba.is_instance_registered(domain):
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: domain='{domain}' is already registered - SKIPPED!")
- continue
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: domain='{domain}'")
- domains.append(domain)
- except BaseException as e:
- print(f"ERROR: Cannot fetch feed='{feed}',exception[{type(e)}]:'{str(e)}'")
- sys.exit(255)
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: domains()={len(domains)}")
- if len(domains) > 0:
- boot.acquire_lock()
- print(f"INFO: Adding {len(domains)} new instances ...")
- for domain in domains:
- print(f"INFO: Fetching instances from domain='{domain}' ...")
- fba.fetch_instances(domain, None, None, sys.argv[0])
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: EXIT!")
-def fetch_fbabot_atom(args: argparse.Namespace):
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: args[]={type(args)} - CALLED!")
- feed = "https://ryona.agency/users/fba/feed.atom"
- domains = list()
- try:
- print(f"INFO: Fetching ATOM feed='{feed}' from FBA bot account ...")
- response = reqto.get(feed, headers=fba.headers, timeout=(config.get("connection_timeout"), config.get("read_timeout")))
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: response.ok={response.ok},response.status_code='{response.status_code}',response.text()={len(response.text)}")
- if response.ok and response.status_code < 300 and len(response.text) > 0:
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: Parsing ATOM feed ...")
- atom = atoma.parse_atom_bytes(response.content)
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: atom[]={type(atom)}")
- for entry in atom.entries:
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: entry[]={type(entry)}")
- doc = bs4.BeautifulSoup(entry.content.value, "html.parser")
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: doc[]={type(doc)}")
- for element in doc.findAll("a"):
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: element[{type(element)}]={element}")
- domain = fba.tidyup_domain(element["href"])
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: domain='{domain}'")
- if fba.is_blacklisted(domain):
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: domain='{domain}' is blacklisted - SKIPPED!")
- continue
- elif domain in domains:
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: domain='{domain}' is already added - SKIPPED!")
- continue
- elif fba.is_instance_registered(domain):
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: domain='{domain}' is already registered - SKIPPED!")
- continue
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: domain='{domain}'")
- domains.append(domain)
- except BaseException as e:
- print(f"ERROR: Cannot fetch feed='{feed}',exception[{type(e)}]:'{str(e)}'")
- sys.exit(255)
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: domains()={len(domains)}")
- if len(domains) > 0:
- boot.acquire_lock()
- print(f"INFO: Adding {len(domains)} new instances ...")
- for domain in domains:
- print(f"INFO: Fetching instances from domain='{domain}' ...")
- fba.fetch_instances(domain, None, None, sys.argv[0])
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: EXIT!")
-def fetch_instances(args: argparse.Namespace):
- # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: args[]={type(args)} - CALLED!")
- boot.acquire_lock()
- # Initial fetch
- fba.fetch_instances(args.domain, None, None, sys.argv[0])
- # Loop through some instances
- fba.cursor.execute(
- "SELECT domain, origin, software, nodeinfo_url FROM instances WHERE software IN ('pleroma', 'mastodon', 'friendica', 'misskey', 'gotosocial', 'bookwyrm', 'takahe', 'lemmy') AND (last_instance_fetch IS NULL OR last_instance_fetch < ?) ORDER BY rowid DESC", [time.time() - config.get("recheck_instance")]
- )
- rows = fba.cursor.fetchall()
- print(f"INFO: Checking {len(rows)} entries ...")
- for row in rows:
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: domain:", row[0])
- if fba.is_blacklisted(row[0]):
- print("WARNING: domain is blacklisted:", row[0])
- continue
- print(f"INFO: Fetching instances for instance '{row[0]}' ('{row[2]}') of origin='{row[1]}',nodeinfo_url='{row[3]}'")
- fba.fetch_instances(row[0], row[1], row[2], sys.argv[0], row[3])
- # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: EXIT!")
--- /dev/null
+# Fedi API Block - An aggregator for fetching blocking data from fediverse nodes
+# Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
+# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import argparse
+import atoma
+import bs4
+import itertools
+import json
+import re
+import reqto
+import sys
+import time
+import validators
+from fba import boot
+from fba import config
+from fba import fba
+def check_instance(args: argparse.Namespace) -> int:
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: args.domain='{args.domain}' - CALLED!")
