$this->selectedTab = ChannelEntity::FORYOU;
-<<<<<<< HEAD
if (!$this->channel->isTimeline($this->selectedTab) && !$this->userDefinedChannel->isTimeline($this->selectedTab, $this->session->getLocalUserId()) && !$this->community->isTimeline($this->selectedTab)) {
- if (!in_array(self::$content, [self::WHATSHOT, self::FORYOU, self::FOLLOWERS, self::SHARERSOFSHARERS, self::IMAGE, self::VIDEO, self::AUDIO, self::LANGUAGE])) {
->>>>>>> 0818b4d1b3 (Fixes the score calculation concerning the relation-cid / cid interaction)
throw new HTTPException\BadRequestException($this->l10n->t('Channel not available.'));
} elseif (self::$content == self::SHARERSOFSHARERS) {
$cid = Contact::getPublicIdByUserId($this->session->getLocalUserId());
+ // @todo Suggest posts from contacts that are followed most by our followers
$condition = [
"`owner-id` IN (SELECT `cid` FROM `contact-relation` WHERE `follows` AND `last-interaction` > ?
AND `relation-cid` IN (SELECT `cid` FROM `contact-relation` WHERE `follows` AND `relation-cid` = ? AND `relation-thread-score` >= ?)
AND NOT `cid` IN (SELECT `cid` FROM `contact-relation` WHERE `follows` AND `relation-cid` = ?))",
- DateTimeFormat::utc('now - 90 day'), $cid, $this->getMedianRelationThreadScore($cid, 4), $cid
+ DateTimeFormat::utc('now - ' . $this->config->get('channel', 'sharer_interaction_days') .' day'), $cid, $this->getMedianRelationThreadScore($cid, 4), $cid
} elseif (self::$content == self::IMAGE) {
$condition = ["`media-type` & ?", 1];
private function getMedianComments(int $divider): int
- $cache_key = 'Channel:getMedianComments:' . $divider;
+ $languages = $this->pConfig->get($this->session->getLocalUserId(), 'channel', 'languages', [User::getLanguageCode($this->session->getLocalUserId())]);
+ $cache_key = 'Channel:getMedianComments:' . $divider . ':' . implode(':', $languages);
$comments = $this->cache->get($cache_key);
if (!empty($comments)) {
return $comments;
- $limit = $this->database->count('post-engagement', ["`contact-type` != ? AND `comments` > ?", Contact::TYPE_COMMUNITY, 0]) / $divider;
- $post = $this->database->selectToArray('post-engagement', ['comments'], ["`contact-type` != ?", Contact::TYPE_COMMUNITY], ['order' => ['comments' => true], 'limit' => [$limit, 1]]);
+ $condition = ["`contact-type` != ? AND `comments` > ?", Contact::TYPE_COMMUNITY, 0];
+ $condition = $this->addLanguageCondition($condition);
+ $limit = $this->database->count('post-engagement', $condition) / $divider;
+ $post = $this->database->selectToArray('post-engagement', ['comments'], $condition, ['order' => ['comments' => true], 'limit' => [$limit, 1]]);
$comments = $post[0]['comments'] ?? 0;
if (empty($comments)) {
return 0;
$this->cache->set($cache_key, $comments, Duration::HALF_HOUR);
- $this->logger->debug('Calculated median comments', ['divider' => $divider, 'median' => $comments]);
+ $this->logger->debug('Calculated median comments', ['divider' => $divider, 'languages' => $languages, 'median' => $comments]);
return $comments;
private function getMedianActivities(int $divider): int
- $cache_key = 'Channel:getMedianActivities:' . $divider;
+ $languages = $this->pConfig->get($this->session->getLocalUserId(), 'channel', 'languages', [User::getLanguageCode($this->session->getLocalUserId())]);
+ $cache_key = 'Channel:getMedianActivities:' . $divider . ':' . implode(':', $languages);
$activities = $this->cache->get($cache_key);
if (!empty($activities)) {
return $activities;
- $limit = $this->database->count('post-engagement', ["`contact-type` != ? AND `activities` > ?", Contact::TYPE_COMMUNITY, 0]) / $divider;
- $post = $this->database->selectToArray('post-engagement', ['activities'], ["`contact-type` != ?", Contact::TYPE_COMMUNITY], ['order' => ['activities' => true], 'limit' => [$limit, 1]]);
+ $condition = ["`contact-type` != ? AND `activities` > ?", Contact::TYPE_COMMUNITY, 0];
+ $condition = $this->addLanguageCondition($condition);
+ $limit = $this->database->count('post-engagement', $condition) / $divider;
+ $post = $this->database->selectToArray('post-engagement', ['activities'], $condition, ['order' => ['activities' => true], 'limit' => [$limit, 1]]);
$activities = $post[0]['activities'] ?? 0;
if (empty($activities)) {
return 0;
$this->cache->set($cache_key, $activities, Duration::HALF_HOUR);
- $this->logger->debug('Calculated median activities', ['divider' => $divider, 'median' => $activities]);
+ $this->logger->debug('Calculated median activities', ['divider' => $divider, 'languages' => $languages, 'median' => $activities]);
return $activities;
return $score;
- $limit = $this->database->count('contact-relation', ["`relation-cid` = ? AND `relation-thread-score` > ?", $cid, 0]) / $divider;
- $relation = $this->database->selectToArray('contact-relation', ['relation-thread-score'], ['relation-cid' => $cid], ['order' => ['relation-thread-score' => true], 'limit' => [$limit, 1]]);
+ $condition = ["`relation-cid` = ? AND `relation-thread-score` > ?", $cid, 0];
+ $limit = $this->database->count('contact-relation', $condition) / $divider;
+ $relation = $this->database->selectToArray('contact-relation', ['relation-thread-score'], $condition, ['order' => ['relation-thread-score' => true], 'limit' => [$limit, 1]]);
$score = $relation[0]['relation-thread-score'] ?? 0;
if (empty($score)) {
return 0;