+ status = 0
+ if not validators.domain(args.domain):
+ print(f"WARNING: args.domain='{args.domain}' is not valid")
+ status = 100
+ elif fba.is_blacklisted(args.domain):
+ print(f"WARNING: args.domain='{args.domain}' is blacklisted")
+ status = 101
+ elif fba.is_instance_registered(args.domain):
+ print(f"WARNING: args.domain='{args.domain}' is already registered")
+ staus = 102
+ else:
+ print(f"INFO: args.domain='{args.domain}' is not known")
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: status={status} - EXIT!")
+ return status
+def fetch_bkali(args: argparse.Namespace):
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: args[]={type(args)} - CALLED!")
+ domains = list()
+ try:
+ fetched = fba.post_json_api("gql.api.bka.li", "/v1/graphql", json.dumps({
+ "query": "query domainlist {nodeinfo(order_by: {domain: asc}) {domain}}"
+ }))
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: fetched({len(fetched)})[]='{type(fetched)}'")
+ if len(fetched) == 0:
+ raise Exception("WARNING: Returned no records")
+ elif not "data" in fetched:
+ raise Exception(f"WARNING: fetched()={len(fetched)} does not contain element 'data'")
+ elif not "nodeinfo" in fetched["data"]:
+ raise Exception(f"WARNING: fetched()={len(fetched['data'])} does not contain element 'nodeinfo'")
+ for entry in fetched["data"]["nodeinfo"]:
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: entry['{type(entry)}']='{entry}'")
+ if not "domain" in entry:
+ print(f"WARNING: entry does not contain 'domain' - SKIPPED!")
+ continue
+ elif not validators.domain(entry["domain"]):
+ print(f"WARNING: domain='{entry['domain']}' is not a valid domain - SKIPPED!")
+ continue
+ elif fba.is_blacklisted(entry["domain"]):
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: domain='{entry['domain']}' is blacklisted - SKIPPED!")
+ continue
+ elif fba.is_instance_registered(entry["domain"]):
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: domain='{entry['domain']}' is already registered - SKIPPED!")
+ continue
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: Adding domain='{entry['domain']}' ...")
+ domains.append(entry["domain"])
+ except BaseException as e:
+ print(f"ERROR: Cannot fetch graphql,exception[{type(e)}]:'{str(e)}'")
+ sys.exit(255)
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: domains()={len(domains)}")
+ if len(domains) > 0:
+ boot.acquire_lock()
+ print(f"INFO: Adding {len(domains)} new instances ...")
+ for domain in domains:
+ print(f"INFO: Fetching instances from domain='{domain}' ...")
+ fba.fetch_instances(domain, None, None, sys.argv[0])
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: EXIT!")
+def fetch_blocks(args: argparse.Namespace):
+ print(f"DEBUG: args[]={type(args)} - CALLED!")
+ if args.domain != None and args.domain != "":
+ if not validators.domain(args.domain):
+ print(f"WARNING: domain='{args.domain}' is not valid.")
+ return
+ elif fba.is_blacklisted(args.domain):
+ print(f"WARNING: domain='{args.domain}' is blacklisted, won't check it!")
+ return
+ elif not fba.is_instance_registered(args.domain):
+ print(f"WARNING: domain='{args.domain}' is not registered, please run ./fba.py fetch_instances {args.domain} first.")
+ return
+ boot.acquire_lock()
+ if args.domain != None and args.domain != "":
+ fba.cursor.execute(
+ "SELECT domain, software, origin, nodeinfo_url FROM instances WHERE software IN ('pleroma', 'mastodon', 'friendica', 'misskey', 'gotosocial', 'bookwyrm', 'takahe') AND domain = ?", [args.domain]
+ )
+ else:
+ fba.cursor.execute(
+ "SELECT domain, software, origin, nodeinfo_url FROM instances WHERE software IN ('pleroma', 'mastodon', 'friendica', 'misskey', 'gotosocial', 'bookwyrm', 'takahe') AND (last_blocked IS NULL OR last_blocked < ?) ORDER BY rowid DESC", [time.time() - config.get("recheck_block")]
+ )
+ rows = fba.cursor.fetchall()
+ print(f"INFO: Checking {len(rows)} entries ...")
+ for blocker, software, origin, nodeinfo_url in rows:
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: BEFORE blocker,software,origin,nodeinfo_url:", blocker, software, origin, nodeinfo_url)
+ blockdict = []
+ blocker = fba.tidyup_domain(blocker)
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: AFTER blocker,software:", blocker, software)
+ if blocker == "":
+ print("WARNING: blocker is now empty!")
+ continue
+ elif fba.is_blacklisted(blocker):
+ print(f"WARNING: blocker='{blocker}' is blacklisted now!")
+ continue
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: blocker='{blocker}'")
+ fba.update_last_blocked(blocker)
+ if software == "pleroma":
+ print("INFO: blocker:", blocker)
+ try:
+ # Blocks
+ json = fba.fetch_nodeinfo(blocker, nodeinfo_url)
+ if json is None:
+ print("WARNING: Could not fetch nodeinfo from blocker:", blocker)
+ continue
+ elif not "metadata" in json:
+ print(f"WARNING: json()={len(json)} does not have key 'metadata', blocker='{blocker}'")
+ continue
+ elif not "federation" in json["metadata"]:
+ print(f"WARNING: json()={len(json['metadata'])} does not have key 'federation', blocker='{blocker}'")
+ continue
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Updating nodeinfo:", blocker)
+ fba.update_last_nodeinfo(blocker)
+ federation = json["metadata"]["federation"]
+ if "enabled" in federation:
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Instance has no block list to analyze:", blocker)
+ continue
+ if "mrf_simple" in federation:
+ for block_level, blocks in (
+ {**federation["mrf_simple"],
+ **{"quarantined_instances": federation["quarantined_instances"]}}
+ ).items():
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: block_level, blocks():", block_level, len(blocks))
+ block_level = fba.tidyup_domain(block_level)
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: BEFORE block_level:", block_level)
+ if block_level == "":
+ print("WARNING: block_level is now empty!")
+ continue
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: Checking {len(blocks)} entries from blocker='{blocker}',software='{software}',block_level='{block_level}' ...")
+ for blocked in blocks:
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: BEFORE blocked:", blocked)
+ blocked = fba.tidyup_domain(blocked)
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: AFTER blocked:", blocked)
+ if blocked == "":
+ print("WARNING: blocked is empty after fba.tidyup_domain():", blocker, block_level)
+ continue
+ elif fba.is_blacklisted(blocked):
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: blocked='{blocked}' is blacklisted - skipping!")
+ continue
+ elif blocked.count("*") > 1:
+ # -ACK!-oma also started obscuring domains without hash
+ fba.cursor.execute(
+ "SELECT domain, nodeinfo_url FROM instances WHERE domain LIKE ? ORDER BY rowid LIMIT 1", [blocked.replace("*", "_")]
+ )
+ searchres = fba.cursor.fetchone()
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: searchres[]:", type(searchres))
+ if searchres == None:
+ print(f"WARNING: Cannot deobsfucate blocked='{blocked}' - SKIPPED!")
+ continue
+ blocked = searchres[0]
+ nodeinfo_url = searchres[1]
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Looked up domain:", blocked)
+ elif not validators.domain(blocked):
+ print(f"WARNING: blocked='{blocked}',software='{software}' is not a valid domain name - skipped!")
+ continue
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Looking up instance by domain:", blocked)
+ if not validators.domain(blocked):
+ print(f"WARNING: blocked='{blocked}',software='{software}' is not a valid domain name - skipped!")
+ continue
+ elif not fba.is_instance_registered(blocked):
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: Domain blocked='{blocked}' wasn't found, adding ..., blocker='{blocker}',origin='{origin}',nodeinfo_url='{nodeinfo_url}'")
+ fba.add_instance(blocked, blocker, sys.argv[0], nodeinfo_url)
+ if not fba.is_instance_blocked(blocker, blocked, block_level):
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Blocking:", blocker, blocked, block_level)
+ fba.block_instance(blocker, blocked, "unknown", block_level)
+ if block_level == "reject":
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Adding to blockdict:", blocked)
+ blockdict.append(
+ {
+ "blocked": blocked,
+ "reason" : None
+ })
+ else:
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: Updating block last seen for blocker='{blocker}',blocked='{blocked}' ...")
+ fba.update_last_seen(blocker, blocked, block_level)
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Committing changes ...")
+ fba.connection.commit()
+ # Reasons
+ if "mrf_simple_info" in federation:
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Found mrf_simple_info:", blocker)
+ for block_level, info in (
+ {**federation["mrf_simple_info"],
+ **(federation["quarantined_instances_info"]
+ if "quarantined_instances_info" in federation
+ else {})}
+ ).items():
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: block_level, info.items():", block_level, len(info.items()))
+ block_level = fba.tidyup_domain(block_level)
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: BEFORE block_level:", block_level)
+ if block_level == "":
+ print("WARNING: block_level is now empty!")
+ continue
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: Checking {len(info.items())} entries from blocker='{blocker}',software='{software}',block_level='{block_level}' ...")
+ for blocked, reason in info.items():
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: BEFORE blocked:", blocked)
+ blocked = fba.tidyup_domain(blocked)
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: AFTER blocked:", blocked)
+ if blocked == "":
+ print("WARNING: blocked is empty after fba.tidyup_domain():", blocker, block_level)
+ continue
+ elif fba.is_blacklisted(blocked):
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: blocked='{blocked}' is blacklisted - skipping!")
+ continue
+ elif blocked.count("*") > 1:
+ # same domain guess as above, but for reasons field
+ fba.cursor.execute(
+ "SELECT domain, origin, nodeinfo_url FROM instances WHERE domain LIKE ? ORDER BY rowid LIMIT 1", [blocked.replace("*", "_")]
+ )
+ searchres = fba.cursor.fetchone()
+ if searchres == None:
+ print(f"WARNING: Cannot deobsfucate blocked='{blocked}' - SKIPPED!")
+ continue
+ blocked = searchres[0]
+ origin = searchres[1]
+ nodeinfo_url = searchres[2]
+ elif not validators.domain(blocked):
+ print(f"WARNING: blocked='{blocked}',software='{software}' is not a valid domain name - skipped!")
+ continue
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Looking up instance by domain:", blocked)
+ if not validators.domain(blocked):
+ print(f"WARNING: blocked='{blocked}',software='{software}' is not a valid domain name - skipped!")
+ continue
+ elif not fba.is_instance_registered(blocked):
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: Domain blocked='{blocked}' wasn't found, adding ..., blocker='{blocker}',origin='{origin}',nodeinfo_url='{nodeinfo_url}'")
+ fba.add_instance(blocked, blocker, sys.argv[0], nodeinfo_url)
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Updating block reason:", blocker, blocked, reason["reason"])
+ fba.update_block_reason(reason["reason"], blocker, blocked, block_level)
+ for entry in blockdict:
+ if entry["blocked"] == blocked:
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Updating entry reason:", blocked)
+ entry["reason"] = reason["reason"]
+ fba.connection.commit()
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(f"ERROR: blocker='{blocker}',software='{software}',exception[{type(e)}]:'{str(e)}'")
+ elif software == "mastodon":
+ print("INFO: blocker:", blocker)
+ try:
+ # json endpoint for newer mastodongs
+ try:
+ json = {
+ "reject" : [],
+ "media_removal" : [],
+ "followers_only": [],
+ "report_removal": []
+ }
+ # handling CSRF, I've saw at least one server requiring it to access the endpoint
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Fetching meta:", blocker)
+ meta = bs4.BeautifulSoup(
+ fba.get_response(blocker, "/", fba.headers, (config.get("connection_timeout"), config.get("read_timeout"))).text,
+ "html.parser",
+ )
+ try:
+ csrf = meta.find("meta", attrs={"name": "csrf-token"})["content"]
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Adding CSRF token:", blocker, csrf)
+ reqheaders = {**fba.api_headers, **{"X-CSRF-Token": csrf}}
+ except BaseException as e:
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: No CSRF token found, using normal headers:", blocker, e)
+ reqheaders = fba.api_headers
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Querying API domain_blocks:", blocker)
+ blocks = fba.get_response(blocker, "/api/v1/instance/domain_blocks", reqheaders, (config.get("connection_timeout"), config.get("read_timeout"))).json()
+ print(f"INFO: Checking {len(blocks)} entries from blocker='{blocker}',software='{software}' ...")
+ for block in blocks:
+ entry = {
+ 'domain': block['domain'],
+ 'hash' : block['digest'],
+ 'reason': block['comment']
+ }
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: severity,domain,hash,comment:", block['severity'], block['domain'], block['digest'], block['comment'])
+ if block['severity'] == 'suspend':
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: Adding entry='{entry}' with severity='{block['severity']}' ...")
+ json['reject'].append(entry)
+ elif block['severity'] == 'silence':
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: Adding entry='{entry}' with severity='{block['severity']}' ...")
+ json['followers_only'].append(entry)
+ elif block['severity'] == 'reject_media':
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: Adding entry='{entry}' with severity='{block['severity']}' ...")
+ json['media_removal'].append(entry)
+ elif block['severity'] == 'reject_reports':
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: Adding entry='{entry}' with severity='{block['severity']}' ...")
+ json['report_removal'].append(entry)
+ else:
+ print("WARNING: Unknown severity:", block['severity'], block['domain'])
+ except BaseException as e:
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: Failed, trying mastodon-specific fetches: blocker='{blocker}',exception[{type(e)}]={str(e)}")
+ json = fba.get_mastodon_blocks(blocker)
+ print(f"INFO: Checking {len(json.items())} entries from blocker='{blocker}',software='{software}' ...")
+ for block_level, blocks in json.items():
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: blocker,block_level,blocks():", blocker, block_level, len(blocks))
+ block_level = fba.tidyup_domain(block_level)
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: AFTER-block_level:", block_level)
+ if block_level == "":
+ print("WARNING: block_level is empty, blocker:", blocker)
+ continue
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: Checking {len(blocks)} entries from blocker='{blocker}',software='{software}',block_level='{block_level}' ...")
+ for block in blocks:
+ blocked, blocked_hash, reason = block.values()
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: blocked,hash,reason:", blocked, blocked_hash, reason)
+ blocked = fba.tidyup_domain(blocked)
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: AFTER-blocked:", blocked)
+ if blocked == "":
+ print("WARNING: blocked is empty:", blocker)
+ continue
+ elif fba.is_blacklisted(blocked):
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: blocked='{blocked}' is blacklisted - skipping!")
+ continue
+ elif blocked.count("*") > 0:
+ # Doing the hash search for instance names as well to tidy up DB
+ fba.cursor.execute(
+ "SELECT domain, origin, nodeinfo_url FROM instances WHERE hash = ? LIMIT 1", [blocked_hash]
+ )
+ searchres = fba.cursor.fetchone()
+ if searchres == None:
+ print(f"WARNING: Cannot deobsfucate blocked='{blocked}',blocked_hash='{blocked_hash}' - SKIPPED!")
+ continue
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Updating domain: ", searchres[0])
+ blocked = searchres[0]
+ origin = searchres[1]
+ nodeinfo_url = searchres[2]
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Looking up instance by domain:", blocked)
+ if not validators.domain(blocked):
+ print(f"WARNING: blocked='{blocked}',software='{software}' is not a valid domain name - skipped!")
+ continue
+ elif not fba.is_instance_registered(blocked):
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: Domain blocked='{blocked}' wasn't found, adding ..., blocker='{blocker}',origin='{origin}',nodeinfo_url='{nodeinfo_url}'")
+ fba.add_instance(blocked, blocker, sys.argv[0], nodeinfo_url)
+ elif not validators.domain(blocked):
+ print(f"WARNING: blocked='{blocked}',software='{software}' is not a valid domain name - skipped!")
+ continue
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Looking up instance by domain:", blocked)
+ if not validators.domain(blocked):
+ print(f"WARNING: blocked='{blocked}',software='{software}' is not a valid domain name - skipped!")
+ continue
+ elif not fba.is_instance_registered(blocked):
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Hash wasn't found, adding:", blocked, blocker)
+ fba.add_instance(blocked, blocker, sys.argv[0], nodeinfo_url)
+ blocking = blocked if blocked.count("*") <= 1 else blocked_hash
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: blocking='{blocking}',blocked='{blocked}',blocked_hash='{blocked_hash}'")
+ if not fba.is_instance_blocked(blocker, blocked, block_level):
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Blocking:", blocker, blocked, block_level)
+ fba.block_instance(blocker, blocking, reason, block_level)
+ if block_level == "reject":
+ blockdict.append({
+ "blocked": blocked,
+ "reason" : reason
+ })
+ else:
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: Updating block last seen and reason for blocker='{blocker}',blocking='{blocking}' ...")
+ fba.update_last_seen(blocker, blocking, block_level)
+ fba.update_block_reason(reason, blocker, blocking, block_level)
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Committing changes ...")
+ fba.connection.commit()
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(f"ERROR: blocker='{blocker}',software='{software}',exception[{type(e)}]:'{str(e)}'")
+ elif software == "friendica" or software == "misskey" or software == "bookwyrm" or software == "takahe":
+ print("INFO: blocker:", blocker)
+ try:
+ if software == "friendica":
+ json = fba.get_friendica_blocks(blocker)
+ elif software == "misskey":
+ json = fba.get_misskey_blocks(blocker)
+ elif software == "bookwyrm":
+ print("WARNING: bookwyrm is not fully supported for fetching blacklist!", blocker)
+ #json = fba.get_bookwyrm_blocks(blocker)
+ continue
+ elif software == "takahe":
+ print("WARNING: takahe is not fully supported for fetching blacklist!", blocker)
+ #json = fba.get_takahe_blocks(blocker)
+ continue
+ print(f"INFO: Checking {len(json.items())} entries from blocker='{blocker}',software='{software}' ...")
+ for block_level, blocks in json.items():
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: blocker,block_level,blocks():", blocker, block_level, len(blocks))
+ block_level = fba.tidyup_domain(block_level)
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: AFTER-block_level:", block_level)
+ if block_level == "":
+ print("WARNING: block_level is empty, blocker:", blocker)
+ continue
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: Checking {len(blocks)} entries from blocker='{blocker}',software='{software}',block_level='{block_level}' ...")
+ for block in blocks:
+ blocked, reason = block.values()
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: BEFORE blocked:", blocked)
+ blocked = fba.tidyup_domain(blocked)
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: AFTER blocked:", blocked)
+ if blocked == "":
+ print("WARNING: blocked is empty:", blocker)
+ continue
+ elif fba.is_blacklisted(blocked):
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: blocked='{blocked}' is blacklisted - skipping!")
+ continue
+ elif blocked.count("*") > 0:
+ # Some friendica servers also obscure domains without hash
+ fba.cursor.execute(
+ "SELECT domain, origin, nodeinfo_url FROM instances WHERE domain LIKE ? ORDER BY rowid LIMIT 1", [blocked.replace("*", "_")]
+ )
+ searchres = fba.cursor.fetchone()
+ if searchres == None:
+ print(f"WARNING: Cannot deobsfucate blocked='{blocked}' - SKIPPED!")
+ continue
+ blocked = searchres[0]
+ origin = searchres[1]
+ nodeinfo_url = searchres[2]
+ elif blocked.count("?") > 0:
+ # Some obscure them with question marks, not sure if that's dependent on version or not
+ fba.cursor.execute(
+ "SELECT domain, origin, nodeinfo_url FROM instances WHERE domain LIKE ? ORDER BY rowid LIMIT 1", [blocked.replace("?", "_")]
+ )
+ searchres = fba.cursor.fetchone()
+ if searchres == None:
+ print(f"WARNING: Cannot deobsfucate blocked='{blocked}' - SKIPPED!")
+ continue
+ blocked = searchres[0]
+ origin = searchres[1]
+ nodeinfo_url = searchres[2]
+ elif not validators.domain(blocked):
+ print(f"WARNING: blocked='{blocked}',software='{software}' is not a valid domain name - skipped!")
+ continue
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Looking up instance by domain:", blocked)
+ if not validators.domain(blocked):
+ print(f"WARNING: blocked='{blocked}',software='{software}' is not a valid domain name - skipped!")
+ continue
+ elif not fba.is_instance_registered(blocked):
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Hash wasn't found, adding:", blocked, blocker)
+ fba.add_instance(blocked, blocker, sys.argv[0], nodeinfo_url)
+ if not fba.is_instance_blocked(blocker, blocked, block_level):
+ fba.block_instance(blocker, blocked, reason, block_level)
+ if block_level == "reject":
+ blockdict.append({
+ "blocked": blocked,
+ "reason" : reason
+ })
+ else:
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: Updating block last seen and reason for blocker='{blocker}',blocked='{blocked}' ...")
+ fba.update_last_seen(blocker, blocked, block_level)
+ fba.update_block_reason(reason, blocker, blocked, block_level)
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Committing changes ...")
+ fba.connection.commit()
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(f"ERROR: blocker='{blocker}',software='{software}',exception[{type(e)}]:'{str(e)}'")
+ elif software == "gotosocial":
+ print("INFO: blocker:", blocker)
+ try:
+ # Blocks
+ federation = fba.get_response(blocker, "{fba.get_peers_url}?filter=suspended", fba.api_headers, (config.get("connection_timeout"), config.get("read_timeout"))).json()
+ if (federation == None):
+ print("WARNING: No valid response:", blocker);
+ elif "error" in federation:
+ print("WARNING: API returned error:", federation["error"])
+ else:
+ print(f"INFO: Checking {len(federation)} entries from blocker='{blocker}',software='{software}' ...")
+ for peer in federation:
+ blocked = peer["domain"].lower()
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: BEFORE blocked:", blocked)
+ blocked = fba.tidyup_domain(blocked)
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: AFTER blocked:", blocked)
+ if blocked == "":
+ print("WARNING: blocked is empty:", blocker)
+ continue
+ elif fba.is_blacklisted(blocked):
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: blocked='{blocked}' is blacklisted - skipping!")
+ continue
+ elif blocked.count("*") > 0:
+ # GTS does not have hashes for obscured domains, so we have to guess it
+ fba.cursor.execute(
+ "SELECT domain, origin, nodeinfo_url FROM instances WHERE domain LIKE ? ORDER BY rowid LIMIT 1", [blocked.replace("*", "_")]
+ )
+ searchres = fba.cursor.fetchone()
+ if searchres == None:
+ print(f"WARNING: Cannot deobsfucate blocked='{blocked}' - SKIPPED!")
+ continue
+ blocked = searchres[0]
+ origin = searchres[1]
+ nodeinfo_url = searchres[2]
+ elif not validators.domain(blocked):
+ print(f"WARNING: blocked='{blocked}',software='{software}' is not a valid domain name - skipped!")
+ continue
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Looking up instance by domain:", blocked)
+ if not validators.domain(blocked):
+ print(f"WARNING: blocked='{blocked}',software='{software}' is not a valid domain name - skipped!")
+ continue
+ elif not fba.is_instance_registered(blocked):
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: Domain blocked='{blocked}' wasn't found, adding ..., blocker='{blocker}',origin='{origin}',nodeinfo_url='{nodeinfo_url}'")
+ fba.add_instance(blocked, blocker, sys.argv[0], nodeinfo_url)
+ if not fba.is_instance_blocked(blocker, blocked, "reject"):
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: blocker='{blocker}' is blocking '{blocked}' for unknown reason at this point")
+ fba.block_instance(blocker, blocked, "unknown", "reject")
+ blockdict.append({
+ "blocked": blocked,
+ "reason" : None
+ })
+ else:
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: Updating block last seen for blocker='{blocker}',blocked='{blocked}' ...")
+ fba.update_last_seen(blocker, blocked, "reject")
+ if "public_comment" in peer:
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Updating block reason:", blocker, blocked, peer["public_comment"])
+ fba.update_block_reason(peer["public_comment"], blocker, blocked, "reject")
+ for entry in blockdict:
+ if entry["blocked"] == blocked:
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: Setting block reason for blocked='{blocked}':'{peer['public_comment']}'")
+ entry["reason"] = peer["public_comment"]
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Committing changes ...")
+ fba.connection.commit()
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(f"ERROR: blocker='{blocker}',software='{software}',exception[{type(e)}]:'{str(e)}'")
+ else:
+ print("WARNING: Unknown software:", blocker, software)
+ if config.get("bot_enabled") and len(blockdict) > 0:
+ send_bot_post(blocker, blockdict)
+ blockdict = []
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: EXIT!")
+def fetch_cs(args: argparse.Namespace):
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: args[]={type(args)} - CALLED!")
+ domains = {
+ "silenced": list(),
+ "blocked": list(),
+ }
+ try:
+ doc = bs4.BeautifulSoup(
+ reqto.get("https://meta.chaos.social/federation", headers=fba.headers, timeout=(config.get("connection_timeout"), config.get("read_timeout"))).text,
+ "html.parser",
+ )
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: doc()={len(doc)}[]={type(doc)}")
+ silenced = doc.find("h2", {"id": "silenced-instances"}).findNext("table")
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: silenced[]={type(silenced)}")
+ domains["silenced"] = domains["silenced"] + find_domains(silenced)
+ blocked = doc.find("h2", {"id": "blocked-instances"}).findNext("table")
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: blocked[]={type(blocked)}")
+ domains["blocked"] = domains["blocked"] + find_domains(blocked)
+ except BaseException as e:
+ print(f"ERROR: Cannot fetch from meta.chaos.social,exception[{type(e)}]:'{str(e)}'")
+ sys.exit(255)
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: domains()={len(domains)}")
+ if len(domains) > 0:
+ boot.acquire_lock()
+ print(f"INFO: Adding {len(domains)} new instances ...")
+ for block_level in domains:
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: block_level='{block_level}'")
+ for row in domains[block_level]:
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: row='{row}'")
+ if not fba.is_instance_registered(row["domain"]):
+ print(f"INFO: Fetching instances from domain='{row['domain']}' ...")
+ fba.fetch_instances(row["domain"], None, None, sys.argv[0])
+ if not fba.is_instance_blocked('chaos.social', row["domain"], block_level):
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: domain='{row['domain']}',block_level='{block_level}' blocked by chaos.social, adding ...")
+ fba.block_instance('chaos.social', row["domain"], row["reason"], block_level)
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: Committing changes ...")
+ fba.connection.commit()
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: EXIT!")
+def fetch_fba_rss(args: argparse.Namespace):
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: args[]={type(args)} - CALLED!")
+ domains = list()
+ try:
+ print(f"INFO: Fetch FBA-specific RSS args.feed='{args.feed}' ...")
+ response = reqto.get(args.feed, headers=fba.headers, timeout=(config.get("connection_timeout"), config.get("read_timeout")))
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: response.ok={response.ok},response.status_code='{response.status_code}',response.text()={len(response.text)}")
+ if response.ok and response.status_code < 300 and len(response.text) > 0:
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: Parsing RSS feed ...")
+ rss = atoma.parse_rss_bytes(response.content)
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: rss[]={type(rss)}")
+ for item in rss.items:
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: item={item}")
+ domain = item.link.split("=")[1]
+ if fba.is_blacklisted(domain):
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: domain='{domain}' is blacklisted - SKIPPED!")
+ continue
+ elif domain in domains:
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: domain='{domain}' is already added - SKIPPED!")
+ continue
+ elif fba.is_instance_registered(domain):
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: domain='{domain}' is already registered - SKIPPED!")
+ continue
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: domain='{domain}'")
+ domains.append(domain)
+ except BaseException as e:
+ print(f"ERROR: Cannot fetch feed='{feed}',exception[{type(e)}]:'{str(e)}'")
+ sys.exit(255)
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: domains()={len(domains)}")
+ if len(domains) > 0:
+ boot.acquire_lock()
+ print(f"INFO: Adding {len(domains)} new instances ...")
+ for domain in domains:
+ print(f"INFO: Fetching instances from domain='{domain}' ...")
+ fba.fetch_instances(domain, None, None, sys.argv[0])
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: EXIT!")
+def fetch_fbabot_atom(args: argparse.Namespace):
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: args[]={type(args)} - CALLED!")
+ feed = "https://ryona.agency/users/fba/feed.atom"
+ domains = list()
+ try:
+ print(f"INFO: Fetching ATOM feed='{feed}' from FBA bot account ...")
+ response = reqto.get(feed, headers=fba.headers, timeout=(config.get("connection_timeout"), config.get("read_timeout")))
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: response.ok={response.ok},response.status_code='{response.status_code}',response.text()={len(response.text)}")
+ if response.ok and response.status_code < 300 and len(response.text) > 0:
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: Parsing ATOM feed ...")
+ atom = atoma.parse_atom_bytes(response.content)
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: atom[]={type(atom)}")
+ for entry in atom.entries:
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: entry[]={type(entry)}")
+ doc = bs4.BeautifulSoup(entry.content.value, "html.parser")
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: doc[]={type(doc)}")
+ for element in doc.findAll("a"):
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: element[{type(element)}]={element}")
+ domain = fba.tidyup_domain(element["href"])
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: domain='{domain}'")
+ if fba.is_blacklisted(domain):
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: domain='{domain}' is blacklisted - SKIPPED!")
+ continue
+ elif domain in domains:
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: domain='{domain}' is already added - SKIPPED!")
+ continue
+ elif fba.is_instance_registered(domain):
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: domain='{domain}' is already registered - SKIPPED!")
+ continue
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: domain='{domain}'")
+ domains.append(domain)
+ except BaseException as e:
+ print(f"ERROR: Cannot fetch feed='{feed}',exception[{type(e)}]:'{str(e)}'")
+ sys.exit(255)
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: domains()={len(domains)}")
+ if len(domains) > 0:
+ boot.acquire_lock()
+ print(f"INFO: Adding {len(domains)} new instances ...")
+ for domain in domains:
+ print(f"INFO: Fetching instances from domain='{domain}' ...")
+ fba.fetch_instances(domain, None, None, sys.argv[0])
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: EXIT!")
+def fetch_instances(args: argparse.Namespace):
+ # DEBUG: print(f"DEBUG: args[]={type(args)} - CALLED!")
+ boot.acquire_lock()
+ # Initial fetch
+ fba.fetch_instances(args.domain, None, None, sys.argv[0])
+ # Loop through some instances
+ fba.cursor.execute(
+ "SELECT domain, origin, software, nodeinfo_url FROM instances WHERE software IN ('pleroma', 'mastodon', 'friendica', 'misskey', 'gotosocial', 'bookwyrm', 'takahe', 'lemmy') AND (last_instance_fetch IS NULL OR last_instance_fetch < ?) ORDER BY rowid DESC", [time.time() - config.get("recheck_instance")]
+ )
+ rows = fba.cursor.fetchall()
+ print(f"INFO: Checking {len(rows)} entries ...")
+ for row in rows:
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: domain:", row[0])
+ if fba.is_blacklisted(row[0]):
+ print("WARNING: domain is blacklisted:", row[0])
+ continue
+ print(f"INFO: Fetching instances for instance '{row[0]}' ('{row[2]}') of origin='{row[1]}',nodeinfo_url='{row[3]}'")
+ fba.fetch_instances(row[0], row[1], row[2], sys.argv[0], row[3])
+ # DEBUG: print("DEBUG: EXIT!")